- "A single drop of water is a mere annoyance, but group them together and give them a push and they become an unstoppable force. "
- ―Blarex
Blarex is a Human businessman and member of House Qel-Droma and Clan Arcona.
Personal History
Early Childhood
- "My son, life is unfair. Your only goal in life is to make sure you are on the winning side of unfair."
- ―Jorn Framke
Blarex was born Turon Framke in Coronet City, Corellia in 15 ABY to Jorn Framke and Mari Posilla. His father Jorn is the thirteenth generation CEO of the family business, Framkorp. Framkorp is mid-sized supplier of starship parts and is best known for coolant pumps. The company supplies parts for the Corellian shipbuilding industry and counts companies such as Corellian Engineering Corporation as clients. As a child Turon was always around the family business because in addition to his father being CEO, his mother was his executive assistent. Although he had a nanny, he did spend two to three days a week as a pre-school child at the business either shadowing his father or sitting with his mother. It served a dual purpose for their only child, not only did they get to spend time with their son but he would begin his training at an early age on how to succeed in the cut-throat world of Corellian industy. By the time young Turon attended grade school, he could already read and write sentences.
Turon was enrolled in the prestigious Coronet Boys Academy at the age of six. The sons of the Framkorp CEOs received the most advanced education on Corellia from the Academy for generation. Turon received excellent marks each quarter and still would visit his parents at corporate headquarters two or three days a week after school where he continued his immersion into management and leadership. The young Corellian boy was unremarkable until an event at the age of ten.
File:CorellianBoy.jpgConfrontation at SchoolAt the beginning of fourth grade, Turon acquired his first bully. For months, the sixth grade boy was a frequent dealer of normal pre-teen bullying. Name calling, knocking-down of books and even some light physical harassment. Throughout it all, the young Framke boy kept taking his mother's advice that the bully would go away if he simply ignored the situation. As the season's changed from warm, to cool, to warm again, Turon's bully never ceased but the bullying itself never escalated. This all changed the day late in the school year when the bully stole his favorite victim's lunch credits.
This is the action that moved Turon to action. That day at lunch, he spoke with a few of his closest friends in the fourth grade class. He specifically assembled fellow classmates who had been other frequent victim's of his nemesis. With passion in his voice, Turon gave a rousing speech, calling his friends to action. The young leader implored them to rise up and earn the name that they all have carried since birth. He told them that they are all from honorable, successful Corellian families and that they should never bow unwillingly to another. The small gang was motivated to confront their attacker that day after the final bell rang. The last step was to bait the older boy into showing up without knowledge of their plot. The trap was sent when during his normal post-lunch bully-spree, young Turon challenged the bully to a fight after school that day.
After the final bell, the boys headed over to the hover-playground area. Arriving before their prey, all but their leader remained hidden in the equipment until he arrived. The sixth grader confidently strode into the play area only a few minutes later. As soon as he was inside, Turon charged him with all he had within him. The older boy simply kicked him straight in the chest as the younger boy ran at him at full speed. Turon was sent flying onto his back while his friends were emerging from their respective hiding places. Sensing his was outnumbered, the older boy turned to run. Rolling over to the bully's feet, Turon was able to catch both ankle's in his hands before the sixth grader could make his escape. The fourth grade gang now had enough time to swarm their former tormentor, giving him a beating he would remember for years. Although all of the fourth graders served detention for a week, they never had a bullying problem again.
Adolescent Years
In 28 ABY, with the galaxy at war with the Yuuzhan Vong, representatives of the Order were sent out to find recruits to fill the ranks of the Jedi. The Coronet Boys Academy was one of the first stops for the recruiter on Corellia. A series of basic tests were performed on all students and the Jedi did determine that Turon had enough force aptitude, although not above the average youngling, to warrant Jedi training. When the representative of the Order showed up with Turon at Framkorp after school that day, Jorn was livid. He told the Jedi that his son's destiny lied with Framkorp and that he was not about to let his only child die in battle when there were trillions of others that could fight in his stead. After Jorn welcomed the Jedi to leave, he explained to his son that he was of best use to the galaxy learning to run the family business. This war, and any after, would need it's fighting men and women but that those beings will also need to tools to fight.
Tavon was still devastated but torn at the same time. He wanted badly to become a Jedi, to wield the mystic power he saw in the holovids, to cut-down swarms of alien invaders and garner the power and respect that being a galactic hero garners. He did not dare cross his father however and dutifully graduated as valedictorian from grade school.
Young Adulthood
File:CoronetCity.jpgCoronet CityBy the age of 21, the now adult Turon Framke had attended the Corellian Institue of Technology (CIT) and graduated summa cum laude with a masters degree in management with a minor in communications. During his time in college, Turon was captain of the Corellian champion debate team and chairmen of the young entrepreneurs club. Even with all of this success, the specter of the missed Jedi training opportunity still hung over him daily. Shortly after graduation, his father gave him a sales position within Framkorp. The intention was for the younger Framke to simply wine and dine the existing client base, get to know the prominent business men on Corellian and learn the ropes on how to run the show himself. This was not enough for the recent college graduate.
Instead, Turon focused his efforts off-world. He began to make regular sales calls to other major starship manufacturers across the galaxy. He also began to form strong bonds in the galactic business community, especially among his younger peers. In a few short years, the younger Framke had formed a network of contacts within some of the largest interplanetary conglomerates. His efforts began to bear fruit as his contacts began to secure him meetings with decision makes at companies like Kuat Drive Yards. Framkorp, through the efforts of their young salesman, started to submit bids on a few very high-end projects. Each of them by themselves would have doubled the revenue to the company overnight.
There was one problem, one after the other, each bid was always beaten out by a larger competitor. Turon began to become frustrated, never in his life had he failed in an endeavor he put his mind to. Even with the relationships he had formed since graduating from CIT he was unable to close any of the deal. Framkorp was out bid on each and every project it bid for, sometimes in a manner that had aroused his suspicion.
After years away from Corellia, Turon returned home to Coronet empty handed. The day he returned, he visited his father at Framkorp headquarters. Expecting to be admonished for his failures, instead the burgeoning businessman was praised by his parents. Jorn even gave him a newly created executive position, Vice President of Emerging Markets. When the son asked his elder why he was being rewarded for failure, the response was simply that only through action come results. It was Turon's efforts, ones noone has even attempted in the history of Framkorp, that earned him his position. But he also advised his son that the deck was stacked against him. The world of business was a cold, dark place and it is far from fair. It was this day that his father told him that the goal of any person should be to make sure they are on the correct side of unfair. This lesson would stay with the new Vice President as an unexpected opportunity came his way.
Joining the Brotherhood
By 35 ABY, the newly minted executive was making a name for himself in a galaxy still reeling from the years of almost endless war. However, he was still no closer to securing a major contract with an off-world company. Regardless, the young Corellian man grew his network of contacts and his new title did help open a few more doors. One opporuntiy presented the young man with an unexpected boon, a crack at an opportunity he once though lost.
While on the planet of Ord Mantell he was giving a speech at a conference for young executives. After the conference, he was approached by another young man that told him of an heretofore untapped market. The man introduced himself as Marick and the Chief Commercial Officer of Zratis Arms Corporation. Marick informed the Corellian that they specialized in the manufacture of small arms but that they were looking to possibly expand into heavy weapons and would need to contract with a company that could supply coolant systems like Framkorp. The CCO invited Turon to meet him on a station in the Dajorra System where they could start to look into a formal business alliance.
Although he had never heard of Zratis, the Framkorp VP followed the astro-navigation directions his new contact gave him, leading right to Port Ol'val. Upon arrival, Turon was concerned he had possibly been tricked, the port looked very much like a criminal hotbed. Almost as if his thoughts were being broadcast over the holonet, the man he met on Ord Mantell contacted him with landing instructions. He landed his personal ship, the Wealth of Nations and was escorted by a very friendly protocol droid to a conference room.
Marick was waiting for him in the conference room, but there was no indication that this was a business meeting. The door quickly shut behind the Corellian and the man who had originally idendified himself as a CCO revealed that he was a member of an order of Dark Jedi. The Dark Jedi said he was on Ord Mantell for another mission and felt Turon's presence in the force as it slowly grew during his speech. He gave the Vice President of Framkorp an offer, he would not only grant him access to the order he belonged to, but personally take him under his mentorship. In the order he called the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, he would learn skills to dominate his compeetitors, but the trade off is he would also dedicate time to fight alongside his brothers and sisters in arms.
Turon, accepted seeing the chance to fully realize his potential, not only would he learn the mysteries of the Force but he would use his power to, as his fater said, put himself on the right side of unfair. The businessman also knew he would not be able to fight the Dark Jedi off if he said no. In late 35 ABY, Blarex was enrolled in the Shadow Academy.
Into The Fray
Menat Ombo, New TythonUpon arrival at the Shadow Academy, it as immediately clear that it was not business as usual. Only one Dark Jedi was there to meet him as he entered the academy. The other human did not identify themselve and only took Blarex's name, assigned him to House Galeres. The new recruit was directed to a shuttle with no other information given. Still unsure of what was going on, he boarded the shuttle that was stocked with all forms of armaments and the two crew members, one male one female. He asked where they were going and the woman explained that the Brotherhood was at war with a group of Jedi on a planet called New Tython which was where they were headed. Blarex it seemed, would have to prove himself in combat on day one.
The fledgling Dark Jedi was able to connect with other members of his clan once arriving on New Tython, notably his master Marick. With the assistance of Clan Arcona , Blarex was able to prove himself worthy in the crucible of combat. Much of the combat Blarex experienced was on the streets of Menat Ombo, the main city of New Tython. Without the ability to deflect blaster bolts and lacking a ranged weapon of his own, Turon used his intelligence and wisdom to survive the battle.
Although not turning the tide of any battle on his own, Blarex was awarded with 11 Seals of Decimation and an Anteian Cross for his efforts. The ability to be dropped into the middle of an on-going war and hit the ground running granted the young journeyman to ascend quickly through the ranks of the Order.
Blarex is a rare breed of Dark Jedi, on an average day he is even tempered and even affable. Both the men he leads in combat, and in business, follow him willingly. His leadership style is not one that rules by fear of failure but of the rewards of success. As Turon Framke, he instituted a very generous profit sharing program to all levels of employees at Framkorp. From the janitor to the CFO, every employee has an equal share of the company profits. This is not to say that each employee receives the same compensation for their level of employment, but Blarex believes that any profit the company reaps is the product of the sum total of the staffs work.
This style has served Blarex well in his pursuits as a Dark Jedi as well. Although he is a member of the Sith Order, fear, violence and deception are not his chosen means of leadership. The young Sith is known to take a vested interest in the thoughts of his subordinates, knowing that the fresh eyes of a newly minted apprentice or a green private could see things more expirienced eyes could miss. When it comes to mistakes made by those under his command, the Sith is more apt to sit with the individual in question and help them learn from their error than to slice their head off with his lightsaber. Both in business and in combat, Blarex is known to genuinely care for those who follow him.
It is the emotions generated by his relationships that fuel his power. While many Dark Jedi focus inwardly to fuell their dark power, it is these external emotions that power the Dark Side within him. The fear he feels when a subordinate is in trouble, the anger when he loses a soldier under his command, these powerful emotions push Blarex to perform at the highest levels possible.
Enemies would be foolish to mistake his caring for a weakness. Although Blarex greets friends with an open hand, he meets his enemies with a closed fist. The power afforded to him by his emotional attachments is commonly wielded against those that stand in his way.
Physical Appearance
Blarex's armored robes.As and adult human, Blarex stands at 1.79 meters and weighs about 79.38 kilograms. Even though he is of average height and weight, he maintains a very tone frame. The Corellian's skin is a very even dark brown tone. His smooth complexion, as well as his azure eyes, help maintain his double life as the a VP at Framkorp. His natural hair color is black, although he keeps his head shaved smooth on a daily basis. The executive does keep a very well trimmed goatee, which other than his eyebrows and eyelashes are the only other hair on his face.
The persona of Turon Framke is generally found in high end but standard business attire. Keeping up the persona of a fiercely loyal Corellian all of his clothes, but his particularly his business attire, are of Corellian design and manufacture. The businessman's attire is of a very small color pallet, kept to the profession tones of blue, grey, black and brown. It is very rare to find Turon in casual attire whether inside or outside of the business environments.
As the Sith Blarex, the attire is quite different. To facilitate his front-line fighting style, he wears a caped robe with armoring on the torso, feet, lower legs, wrists and forearm. The armor is accented in blue, which is the Corellian's favorite color regardless of persona. The robe is also emblazoned with the symbol of Clan Arcona to pay homage to the group that gave him the opportunity the Jedi withheld from him Similar to his civilian life, Blarex can always be found in his armored robes. It is important to him to show solidarity with the rank and file troops because if they have to live the military lifestyle, he will as well.
DJB Facts
Former Apprentice to Marick Arconae.
Positions Held
Member of House Qel-Droma/Clan Arcona
Outstanding Achievements
Joined the DJB during Great Jedi War X earning 11 Seals of Decimation.
Earned 13 Seals of Remembrance in the Independence Games celebrating the tenth anniversy of The Exodus.
Behind The Scenes
Blarex is a character created by Ryan. The name "Blarex" first came about during the early days of the [World of Warcraft]. At the time, Ryan's younger brother was playing a Human Paladin. This same younger brother just lost Ryan's original character to a scammer. After purchasing a new game key, he decided to create a new character. Also a paladin, he modeled all of the character features except one after his younger brother's paladin, Tharex. His changed the skin tone to an African-American tone and called him Blarex for black Tharex. To this day, Ryan will play an African-American in most games if given the option.