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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|name= Zeon Blacktooth
|order = Jedi
|image=[[image:Me_in_JediSith_robes.jpg|250 px]]  
|homeworld=Zelos II  
|birth= 3 ABY  
|death= N/A  
|homeworld=Zelos II
|species= Human  
|birth=3 ABY
|gender= Male  
|hair= Brown  
|eyes= Brown  
|height=1.60 Meters
|weight=85 KG
|masters= [[Kara Rohana]]
|allies= The house of [[Clan Exar Kun]], [[Clan Plagueis]],[[Cethgus Kuga]], [[Inarya]], [[Kara Rohana]], Isildur Eärendil
|cyber=Right Arm
|enemies= Good Jedi  
(Made from a R6 Droid)
|saber= Red
|allies=*[[Cethgus Kuga]]
|form= N/A
*[[Kaira Rohana]]
|enemies= *Dark Jedi
|profession= Sabre Maker and Sith outcast
|era= Dark Jedi Brotherhood  
|ship= Rouge Lazer
|dossier= 10301 }}
* Shii-Cho
|profession=*Saber Maker
*Pod Racing
*Saber Practise
|position=Jedi Knight
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=*[[Odan Urr]]
*[[Satele Shan]]
|ship=*Rouge Laser MK I [Destroyed]
*Rouge Laser MK II
|masters=[[Kaira Rohana]]
|apprentices=Zeus Blacktooth
|dossier= [[dossier:10301|10301]]
'''Zeon Blacktooth''' is a [[Jedi Knight]] of [[Satele Shan]] of [[Clan]] [[Odan-Urr]]. He has a born talent for lightsaber combat, making lightsabers, piloting, flying and racing. Zeon is also at the rank of [[Sergeant]] within the Battle Strike-team of [[Ooroo]].

== Biography ==
==== The Blacktooth Family ====
The Blacktooth Family was like any other family after the [[starwars:Battle of Yavin|Battle of Yavin]] and the the fall of the [[starwars:Empire|Empire]]. Zeon's father, Xeon was a Jedi rasied by the old Jedi ways. Xeon went in to hiding after [[starwars:Order 66|Order 66]]. Zeon's mother, Jen was a daughter of a miner on the planet Zelos II. Xeon had to go to [[starwars:Zelos|Zelos]] for a mission to check if the mining planet was safe from the left over pieces of the Empire. The two met, feel in love, and moved in together in Jen's home.

== Character History Introduction ==
After a year they got married and had a baby boy, named Zeon. After a few months Xeon retired from the [[starwars:Jedi Order|Jedi Order]] to protect his family. The Empire had learned that a Jedi was living on Zelos II so they invaded the planet killing all who got in there way. When they came across to the Blacktooth house, the Empire came barging in, before Xeon could dig out his old [[lightsaber]] from its resting place he was shot several times. Jen was also shot and fell to the floor. As the Commander of the unit advanced to Zeon, the Commander was raised up into the air and then thrown back with such force it had killed the troopers and the Commander instantly.

At a young ago, Zeon was brought in to the world of the force. When Zeon was two years old Zelos II, Home planet to the Blacktooth family, was under attack from the imperial. records showed that there was a group of Stromtroopers missing, but one thing is for certain Zeon was left untouched with a few dead troopers and his parents laying next to him. When Zeon was found he was taken to Yavin 4, here he grew up knowing the arts of the force and growing his powers more. now he is in the Jedi Dark Brotherhood and is doing well in training to become a Sith lord.
After a few days baby Zeon was found by a hooded figure and was taken from the planet. For years his new home was [[Korriban]] where he was being trained up to become a [[Sith]]. When Zeon became age enough he managed to escape [[Korriban]], flying in a shuttle to where ever he felt like he wanted to go to.

=== Being a Journeyman ===
==== The Beginnings of a Sith ====
Zeon was found by [[Cethgus Kuga]]on the planet [[starwars:Tatooine|Tatooine]]. He was brought to the planet [[Kapsina]] the home of [[Clan]] [[Plagueis]]. Zeon was enrolled in to the ranks of the [[Sith]], where after months of training he managed to require a master to help him train. Her name was [[Kaira Rohana]]. With his new master's help, Zeon managed to get to a rank where he was given a [[Lightsaber]]. With this new rank there had to be a mission. [[Kaira Rohana]] managed to set up a training mission for Zeon. Zeon's mission was to go to the planet of [[Morroth]], where he must survive fourteen days on his own. After days Zeon had managed to come across pirates. As he engaged them Zeon lost his [[lightsaber]] to one of the pirates and had his arm chopped off by with it. He was later found in the snow by locals who patched him up until his Master returned.

==== The new arm and R6 ====
[[File:r6Arm.png|thumb|left|200px|Zeon's cybernetic arm]]
After what happened on [[Morroth]], Zeon managed to find a doctor on Kaspina to make him a robotic arm. While doing small tasks for the [[Clan]], Zeon entered the planet Tarnis. His starfighter was in a bad way. As it began to burn with fire on the wings it exploded R6 his Astromech droid. With the force of entering the atmosphere. Zeon managed to stop him self just in time before hitting the ground, then passed out. When he awoke he found him in a bacta tank hooked up to several tubes amongst his body. A robotic mender found Zeon and his burnt out ship and made a new robot arm out of it. Pieces of his R6 was used to fix R6 to Zeon's arm. It took Zeon a while to recover from this, so he stayed on Tarnis until he managed to barter passage off back to Kaspina.

==== In with the good, Out with the bad ====
Zeon didn’t feel right within [[Clan]] [[Plagueis]] after his return, something had changed with-in him. After transferring to [[House]] [[Odan-Urr]], Zeon started to feel a lot better on [[New Tython]]. Days passed as Zeon wondered around the new planet and had saw the one person who he had thought he would never see, his old master, [[Kaira Rohana]]. They talked for hours on end, about many things from the past and plans of their future. A week went by and Zeon had been made [[Kaira Rohana]]'s student once again. With this new change with in Zeon, he had advanced to [[Jedi Hunter]]. While studying in the Jedi Library, Zeon had felt his master watching him from around the corner, but this wasn't the issue any more as Zeon had felt another Jedi who he had not felt in years. Standing in the opposite doorway to [[Kaira Rohana]] was Zeon’s lost Brother, Zeus Blacktooth. Kaira was stunned to see this. Zeon and Zeus talked as they had a lot of catching up to do.

=== The Blacktooth Family ===
==== The Finishing of a Long Road and the Start of a New One ====
[[image:family.jpg| thumb|left|150 px]]
[[File:BushiSithYellow.png|120px|right|thumb|Zeon's Lightsaber]]With his succession of becoming a [[Jedi Hunter]], Zeon carried on his quest of being a journeyman to reach the next rank, [[Jedi Knight]]. He studied hard, listened to his Master and joined in in any activity that his Master had told him to do. Zeon and his master were ticking off his work that he spent so long doing. [[Kaira Rohana]] looked white and rushed off somewhere, Zeon didn't think anything of it and went to bed. The next day he found a message from his master saying Congratulations to him. Zeon was puzzled by this and as he stepped outside of his living quarters [[Ji]] was standing in front of him holding a scroll. [[Ji]] handed the scroll to him and found out that he had ranked up to [[Jedi Knight]]. He was allowed a new [[Lightsaber]] and a whole new selection of [[Robes]], Zeon felt so much more relaxed and confident within the brotherhood then he had ever been before.
Not a lot is known about the Blacktooth family, but the information that is known about then is clear to Zeon Blacktooth; the only son of Ro and Chefin Blacktooth. All Zeon knows of his parent were, his father, Ro Blacktooth was a rebel solider. He had fought in the Great Galactic War. After winning the war over the empire Ro returned to Zelos II to await his wife Chefin, who had some news. After a year Ro retired from the rebellion, as there was much more better things to think about, his wife and their new baby to be. Once Zeon was born a family crest was made and had been branded on the blanket of Zeon's. After 2 happy years after Zeon was born, appeared the hidden garrison from the galactic war, and attacked to peaceful planet, in result killing the Blacktooth family, but not Zeon. There are no records to show what happened in that home that day but it is clear that Zeon had the mystic powers that his elders before him had, These powers? Good or bad?
Zeon has been given the chance to show what he can really do by flying solo within his quest for further ranks past [[Jedi Knight]]. With reaching [[Jedi Knight]] this means Master Kaira had succeed in her job to get a student to that far. With now the need for a master is no more, both Zeon and [[Kaira Rohana]] still wish to be around each other.

=== Being a Jedi Knight ===
==== The Student becomes A Master ====
Zeon Blacktooth spent a long time trying to get his leadership skills as best as he could. Zeon finished with a good rating overall on how to lead his fellow Jedi. Zeon was granted the rights to become a Master to his brother Zeus Blacktooth, to teach him the ways of the Force.

On his return to [[House]] [[Odan-Urr]], after a break for personal matters, Zeon was recruited to the Strike Team [[Ooroo]]. He was named Corporal then was made Seargent during the events of [[Fading Light]].

Zeon returned to late to [[New Tython]] as the events of the [[Eleventh Great Jedi War]] were over. Zeon was away re-connecting with the force, trying to find his centre. When a month had passed Zeon returned to [[New Tython]] to find [[House]] [[Odan-Urr]] had been changed from a [[House]] to a [[Clan]], and under new leadership. Zeon was housed in [[Satele Shan]],This was due to he is in the Battle-team [[Ooroo]], and already it seems to be a good match. Zeon seems to be getting in to a nice routine with what work needs to be completed.

== Physical Description ==
Zeon is the eldest of the two brothers. He has long brown hair. He has a full beard. A tiny scar sits above his right eye. His right arm is cybernetic, it is made up from his old R6 astromech droid. Zeon's build is roughly average and he can run really fast when the time calls for it.

=== The Dark Past Of Yavin ===
== Personality and traits ==
* Zeon is an easy going guy, he knows how to have a laugh, but also knows when things get serious he gets serious as well. 
* Zeon is a Good pilot and can outrun almost any fighter that tries to chase him.
* Zeon is known for his love of computers and tech and is often wants to be left alone when tinkering with his tech.

After the grim ending on Zelos, Zeon was left in a home where no one could hear him cry no one was left alive. Till a day later when things were quite a dark shadow appeared in the doorway of the blaster-ruined house. The Dark Figure walked across the room in to Zeon's bedroom where he laid asleep and hungry. The Dark figure didn’t know what was going to happen or how things was going to turn out, records show the dark showed made a log before moving onwards to do the rescue; this log said 'I don't know what to see when I get there, but a 2 year old child living from a whole garrison of Stromtropers is unlikely. The baby of Zeon was content with this dark figure; not a scream or cry just a look at him, then asleep. The dark figure picks Zeon up holds him in his arms and looks at him. On the arrive of Yavin, with Zeon in a container hold made as a bed, The dark figure sets down his ship in the docking bay and calls on a hologram communicator. He speaks about having the baby and he has landed the other voice tells him to bring the baby forward. After careful sensing and meditating over the baby all day, the dark master of the Sith on Yavin comes on a conclusion, he speaks to the dark figure, "did you feel this boys power, even at this age he is powerful." The ark figure nods "thank you master." says the dark figure. 3 years passed, learning how hold a Lightsaber, Zeon started to his training at 5. Zeon had learnt the force. This training took 15 years to do, once Zeon finished, his master gave him a task wish he could not do which was a 1 on 1 fight with his master but Zeon fled of the planet by stealing a shuttle and flying off Yavin.
== Trivia ==
* Even though he had a slow start, Zeon ranked up at a good pace his eyes. From starting to [[Novice]] to [[Apprentice]] was good as he was learning the ropes and this was a hard thing, the next advancement saw Zeon get the title of [[Proselyte]], with this rank Zeon started to feel the powers of the [[Sith]] but the frustration as he couldn't go on mission within the [[Ninth Great Jedi War]]. After a lot of hard work Zeon ranked to [[Protector]] and earning his lightsaber. Zeon is currently working towards his next advancement, and he got it after a year. Zeon worked very hard on this and nearly didn't make it, but armed with his new force powers and his [[warbanner]], Blacktooth sailed through the rank of [[Jedi Hunter]], but the time was the killer. As he had to wait for over a month and a half he started to drift away from the Brotherhood very slightly. Still keeping in touch with his master, Zeon had been ranked up to the rank of [[Jedi Knight]] without even knowing it. He had did the ultimate goal.
* In the time on Tatooine, Zeon became a race legend in pod racing. he was the fastest and best skilled racer on the track; until a fatal crash that cost Zeon to end pod racing as his crashed nearly killed him., so when his left arm hurts it is because he damaged it in the crash.
=== Finding The Truth Of Home ===
After Learning how to fly a space freighter, Zeon and a companion, that records have no name for, flew away from the home of the Sith on planet Yavin. Excitement and worry filled the cockpit of this new ship of Zeon's, getting fond of it, the two decided to name it something. After reaching a white planet they both liked the look of; a name still hadn't popped in their heads. Agreeing they would think about it later was a good idea. Touching down after gaining a landing spot Zeon said I go and you can look after the ship; his companion nodded. Walking around this strange planet’s market. Walking around something strange had been eating at Zeon's mind. Shrugging it off seemed to do a trick till he reached an old broken part of town. Walking round slowly Zeon felt no one living here, 'luckily' he thought as he left his blaster in the ship. As soon as Zeon was about to turn round the strange tingling feeling came back in his head. The feeling was pulling him to this ruined house. Walking around a sense of familiarly over powered him, falling to his knees crying and shouting to the sky. He knew who lived here, his parents. Anger built in side him, he was lied to by the people that brought him up, noticing there was another room Zeon got up and walked in the next room looking around the dark room noticing that a baby lived here, noticing a symbol on the blanket that was his. The urge to go in the parent’s room was very strong like something was pushing him to go in there. On entry was only a bed and a box with the same symbol on it. After breaking the box Zeon found a key 'a key to what?' he thought, then it hit him the was a cupboard in the first from, opening the doors by turning the key inside Zeon found him looking at a Sniper Rifle and a helmet and a jacket he recognised in his studies on Yavin, it all made sense his parents were rebels in the Galactic War. Zeon took the gun reloaded it and left the helmet. [[image:father_gun.jpg|thumb|right|300 px]] Running back to the ship, a sudden rush of air hit Zeon clean on it was like had taken off. Getting back up Zeon noticed a Star freight looking like his ship was being chased by what looked like a Tie Fighter. It was his ship. Zeon look in horror as the he like was being hit by fire from a tie fighter and with one hit the beloved ship he had just from a little while exploded in the sky and sensing the screams of his companion guessing his friend went as well. Looking around making sure he wasn't next Zeon cocked the gun and slowly made his way to the ship hanger going to do a sweep of the town said the Capitan in his red and white armour the other nodded and stayed with the ship. The Captain looked like he was looking for something closer and closer he got to the Blacktooth house. Maybe he knew something about the attack. Jumping on the back of his old home and through the hole in the roof, Zeon landed behind the Capitan without a sound. Zeon drew his father’s gun out and smacked the back of the troopers’ head, with a thud the captain was out cold. Tying up the Capitan with him slowly coming round, Zeon sat opposite him, the captain didn't speak, Zeon asked him if he was looking for him or was he looking for his father’s weapon; The captain’s eyes could be seen through his helmet , Zeon took of his gun and cocked the gun to the captains head. The Capitan looked at Zeon and shock his head thinking Zeon wouldn’t pull the trigger, after a split second Zeon pulled the trigger, a blast fills the room with blood spatter all over the wall. Taking all the armour off the dead captain was a little tricky but once Zeon had it off, he cleaned all the Pieces that had blood over it. With a nice fit the captain laid lifeless on the Blacktooth floor with a new looking Zeon Blacktooth in armour. Walking back to the street Zeon placed the helmet on and spoke his voice was different, the helmets have a voice changer built in them. So confidently walking back to the ship Troopers were standing by waiting for their Capitan, once Zeon got near the imperial shuttle Zeon told the Troopers to stay as Zeon knew they will follow orders. After getting to grips with the ship Zeon flew away from his old home planet.
=== The New Home and life ===
Having swarm an oath to the dark side, Zeon Blacktooth After what happened on Zelos II on finding the truth he could not decide on where he wanted to go, his path was very un-clear to him; he settled down on Tatooine for a few years. One day on Tatooine, sitting outside of the famous Cantina in Mos Eisley, sat a chilled and comfortable Zeon; Drinking his Jay juice and enjoying the heat.  A dark figure with a hood stood over Zeon ask the person to move but the dark figure didn’t move it just stood there.  Looking who it was, Zeon watched an arm on the figure go in the position of where Zeon was, suddenly with a rush of air Zeon was whipped off his feet by serge of roaring wind, which sent him in to the cantina outside wall, breaking the wall a little bit. As Zeon was slumped on the floor after a tree just basically hit him the dark figure walk towards him. Helping Zeon to the chair he was sitting on the figure took down his hood. Zeon in a voice of worry and fear asked on who he was. The face of the dark figure was a white head with black tribal tattoos all around his face leading to his body; also on top were these sharp pointed horns. When the Figure spoke the voice of a harsh tone more demonic filled the air. The person spoke saying his name was Cethgus Kuga and he has been watching Zeon. Staring in to space still feeling the effects of Cethgus’ force push, Cethgus says to him that he wants Zeon to join in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, As he has a gift. After looking around for a few moments, Zeon finally says yes, he looks at Cethgus, the dream of having a home seems so unreal to him, and he nods in excitement. After picking up some stuff including his father's Sniper rifle, from a little broken crack in a wall of a house, next to the crake appeared to be a blanket, which looked like some was living in the blanket. Cethgus looks at it all and says to Zeon After entering the space port there was a shuttle with  ‘shuttle for the Brotherhood’ Sitting down in the set next to the seat Cethgus sat on turning everything on Cethgus told him what planet was which without looking at Zeon. With this Zeon felt at last that he was finally home.
== Dark Jedi Brotherhood Facts ==
=== The Great War ===
[[image:Me_in_Sith_robes.jpg|thumb|right|175 px]]
Having met Cethgus Kuga, Zeon had to make friends with new people, people like him. People tat was all different race and size. Walking to the temple of the brotherhood found him self look to Cethgus, awaiting instructions to walk in some room, but when entering the halls of the brotherhood temple the was no door, no lift to take both of them to another room. Zeon turned to Cethgus "so? Where now master?" asked Zeon puzzled with this strange hall. "We wait,” said Cethgus in his demonic voice but with a hint of calmness. Zeon nodded and sat down, after ten minutes or so a wall opened up revealing a stand with a book placed on top, Cethgus said to Zeon "go to the book and read it" Zeon went he noticed he had to answer things and write them down on the piece of paper next to the book when Zeon finished, Cethgus picked up the paper he looked at Zeon and smiled, "passed" shouted Cethgus and the floor with the book started to shack and move downwards; it was a lift. Moving down Zeon noticed light was starting to fill the lift shaft Touching to the ground Cethgus lead the way followed by Zeon in to another hall filled with loads of people; as Zeon stops to look around Cethgus gets up on too a stage and says "welcome everyone, welcome to the home of Clan Plagueis. This will be your home to all; from now you will receive a personal question answerer, they will answer your questions as much as they can. They will also give you guidelines on how to rank up to protector, so then you can get your own lightsaber and a master." The whole room in understood, even Zeon for about five minutes. When everyone started to disappear, Cethgus can over to Zeon and said, "Walk with me." Walking around the Brotherhoods grounds, looking at the many people in robes and some doing training exercise, Zeon became overwhelmed by the sudden change in surroundings, for three years he lived on Tatooine and seeing all the green grass and tall buildings and the very tall tower, Zeon felt like saying something but words escaped him. "Zeon, do you still want to be here?" asked Cethgus "there will have to be a lot of work that needs to be done and I know you can do it." After Cethgus showed Zeon where his room and office is, he took Zeon to where Zeon will be sleeping and living. On entering the room Cethgus patted Zeon on the back and walked off; leaving Zeon on his own. Having a scout around his new room Zeon found a cupboard; similar to the one his father's gun was hidden in on Zelos II. On opening the doors to the cupboard, Zeon Found a load of clothes and Robes on all different types, after trying them on Zeon picked the one he liked best and put the rest away.
=== At Home ===
After many months pasted, with Zeon ranking up a few times, reaching Acolyte, The call was made there was going to a war a great Jedi War. Having never fought in a war, Zeon became confused on what to do, he seek out for the help and wisdom of Cethgus but he could not be reached due to being away on duty, fighting in the war. After a week sitting in the Brotherhood library; news of the war becoming longer grew in rumours around the campus, while reading a book on Lightsaber Basics; wishing he had one instead of the training lightsaber he was awarded; Something was creeping up from behind him, Zeon could feel a presence on someone, and with a foot step nearer Zeon new who it was "hello Inarya!" Shouted Zeon. "Dam it" laughed Inarya; Inarya was a young 19 year old half breed of a Human and a Farghul, she has white hair and beautiful Magenta eyes, her slim figure makes her move fast and quick, but not quick for Zeon. Inarya jumped in the air and landed on a chair in front of Zeon and asked "What you reading?" with a blank expression Zeon Said "a book about lightsabers, that you should read Inarya, lightsabers like yours!" while he said the last part he held up a lightsaber, and Inarya's eyes widened, "That's mine!" screamed Inarya trying to grab it, in the end she used her tail and got it; Zeon was laughing then with that Inarya hugged him, "your so funny" said Inarya with a smile, sitting back down. Inarya looked at Zeon and she could see the sadness in his face, she says "you will get one I promise." a Smile appears on Zeon's face. Looking at his book, Zeon smiled still, as he put it down he looked at her. "So? When Cethgus coming back to do his paper work?" Inarya said, " I have no idea, soon I hope." Zeon sighs. "Okay, I’m going to my room, see you later." he waves to Inarya and walks out of the library and out the hall.
=== Home Again ===
After earning Ranks of Novice and Apprentice, Zeon had a slow and bad start to the Brotherhood, many of the Dark Jedi were on missions as their rank was higher, even Inarya was away on a mission. With no help Zeon walked back in to the halls of the great hall of the Dark Tower. sitting down to eat something that he picked up from the front of the hall, a voice shouted Zeon's name. It was Viv, a high ranked member of the brotherhood. sitting down next to Zeon, Viv spoke of a mini mission he needed done, a letter had to go to Cethgus, who was in the building at the time. Also Cethgus wants to see you whispered Viv. after finishing off the little food Zeon had and walking to the Roll Masters office Cethgus was waiting for Zeon. Zeon and Cethgus spoke for an hour, as Zeon became a Acolyte that day Cethgus told Zeon that if he ranked up one more time Cethgus would find him a master.
=== Zeon's Master and the Long awaited Lightsaber ===
After walking around the Halls of the great library, Zeon completed a few more tests, and competed in a few competitions, earning him the rank of protector. Walking to the Great hall a voice was heard again, calling him. this time it was someone new. Master Kaira Rohana was waving at him. He walked over after a few minutes talking she said to look out of a master as Cethgus would take a long time to find one. With this knowledge Zeon walked to the roll masters office again and sat down to wait for Cethgus. after 15 minutes Cethgus showed up. Cethgus asked if there was anyone he wanted for a master and Zeon replied with a yes.
While waiting in the lobby of the tall dark tower a lift came down on which Zeon walked in too. once the lift went up the lift went dark as it hit the room it needed to, all was in this room was one light and a hooded figure standing in the centre looking to the floor. Zeon got closer, with this the whole room lit up with different colours of lightsabers. Zeon's head was going every where what was going on. the hooded figure took of the clock and spoke to Zeon it was Kaira, she said that Zeon was her student and she will rank him high. with the ending of tat a lightsaber floated in front of Zeon and he grabbed it. Pressing the button a red blade shot out of the handle. "Welcome to the ranks of having a lightsaber Zeon Blacktooth!" shouted Kaira "You have earned it, I hope it will bring you peace to you and a quick end to your enemies."

=== Training On Morroth ===
{{Succession box
After chilling on at the Dark tower temple, Zeon and the rest of the brotherhood were still in a slow pace and rest mode after the great war. master Kaira flew in on a ship from Griffon Prison,on scaring Zeon, as he was meditating she spoke to him of a mission, one he would like. she said to pack his things as they were off. after leaving Zeon's home planet, with Zeon at the controls for the first time since escaping Zelos. After an hour or so Zeon landed the shuttle and told Kaira that he wanted to do this on his own as he felt he could do it. not due to the fact Kaira didn't want to do this as she wanted to go back to Kapsina to see Koga. after Kaira took off Zeon built his tent and laid in side it for a day to get use to the sudden coldness. On Day two of the training Zeon woke up to see the native creatures of the planet to see what had landed on their planet. Zeon tried to talk to them in any way he could and found  a way of drawing pictures to say things. this made a bond between them both. On day three Zeon had a dream of a temple of the old jedi. on finding the natives village they showed him the way to a temple. it was the same one in the dream. Getting closer to the temple pirates were felt and heard. after trying to sneak Zeon was caught, he had to fight though the pirates after killing half of the pirates, Zeon started to get tired one smacked him in the mouth and nose and took his sabre away from him. at this point Zeon was in a anger rage, after killing two pirates in a really most painfullest way possible. On holding another with a push and a pull of the force that pirate could not move, but behind Zeon the one that had the sabre swung at Zeon cutting off his right arm by the elbow joint. Crying in pain Zeon fell to the ground with the two remaining pirates standing by him. putting his hand up and forcing the ceiling, it fell on the pirates crushing them to death, and with that Zeon blacked out. Not much is known after this but Zeon was found by the creatures and carried out of the temple and healed as best in the huts of the creatures. on day four when Kaira and Koga were on the way to see if Zeon was ok they felt a small but dying reading in the force. Records show that Zeon walked from the camp to his but dropped in the snow making him cold and hard to read. but after hours of looking Zeon was found and was taken home. This training had taught him a very good lesson, but cost him his right arm.
|title=Battleteam Sergeant of [[Ooroo|Strike-Team Ooroo]]
|years=[[30 ABY to 39 ABY|38 ABY]] - Present
=== The New Arm ===
|before=[[Seridan Brehevik ]]
== Positions Held ==
Promotion to Apprentice did not take Zeon long to learn the ropes and with in a sort time he was promoted Promotion to Novice Having learnt lessons and teaching in a small degree by Cethgus Kuga Zeon ranked up again Promotion to Acolyte With the help, Cethgus grew fond of Zeon and submitted a promotion as Zeon completed what Cethgus gave him Promotion to Protector On learning again on how to run in competitions, Zeon was again ranked up and given skills and powers and a lightsaber of his very own.
== Outstanding Achievements ==
Zeon has done well in ranking up and is very happy with all the test he has done, with his speech; spelling and grammar problem; Zeon has done very well to reach the ranks he has with little help.
== Trivia ==
In the time on Tatooine, Zeon became a race legend in pod racing. he was the fastest and best skilled racer on the track; until a fatal crash that cost Zeon to end pod racing as his crashed nearly killed him., so when his left arm hurts it is because he damaged it in the crash.

[[Category:DJB Characters]]
[[Category:Odan-Urr members]]
[[Category:Clan Plagueis]]

Latest revision as of 15:48, 29 July 2024

Zeon Blacktooth
Biographical Information

Zelos II

Date of Birth:


Date of Death:


Physical Description













Right Arm (Made from a R6 Droid)

Personal Information
  • Dark Jedi
Lightsaber Color(s):
  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • White
Lightsaber Form(s):
  • Banlanth
  • Shii-Cho
Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information
  • Saber Maker
  • Pod Racing
  • Saber Practise

Jedi Knight


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

Personal Ship:
  • Rouge Laser MK I [Destroyed]
  • Rouge Laser MK II
Known masters:

Kaira Rohana

Known apprentices:

Zeus Blacktooth



[ Source ]

Zeon Blacktooth is a Jedi Knight of Satele Shan of Clan Odan-Urr. He has a born talent for lightsaber combat, making lightsabers, piloting, flying and racing. Zeon is also at the rank of Sergeant within the Battle Strike-team of Ooroo.


The Blacktooth Family

The Blacktooth Family was like any other family after the Battle of Yavin and the the fall of the Empire. Zeon's father, Xeon was a Jedi rasied by the old Jedi ways. Xeon went in to hiding after Order 66. Zeon's mother, Jen was a daughter of a miner on the planet Zelos II. Xeon had to go to Zelos for a mission to check if the mining planet was safe from the left over pieces of the Empire. The two met, feel in love, and moved in together in Jen's home.

After a year they got married and had a baby boy, named Zeon. After a few months Xeon retired from the Jedi Order to protect his family. The Empire had learned that a Jedi was living on Zelos II so they invaded the planet killing all who got in there way. When they came across to the Blacktooth house, the Empire came barging in, before Xeon could dig out his old lightsaber from its resting place he was shot several times. Jen was also shot and fell to the floor. As the Commander of the unit advanced to Zeon, the Commander was raised up into the air and then thrown back with such force it had killed the troopers and the Commander instantly.

After a few days baby Zeon was found by a hooded figure and was taken from the planet. For years his new home was Korriban where he was being trained up to become a Sith. When Zeon became age enough he managed to escape Korriban, flying in a shuttle to where ever he felt like he wanted to go to.

Being a Journeyman

The Beginnings of a Sith

Zeon was found by Cethgus Kugaon the planet Tatooine. He was brought to the planet Kapsina the home of Clan Plagueis. Zeon was enrolled in to the ranks of the Sith, where after months of training he managed to require a master to help him train. Her name was Kaira Rohana. With his new master's help, Zeon managed to get to a rank where he was given a Lightsaber. With this new rank there had to be a mission. Kaira Rohana managed to set up a training mission for Zeon. Zeon's mission was to go to the planet of Morroth, where he must survive fourteen days on his own. After days Zeon had managed to come across pirates. As he engaged them Zeon lost his lightsaber to one of the pirates and had his arm chopped off by with it. He was later found in the snow by locals who patched him up until his Master returned.

The new arm and R6

Zeon's cybernetic arm

After what happened on Morroth, Zeon managed to find a doctor on Kaspina to make him a robotic arm. While doing small tasks for the Clan, Zeon entered the planet Tarnis. His starfighter was in a bad way. As it began to burn with fire on the wings it exploded R6 his Astromech droid. With the force of entering the atmosphere. Zeon managed to stop him self just in time before hitting the ground, then passed out. When he awoke he found him in a bacta tank hooked up to several tubes amongst his body. A robotic mender found Zeon and his burnt out ship and made a new robot arm out of it. Pieces of his R6 was used to fix R6 to Zeon's arm. It took Zeon a while to recover from this, so he stayed on Tarnis until he managed to barter passage off back to Kaspina.

In with the good, Out with the bad

Zeon didn’t feel right within Clan Plagueis after his return, something had changed with-in him. After transferring to House Odan-Urr, Zeon started to feel a lot better on New Tython. Days passed as Zeon wondered around the new planet and had saw the one person who he had thought he would never see, his old master, Kaira Rohana. They talked for hours on end, about many things from the past and plans of their future. A week went by and Zeon had been made Kaira Rohana's student once again. With this new change with in Zeon, he had advanced to Jedi Hunter. While studying in the Jedi Library, Zeon had felt his master watching him from around the corner, but this wasn't the issue any more as Zeon had felt another Jedi who he had not felt in years. Standing in the opposite doorway to Kaira Rohana was Zeon’s lost Brother, Zeus Blacktooth. Kaira was stunned to see this. Zeon and Zeus talked as they had a lot of catching up to do.

The Finishing of a Long Road and the Start of a New One

Zeon's Lightsaber

With his succession of becoming a Jedi Hunter, Zeon carried on his quest of being a journeyman to reach the next rank, Jedi Knight. He studied hard, listened to his Master and joined in in any activity that his Master had told him to do. Zeon and his master were ticking off his work that he spent so long doing. Kaira Rohana looked white and rushed off somewhere, Zeon didn't think anything of it and went to bed. The next day he found a message from his master saying Congratulations to him. Zeon was puzzled by this and as he stepped outside of his living quarters Ji was standing in front of him holding a scroll. Ji handed the scroll to him and found out that he had ranked up to Jedi Knight. He was allowed a new Lightsaber and a whole new selection of Robes, Zeon felt so much more relaxed and confident within the brotherhood then he had ever been before.

Zeon has been given the chance to show what he can really do by flying solo within his quest for further ranks past Jedi Knight. With reaching Jedi Knight this means Master Kaira had succeed in her job to get a student to that far. With now the need for a master is no more, both Zeon and Kaira Rohana still wish to be around each other.

Being a Jedi Knight

The Student becomes A Master

Zeon Blacktooth spent a long time trying to get his leadership skills as best as he could. Zeon finished with a good rating overall on how to lead his fellow Jedi. Zeon was granted the rights to become a Master to his brother Zeus Blacktooth, to teach him the ways of the Force.

On his return to House Odan-Urr, after a break for personal matters, Zeon was recruited to the Strike Team Ooroo. He was named Corporal then was made Seargent during the events of Fading Light.

Zeon returned to late to New Tython as the events of the Eleventh Great Jedi War were over. Zeon was away re-connecting with the force, trying to find his centre. When a month had passed Zeon returned to New Tython to find House Odan-Urr had been changed from a House to a Clan, and under new leadership. Zeon was housed in Satele Shan,This was due to he is in the Battle-team Ooroo, and already it seems to be a good match. Zeon seems to be getting in to a nice routine with what work needs to be completed.

Physical Description

Zeon is the eldest of the two brothers. He has long brown hair. He has a full beard. A tiny scar sits above his right eye. His right arm is cybernetic, it is made up from his old R6 astromech droid. Zeon's build is roughly average and he can run really fast when the time calls for it.

Personality and traits

  • Zeon is an easy going guy, he knows how to have a laugh, but also knows when things get serious he gets serious as well.
  • Zeon is a Good pilot and can outrun almost any fighter that tries to chase him.
  • Zeon is known for his love of computers and tech and is often wants to be left alone when tinkering with his tech.


  • Even though he had a slow start, Zeon ranked up at a good pace his eyes. From starting to Novice to Apprentice was good as he was learning the ropes and this was a hard thing, the next advancement saw Zeon get the title of Proselyte, with this rank Zeon started to feel the powers of the Sith but the frustration as he couldn't go on mission within the Ninth Great Jedi War. After a lot of hard work Zeon ranked to Protector and earning his lightsaber. Zeon is currently working towards his next advancement, and he got it after a year. Zeon worked very hard on this and nearly didn't make it, but armed with his new force powers and his warbanner, Blacktooth sailed through the rank of Jedi Hunter, but the time was the killer. As he had to wait for over a month and a half he started to drift away from the Brotherhood very slightly. Still keeping in touch with his master, Zeon had been ranked up to the rank of Jedi Knight without even knowing it. He had did the ultimate goal.
  • In the time on Tatooine, Zeon became a race legend in pod racing. he was the fastest and best skilled racer on the track; until a fatal crash that cost Zeon to end pod racing as his crashed nearly killed him., so when his left arm hurts it is because he damaged it in the crash.

Positions Held
Before Position After
Seridan Brehevik Battleteam Sergeant of Strike-Team Ooroo
38 ABY - Present