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This act mended the divide between those who served, affording guardsmen of low birth the same opportunities to rise through the ranks that were previously given to noble representatives. Unified, the Royal Guard’s regimen continued to improve using this mindset, refining their tactics and exercises carefully, as to not inadvertently favour one individual over another in battle.
This act mended the divide between those who served, affording guardsmen of low birth the same opportunities to rise through the ranks that were previously given to noble representatives. Unified, the Royal Guard’s regimen continued to improve using this mindset, refining their tactics and exercises carefully, as to not inadvertently favour one individual over another in battle.

== Gear and Loadout ==
== Gear and Loadout ==

Donning blue and teal flight suits beneath golden armour, the royal guard are dressed in accordance with their flexible roles. While it is not uncommon for some to adjust their outfit, most of them share this utilitarian design and favour the use of electrostaves in close-quarters combat. When engaging opponents in long-range warfare, these soldiers are also trained in the use of blaster rifles and blaster pistols; however, due to the cumbersome nature of both rifles and electrostaves, many guardsmen forego one in favour of the other. A select few might choose to train in other forms of combat, but the core training of guardsmen has proven to be more than sufficient for their needs.
Donning blue and teal flight suits beneath golden armour, the royal guard are dressed in accordance with their flexible roles. While it is not uncommon for some to adjust their outfit, most of them share this utilitarian design and favour the use of electrostaves in close-quarters combat. When engaging opponents in long-range warfare, these soldiers are also trained in the use of blaster rifles and blaster pistols; however, due to the cumbersome nature of both rifles and electrostaves, many guardsmen forego one in favour of the other. A select few might choose to train in other forms of combat, but the core training of guardsmen has proven to be more than sufficient for their needs.

Revision as of 07:30, 22 August 2017

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Vatali Royal Guard
Unit Information

34 ABY - present


Vatali Empire

  • Army
  • Navy


  • Guardsmen
  • Planetary defense
  • Space Superiority




  • Gold & Teal
[ Source ]

Also referred to as the "Vatali Royal Guard" or the "Royal Guard," these few but exceptionally talented soldiers make up the Vatali Empire's limited ground infantry, but can be called on to serve as high-ranking officials in the navy. A number of them serve as guardsmen to Voraskel Palace while the bulk are stationed on the Vatali's other worlds as peacekeepers. All guardsmen are trained pilots, but excel in ground-based warfare as combatants and leaders. At times, these few elite can be tasked with delicate matters as special operatives making them the most versatile combatants in the Vatali Empire.



"Rejoice, for our dream is realized, and these are its protectors!"
―Vatal Anasaye, circa 354 BBY

Sharing a bloody beginning with the formation of the Vatali Empire, the original Vatali Royal Guard were selected from among those who participated in the coup against the Sephi overlords. Bestowed honorifics and titles, these soldiers were often hailed as liberators of the people, but other records have since revealed a great number of them to have been mercenaries or soldiers-for-hire. Several of these guardsmen were given noble privileges as some of the first lineages created to honour the new Vatali Empire, while others sought employment elsewhere and thus relinquished their positions and holdings.

Bred into Conviction

"Regardless of their ancestors, these soldiers are loyal to a fault. The same cannot be said of other empires, surely."
―Recordings, circa 75 BBY

Despite a chequered and controversial past, later generations of the Vatali Royal Guard raised within their ancestral noble houses developed a sense of loyalty to their monarch, carrying out their duties with a conviction that many of the original guardsmen lacked. By the reign of Taselm Anasaye’s ascension to the throne in 75 BBY, several of the noble houses retired from the role or dissolved and new ties were formed between more prominent families.

As trust began to form between Vatal’s lineage and the Royal Guard, Taselm saw the need for expansion if the Vatali were to maintain a military for defense. Thus, the Royal Guard became not limited to noble houses, but to those who felt it was among their duties to defend the Vatali Empire from threats, both internal and external. Training regimen would become a way of life for those who served, building on the knowledge of warfare passed down from their forebears. Citizens would be able to serve alongside the nobility as comrades and law enforcement; however, neither of them would share their positions as equals until the reign of Kaltani Anasaye in 5 BBY.

Equal Footing

"Henceforth, all who pledge service to Empress Kaltani Anasaye as made equal; none may hold titles, wealth or lands for as long as their service endures."
―Recordings, circa 5 BBY

Once Katali rose to inherit the crown, the issues became clear - the Vatali Royal Guard was fractured between those with noble blood and without. In one of the first laws brought about during her rule, each of the Vatali Royal Guard were branded as equals; neither of them could hold lands or titles for as long as their service was given to the Vatali Empire. Several of the Royal Guard took offense, leaving their positions while others remained true to their duties. Over time, more enlisted from royal lineages to honour their bloodlines, while those of regular upbringings joined under the hopes of being granted later status for their houses after giving their service.

This act mended the divide between those who served, affording guardsmen of low birth the same opportunities to rise through the ranks that were previously given to noble representatives. Unified, the Royal Guard’s regimen continued to improve using this mindset, refining their tactics and exercises carefully, as to not inadvertently favour one individual over another in battle.

Gear and Loadout

Donning blue and teal flight suits beneath golden armour, the royal guard are dressed in accordance with their flexible roles. While it is not uncommon for some to adjust their outfit, most of them share this utilitarian design and favour the use of electrostaves in close-quarters combat. When engaging opponents in long-range warfare, these soldiers are also trained in the use of blaster rifles and blaster pistols; however, due to the cumbersome nature of both rifles and electrostaves, many guardsmen forego one in favour of the other. A select few might choose to train in other forms of combat, but the core training of guardsmen has proven to be more than sufficient for their needs.

Command Structure

Although it once favoured those of noble heritage, the command structure of the Vatali Royal Guard has since been abolished as of Kaltani’s reign. Ranks do not exist; instead, guardsmen are assigned according to the rulings of the monarch’s council, which convenes to discuss matters of military importance and security. All Guardsmen are given the same training to act within whichever station they might be assigned, allowing them to act as a commanding officer whenever the situation arises.

Most often, the monarch’s military council will select a guardsman to act the commanding officer of a specific mission. These individuals are selected according to past achievements, valour and seniority.


Flexible in their roles, all have the same training that allows them to perform just as well at the helm of a starfighter than on land. Without a rank-based command structure, guardsmen are not trained to favour the lives of a commanding officer over those of even the most novice guardsman. Placing emphasis on complicated battle formations, Vatali Royal Guardsmen are not suited towards guerilla warfare outside of the Kiast System, but their abilities to maintain these formations in the absence of a commanding officer is unparalleled.

On foot, the guardsmen tend to favour blaster rifles and pistols in ranged combat, not often using heavier armaments than can be carried for long distances. In addition to this, all guardsmen have been trained to use electrostaves, which work well against both droids and organic adversaries, as well as Force-users, should the need arise. While this uniformity might be a disadvantage against larger, organized militaries, it does allow guardsmen to merge formations without much effort.

At the helm, guardsmen are exceptional pilots in dense asteroid fields. However, their lack of experience outside of Kiast’s borders lend to a disadvantage without the cover of an asteroid field or nebula. Accustomed to utilizing obstacles as much as chasing down targets in dogfights, their tactics in screen formations can be seen as lacking. Counter to their ground tactics, guardsmen will use guerilla tactics to make an effective ambush against opponents, hiding on the backs of asteroids and using natural phenomena against their enemies for a clear advantage.

Vatali Royal Guard Airships

A Vatali Airship, Galley Classification.

Ranging in form and function, the airships of Kiast boast tremendous use in navigating above the planet’s clouds. Due to the toxic gases pulled close to the planet’s surface, the airship is an essential form of transportation between plateaus, mountainous ridges and the platforms lingering above the toxic band below the clouds. The Vatali Royal Navy's military power on the surface of Kiast consists primarily of airships.

First commissioned under order from Emperor Vatal Anasaye, the airships of Kiast were originally brought to the planet from the greater Sephi monarchy. Outfitted with basic designs, these served their purpose until the need for a flotilla arose. The designs were then modified into a vast set of classifications that made use of Kiast’s lighter atmospheric gases and repulsorlift technologies.

The designs were later replicated by Kiast’s other inhabitants, unaffiliated with the Vatali Empire. These unregulated vessels have since either adhered to the classifications, or broken them altogether.


Although the airship is a common phenomenon in Kiast’s livable band of atmosphere, exact specifications and models differ with each airship, making identification difficult. Several of the Vatali Empire’s own airships boast a universal design and core functions, while others are known to be creations of raw materials or salvage. Often referred to as “junkers,” these unregulated designs follow no rules or principles in their construction, making them the easiest targets or the most underestimated vessels.


From the humble sloop to the man of war, Kiast’s inhabitants have created a form of classification relevant to most vessels through measurement of the hull and counting the armament where applicable.

Most regulation airships following the Vatali’s classifications will also utilize airbags made of materials resistant to blasterfire as a means to defend the weakest point from being targeted. As the size of the vessel increases, the thickness of the airbag will result in a greater resistance to being punctured. Where a sloop might be brought low with the pull of a trigger, the man of war will be able to sustain multiple unshielded hits from a laser cannon before losing altitude.

In addition, the Vatali and other manufacturers of the vessels have been known to either replace the airbag entirely with repulsorlift technologies or use the added forward propulsion in unison with the efficient lifting capabilities of the lightweight gasses in the airbags.


Average hull length: 25-30 meters.

The smallest and least formidable of the airships, the sloop is rather uncommon despite the lack of time and resources it takes to build one of these airships. Humble and underwhelming, it is rare to see one of these vessels outfitted with even a single laser cannon unless the airbag can support the added weight. It most common where travel between two adjacent mountainous peaks or plateaus is frequent, given that it lacks the speed of added propulsion or room to stock supplies.


Average hull length: 75-85 meters

The most common design of the Vatali’s flotilla, the galley is outfitted for long-distance travel and significant scouting operations. Associated with being a mid-range warship, it is normally outfitted with a full compliment of five laser cannons on each side. Coupled with its firepower, some galleys are known to house a Z-9 deflector shield projector shield generator below the airbags, soaking up damage that would otherwise render the entire craft inoperable.


Average hull length: 90-120 meters.

Bigger than its near-identical galley counterpart, the frigate shares much of the same standard specifications, with the exception of an additional cannon on either side. Besides this difference, the frigate is capable of holding several weeks more worth of goods for nearly the same crew compliment and can therefore take longer journeys than most airships. It is most often used for trading goods along the longest and most dangerous routes across the skies.


Average hull length: 150-200 meters.

Bigger than a frigate, but smaller than the man of war, the galleon is the Vatali’s trademark warship design and is used to keep the peace through the Vatali Empire. Although the galleon rarely sees action in battle, its compliment of twenty-five laser cannons on each side and the onboard Zr-41 shield generator ensure that pirates keep to themselves from the Vatali’s borders.

Man Of War

Average hull length: 300-400 meters.

The least common ship in the Vatali’s flotilla due to its overbearing need for resources and constant maintenance, the man of war is feared as the most capable ship in the Vatali flotilla and can blast through a smaller fleet on its own. Boasting a formidable ten turbolaser cannons, and thirty laser cannons on each side, its strength can overwhelm the shields of a galley with relative ease. Its biggest advantage lies in the shield generator at its core—the model that might be seen at the heart of a CR-90 corvette. Located at the center of the enormous vessel lies the 484-J4E screen control and shield projector that makes the man of war an invulnerable fortress in the skies.

So far, only two man of war airships have ever been known to exist: Vatal’s Fist and the Dyssrak.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of AllusisProving Ground

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Jovian Grey • Knight Commander Eechee • Instructor Waza Sunrider

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness