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Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.DJB Wiki featured article.
Xen’Mordin Palpatine
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

0 ABY (age 43)

Physical Description





6’1” or 1.85 m


190 lbs or 86.2 kg





Personal Information

Zaerys Khzon


Dalinar Khzon

Lightsaber Color(s):
  • Silver
  • Purple
Lightsaber Form(s):

Jar’Kai Niman

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Emperor of the Cocytus System


Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Known masters:
Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

"For the Empire!"
―Motto of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Adept Xen’Mordin Palpatine is the current sitting Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae, and reigning Emperor of the Cocytus system. Born as Kilan Khzon, he was trained in secret to become a Jedi. After falling from the light, and losing his beloved, he stripped himself of his identity and his connection to the Force. He became Xen’Mordin Vismorsus, a broken husk of a man that that would become so much more than he could ever of expected.

Xen’Mordin would go on to have his connection to the force restored in an ancient Sith Temple through an agonized and intense interaction with a dark side Force nexus. This restoration gave him a renewed focus in life, that would ultimately lead him to the Dark Brotherhood, and the Cocytus System, home of Clan Scholae Palatinae, where he would eventually be named as keeper of the Legacy of Palpatine.

Character History

Early Life (0 ABY - 5 ABY)

"This is an opportunity to let our son make the galaxy a safer, better place."
―Dalinar to Zaerys

In these early years, found amid the great upheaval of rebellion against the Galactic Empire, a surprising amount of peace was found for the upper-middle class Khzon family. Yet even from an early age Kilan demonstrated obvious force sensitivity, placing his parents on a alert in the heart of the capitol of the Empire. But it was not the Empire that came knocking on their door, and that door, once opened, placed Kilan on the path to becoming Xen’Mordin.

The Birth (0 ABY)

Kilan’s homeworld of Coruscant

Weeks following the hushed and rumored news of the destruction of the Death Star, the Khzon family celebrated the birth of Kilan. Living in the very heart of the Empire, Coruscant, the Khzons had experienced little issues under Imperial rule. While far from being loyal Imperialists, the gossip of the Rebellion’s success against the Empire just weeks earlier went largely ignored by the family.

Dalinar Khzon, Kilan’s father, was the eldest son in a long family dynasty of merchants. Over the years the family trade had evolved from raw manufacturing materials to luxury living trade items, and on the capital planet, many were seeking to prove their high social standing. Dalinar himself was a tall and stocky man, with a quick tongue and a hearty laugh.

Zaerys Khzon, Kilan’s mother, came from a family of a different kind of merchant, ones who sold reprieve from life's issues. Owning nightclubs, casinos, and dance halls scattered from the core to the rim, Zaerys’ family was even more known than Dalinar’s. A fiery and dominating personality had cooled from her partying days as she had her family grow.

At the time of Kilan’s birth, the Khzons already had three children. They had two boys, Kiith, age ten, and Clertan, age seven. Their daughter, Sairia, was age four. Kiith, even at 10, was showing signs that he would grow to be a strong and large man, loud and boisterous. Clertan however, was small for his age, quiet and reserved. Sairia was the mirror image of her mother, strong independent streak already showing.

While the family didn’t know how Kilan would change the dynamics of the household, one thing was certain, the Rebellion and Empire were a problem for someone else. Now was time for joyful family bonding.

Gifted (2 ABY - 5 ABY)

The family remained on Coruscant, though both Dalinar’s and Zaerys’ positions led to frequent travel across the galaxy. Over the first few years of Kilan’s life, he had the opportunity to play in the waters of Naboo, get lost in one of the many starship factories of Corellia after wandering off from his parents, and run through the jungles of Felucia with his siblings.

While these events would remain whispers of memories later in life, the strongest of these memories came from instances of clear force sensitivity from the toddler. For the first few years of Kilan’s life, his parents brushed off some of the strange occurrences as happenstance. All of their children has shown signs of weak force connection. But as Kilan continued to demonstrate a stronger connection, the more they worried.

They had money, but not even that would stop the wheel of the Empire from attempting to get its hands on a young force sensitive. Luckily, the Empire had turned its focus toward another, and the family’s frequent galactic wide ventures prevented any official from noticing too much about their youngest child.

However, both parents also remembered their own youth, before the days of the Empire, and the stories of the Jedi.

The Jedi: Tyler Reynolds (5 ABY)

The Emperor was dead, and the Empire was already beginning to fragment. While the Imperials of Coruscant had cracked down hard upon those who celebrated the Rebellion’s victory at Endor, the Khzons couldn’t help but feel relief that their children’s lives were to be free of the yolk of the Empire. Thoughts of hiding Kilan’s abilities hidden were less frantic, and urgent.

But Kilan’s abilities had been noticed, just not by the Imperials. Tyler Reynolds, former Jedi Knight and survivor of the Emperor’s Order 66, had sensed the five-year old’s natural force connection. The years had not been kind to the Jedi, who’s paranoia had set in keeping him alive through the brutal crackdown of the Empire against the Jedi. Weathered and gray, it was only over the last year had he begun to feel truly alive again.

Even on in the core, stories of Luke, the last Jedi was known. Tyler, not trusting Luke, as the son of the man who had killed so many he knew and treated like family, was not about to let any force sensitives be taken to train under the new self-called Jedi. Tyler would see his own return of the Jedi, one founded squarely from what remained before the extinction of the order.

Tyler brought with him a young girl, same age as Kilan, named Kara. Dalinar and Zaerys would have shut the door in Tyler’s face had they not seen the wide eyed girl peering from behind the Jedi’s leg. The discussion became a family wide matter, Dalinar and Zaerys uncertain, Kiith bitterly angry and demanding to be taken as well, Clertan fearful given the history of the Jedi, and Sairia not wishing to see her little brother leave.

In the end, Dalinar and Zaerys agreed to let Kilan go with the Jedi, believing the return of the Jedi would bring good back into a galaxy so broken from the rule of the Empire. While the family said their tearful farewells to the young and confused Kilan, Kiith stormed out, stories of the power and glory of the Jedi fueling his envy of his young brother.

Trials of a Jedi (5 ABY - 17 ABY)

"The future of the New Jedi Order begins with you two."
―Tyler Reynolds

Tyler Reynolds would prove to be a tough and rough individual to be mentored by. His years of proper training as a Jedi, coupled with his years of survival following the Jedi Order’s fall, would prove invaluable knowledge to the growing Kilan. But it was in the arms of Kara, Kilan would find solace as he became a capable Jedi in his own right. And it was her death that would destroy him.

Jedi Younglings (6 ABY - 9 ABY)

At the time Kilan left his family, he was unaware of just what was happening to him. Gone was the comfort of wealth, and the support of family. For weeks he would cry himself to sleep as Tyler moved from hovel to hovel in the rotting slums of Coruscant. Kara, who’s time with Tyler already had killed and hope she had of returning home, was the one who sympathized with Kilan.

Tyler was relentless in his passion to shape the duo into the ultimate Jedi. They would wake at dawn. Meditate, study, train. Concepts of play, rest, childhood had been wiped from his memory. In his youth as a Jedi Knight, Tyler has laughed easy, and knew balance of work and joy. But there would be no joy as a hunted man.

The skills he learned from years of solitude he passed onto his two young students. Their joys would come in the form of games they made themselves, the few words of praise of a job well done, and satisfaction of mastery of a topic.

Early years of intense training with Kara under Tyler

The First Trial (10 ABY)


The Second Trial (12 ABY)

The Third Trial (14 ABY)

The Weapon of the Heart (16 ABY)

Kara attacked, first brush with dark side

The Final Trial (16 ABY)

Something involving a nexu

The Alleys of Nar Shaddaa (17 ABY)

Death of Kara

The Vismorsus Foundation (17 ABY - 19 ABY)


The Phoenix (17 ABY)

Death of Kilan, Birth of Xen’Mordin

The Mundane (17 ABY - 18 ABY)

Life without the force

The Nexus (18 ABY)

Connection with force returned, death of Kiith and Mr Sith guy, Finds the ancient lightsaber

Antei Bound (18 ABY)

Manipulation of crew before finding the Brotherhood

Imperial Indoctrination (18 ABY - 19 ABY)

Induction to CSP, Imperial Doctrine

The Manipulative (20 ABY - 28 ABY)


The Sword (19 ABY)

HC AED, Meeting Impetus

The Restoration (19 ABY)

Force drives him to find Tyler, kill him, fixing the madness

War is the Answer (20 ABY)

RoS: Second Darkness, GJW 8 (wasnt here for OOC) INSERT TIME GAP BETWEEN HC AED AND HAD QUA MANIPULATION FOR POWER Thran used the cause in his “usurper” moment. Backtrack further that it was Xen’s invention all a long.


Solidifying holding as a strong warrior and defender of the Empire in a faltering weakened Clan

The Dragon (27 ABY)

Move to AED then QUA of HAD. Isolation of Exodius’s capabilities before assuming control.

Infection (27 ABY)

Particularly fond of this fiction. Clan infected and dying. Xen saves with minutes to spare.

Grand Marshall of the Empire (27 ABY)

Declanning, ascension to AED of HSP under Ood the Hardwood.

The Neutralization (28 ABY)

End of years of planning. The Cause erupt chaos in the system. Forcing Ood out of control, Xen takes the throne.

The Emperor (29 ABY - Present)


Imperialization (29 ABY)


Retaliation (29 ABY)

Death of Dante, attacks directed at Fremoc and CNS.

The Invasion of New Tython (29 ABY)

Tenth GJW

The Orian Incursion (30 ABY)

Feud with CNS and PLA

Horizons (30 ABY)

Horizons plague

The Crusade (30 ABY - 31 ABY)

Crusade shit ====Looking Home Campaign (31 ABY - 32 ABY)==== Split into campaign chapters? Looking Home Campaign

A Brotherhood Divided (32 ABY)

GJW Civil War Shit.

The Clanening (32 ABY)

Clan restored ====Forgotten (33 ABY)==== Split into campaign chapters? Forgotten Campaign

Nobody Expects the Inquisition! (33 ABY)

Formation of the Inquisitorius links to Evant as VOICE