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In 38 ABY, Creon was recruited into [[Clan Vizsla]] by Dral Falgorth when word had been reached that the Collective manned an assault on the Antei System. He served with [[Battleteam Deathwatch]] under Falgorth's command on the front lines. Their team successfully defended the [[Godless Matron]] flagship, and were later deployed to defend the city of [[Eos]] after the planetary shields of [[Arx]] fell. Because of his valor in battle in holding the line of the Iron Throne, Creon was awarded with the opportunity to be trained as a Mandalorian. He received special training in [[Mandalorian Core]], how to effectively incorporate the technology in vambraces, and special techniques in aerial combat with the use of a personal jetpack. However, due to conflicting issues with Vizla's moral ambiguity as free lance mercenaries and their close ties to the Sith Empire, Creon left the clan and returned home to Odan-Urr.
In 38 ABY, Creon was recruited into [[Clan Vizsla]] by Dral Falgorth when word had been reached that the Collective manned an assault on the Antei System. He served with [[Battleteam Deathwatch]] under Falgorth's command on the front lines. Their team successfully defended the [[Godless Matron]] flagship, and were later deployed to defend the city of [[Eos]] after the planetary shields of [[Arx]] fell. Because of his valor in battle in holding the line of the Iron Throne, Creon was awarded with the opportunity to be trained as a Mandalorian. He received special training in [[Mandalorian Core]], how to effectively incorporate the technology in vambraces, and special techniques in aerial combat with the use of a personal jetpack. However, due to conflicting issues with Vizla's moral ambiguity as free lance mercenaries and their close ties to the Sith Empire, Creon left the clan and returned home to Odan-Urr.

=== [| The Mandalorian]  ===
=== [ | The Mandalorian]  ===

Revision as of 19:53, 17 December 2020

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Creon Okami
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

10 ABY

Physical Description





1.88 Meters


99.8 Kilograms





Personal Information
Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
[ Source ]

Creon (pronounced cree-on) is a Jedi Knight belonging to Odan-Urr and a Mandalorian of the Okami Clan.

Character History

Cadet CS-12097

Early Childhood

CS-12097 was taken at the age of five into the First Order from a war-torn world that struggled to survive. It was said that his parents, unbeknownst to him, gave him willingly to live a better life than the one they could provide. His memories of them are limited and blurred. CS-12097 spent the majority of his childhood developing the basic skills and understanding of modern galactic education. Afterward, he was moved on as a cadet to train under the Cardinal. The Cardinal instructed cadets in hand-to-hand combat, weapons proficiency, and basic tactical knowledge. CS-12097 regarded the Cardinal as tough and fair, but never cruel.


File:First Order Task Force.jpg
First Order Specialized Task Force

When CS-12097 had reached adulthood, he began his second phase of training under Captain Phasma. Captain Phasma's training was known to more cruel and demanding by far. CS-12097 came into an environment where those who were too weak to defend themselves were brutally injured or even killed during training. This training was to induce the kill or be killed instinct that would forgo hesitation when having to take lives in missions. Rules became more strict as opposed to his cadet years. These rules were designed to isolate the individual soldier and not allow them to bond with each other. This helped prioritize the mission first over the safety and well being of individuals. However, this kind of environment changed for CS - 12097 when Captain Phasma took notice of his results. He was then moved to a specialized task force to perform missions that involved reconnaissance, infiltration and extraction, and the capture or assassination of high priority individuals. CS-12097 remained on the same team based in Starkiller Base, where they had enough leisure time to become familiar with one another on off-duty hours. CS-12097's task force was involved in a mission during the time Starkiller Base was destroyed by the Resistance in 34 ABY. His fellow team members disbanded and sought new lives outside the First Order after hearing about the attack.

The Dark Brotherhood

Jedi Training

Even though CS-12097 never experienced a direct connection to the Force before, he would often get dreams that drew him to Kiast. In 35 ABY he finally sought out the planet and encountered the Jedi of Clan Odan-Urr. After meeting with the Jedi, he was given the name Creon and made a padawan. In addition as a capable soldier, Creon enlisted in the Odanite Expeditionary Force. After only a year of learning the ways of the Jedi and on how to use the Force, Creon became a full fledged Jedi Knight. His knighthood elevated his rank in the O.E.F. to an officer, where he continued training and dedicated service.

The Wildcards

In 36 ABY Creon was moved to a team known as The Wildcards to carry out more sensitive missions after becoming recognized for his exceptional skill in military operations. Around was then Creon had been introduced as the runt amongst the Wildcards. Their team leader, Jael Chi’ra, helped Creon get fitted into the Idiot’s Array and assigned him with missions tailored to Creon’s expertise. During his adventures with the Wildcards he made good connections with the other mercenaries; Tarvitz, Celevon, Len Iode, and a few others. Creon remained with the Wildcards until it was disbanded a year later.

Tipping Point

In 37 ABY, each of the Wildcard members had been deployed for a reconnaissance mission by High Councillor Archenksova after attempt on Princess Anasaye’s life by an unknown assassin. Creon knew that if he wanted to assist Odan-Urr, his new home, he would need to refine his skills in espionage. The opportunity came to him through a summit meeting with Arcona, where Creon was a candidate for Hoth’s Aedile under Jael. Creon met the Aedile of Arcona at the time, Lucine Vasano. He fostered a brief relationship with her, and she taught him the art of subtlety from her experience as a spymaster. After his training had been completed, Creon was initiated into a secret order known as The Lotus.

Rite of Supremacy: Meridian

After Creon took office as Hoth’s Aedile, he immediately re-organized its military. He structured the divisions to mode the First Order, just without the cruelty. He handled the credit finances and trade exchanges for Hoth’s vessels and troop equipment. The result was the Joint Task Force Hoth. This included the JTF Response Fleet, the O.T.F, and the rebirth of the Wildcards by updating the Idiot’s Array. Creon even made diplomatic relations with the Okami clan. He faced off with the Okami Mandalorian Dral Falgorth in a duel to earn the clan’s respect and provided them with the Jörmungandr mothership to earn their trust.

The Joint Task Force had been tied together by a refined military structure and strong ally ties. Once the Meridian Space Station had been uncovered, Creon led a carefully selected team of specialized operatives, known as the O.T.F. The team’s efforts helped Clan Odan-Urr be the most effective in the fight against the Collective. After the war had ended, Creon returned to find peace on Solyiat. He took time to rest from the war, and reflect on his experiences and continue his Jedi training. After Jael decided to retire, Creon assumed the mantle of Hoth’s Quastor.

The Great Jedi War XIV: Homefront

In 38 ABY, Creon was recruited into Clan Vizsla by Dral Falgorth when word had been reached that the Collective manned an assault on the Antei System. He served with Battleteam Deathwatch under Falgorth's command on the front lines. Their team successfully defended the Godless Matron flagship, and were later deployed to defend the city of Eos after the planetary shields of Arx fell. Because of his valor in battle in holding the line of the Iron Throne, Creon was awarded with the opportunity to be trained as a Mandalorian. He received special training in Mandalorian Core, how to effectively incorporate the technology in vambraces, and special techniques in aerial combat with the use of a personal jetpack. However, due to conflicting issues with Vizla's moral ambiguity as free lance mercenaries and their close ties to the Sith Empire, Creon left the clan and returned home to Odan-Urr.

| The Mandalorian


Roleplaying Creon


When on-duty, Creon has the posture, tone, and professionalism of a soldier. His First Order habits take over like a switch and he carries himself with confidence and expertise. His Jedi Knight mentality, however, has taken a priority in his mind. Creon thinks of himself a Jedi first, a soldier second. Unlike how he was taught in the First Order, Creon will go out of his way and put himself at risk for the safety of others.

When odd-duty Creon possesses a calm, compassionate, and kind demeanor. He still as much to learn about the world outside his background in the First Order, and has an eagerness to explore different things people introduce him to. He has adopted the caring spirit that the Jedi have imparted to him. He will always try to seek peaceful outcomes but will describe it so in a blunt and upfront manner. He holds wisdom, but he explains it in a down to earth manner as opposed to the metaphoric rhetoric of the Consulars.

His eyes and his eyebrows give away his emotions. If he smiles, it is a calm smile without showing his teeth. When he is embarrassed, he blushes along the cheekbones. When he is sad or confused, it is said he looks like a lost puppy. When he is angry, his face is neutral but his eyes hint ferocity.


Creon is the cliche definition of Lawful Good. He values cohesion and order when performing missions or working towards something greater than himself. He can be both a competent leader and follower. He views leadership not as a position of power, but a responsibility to uphold for others. He elects to put other's needs before his own, genuinely caring and seeking to end suffering when it is shown. From growing up in a non-individualistic upbringing of the First Order to the self-less Buddhist-like culture of the Jedi, Creon embraces Collectivism both in societies and spiritually. His sense of good vs evil is derived mostly from the Jedi philosophy he learned under the masters of Odan-Urr. These teachings enlightened him from the propaganda standpoint of the First Order. As such, Creon will always put what he thinks is the right thing to do first. He obeys orders and abides the laws in the areas he finds himself in, but he will always side with the principles of the Jedi first and foremost.

Beliefs and Philosophy







Positions Held

Positions Held
Before Position After
None Prefect of Aeotheran
34 ABY to 35 ABY
Roxas Buurenaar Battleteam Leader of The Regulators
35 ABY to 36 ABY
Sariel Dhejeuti Aedile of House Hoth
36 ABY to 37 ABY
Ka Tarvitz
Jael Chi'ra Quaestor of House Hoth
37 ABY
Edgar Drachen