Dismal Visutor

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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""Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.""
―The Sith Code

Dismal is a Sith Warrior of the Dark Path, and is the current Envoy and Rollmaster of House Exar Kun. He is Prince and Heir to the Throne of Enriton, and hones his skills here so he may achieve ultimate power and knowledge.

Character History



In the year that the Battle of Yavin, the marking point for all galactic time occurred, on the small planet of Enriton, a baby boy was born to King Saudu, and Siala Visutor.

Saudu Visutor was King of the fledging Enriton system, which consisted of only one planet, Enriton. Discovered in the year 50 BBY, it was completely untouched by humans, just a planet of rolling fields, beautiful crystal clear lakes, and completely natural fauna. The band of exploring humans, hailing from Naboo, found the planet reminiscent of their homeworld very intriguing. They quickly made a society on the planet. The government was very similiar to that of Naboo's. Saudu was by far the best thing that happened to Enriton, and he was a nice, fair and benevolent ruler. He could bring down the hammer when necessary, however. This baby would be Prince of Enriton, and Saudu Visutor was thrilled when he learned he had a baby boy.

Siala Visutor, the baby’s mother, died only minutes after childbirth. She had been frail and sickly for the past two months, and Saudu knew in the back of his mind his wife could not stand the strain of childbirth. The day after, an extensive funeral was held in the Royal Cemetery, in the field behind the Royal Palace. After feeling the emotion, the King decided to name his son Dismal.

Sage Ellison


Dismal's homeworld of Enriton

In January of 2 ABY, a beautiful young woman named Sage Ellison left her home planet of Sulon, due to a recent Imperial attack. Her husband, Tulon Ellison, had been a defender of Sulon as part of the local militia, and perished in the violence. Sage was left a widow. She searched the galaxy, stealing one of the Sulon Militia’s starfighters.

In February, the young widow stumbled upon the planet of Enriton. She landed there, in hopes of finding a decent job in one of the towns. What she did not expect, was to marry the King of Enriton.

It happened so fast. At a public fair, King Saudu was the guest of honor. Sage and Saudu met eyes, and fell in love that moment, if not lust. It could have been a false love; each had just suffered the loss of a loved one in the past year.

Saudu took the gorgeous woman back to Castle Jorda, or the Royal Palace, to have a snack of ale and pastries. The two conversed, and in a short amount of time had intercourse. The days went by, and Sage Ellison’s stomach got large.

Niman Visutor

2 ABY – 16 ABY

"It's a boy!"
―Saudu Visutor

In November, Sage, now married to Saudu and Queen of Enriton, gave birth to a boy. She named him Niman Visutor.

The Zann Consortium

17 ABY

"The Zann Consortium shall rule!"
―Tyber Zann

Niman and Dismal had made friends quickly. Ever since Niman had learned to talk, actually. They had had schooling together, at the same time from the same hired home-teacher.

As royalty, the two boys lived a rather sheltered life. They had to friends other than each other. Those peasants aren’t worthy of knowing you, Saudu or Sage would say when they asked to go to the nearest town and make some friends. Most times, they would just play in one of the many courtyards. As they got older, too old to be amused by running and playing in the yards, the pair had the same routine every day. Eat breakfast, go collect taxes, take home school classes on politics, then go to a family outing. When they heard word flying around that a criminal organization, the Zann Consortium, was building a center of operations in this backwater planet in the Outer Rim, it perked the bored youths’ interest.

File:Zann Consortium.jpg
The Zann Consortium

One day, Niman and Dismal, while collecting taxes from the farmers, they caught a glimpse of a warehouse which they had never seen before. They decided to take a look.

What they found was the rumor. A docking bay and outpost for the Zann Consortium. The boys ran over to the building, and started ransacking inside, for anything they could find for their family, as well as the burning curiosity that ripped through their minds.

As the two Princes were looting, a security guard spotted them. They immediately ran off the premises, but their interests stayed put.

The boys grew more and more tired of their fixed schedule, and the boring diplomatic work of royalty. So, two weeks later, the pair went and signed up for the military branch of the Zann Consortium. Without Saudu or Sage’s permission.


18 ABY

"Boys, this won't be easy"
―Sinji Mo'takana
Assault on Zann's Consortium
Date: 18 ABY
Location: Zann Warehouse on Enriton

The Zann Consortium

The New Republic


Commander Zanatos Proom

Captain Sinji Mo'takana

  • 27 B-1 Battle Droids
  • 10 Staff

10 Assassins (Gamma Nu Squadron)

  • 27 B-1 Battle Droids<
  • 10 Staff
  • Warehouse

1 Assassin

[ Source ]

The boys rapidly rose through the ranks of the Consortium’s navy. Dismal became Commander of a squadron of 7 GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats, Niman Commander of a smaller squadron of 5 StarViper attack platforms. The two boys reached this position of command by January of 18 ABY. Obviously from all those years of Military Command and Tactics classes. Playing HoloStrat helped as well.

In March of 18 ABY, the New Republic Intelligence Division found out that the Zann Consortium had a base on the planet of Enriton, and sent the Gamma Nu Squadron of X-Wings to take out the base, and injure minimal civilians. The infantry did just that, and destroyed the Consortium’s outpost.

Commander Dismal and Niman left with their squadrons, along with the TZ-86 Transport stationed there at the time. This was the first time Dismal and Niman Visutor were separated for more than a week.

Consortium Life

18 ABY – 25 ABY

"Life in the Consortium is not for the faint of heart."

Dismal, upon contacting his commanding Crimelord, was stationed along with his squadron on the planet Tatooine, in order to keep a good relationship with Palgaara the Hutt, one of the Consortium’s means of steady monetary income.

In 24 ABY, his squadron members had abandoned him, tired of the boring life of living on Tatooine. They went to find other jobs or be home with their spouses. Dismal, however, managed to keep one of the Skipray’s, which he named The Gamerunner. He still uses this ship in his Brotherhood career.

One day, when having a drink in one of Mos Eisley’s many slummy cantinas, a figure in a cloak approached him. The shadowy man quickly lost his hood, and it was none other than Dismal’s half brother, Niman. He was more rigid, and was in better physical shape, but it was Niman alright.

The two got to talking; you have a lot to catch up with in seven years. Niman confided in his brother that he joined a brotherhood of Dark Jedi in the Antei system, and that Dismal could join as well. It would help him achieve the ultimate power.

Dismal of course was seduced by power, which he had lost by leaving Enriton in the first place. He agreed to come to Antei, and off they went.

Shadow Academy

25 ABY

The brothers landed in a hangar bay on the planet called Lyspair. Dismal was enrolled in the halls of the Shadow Academy, the training center for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He passed all of his exams with flying colors. After many hard days of studying, Dismal was assigned to House Exar Kun of Clan Plagueis. Niman was assigned to House Satal Keto of Clan Plagueis, but that did not stop the brotherly love between the two.

Journeyman of Plagueis

25 ABY - 26 ABY

Clan Plagueis

Dismal was placed into the care of House Exar Kun’s Envoy, Jaysen Erdon, for care. He quickly rose through the lower echelon of Journeymen ranks, and left Erdon’s care. When he was promoted to the rank of Protector, the Krath Archpriest Scorpius approached him, and extended an offer for him to become his student. Dismal graciously accepted the offer, and the pair have worked very hard. They have accomplished great tasks together, such as: Assassinating Morga the Hutt, investigating a wreck in the jungles of Decaria, killing rogue Jedi, et cetera. Today, the pair are working towards the goal of Dismal achieving Dark Jedi Knight.

Knighting Ceremony

26 ABY

Dismal stood in his office. Ever since his appointment to Aedile of House Exar Kun, he spent most of his time in his office in Diadem Fortress. Usually looking over mounds of paperwork or meditating on a mat in the floor. However, today was not the usual day. Today, Hunter Dismal Visutor al’Tor was preparing for his Knighting Ceremony. He was sporting traditional Jedi Hunter robes, with a diagonal sash going down where all of his merit medals lay. The Sith had just finished meditating, to clear his mind. Today, his biggest dream since joining the Shadow Academy was being fulfilled. Dismal’s concentration on his appearance was interrupted by the voice of Aabsdu, Plagueis Consul, over the loudspeaker.

“Greetings, Members of House Exar Kun. Please report to the Entrance Hall of Castle Diadem. Repeat, please report to the Entrance Hall, all Kunian Dark Jedi.”

A grin crept across Dismal’s face. The hologram projector on his desk beeped, and a holographic image of Aabsdu appeared.

“Dismal, everyone’s in and seated in chairs stationed in the Entrance Hall. We’re waiting for you,” the Consul boomed.

“On my way, Consul Dupar,” Dismal said bowing. The two exchanged a quick goodbye, and the communication ended. The Sith Hunter took a deep breath, and headed out the door.

* * *

The large, onyx doors opened, scraping on the stone floor. Dismal saw on both sides of the hall former Consuls and Proconsuls of Clan Exar Kun. Beside the bronze statues, chairs formed two rows; one on each side. There was one aisle in the middle, on which Dismal was supposed to walk to the Summit’s table at the end. Seated in the center was Aabsdu, Consul. Seated to the left of him was Plagueis Proconsul, Orzon. To the right, former Quaestor of House Exar Kun and Dismal’s master, the Krath Archpriest Scorpius sat. The only light providing visibility were torches in the hands of all the bronze Consuls. In the front row, Ky Terrak, current Exar Kun Quaestor, sat passively. A dark tone started to play, as Exar Kun’s only battle team leader, Laigerick Sithelhood, played an organ tucked to the side of the table. The Hunter started his descent, down the magnificently decorated aisle.

As Dismal reached the Summit’s table, Aabsdu stood.

“Greetings, Plagueians. Today, we are here to celebrate a new Knight of Plagueis. Hunter Dismal Visutor al’Tor has completed numerous missions and Summit work to the best of his ability, and after discussions with all Summit, we award him the rank of Knight. Before I ramble on, I will give the floor to Scorpius, Dismal’s master.”

With his cue, Scorpius stood, his black cloak swaying as he walked over to face the now kneeling Dismal. The Archpriest’s silver eyes glinted in the dim light as he started to speak.

“I, Archpriest Scorpius, master of Dismal Visutor al’Tor, am very proud of my student. He has completed numerous missions, including assassinating Morga the Hutt, who offered a trap alliance with Plagueis, investigating a wreck of a ship in the dangerous Decarian Jungles with me, and constructing his own lightsaber on the planet of Ruusan. As Sith Commander of the Exar’s Shadow squadron, he has instilled activity in the team, and accompanied them on numerous missions, the biggest of which being investigating the theft of an important book stolen from the Dark Vault. I watched as he was promoted to the position of Aedile, and he has started to lead Exar Kun to the best of his ability. He has also earned many medals for service to Clan Plagueis and House Exar Kun, even earning an Anteian Cross, and two Dark Crosses. It is with great pleasure that I promote my student to the coveted rank of Dark Jedi Knight,” Scorpius said. He reached into the folds of his robes, and pulled out a metal tube. When Dismal saw it, he realized it was the lightsaber he had built in a cave on Ruusan. “Take it, my apprentice, you have earned the right to carry it.”

The Sith Journeyman got up from his knee, and took the hilt from the Archpriest.

“Thank you, Master,” Dismal said, bowing. All the members of House Exar Kun and the Summit members began to applaud, the noise echoing through the large hall, and a grin crept across the traditionally robed Dismal, and his master.

Positions Held


Galaphile Sith Commander of Exar's Shadow
26 ABY - 27 ABY
Laigerick Sithelhood
Arso Slyth Aedile of House Exar Kun
27 ABY
Ethran Sayre Isradia Rollmaster of House Exar Kun
27 ABY - Present