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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Line 104: Line 104:
| Room# 333 || style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; padding: 10px;" | Carr Cinteroph & Ro'ki Tel || style="padding: 10px;" | Much as one would expect of two teenagers, their shared quarters are in general disarray, no matter whose side one looks into. The space is split by a simple screen that allows them some modicum of privacy with only a small space dedicated to a sofa and coffee table. Fur, mostly Carr's, seems to be present in some quantity on nearly every surface, perhaps explaining the lint brush that hangs by the door. In opposite corners are two twin beds that look like they rarely ever get made up. Clothes litter the floor on both sides of the screen, though in both cases their academy uniforms are tidily folded and put away. Techy bits and mechanical parts clutter both their desks and it is a wonder they can find anything at any point in time. A bookshelf beside the couch is filled with comic books.
| Room# 333 || style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; padding: 10px;" | Carr Cinteroph & Ro'ki Tel || style="padding: 10px;" | Much as one would expect of two teenagers, their shared quarters are in general disarray, no matter whose side one looks into. The space is split by a simple screen that allows them some modicum of privacy with only a small space dedicated to a sofa and coffee table. Fur, mostly Carr's, seems to be present in some quantity on nearly every surface, perhaps explaining the lint brush that hangs by the door. In opposite corners are two twin beds that look like they rarely ever get made up. Clothes litter the floor on both sides of the screen, though in both cases their academy uniforms are tidily folded and put away. Techy bits and mechanical parts clutter both their desks and it is a wonder they can find anything at any point in time. A bookshelf beside the couch is filled with comic books.
| Room# 338 || style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; padding: 10px;" | Edema || style="padding: 10px;" | Room Desc
| Room# 338 || style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; padding: 10px;" | Edema R'uh-Kalinor || style="padding: 10px;" | Room Desc

Latest revision as of 22:25, 5 October 2024

New Order era.DJB Wiki featured article.
General information

Koliss Welcott


Mune Cinteroph


Voidbreaker II (Minstrel-class Space Yacht)

Historical information
Formed from:

35 ABY

Other information
Notable members:

House Qel-Droma, Clan Arcona


New Order era

[ Source ]

Voidbreaker is a Battle Team within House Qel-Droma. One of Clan Arcona’s most recently organized Battle Teams, Voidbreaker was created to serve primarily as a diplomatic and special operations task force for the Clan. Voidbreaker is currently based out of the Minstrel-class space yacht: the Voidbreaker II, and led by Captain Mune Cinteroph.


"Official" Voidbreaker crew Uniform, even though there is no formal dress code on the ship

Battle Team Voidbreaker is a special diplomatic unit under the control of House Qel Droma and used to handle sensitive diplomatic missions for Clan Arcona. To this end, it is staffed with skilled diplomats, negotiators, and manipulators to make sure that Arcona’s interests are protected. By deploying Battle Team Voidbreaker, Arcona has often avoided conflict entirely while still accomplishing their strategic goals.

Unofficially, and behind that veil, the members of the Battle Team - known as Voidbreakers - are a highly elite special forces group tasked with the bulk of Arcona’s covert and field operations. Alongside the more public negotiator front, Voidbreakers are a menagerie of mercenaries, spies, engineers and Force Users of various discipline. As a team, they have become the premiere unit for Clan Arcona, and have carved out their own niche within the Arconan Armed Forces. They are always taking on new members and keep a rotating roster of friendly faces so that no one individual can hold back the rest of the team.

The unit is bound to each other and the Clan by their titular ship: the Voidbreaker II.


The Voidbreaker

"Karran wanted to speak with a planet's manager and wouldn't take no for an answer."
―Anonymous Crew member

The first Voidbreaker was both the Battle Team’s main base of operations and primary form of transport. It was lost in a battle with the Dawn Conclave and ultimately replaced by the Voidbreaker II

The Voidbreaker II

After the destruction of the Voidbreaker, a Minstrel-class space yacht was commissioned to take on the mission and dubbed Voidbreaker II.

Discretionary Forces (Qel-Droma)
Minstrel-class space yacht
Diplomacy and Naval Operations
Mune Cinteroph (Captain)
Zig Kaliska (XO)

Technical drawing of the Voidbreaker II. Top view extrapolated and drawn by Mune Cinteroph

The Voidbreaker II is the current vessel utilized by Battle Team Voidbreaker.

"The Minstrel-class Space Yacht is a 160-meter long Corvette designed for personal use but has become a favourite of seedier organizations, such as the Hutts, who prefer its armaments and customizability. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great maneuverability and exceptional speed, with average armor and shielding."
―The Voidbreaker II is a custom-to-order variant.


  • 6 turbolaser turrets
  • 1 tractor beam


  • 37 crew for full effectiveness
  • 90 metric tons of cargo
  • 75 passengers/troops
  • 6 starfighters

Level 01 - Landing Bay & Cargo

Level 01 of the Voidbreaker II


Cargo Storage

The Cargo Storage is a large space that is meticulously organized with stacked equipment crates and food stores. Everything has its proper place for ease of locating whatever someone may need when it is required. Inventory manifests are kept up to date and accessible to the ship’s crew by the ship’s Logistics Officers. Powerful mag-locks securely hold crates to ensure nothing is sent out of place during a firefight. It can hold a standard year's worth of food stores.

Level 02 - Crew Quarters, Mess, Medbay & Armoury

Crew Quarters

Level 2 of the Voidbreaker II.

The general crew of the Voidbreaker II make their home on this level when stationed upon the ship. These quarters tend toward the practical and contain the bare necessities for someone in military service on the vessel. At any given time, there are a minimum of thirty-five servicemen on board, the minimum for the efficient running of the ship without taking into account those Arconans that call the ship a permanent home.

The Mess Hall

The Voidbreaker II’s Mess Hall is a nice open space made comfortable by lower-level lighting, and well-spaced tables that could easily seat four people with plenty of elbow room. Every seat is comfortable, with the comfort of the ship’s crew in mind. The atmosphere is relaxed; environmental controls are kept at such a level as to be as comfortable for the crew as possible. At the back of the hall is a wide counter where droids are hard at work to produce a varied array of cuisines for the crew members, filling the air with tantalizing scents to tease the senses.


The Armoury is quite large. Most notable upon entry are the neat rows of weapons lockers containing various weapons and secured by coded keypads. The front of each locker is numbered to correspond with maintenance checklists. Against the back wall are three sturdy workbenches in varying states of disarray stained with gun oil and grease that does not come clean no matter how often the benches are scrubbed. A final bench holds a console and small stack of datapads used for routine maintenance by the Weapons Officers.

Med Bay

The Med Bay is kept impeccably clean and stocked at all times. An especially neat and tidy desk sits in one corner with a multi-monitored console linked to high-tech medical tools and gadgets. There are no fewer than four medical beds running perpendicular to the right-hand side of the room—as the members of the crew are known for being a bit reckless when it comes to protecting each other while on a mission Each medical table is its station with consoles to monitor vitals, as well as sterile medical tools. The space is well lit and can handle any number of medical procedures. Opposite the med-beds are a line of four bacta-tanks to expedite the healing of their patients. Checks on medical supplies and equipment are performed regularly by the ship’s Medical Officers.

Level 03 - Officer (Battleteam) Quarters

This deck is reserved for members of Battleteam Voidbreaker. The decor of each room varies from person to person, setup to the tastes of its occupant. For most of them, this is their home. Each room is the same size and is far more spacious than the crew quarters located on level 02, allowing for a lot more comfort and personalization. Unlike the standard crew, they do not regularly cycle in and out and spend the majority of their time on the Voidbreaker II when not on mission or leave.

Quarters Assignments
Level 03 of the Voidbreaker II.
Room# 301 Adem Bol'era Room Desc
Room# 302 Eleceos Araave Room Desc
Room# 308 Orv Dessrx Room Desc
Room# 313 Dusa Harik Room Desc
Room# 319 Mex Room Desc
Room# 320 Lucine Vasano Room Desc
Room# 332 Jax Erinos-Settgré & Kobign Settgré Room Desc
Room# 333 Carr Cinteroph & Ro'ki Tel Much as one would expect of two teenagers, their shared quarters are in general disarray, no matter whose side one looks into. The space is split by a simple screen that allows them some modicum of privacy with only a small space dedicated to a sofa and coffee table. Fur, mostly Carr's, seems to be present in some quantity on nearly every surface, perhaps explaining the lint brush that hangs by the door. In opposite corners are two twin beds that look like they rarely ever get made up. Clothes litter the floor on both sides of the screen, though in both cases their academy uniforms are tidily folded and put away. Techy bits and mechanical parts clutter both their desks and it is a wonder they can find anything at any point in time. A bookshelf beside the couch is filled with comic books.
Room# 338 Edema R'uh-Kalinor Room Desc

Level 04 - Recreational

Level 04 of the Voidbreaker II.

Level 04 of the Voidbreaker II is dedicated to the training and leisure of her crew. It includes the likes of a conservatory, a leisure pool, and a combination gym and training hall. Many of the crew spend their time on this level when they are off duty.


Upon taking command of the Voidbreaker II, Captain Alex Draconis spared no expense in outfitting the ship's Conservatory so that the crew could have somewhere peaceful to relax surrounded by what nature you can have on a starship. Rare and exotic flowers from across the galaxy have been brought in and arranged on intricate hydroponic trellises. The upper walls and ceiling of the room are outfitted with complex screen systems which are both able to provide an accurate projection of the exterior starscape the Voidbreaker II currently occupies or be toggled to present an artificial daylight environment configurable to mimic most common habitable planet conditions. A small recirculating pond rests in the center of the area, stocked with a variety of colorful filter-feeder fish to both keep the water healthy as well as provide a pleasing visual display for those utilizing the room's amenities.

Leisure Pool

A rectangular, full-sized swimming pool stretches out from durasteel hull plating separating the machinery used to power it and the reservoir of water used to keep it filled. A gradual, diagonal slop in the floor transitions from a 3ft deep "shallow end" to a proper 10ft "deep end". Just enough to dive or jump in without hitting your head. Unless you're Sage or Jax, that is, in which case caution is advised. The tile plating surrounding the pool itself is sanded down and matted to allow for decent footing/grip, with rivets carved in to help route excess water towards the appropriate drains. At the head of the pool is a circular hot tub that can fit a small group of crew members shoulder to shoulder.

The pool deck, open, outside of combat operations.

Since there is no natural sunlight to be found when living mostly aboard a spaceship, the Engineering team was able to outfit daylight-balanced overhead lighting that can simulate and give off faint heat, but not enough to give a true "tan". The lights can also switch to a "sunset" and "twilight" preset that simulates the respective times of a typical planetary cycle.

Since this pool deck was built with direct input from the ships Engineering team, structurally, the infrastructure is very sound. Thanks to this, Zig was able to, with some help from Avery, install and calibrate custom filters that help account for fur getting clogged in the piping. Among other amenities, the indoor pool, therefore, reflects on requests from the crew themselves, making it a popular spot for relaxation between missions.

Off the changing room are the sauna and steam rooms, as well as a shower. The sauna has two sides to it, the primary one, made of organic wood, maintains a dry heat while the adjacent section is the steam room which helps open pores and detox. There are sensors to detect if an occupant's biometrics drop to a certain level after Aru Law passed out while "recovering" one too many times and almost died.

Training Hall

The training hall of the Voidbreaker II is not lacking in options. Directly to the right of the entrance is the lap pool at 22.86m (25 yards) in length. It is wide enough to accommodate four swimmers in parallel, comfortably. To the left of the entrance is the dojo. A large mat makes up the floor with a multitude of weapons against two of the walls. These weapons have been modified with forcefields that protect combatants from otherwise dangerous blades. Past the dojo is a cavalcade of gym equipment.

At the far end of the open training hall are the lockers and showers that are also attached to the leisure pool area.

Level 05 - Suites

Level 05 of the Voidbreaker II.

The quarters on this deck are designated for the use of high-ranking officials, persons of importance, officers the Captain needs to be kept close to, and the Captain's own quarters. Important persons and high-ranking officials include House and Clan summit members, visiting Dark Council members, or anyone else the Captain chooses to warrant the space to.

Captain's Quarters - Mune & Caleb's Quarters

Mune & Caleb's Quarters on the Voidbreaker II.

Upon entering their quarters, one notices the soft lighting, which appears quite intimate. The floors are warm and dark hardwood, with a moderate-sized area rug in what looked to be a sitting area. Straight ahead can be seen a slopping wall and window; here rests Caleb's workbench and Mune's desk. Beside the workbench is a bed for Tundra, the Togorian's Vulptex companion. A section of the left-hand wall is sturdy, curved shelves laden with tomes, journals, and loose sheaves of paper that are 91.44cm(3') in height to leave the windows exposed to the room. Mune's Force-imbued blade rests on a stand on top of the shelves, in its sheath. The L-style desk is a flat section of dark wood matching the flooring and five legs, so the underside is open. It faces the windows for a view outside the ship and has two widescreen terminals, a datapad (when not buried under papers and books), and a reading lamp. The seating area is centred in the space and comprises a sectional sofa and two matching chairs around a dark wood coffee table. Two standing lamps provide additional light when needed. A small kitchenette and mini fridge are against the wall behind the sofa.

An area is sectioned off from the rest of the room by screens decorated with a magnificent silver cherry blossom tree against a white background. The divider hides a two-person sleeping mat from the rest of the room. The refresher is just off the sleeping area and equipped with the best fur dryer technology Mune could source from their home on Seraph, built directly into the shower unit, not to mention some rather pricey-looking fur brushes. A wardrobe is just outside the refresher.

Quaestor's Quarters - Alex's Quarters(?)

As far as living quarters go, this room is kept remarkably spartan. In one corner of the room is an extremely basic fold-up cot and a collapsible nightstand tucked away. The majority of the room seems to be given over to several racks of shelves, covered in what would seem like a collection of completely random odds-and-ends. It is only with the context of indicator plates beneath each item that it comes clear that this room is being used as essentially a trophy room.

Various labels of truly outrageous claims adorn items that could be what they claim, or could just be replicas or fakes made to expand a legend - with Alex it is genuinely impossible to tell.

A small selection of some of the items claimed to be on the shelves:

  • The tusk of a terentatek
  • The fang of a Greater Krayt Dragon
  • The lightsaber of a Sith Lord (shattered)
  • The leg of a Rakatan temple defense droid
  • A journal of notes on Sith Alchemy, penned by Sorzus Syn
  • A piece of the haft of Mandalore the Ultimate's spear

XO's Quarters - Zig's Quarters

Zig's Quarters on the Voidbreaker II.

An amalgamation of art projects lines the walls, leaving little in terms of negative space. The once spartan office now features splashes of colorful graffiti, custom “tags”, framed blueprints and schematics, and holographic photo-frames. A long, decked-out workbench had been installed with a cadre of familiar tools and equipment. Above the workstation, a loft bed that was installed with a privacy screen and plenty of ceiling-height room for...reasons.

A recessed storage closet houses all of Zig’s stuff: odds and ends, scavenged parts, half-finished or half started projects and more random pieces of old tech. Beside it, there was a smuggler-like hidden compartment for more...personal things. It was safely locked behind a panel door that utilized her own biometrics and a memorized 48-character keycode to unlock. Skitternet proof.

In the center of the Cabin sits a large wroshyr tree-wood desk gifted to her by Kelviin. The Wookiee and Zygerrian worked together to rig a set of servos motors to allow the desk to rise and convert into what Zig boringly dubbed her “Standing Desk”, dismissing the idea of calling it a “Vari-Desk”. The desk is fitted with twin widescreens on moveable arms.

A mechanical keypad is plugged into an upgraded terminal with access to the holonet, feeds from the DIA, and a tap into the Advanced Inquisitorius Network. Multiple data pads are usually spread messily across the length of the desk. The high-backed chair has unique ball bearings in the legs that allow it to glide back when she needs to use the standing-desk function. The wiring is very tidy and neat, and a pair of guest chairs sit opposite the desk, with the vidscreens being able to clear wide to the sides for meetings.

Allegedly, this setup can be used for holonet gaming, but none have been able to get past Zig’s security measures to prove this theory wrong.

Aedile's Quarters - Doon's Quarters


VIP Suite 1


VIP Suite 2


Level 06 - Administrative

Conference Room

Considering the technical ingenuity that went into its construction, the Conference Room is used much less than it probably should be. It has a large format vidscreen with a 360-degree camera, noise-cancelling microphones, no visible wiring, and excellent acoustics. It's also soundproofed in a way that no other room on the ship is for handling high-level briefings and sensitive meeting information.

Of course, most of the crew prefers to just cram into someone's room to take video calls, or one of the recreational areas that are in no way soundproofed or set up for video conferencing.

Level 07 - Command Level & Bridge


Upon entry to the Bridge, one is greeted by the sight of windows spanning the fore of the fair-sized space, giving an exceptional view of the stars beyond. Below the same windows are panels and monitors, showing diagnostic reads and scans of the environs surrounding the ship. Back from the windows are three additional console stations and guard rails arranged in a horseshoe shape, with the Captain’s chair situated behind the smaller center console. Directly behind the Captain’s chair is a large holoprojector. The starboard and port side walls hold other consoles and larger screens. A final screen is angled from the ceiling above the windows, displaying important information such as star charts and tactical data. The lighting is variable and is set to whatever level the on-duty bridge crew feels comfortable.

Engineering Section

The Engineering section of the ship is probably the most well-maintained area of operation of the entire ship. Her Captain insists on it, likely due to a background in engineering or perhaps because any good Captain knows just how wrong things can go if something goes wrong in the ship’s engineering. Engines are checked on a strict schedule, including the hyperdrive, which undergoes checks before each use to ensure all safety precautions have been taken. Monitors display diagnostic feeds and readouts at all times so any anomalies can be caught in an instant by the skilled team of engineers keeping the ship up and running.

Computer Core


Ship Roster

The following details the roster of Voidbreaker members serving in active roles on the ship with their own quarters, as well as the Arcona Armed Forces (AAF) personnel assigned to the ship.

While the Voidbreaker II is part of House Qel-Droma's Discretionary Forces, and therefor falls under the AAF's naval command structure, the ship itself has always been run as its own unique "enterprise". Formally, the Captain and XO (First Mate, as the current XO prefers to be called) are the only formal military ranks, with the rest of the crew getting designations based on specializations and roles maintained upon the ship.


The Command is made up of the ship's designated Captain (the Commanding Officer) as assigned by House Qel-Droma's Quaestor and their chosen Executive Officer (or First Mate). When present on board, the Questor and/or Aedile may decide to take command of the vessel or defer to the Captain. Command ensures necessary roles are filled on board, schedules personnel, handles the administrative duties and in general, oversees the smooth running of the ship.

Mune Cinteroph

Character Sheet
Mune, previously Director of Imperial Scholae Intelligence (ISI), joined the Voidbreaker II's crew after working with some of its members. They were quick to develop friendships among those members and chose to leave their home of many years to join the ship's ranks. They've since taken over the role of Intelligence Officer, putting to work the skills they've developed working under Marick Tyris as a member of the Inquisitorius, and those they've developed as Director of the ISI. They are extremely intelligent, perceptive and is well versed in charming their way into most anyone's confidence.

Other than that, Mune is also a gifted seer. They are respectably accurate with their visions and has become comfortable sharing their foresights since joining the crew of the Voidbreaker II, thanks in no small part to Eleceos Araave's influence.

First Mate / XO
Head of Engineering

Character Sheet
Former Captain, now serving as First Mate while still heading up engineering.
Alex Draconis

Character Sheet
The Quaestor becomes the commanding officer when onboard, but may defer to the Captain.
Doon Sulvir

Character Sheet
The Aedile becomes the commanding officer when on board and the Quaestor is not present, but may defer to the Captain.

Ship Operations

The Ship Operations encompasses ship Operations, Communications and Navigation. Their functions station them on the bridge of the Voidbreaker II. The primary team is bolstered by commissioned AAF officers.

Lucine Vasano
Social Engagement Officer

Character Sheet
Former Shadow Lady, ACC Champion, she nows hangs out on the coolest ship in the AAF.
Jr. Intelligence Officer

Character Sheet
Echani drifter, new to the crew and the bridge.
Ro'ki Tel
Jr. Operations, Trainee

Character Sheet
Ro'ki (a Selonian outcast) was brought to Selen by Eilen Jath, from where she found them on the streets, making a living by unsultry means. They were found to be a fast learner with a decent hand at repairing and jury-rigging mechanical devices. Having expressed an interest in piloting and ship operations, strings were pulled and credits exchanged to get him into an Academy in Estel City. They met Carr Cinteroph on the Voidbreaker II, but their friendship grew once they both began attending the Academy. They are bubbly, boisterous, always joking, and light-hearted. It is questionable if they ever take anything seriously. They've been allowed to train as a cadet of the academy on the bridge of the Voidbreaker II.

Engineering Team

The Engineering Team handles the maintenance of ship systems from the ship's reactor to its computer core, engines and complex monster of a ventilation system. The team is bolstered by commissioned AAF-certified engineers.


Character Sheet
Friendly neighborhood Verpine. He is Mex.
Nathan Breeze
Engineering Officer
Medical Support

Character Sheet
A talented Engineer and Medic that the Captain has affectionally dubbed: "Pantman" - a not so obvious reference to his half-Pantoran, half-Human pedigree - and "Breezy" a play on his last name.
Adem Bol'era
Mechanic Officer

Character Sheet
Whenever he isn't in the field, as resident Techweaver and noted starship enthusiast, Adem provides his abilities to the Mechanical Crew in maintaining the Voidbreaker II, as well as any droids the ship has on board.
Carr Cinteroph
Jr. Engineer, Trainee

Character Sheet
Carr joined the Voidbreaker II, unofficially, when he was sent to join his sibling to get him away from home and a poor school life situation. He has a history of expulsions from more than a couple prestigious schools back home and his parents felt he would benefit from staying with his sibling. They were not wrong. Since the change in living situation, he has developed genuine friendships with Noga and Leda Tenbriss Ya-ir, Ro'ki Tel, and Zig Kaliska. He has found a mentor in Zig. Carr is a very intelligent young Shistavanen with a proclivity for getting into trouble and being a general nuissance, though this has seen a slow decline over their time since joining the crew. He excels at slicing, mechanics and modifying weapons and armour.

Carr is currently enrolled in at a prestigious Academy in Estle City. His area of study is starship engineering, droid engineering and theoretical physics.

Medical Team

The Medical Team is made up of medically trained personnel, mental health professionals and laboratory technicians. They look out for the mental and physical well-being of the crew. The Voidbreaker II crew has a tendency to return with its fair share of cuts, scrapes, bumps and bruises... if not just an altogether missing limb.

Eleceos Araave
Chief Psychiatrist

Character Sheet
Miraluka archer, medic, friend to all. Highly skilled Empath, and learned Archeologist and Paleontologist. He studied Behavioural and Cognitive Psychology. As close to an HR department as a ship can have.

Field Ops Team

The Field Ops Team are made up of Field Scouts, Demolition Specialists, Combat Specialists and Intelligence Agents. The team also includes the Special Operations/Halo Jump Operations Team and Infiltrators. These teams do their work on the ground with a weapon in hand. They are usually highly trained and receive the support of other teams to make sure they come back alive preferably in one piece.

Druzk Zornosz
Recon Officer

Character Sheet
Barabel security officer.
Jax Erinos
Senior Demolitions Officer

Character Sheet
Mandalorian, Soldier, and utter poetry nerd. The longest-tenured service member and officer of the Arconan Armed Forces on the crew, he lends his decades of leadership and training expertise and advises wherever possible on anything from day to day operations to combat operations to one-on-one counseling with the crewmen. Prone to writing like he's running out of time and eternal victim to infrastructure too short for him. Linguistics nerd.
Zae Rakvann
Field Scout

Character Sheet
Zae, a member from Doon's past pack who recently found him and joined the Voidbreaker II to start a new life. Zae is not made for combat but she's good at scouting, setting up traps, and finding traps.

Halo Jump Operations/Spec Ops

The Recon officers fall under a new designation known as the Halo Jump Operations (H.J.O). These select few 'Voidbreakers' are trained to handle the Halo Jump. Depending on the Captain and/or the First Mate's choice, they decide who is best suited for said mission parameters. The H.J.O.s are deployed into the orbit of a planet if 'Voidbreaker II' finds themselves in a situation where on-the-ground intel is an immediate need, such as the disturbance of radar via space storm or if fending off raiders. Equipped with nerves and weapons, when they land on the ground, they are to hit their destination hard and fast and hold the line until the rest of the team arrives.

Caleb Wild'en
Special Operations

Character Sheet
Caleb, an operative of the Imperial Scholae Intelligence (ISI), left his position when their mate (Mune Cinteroph) did the same. It was not much of a question for him, he was not necessarily attached to his role, his loyalties lay with the Shistavanen more than the clan. Even still. Having joined the Voidbreaker II crew, he makes himself useful as afield operative. He functions as a scout and sniper with a preference for slugthrowers over blasters. He is a hardy sort, he comes across cold and gruff. He is very genuine or just plain brutally honest. People who have come to know him understand there is more to him than the rough and tough exterior, however. No one recognizes this more than his loved ones.

Caleb is often off on one mission or another, investigating any number of reports and rumours for Qel-Droma and Arcona.

Research and Development

R & D
Arden Koilos
Cultural Officer

Character Sheet
A new researcher joining the crew with experience in the fields of anthropology, archeology, ancient Sith lore, alchemy, and the various cultures of the galaxy.

Character Sheet
A red furred Shistaven in charge of the creatures that tend to stay on the ship and has a small lab for brewing.


Leeadra Halcyon
Bridge Officer

Character Sheet
The former Captain still leverages her Pantoran charm and knack for diploamcy and leadership to provide guidance on both the Bridge and for the members of the crew.
Engineering and Maintenance
A modified C1-series Phoenix Astromech Droid - "Cinder"- as she prefers to be identified as, is a self-made astromech droid that had the unfortunate fate of being left for scrap metal after her original owner abandoned her when a smuggling operation for the Collective failed. Found by Zig at an auction, the barely functioning droid was rebuilt from the ground up, and the Zygerrian Scavenger even managed to restore her memory module. She could not find it in her to wipe Cinders memory, so instead she gave the dutiful droid a new home and purpose. Thanks to an upgraded processing unit, Cinder manages to retain her memory and personality better than most, and can handle a lot of unique tasks that her new master has asked for her help with.

Cinder proudly enjoys being a part of the Voidbreaker II crew and has taken on the task of maintaining "Captain Zig's" office, running routine maintenance checks on various equipment around the ship, and most importantly helping manage the paperwork by assisting with the digitization and upload process from the clans archaic, analog systems. >

Mechanical Officer

Character Sheet
The ships resident Wookiee mechanic. Optimistic and friendly, he speaks through a datapad voice translator. Loves puns, hates violence.

Captains Logs

The following logs document the adventures, shenanigans, and accolades of the Voidbreakers.

Title Summary Time Period Link
Super Nova The Voidbreakers get revenge on the Dawn Conclave by taking out one of their ships. Payback is a dish best served....hot. 39ABY Google Docs
Horn In A Haystack

Karran Val'teo, former Captain of the Voidbreaker, had broken off from his responsibilities, leaving behind friends and partners alike. After discovering a sighting to the wayward Zabrak on Tatooine, Captain Zig Kaliska was given operational clearance to deploy Voidbreaker and its allies within the Arcona ranks. Karran had apparently gotten captured by a criminal organization known as the Crimson Sarlaacs. A strike team was assembled and landed on Tatooine in a remote outpost of Mos Kenny.

After searching the town for clues and gathering intel, the strike team set out on speeder bikes to cross the desert. There, they were ambushed by a band of raiders that they fended off. After that detour, the team arrived at another remote outpost that was being used by the Crimson Sarlaacs. Here, the Arconans battled their way to initial victory, only to discover that their adversary was just a hired Mandalorian that was trying to work off a debt to get freedom for her child. That child, named Jet, was left orphaned and ultimately in the care of Quaestor Tali Sroka.

Pushing down into the heart of the Crimson Sarlacc's underground base in the sewers, the Voidbreakers and their teammates recovered Karran Val'teo and worked with him to defeat the Crimson Sarlacc leader and to put an end to their criminal operation.

39ABY Google Docs
Mos Kenny Cantina Voidbreaker Battleteam does some team bonding exercises as new faces get hit, new frenemies are formed, and lots of alcohol was consumed. 40ABY RP Logs
Defenders of the Spaceport The Children of Mortis launch a full scale assault on Fort Blindshot on Selen. The *Voidbreaker II* and her crew land with style and then set up a forward operating base to help the AAF repel waves of attackers to keep the starport secure as a viable means of bringing in supplies and reinforcements to the island base. GJWXV RP Logs
Karaoke & Chill Karaoke party aboard the Voidbreaker II. 41 ABY RP Logs
Mines of RiquisDetails go here!41 ABYRP Logs
Voidbreaker Social #68 Captain Doon hosts a social event. 41 ABY RP Log
Voidbreaker: Below Deck Zig tries to make a promotional video about the Voidbreaker II with help from the crew. 41 ABY RP Log
Voidbreaker Pool PartyIt's summer (in some places)! The lighting panels have been set to the shining sun of an amalgamated average of most inhabited planets, the audio system has been rigged up with the ambient sounds of wind blowing and birds chirping, and for a few days now the captivating scent of wood smoke has been coming from a humongous smoker which Alex has set up on the pool deck of the Voidbreaker II. It's time for a party! Come have fun, eat delicious barbecue, go for a dip in the pool, and just hang out with the best dang Battleteam in the Brotherhood!42 ABYRP Log

Shore Leave

Crew members that are currently on shore leave, or leave of absence, from the crew.

Edema R'uh-Kalinor
Weapons Officer

Character Sheet
Merc, Mandalorian and Blade for hire (also can fix your guns/toys).
Sulith Bekett
Security Officer

Character Sheet
Togorian Security Officer, lifter of heavy things, and master-hugger.
Kathka Torgrim

Character Sheet
Mercenry, metal head, and rolls with her band of adorable critters.
Eilen Jath

Character Sheet
Hybrid fighter-pilot, saboteur, and small-time criminal. Generally a dork.

Order of Captains

The order of Captains that have served on the Voidbreaker I/II, from founder to present.

Captains of the Voidbreaker
Name Service Dates Ship Fictional Year
Koliss Welcott May, 2017 - June, 2017 Voidbreaker I 33 ABY - 33 ABY
Leeadra Halcyon March 4th, 2018 – June 6th, 2019 Voidbreaker I 36 ABY - 37 ABY
Emere Galo June 6th, 2019 – November 4th, 2019 Voidbreaker I 37 ABY- 37 ABY
Karran Val'teo December 5th, 2019 – February 9th, 2021 Voidbreaker I 37 ABY - 39 ABY
Zig Kaliska February 9th, 2021 – August 7th, 2022 Voidbreaker II 39 ABY - 40 ABY
Doon Sulvir August 27th, 2022 – May 26th, 2024 Voidbreaker II 40 ABY - 42 ABY
Alex Draconis May 26th, 2024 – September 24th, 2024 Voidbreaker II 42 ABY - 42 ABY
Mune Cinteroph September 24th, 2024 – present Voidbreaker II 42 ABY - present