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| === Databank=== | | === Databank=== |
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| | | [[File:Logos-fiction-center-Collective.png|130px]] || style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; padding: 10px;" | '''[[The Collective]]''' || style="padding: 10px;" | The Collective is a powerful organization that has vowed to rid the Galaxy of the Force and those that use it as a tool for oppression. They are composed of three pillars: [[Capital Enterprises]], [[The Liberation Front]], and the [[Technocratic Guild]]. |
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| | | [[File:Logos-fiction-center-Principate.png|130px]] || style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; padding: 10px;" | '''[[The Severian Principate]]''' || style="padding: 10px;" | The Severian Principate is a rare Imperial Warlord state which not only endured but thrived following the Empire’s collapse. Originally a network of mining worlds and orbital facilities in the Kastolar Sector, it existed to fuel the Empire’s war machine. This changed with the governorship of Lucian Niatinus, a commander disillusioned with the Emperor’s self-destructive policies. Devoted to improving the lives of his citizens and secretly allying with the smugglers and pirates from the nearby Hutt Space, he sought to create an ordered state free of the tyranny which inspired the Rebellion. |
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| | ==== Persons of Interest ==== |
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| | ==== Helpful Links ==== |
| * [[Lyra-3K-a system]] - War system and locations | | * [[Lyra-3K-a system]] - War system and locations |
| * [[Severian Principate]] - Wiki Page | | * [[Severian Principate]] - Wiki Page |
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| * [https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/factions/the-collective The Collective] - Faction Page | | * [https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/factions/the-collective The Collective] - Faction Page |
| * [[Fiction Center]] - For information leading up to the Thirteenth Great Jedi War | | * [[Fiction Center]] - For information leading up to the Thirteenth Great Jedi War |
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| ==== Persons of Interest ====
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| == Newsposts == | | == Newsposts == |
The Thirteenth Great Jedi War, also known as GJWXIII: Discord, was a 5 week Brotherhood event that ran from July 20, 2017 to August 26th, 2017
“I assure you, Mr. Daley, that the vessels you are reporting as attacking the shipyard are not from the Iron Navy, nor would any of our military personnel do anything to put the lives of Lyra Colony or the Shipyard in danger,” - Evant Taelyan
As representatives of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and The Collective met with leaders of the Severian Principate, Collective forces disguised as an element of the Brotherhood launched a false-flag surprise attack on the Principate, hitting targets across the Lyra System. The Collective feigns shock and ignorance as the Brotherhood scrambles to contain the situation and the Principate stands poised on the brink of war. Out of this discord, new opportunities have presented themselves to the Clans, from salvaging diplomatic ties with a new ally, to securing new sources of power and profit for themselves.
A decisive blow has was struck in the ongoing fued between the Brotherhood and the Collective. With the death of the Technocratic Guild leader known as Daggo Mouk—and the loss of Meridian Space Station—the Collective have scaled back their harassment of the Brotherhood. Their withdrawal gave the Dark Council some much needed breathing room to reinforce their hold on their respective territories. The continued conflicts with the Collective—combined with meeting the material needs of the Dark Council's new home world, fleet, and personnel—stretched the Regent's coffers thin.
In the hopes of reaching a trade deal with a new partner, the Grand Master created an opportunity to meet with a new organization that could stand to be an invaluable partner for the Brotherhood. They call themselves the Severian Principate.
With the leadership of the Brotherhood shifting gears, Evant Taelyan was appointed Deputy Grand Master. His first task? Assemble a group of delegates from the seven respective Clans, and take them to the Lyra-3K-a system to meet with representatives from the Severian Principate.
Our story begins here.
If you want peace, prepare for war...
The Deputy Grand Master has assembled his team of diplomats that represent each of the Brotherhood’s seven clans. Their destination? The Lyra-3K-a star system to meet with diplomats from the Severian Principate with the hope of forging a mutually beneficial alliance between the two powers. While the Iron Forces make their way towards the locations of interest, however, the Collective makes a bold move to disrupt diplomacy as discord looms on the horizon...
[Chapter One]
"Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony.”
Just as the Brotherhood begins a historic diplomatic meeting with the Severian Principate, the Collective has made a hard move to sow discord and disrupt the potential alliance. Under the disguise of Iron Forces ships and pilots, they have launched multiple false-flag attacks on key locations in the Lyra-3K-a system. In a desperate attempt to prevent the deal from falling through, Deputy Grand Master Evant Taelyan has sent out an encrypted, coded message across the Advanced Inquisitorius Network (AIN) calling on all Brotherhood personal to lend aid. The fate of this potential alliance now hangs in the hands of the Seven Clans of the Brotherhood.
[Chapter Two]
Galactic location of the Lyra-3K-a star system.
The ‘’Lyra’’ system, so designated three hundred years ago by the Old Republic explorators, is a small out-of-the-way system rarely seen or featured on hyper lane starcharts. It has seen several colonization attempts in the past with every colony failing for one reason or another. The system is inhabited by several thousand Severian Principate citizen-colonists and military personnel attempting to carve out an existence among the megafauna and megaflora of the only inhabited world in the system - Eorilia’s Moon.
The Lyra-3K-a system is the home of the Thirteenth Great Jedi War.
Theaters of War
Theaters are places particularly important to the Brotherhood - and the Collective - in the Lyra system. Some information is available about the locations themselves in the fiction updates. Each Theater will have an overarching objective the Brotherhood hopes to accomplish, but that is no guarantee the Clans have the same goals!
- Members can sign up for theaters using the following link
- To see a list of theaters chosen by members, click here
Please Note: Members are able to change their theater choice once. To do so, please email Mav (mav1234@gmail.com), Evant (evant.taelyan@gmail.com), and Atra (wraith1807@gmail.com) with your request.
Lyra Colony
PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Explore the ancient temple ruins, and secure its secrets and artifacts.
SITUATION: The Brotherhood had been granted access to the ruins beneath Lyra Colony prior to the diplomatic mission to Lyra, but only a handful of Imperial Reclamation Service personnel had made planetfall before the Collective attack framing the Brotherhood as aggressors. Their communications have been completely cut-off, and their fate remains unknown. Meanwhile, the Collective has ‘come to the aid’ of the Principate, and now have a heavy presence in the area of Lyra Colony having deployed companies of Jedi Hunters, Mercenaries, and Fanatics at the only known entrance to the ruins. They are likely to employ the same suicide tactics used elsewhere to frame the Brotherhood. Early transmissions from the IRS unit before comms went down mentioned an artifact, quite similar to the Technocratic Artifact recovered from Meridian station, had been discovered in the Ordu Aspectu temple deep inside the ruins and moved off-world by the Principate. Nonetheless, IRS believes the temple ruins contain impressive knowledge. With the Collective now moving into the ruins themselves, that knowledge will be pillaged and lost should they reach it. Moreover, the Collective has been galvanizing residents of Lyra Colony on the surface against Force users and the Brotherhood, making for a volatile situation on the streets.
Moon of Thillon
PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Eliminate the Collective presence and prevent the Collective from acquiring the kyber crystals, securing them for the Brotherhood, or your Clan, instead.
SITUATION: When the Collective discovered kyber crystals on Thillon’s moon, they moved quickly to seize them. They quickly and easily ‘convinced’ Temnos Excavations Co., the sole private mining company operating on the moon to yield their rights to mining, but have not yet transported any of the already mined kyber crystals out of the mining colony. Inquisitorius agents report that the Collective intends to divert kyber crystals mined on Thillon to its secret weapons program which the Inquisitorius believes is focused on developing ship-mounted superlaser arrays. As such, the Collective have established a strong military presence including elements of Battle Group Elysium in orbit around the Moon of Thillon and a ground Battalion that reconnaissance suggests includes at least one Heavy Armor Company. Given the strategic importance of the kyber crystals, there may be key scientists and agents of the Technocratic Guild on-site with valuable knowledge of the Collective’s secret weapons program. The Collective is likely to aggressively engage Brotherhood forces that enter the area. As Thillon is operated by an independent contractor and not the Principate government itself, there is no Principate military presence, but there is a sizable private security force of around fifty officers in the employ of Temnos Excavations along with many civilian employees living in dormitories associated with the mining complex whose safety would be important to the Principate, and who could be at risk of joining the Collective given recent events in Lyra.
Thuvis Shipyards
PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Dispose of threats within the Shipyards and seize control of the facility- either for the Brotherhood, or to return to the Principate.
SITUATION: Thuvis Shipyards suffered heavy damage during the initial salvo of attacks blamed on the Brotherhood. Numerous sectors of the Shipyards have been ventilated to space, and the Principate defense forces protecting the Shipyards have been decimated, but not completely eliminated with around four dozen soldiers still on the station. The crew repairing the shipyards - and their families - are housed in a platform that is secured to the shipyards, and it has remained intact. Intelligence reports indicate that the Collective used their opening attacks as means to descend on the Shipyard, supposedly to protect its inhabitants from the plague of Force users. Inquisitorius agents report that the Collective is attempting to install an AI similar to the Technocratic Artifact recovered from Meridian station to establish full control of the shipyards for their own efforts. Several dreadnaughts from the Collective’s Battle Group Elysium are maintaining a defensive position in orbit around Thuvis Shipyards, and numerous Collective troops from that same battlegroup have moved to the Station, as well as members of Project Indigo. Moreover, the Principate has dispatched elements of its 5th Fleet to protect the shipyards is present both in space and on the Shipyards themselves.
Persons of Interest
Helpful Links
The following news posts were made by the Dark Council to spread information for Great Jedi War XIII.
Phase I
Phase II
Phase I
Phase II
The following recognition and rewards were given out at the conclusion of Great Jedi War XII.
The individuals earning the most placement points in Great Jedi War XII were be awarded War Hero titles. Members with tie scores would be broken following an Olympic-style Novae and placement ranking.
- First Hero:
- Second Hero:
- Third Hero:
- Fourth Hero:
- Fifth Hero:
100% Participation
The following members "did work" and exerted "maximum effort" in this Great Jedi War. Congrats to all members who completed an event in every bin throughout the GJW.
The Collective |
The Collective is a powerful organization that has vowed to rid the Galaxy of the Force and those that use it as a tool for oppression. They are composed of three pillars: Capital Enterprises, The Liberation Front, and the Technocratic Guild.
The Severian Principate |
The Severian Principate is a rare Imperial Warlord state which not only endured but thrived following the Empire’s collapse. Originally a network of mining worlds and orbital facilities in the Kastolar Sector, it existed to fuel the Empire’s war machine. This changed with the governorship of Lucian Niatinus, a commander disillusioned with the Emperor’s self-destructive policies. Devoted to improving the lives of his citizens and secretly allying with the smugglers and pirates from the nearby Hutt Space, he sought to create an ordered state free of the tyranny which inspired the Rebellion.
Naga Sadow
Scholae Palatinae
Skins: Robe / Weapon Skins
Possessions: First Clan:
Possessions: Credit Earnings
Credits will be granted to the Clans following the details provided by the Regent. Results of this are as follows based on final participation numbers and placements.