Eiko Lanzer
11 ABY - 13 ABY
1.7 m / 5' 7"
63.5 kg / 140 lbs.
Dark Brown
Dark Hazel
Last three fingers, left hand
Eiko is an Obelisk Templar and the second Quaestor of Independent House Revan. His quiet demeanor suits the young leader. He is a capable fighter in his own right, though his true talents lie in the subtle manipulation of information for the benefit of his House. He considers himself a Revanite first, the instrument of his House as Revan continues to build strength and control within the Dark Brotherhood. Adaptable, reserved, and far more even-tempered than some of his colleagues, Eiko brings a drive for innovation and personal accountability into the Quaestorship.
Character History
11 ABY to 25 ABY
The planet Kabaira
Kabaira, a small planet under Imperial control and supported by military contracts, remained peaceful years after the dissolution of the Galactic Empire. Eiko was raised by his godfather, Kasander Iskay, on the planet - left there shortly after his birth by his trader parents. Without official documents to affirm his age, Eiko's age remains a fluid number; his own studies managed to pin the date between late 11 ABY and early 13 ABY. His godfather provided for the two of them comfortably as a senior plant worker at the nearby Delgas Medical facilities. Kasander's numerous relationships with the community allowed him to quietly assist Alliance efforts on the planet.
Eiko began working as a courier in the first few months of 19 ABY, carrying packages between local businesses. As the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty ended the hostilites between the Alliance and the Imperial Remnant, the planet's economy entered a sharp recession. By 24 ABY, five years into the recession, developed areas of the planet struggled to find peace as workers' unions formed into gangs and cities became hives of back-alley violence. City patrols were instigated to help protect the citizens.
In his first fight, Eiko was forced to protect another courier from attacks by a gang member trying to intercept packages. Eiko was grazed in the thigh by a blaster bolt and retaliated by breaking several of his opponents ribs. The planet's unrest forced Eiko to flee the planet in 25 ABY with a little spare cash and few supplies. Not long after he left the planet, his godfather passed away of natural causes. Eiko recieved the news a year later, on the sixth anniversary of the treaty.
Eiko earned the money to keep traveling by picking up different trades as he traveled. He was introduced to electronics and metalwork as he began customizing weapons for clients in the spaceports. His introduction to the information trade and smuggling business started in this same time as a means of supporting his travel away from his home planet.
27 ABY to 32 ABY
Nal-Huttese Calligraphy of "Eiko"
Aran Tonor
Business opportunity brought Eiko to settle on Ione. A group of Lutrillian shippers and entrepreneurs were looking to create a small collective venture into the weapons trade. One of the primary backers for the group was forced to withdraw suddenly, causing the whole effort to fold in on itself as legal inquiries threatened several of the entrepreneurs with charges of underground gambling and embezzlement. Distancing himself from the effort, Eiko turned his focus to the information trade, collecting information for any clients willing to pay upfront.
He began his study of Dulon under an instructor by the name of Aran Tonor. Tonor fed Eiko's hunger for the martial arts, introducing basic elements of sword fighting into his lessons. Aesthetic arts were emphasized as well, developing Eiko's appreciation and skill in storytelling, poetry, and history. Eiko formed on the the central features of Tonor's studio, considered by his friends and colleagues to be the natual heir of the studio. He assisted Tonor with teaching alongside another student, Jaina Dabrini, and was allowed to stay in the stuido late into the evening to continue practicing.
When Tonor, a Grey Jedi, finally opened up to Eiko about his perception of the latter's latent Force ability, he forced Eiko to stop studying swordwork out of fear for his student's motives. Eiko's resentment followed, building up a distance between he and his teacher. After a buyer surfaced for a smuggled weapon he'd been storing, Eiko visited his master's apartment once more. He stole a number of records pertaining to the Jedi as well as Tonor's steel katana that Eiko had practiced with regularly. Tonor caught him and chased him from the room, cutting off the terminal three fingers of Eiko's left hand with his lightsaber blade.
Once he had left Ione, Eiko immediately started to experience pangs of regret at having abandoned Jaina and having slipped far from Tonor's teachings. He moved along trade routes, selling goods and information along the way to pay for his travel. On a gut sense and following a rogue Jedi, Tratorus, he'd seen on Harrin, Eiko was swept into the Dark Brotherhood.
Antei and Sigma Horizon
32 ABY to Current
Shortly after he completed his preliminary tests, Eiko set himself to absorbing information. He dove into understanding the Brotherhood's history and factions - transfering from his original assignment in House Ektrosis into Independent House Revan.
Rite of Supremacy: Spoils of War
Eiko's transfer brough him right into the House's efforts to claim Salas V from the killiks against the efforts of the other clans. Paired with Tratorus in the field, the duo worked to establish a safe zone and collect battlefield intelligence. In the wake of the conflict, Eiko earned his promotion to Acolyte.
With Salas V claimed for the House, Eiko began to settle into a more even pattern, taking up the fighting style of Kartranin in an effort to ease away from his reliance on his blaster, an aging BlasTech DL-18. A quick student of swordplay, he progressed rapidly as lessons he'd learned from Tonor were readily applied to the new style. His wartime contributions were recognized by the House Summit with the award of an Anteian Cross. Through his study, Eiko actively tried to separate himeslf from his history and adapt to the structure and philosophies of the Brotherhood.
The Way of Revan
House RevanHe focused on gaining ranks, pressing forward to Protector in an effort to distinguish himself in the eyes of his superiors. He sought out an apprenticeship in the House and was accepted by Callus Bo'Amar, the Voice of the House. With his master's help, Eiko began to integrate himself deeply into the House, training more and more frequently with Bo'Amar in the Obelisk Palladium or via hologram. Eiko pressed his master repeatedly to allow him to study higher-level material such as Soresu. His requests were met with Bo'Amar's refusal; Callus wouldn't teach Eiko more material until the Guardian had a firmer understanding of the final sequences of Banlath.
During a competitive round against then-Knight Luciferus Leviathan, Eiko flew into a rage and committed what he would later describe as "outright murder." Luciferus's injuries healed with time, but Eiko's blatant lack of control sunk into the Revanite's consciousness. Through a number of practices with other members of the House, Eiko tried to solidify an understanding of the "Way of Revan." He abandoned any physical training for a time, studying in solitude as he tried to adjust to the expectations being placed on him. In this time, he worked privately to smooth his techniques in Banlath, walking away with numerous bruises from Callus's lessons as his master tried to enforce a sense of urgency in the vectors.
- "I feared what would happen if you were taught to use a gift as a weapon."
- ―Aran Tonor, 33 ABY
With Callus's urging and his own will driving him, he pursued the vacant position of Aedile within House Revan. He committed himself to absorbing as much as possible from Raken, his immediate superior, but found himself spending weeks traveing through the Core Worlds in a hunt for his former master, Aran Tonor. In a a fight that erupted in Eiko's rented rooms on Ralltiir, Eiko wounded his former master. The physical and emotional stress and unhealed wounds would eventually kill the older Jedi - a fact sensed by Eiko during his meditation on his journey back to the Antei System. His hunt's goal had been to remove Tonor from his thoughts and surpass his first teacher, allowing him to commit all his efforts into his House and his studies. When he was finally promoted to Jedi Hunter, Eiko also changed orders from Krath to Obelisk. He also started the construction of his first mask, a homemade metal frame built with the intent of disguising himself in future journeys.
The House of Revan
Raken's sudden departure from the public affairs of the House kicked off a storm of events. Eiko was installed as Quaestor and supported by Ashia Kagan Keibatsu as the House's Aedile. His placement in the House kept Revan from being a threat to the Iron Throne as Ashia and the other Keibatsu members of the House started to pull information about Raken and Sarin's conspiring against the Throne - conspiracies laced into the fabric and identity of the House.
- Eiko: "Revan Nian - the Way of Revan. It is not... just questions about perfection."
- Mitsuhide: "It is perfection, in a way. But not perfection as a quest - these things won't be solved by questions. Perfection as a journey. A refinement. Revan Nian is / the tempering of a blade / that slides through marrow."
- ―Discussion of the Way of Revan
Eiko inherited a House that was both powerful and fragmented as its members pursued goals separately and silently. To the detriment of the House, Eiko still continued his efforts to understand his own philosophies and identity. He spent time on Kyataru with Mitsuhide Akechi, a retainer to the Keibatsu family, studying Mitsuhide's collection of holocrons and gaining confidence in his own beliefs. He pulled further away from the set doctrines, distancing himself from any particular view of the political climate of the Brotherhood. His return to full responsibilities over the House came with a forcefulness of understanding.
First on his aims was an effort to draw together the House's membership as best he could. His promotion to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight came on the eve of the pitched civil strife of Disorder, hampering Eiko's efforts to stabilize his House. Eiko worked feverishly alongside the other Obelisk leaders, reclaiming Temple Boyna and forging ahead with the assistance of Shaz'air Taldrya to assist in the recovery of holocrons kept in the Triumvirate Library under Krath control. When news arrived that the traitor Michael Halcyon was involved in the conflict, the battles slowly drew to a close. Eiko pulled together the members of Revan and set to work rebuilding the unity that the House would need in the future.
The following year passed under the cover of silence. Leadership in the Dark Council shifted hands - notably, Fremoc Pepoi Sadow succeeded Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir as Fist. The Keibatsu members of House Revan transfered to House Naga Sadow, and Eiko brought his old master, Callus Bo'Amar, into the vacated Aedile seat. Few House members remained in contact with the Summit.
As the celebration of the Exodus came to bear on the events of the Fourth Independence Games, Eiko traveled without escort to Antei to participate in the events. Soundly defeated in several rounds of gladitorial combat, Eiko walked away with a bruised ego. He began training regularly with the Grand Master's Royal Guard in The Spike, building up connections and collecting precious information.
In Progress
Eiko rarely removes his mask - a handmade metal frame fitted with a number of features. It covers his entire head all the way down to his collar and contains pockets of water that can be hydrolized into oxygen and provide hydrogen energy for the air scrubbers, optics, speaker system, and recorder that exist underneath the surface. He has created several different masks.
He often will wear a simple black cloak, wrapped completely around his body. Underneath the cloak, he wears his House's unique Revanchist armor. In combat, he will drop his cloak from his shoulders, allowing him access to his holster situated underneath his left arm. Outside of Brotherhood space, he will keep his lightsaber hanging from a quick-release point on the holster. Inside of Brotherhood sites, however, he keeps his lightsaber hanging from his belt.
During travels, he will often keep a bandolier of poisons and explosives as long as it won't rouse the suspicions of authorities. A canvas jacket, flight pants, and gloves are his prefered outfit for traveling; he will wear a patterned dust-scarf if his mask will draw undue attention.
Personality and Traits
Over his time in lay membership of Revan, Eiko worked to undo the years of distrust and nomadic tendencies that left him reclusive and secretive even around cloes acquaintances. His elevation to leadership has produced a strong shift in Eiko's trends.
Eiko's firm motivation to persevere has brought him far. In official circles, he is silent - much like his predecessor - prefering to analyze and give careful thought to his words. His quiet nature is as much a product of his temperment as his situation; while surrounded by powerful members both in his House and in the Dark Summit, a rash decision could fuel a loss of confidence in his leadership or even spark a violent response. His philosophies have at points differed strongly from other members of the Brotherhood, House Revan, and the Obelisk Order. His ideals strike on his core desire to understand. Information, its trade and flow, its acquisition and value have all encouraged Eiko into new veins of thinking. He's dismissive of tradition accepted for tradition's sake and would rather test new concepts than bank on old and unexamined methods. He has few enemies - only opponents who stand between his goals and the progress of his House.
The stress of leadership has pushed Eiko into a deeper appreciation of aesthetic pursuits such as calligraphy, poetry, metalwork, delicate electronics design, sewing, and the study of history and literature as he finds the time. These hobbies have eased the edges off of Eiko's personality. He is calm and reserved in a manner that is uncharacteristic of a Dark Jedi - he is respectful of rivals and superiors in a way that allows him to leverage the full weight of a unified House behind his actions.
Eiko favors a refurbished BlasTech DC-15s sidearm from the Clone Wars. Its distinct red markings and Mandalorian text mark it as a service-used piece. He also keeps Aran Tonor's katana, though he rarely takes the weapon off the shelf. He keeps a small collection of tools for adjusting his mask and maintaining the katana. A wall-hanging with his name in calligraphic Nal-Huttese, a gift from Jaina Dabrini, is one of the few decorations he regularly places in his workspace.
DB Facts
Positions Held
- Eiko's name derives from the word "Echo," meaning a reflected sound; in military alphabets, it corresponded to the letter Esk (Aurabesh), 'E' (Alternate Basic), or Epsilon (Secondary Alternate).
- Under Fremoc's service as Fist, Eiko was the first member of the GMRG to earn a 100% on the entrance exam.