
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 17:36, 4 October 2006 by Korras (talk | contribs)

Template:Obbie charinfo

Character History

Korras has no recollection of his past. The first thing he remembers is waking up in a crashed shuttle, with an elder of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood looking over him. The shuttle was wrecked to the point that it was impossible to determine why it crashed. Up to this day, it still is not sure whether it happened on purpose, accidental, or by weapons fire.

He was soon found to posses a good affinity with the force, and possibly trained with its use before. But he did not remember. Nor did he remember how to fight. However, in the first fight he got into, he was able to defeat his opponent without even breaking a sweat, seemingly fighting on instinct.

Once assigned to a Clan Naga Sadow after leaving the Academy, the speed with which he rose through the ranks was unheard off, rising to the status of Proconsul in mere months, already having held Aedile and Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos.

Major Changes

During the time as Proconsul, he oversaw major changes to Clan Naga Sadow. The fifth Great Jedi War was at its height, and House Primus Goluud had sustained too much casualties to be maintained. In addition to that, two Quaestors had been reported missing, and he himself had been the third.

His actions changed the clan substantially. He closed Primus Goluud, merging its leftovers with House Ludo Kressh, and changed the entire clan to Multi Order, removing the order-bound limits imposed before.

Only months later, he led the clan to near victory over Taldryan when the Krath started fighting over supremacy, and during that conflict he was promoted to the Dark Council, as Obelisk High Commander.

Dark Council

That term lasted a year, and at its height, he led the invasion of Coratua, a planet forgotten mostly after the clone wars, during which it had served as a resupply point. A substantial amount of pirates had formed up there, and were forming a threat against the brotherhood itself.

The conflict lasted a full month, as the pirates made use of the machines of war left behind. Eventually, the forces of darkness overcame them, leaving Korras in command, effectively a governor, of the system, which includes two mining worlds.

Return to the Clan

After a year, he returned to his Clan Naga Sadow, only to find it changed from what he left behind. After a few months, he was Consul, but no longer recognized what he left behind. Shortly after that, he resigned, and moved to Tarentum, where he was assigned as Quaestor of Tridens.

DJB Facts

  • Reformed CNS during the fifth GJW.
  • Governor of Coratua, Liberated during that Rite.


  • Longest sitting active Obelisk High Commander