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| [[category: Planets]] | | {{revise|Dark Council}} |
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| | {{Planet |
| | |image=[[File:Antei.jpg|250px]] |
| | |name=Antei |
| | |system=[[Antei System]] |
| | |suns=[[Antares]], [[Ante]] |
| | |moons=[[Atrophos]], [[Lyspair]] |
| | |lengthyear=365 [[starwars:standard_days|standard days]] |
| | |climate=Arid |
| | |gravity=1.19G |
| | |terrain=Moutainous, Barren |
| | |species=[[starwars:Sith_(species)|Sith]], [[starwars:Human|Human]] |
| | |population=3,100,000 |
| | |imports=Foodstuffs |
| | |exports=[[starwars:Cortosis|Cortosis]], [[starwars:Electrum|Electrum]] |
| | |affiliation=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]] |
| | }} |
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| | '''Antei''' was the home planet of the [[Dark Brotherhood]] and the [[Dark Council]]. It also served as the location of the [[Dark Hall]]. It was devastated in [[30 ABY to 39 ABY|32 ABY]] by [[Muz Ashen]] in what later became known as the [[Eleventh Great Jedi War]]. |
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| | == History == |
| | Ten thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, Antei was a fertile world of jungle flora and sweeping grasslands. The planet was divided into two major continents separated by vast oceans. A sentient near-Human species developed pre-hyperspace technology and formed settlements on both the northern and southern continents. These near-Humans based their society on religion, worshiping their gods from temples scattered across the planet. |
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| | In 5050 BBY the Sith Warlord Okemi and his followers discovered the temples of Antei and crushed the near Human species subjugating them into a society of slaves. Okemi created the Theocracy of Darkness and placed himself as the God-King of Antei. Based on the designs and architecture of [[starwars:Korriban|Korriban]] and [[starwars:Ziost|Ziost]], Okemi used his slaves to expand upon their temples creating massive structures that focused the Dark Side of the Force. |
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| | In 2950 BBY the cataclysmal destruction of the Star Chamber resulted in climatic changes that turned the lush jungles and grasslands of Antei into desert wastelands. The once proud and technologically advanced followers of Okemi were forced into nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers. These nomadic tribes fled the desolation and ruins of Antei’s great temples and sought out the few remaining fertile regions on the planet’s northern continent. It was there that Okemi’s followers would remain for thousands of years. This was a time of intellectual and technological stagnation. The technology the tribes did possess was a result of mishap; ships would occasionally find their way into the system and stay unable to escape. Thus, when the Brotherhood found Antei, there were some marks of technological advancement, but it was inferior to the Brotherhood’s own. |
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| | Eighteen years after the Battle of Yavin the Dark Jedi Brotherhood rediscovered Antei and the great ruins of Okemi’s dynasty. Under the guidance of [[Grand Master]] [[Firefox]] and then [[Jac Cotelin]], the rebuilding of this once great planet has begun with the creation of the Dark Hall and the legendary Star Chamber. For the better part of six years, the Brotherhood lived in isolation, developing its forces, building its infrastructure and working politically to gain control of Antei. In 20 ABY, the Brotherhood violently moved for control of the sunside. Two years later, the remnants of Okemi’s followers capitulated to the Dark Brotherhood, uniting Antei for the first time in 2,000 years. |
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| | The Brotherhood's control over Antei did no go uncontested. In 21 ABY, a mysterious race of Force-devoid aliens successfully captured the planet, holding it until they were defeated by the former Jedi [[Omancor Crask]]. In 24 ABY, the Brotherhood reclaimed their home planet. |
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| | After holding off an attack from former Grand Master [[Zoraan]], the Brotherhood were forced to abandon Antei once and for all after [[Muz Ashen]]'s Rite of Obscuration devastated the planet. |
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| | == Geography == |
| | === Narmar (Sunside) === |
| | Dominating the northern hemisphere of Antei is the continent of Narmar. The eastern region of Namar known as Zigara is the last fertile land left on Antei. It is here in the rich, fertile soil that the descendants of Okemi were forced to live after the destruction of the Star Chamber. |
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| | The western region of Namar houses two ancient temples built during the The Triumvirate period. Under the direction of [[Grand Master]] [[Firefox]] and [[Jac Cotelin|Grand Master Cotelin]], these temples have been turned over to the [[Sith]] and [[Krath]] Orders of the Dark Brotherhood. |
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| | The center of Narmar is a mountainous region known only as the Death Lands. The Dark Brotherhood built a prison facility in this region that no known sentient has ever returned from. Rumors exist stating the prison doubles as a facility of dark alchemical projects where [[Elders]] of the Brotherhood perfect ancient techniques of mutilation on prisoners. |
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| | Narmar is often referred to as the Sunside of Antei because it is not trapped under the cloak of ionized storms that plague southern Antei. |
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| | === Adas (Shadow Lands) === |
| | The southern continent of Antei is named in honor of the ancient Sith King Adas who drove away the [[starwars:Infinite_Empire|Infinite Empire]] at the cost of his own life. Known as the Shadowlands, this region of Antei is trapped under a perpetual darkness created by ionized storms resulting from the Destruction of the Star Chamber. |
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| | Adas is the home of the Dark Hall of the Brotherhood. The Dark Hall is a massive complex that serves as the Headquarters and the seat of power of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Built on the foundation of Okemi’s personal temple, the Dark Hall radiates the Dark Side of the Force. It is here that the [[Grand Master]] and the [[Dark Council]] hold sway over the Brotherhood. |
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| | Located far to the south of the Dark Hall on the desolate plains of Adas is the Temple of Boyna. This structure was discovered by [[Dark Jedi Master]] Spears and was later claimed by the [[Obelisk]] Order. Since 18 ABY it has served as the Obelisk Command Center and as a training facility for lightsaber combat. |
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| | Unlike Narmar, Adas is barren of fertile land. Because of this, the Dark Brotherhood is reliant on other planets within the system to generate consumables. Adas is rich in mineral resources and has been excavated by the Dark Brotherhood’s industrial complex. Abundant supplies of cortosis and electrum deposits have been discovered in the Horeau region on the southern tip of the continent. |
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| | === Du'San Boundary === |
| | The Du’san Boundary is located between the continent of Adas and Narmar. It marks the meeting location of the shadow side of Antei and the light side. This narrow strip of mountainous wasteland is only passable through one narrow canyon called the Jadan Pass. In 20 ABY Grand Master Jac Cotelin formally authorized the opening of the Du’san Boundary as the Barony of Elder [[Trevarus Caerick]], and ushered in an era of Dark Brotherhood expansion across Antei. |
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| | == Landmarks == |
| | === The Temple Bellseph === |
| | Prior to the arrival of Okemi in 5050 BBY, Bellseph was an important settlement and cortosis mining center on Antei. By the Triumvirate period the site had developed into a mighty fortress and temple complex showing the distinctive markings of Sith architecture. Okemi’s slave workforce created a protective cortosis wall around the complex measuring eleven meters in height and five meters in width. The inner trappings of the complex contained barracks, administrative and residential buildings, slave quarters, and a string of five small temples surrounding the massive central temple Bellseph. |
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| | In 2950 BBY the Temple Bellseph was laid to ruin by the destruction of the Star Chamber and remained in that state until it was rediscovered by the Dark Brotherhood in 20 ABY. Under the guidance of the [[Sith High Warrior]], the Sith Order rebuilt the temple as a modern version of what it was 3,000 years ago. The garrison is now populated by Sith [[Journeyman]], while the residential quarters house their Sith Masters. The five subordinate temples contain training areas, Archives, communication centers, alchemical laboratories, and quarters for Sith Elders. The central Temple Bellseph stands as a monument to the Sith Order rising from a square base into polished black stone temple. At ground level the Temple serves as a launch bay and hangar for star fighters. [[Equite|Equites]] man two squadrons at all times ready to launch on a moment’s notice. The second level holds an operations center and war room. It is from this location that Sith Elders plan the future of the order. The third level is one that is held in secret fascination by the Sith Order as a whole. Only those who have obtained the rank of Dark Jedi Master or above may enter this level. Rumors persist that it is an archive dating back to the knowledge of Okemi and his Sith followers. The fourth and upper level is a focusing chamber. From this location Sith Masters contemplate the Dark Side and the swirling futures before them. |
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| | === The Temple Tiamat === |
| | [[File:AnteiGround.jpg|thumb|300px|right|Map of Antei]]In 3945 BBY the Sorceress Tiamat swept down on western Narmar with the power of the heavens. Worshiped as a goddess and queen, Tiamat erected a palace where the Dark Side could focus her powers into rituals of power unheard of. It was here that she first dabbled with rituals designed to harness the power of Stars. Unlike Okemi, Tiamat built no quarters for slaves, soldiers, or advisors. Her temple was one of solitary power. Erected out of the purest electrum, the Temple Tiamat glitters gold and silver in the light of Antares. |
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| | The Dark Brotherhood learned of the destruction of Antei and gathered evidence it was the result of a failed ritual by Tiamat. In 20 ABY The [[Krath High Priestess]] sought out the source of this destruction and rediscovered the Temple of Tiamat. It is here that she brought her faithful and designed a repository of Dark Side knowledge. |
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| | Scholarly and insular, the Krath are the most mistrusted of the three Orders. Their foundations are rife with betrayal. It is thus why the contents and workings of the Temple Tiamat remain a secret to all but those who are in the Krath Order. |
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| | === Codei Prison === |
| | Unlike the majority of Dark Brotherhood structures on Antei, Codei prison is a new structure. Located on and powered by the geothermal energies of the volcano Ashfire, Codei is an inescapable hell for those who are imprisoned there. Repulsor field generators protect Codei from the frequent volcanic eruptions and tremors spawned from Ashfire. |
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| | Grand Master Cotelin had the prison built in 21 ABY to imprison persons for crimes against the Dark Brotherhood. Alchemical scientists were granted access to the facility to conduct experiments on the prisoners in the year 21 ABY and have reported great progress in the field of genetic mutation. |
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| | The facility is off limits to all but the Obelisk Guards who protect it and the esteemed [[Dark Maven|Dark Mavens]] of the Brotherhood. |
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| | === Triumvirate Library === |
| | Krath Order archaeological excavations in the south of Adas uncovered an ancient archway, buried beneath eons-worth of earth and debris. A steep staircase descended from the archway ninety-one meters under the surface of Antei and entered a vast chamber. Capped by a dome ceiling, the main chamber consisted of four rows of mammoth book cases, four meters high, and numbered seven per row. Several of the book cases had toppled over spilling books, scrolls, and artifacts onto the floor. Led by the Krath High Priest and the [[Headmaster]] of the [[Shadow Academy]], the contents of this location were removed and placed in the Dark Hall Archives. It is said that several secret passages were discovered while cleaning out the Triumvirate Library and that it may yet hold more secrets. |
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| | === The Temple Boyna === |
| | In four military campaigns Ferran the Assassin conquered rebellious natives in western Adas. To show his power Ferran enslaved the populations of this region and forced them to erect a temple in his honor. For fifty years, Ferran oversaw the creation of his obsidian temple and the protective defensive systems surrounding it. To honor the completion of the Temple Boyna, Ferran took the remaining leaders of rebellious populations and buried them alive in sarcophagi throughout the temple. |
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| | In 18 ABY when the Obelisk Order claimed the Temple Boyna as their own, the [[Obelisk High Commander]] had the interior of the temple turned into a monument of warfare. It is here that the Obelisk Order perfects the seven basic Forms of [[starwars:lightsaber_combat|lightsaber combat]], the art of war, and the training of all martial arts. At the base of the temple are several mobile artillery pieces, each mounted on rails, which allows for them to be rolled back behind durasteel doors inside the temple for protection. The infantry and armor units of the Obelisk are housed on the bottom floor of the massive structure. The second floor contains lightsaber and force power training centers. Screams and cries of terror are often heard on this floor as new [[Apprentice|apprentices]] fail to live up to their Obelisk Master’s standards. The third and fourth floors of the Temple Boyna contain the Obelisk Command Center. From this location the Obelisk Elders guide the War efforts of the Dark Brotherhood. |
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| | === Hall of Immortals === |
| | The [[Hall of Immortals]] is a magnificent structure located to the south of the Dark Hall, built into a cliff near the Du’San boundary. Designed by Dark Jedi Master Spears, the Hall of Immortals was created specifically to honor Dark Brotherhood members who have made everlasting contributions to the Brotherhood. The structure is preceded by a giant statue of Grand Master [[Justinian Khyron]] who holds an eternal flame. The inside of the hall is lined by similar statues that were carved from the stone of the cliff. These statues represent the members who are honored in the by entrance into the hall. |
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| | === The Tomb of Okemi === |
| | Discovered by happenstance, the Tomb of Okemi is the location of the final battle that saved the Brotherhood from enslavement in 19 ABY. The “Conscience” had taken its hold on the Brotherhood, resulting in a great and devastating war. Grand Master Firefox found the source of the consciousness was Okemi’s animated body that was housed within this gravesite. Firefox confronted and destroyed the Consciousness through a grand battle with the long-dead Sith Lord. |
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| | The tomb site itself was built by the followers of Okemi shortly after the construction of the Star Chamber. It was an underground chamber designed to admit only those powerful enough to stand in the presence of Okemi. As luck would have it, the chamber survived the [[Obscuration]] in pristine condition. |
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| | Excavations near the under-construction Dark Hall were ordered by [[Oracle]] [[Trevarus Caerick]] in 19 ABY. The diggers found the tomb five hundred meters south of the Dark Hall. Rumor says that upon excavation, the diggers released the consciousness itself and spread it like a disease throughout the Brotherhood. |
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| | === The Dark Hall === |
| | Since the creation of the Dark Brotherhood, the Dark Hall has been the center of power in the organization. Determined to create a structure that would dwarf the original Dark Hall on [[Eos]], Grand Master Firefox decided that the Great Temple of Okemi in central Adas would be the construction site of the new Dark Hall. In 18 ABY he commissioned the creation of the Dark Hall on Antei. |
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| | Construction on the ruins of Okemi’s great temple uncovered a series of catacombs and underground labyrinths. While originally intending to rebuild the Temple of Okemi as the Dark Hall, the Grand Master had a vision of the real Dark Hall burrowing its way under the great temple. The Grand Master would use the ancient Sith technique of deception and use Okemi’s Temple as a location for ceremonies and trivial functions while using the underground Dark Hall as the center of the Dark Brotherhood’s operations. |
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| | The Temple Okemi stood as a grand monument to the past. Rising four levels above the ground, the Great Temple of Okemi is an enormous ziggurat hiding the underground chambers and labyrinth of the Dark Hall. The first floor of the Great Temple of Okemi holds a security network protecting access to the Dark Hall below. A series of five turbo lifts are located in various locations specific to their security clearance. A sixth turbo lift lies hidden and serves the Grand Master alone. Occupying the second and third floors of the pyramid is a grand audience chamber in the opulent décor of the Sith Lords of Korriban. Garnished with grand tapestries of the Sith, Krath, and Obelisk order, the grand audience chamber is an imposing sight. The Grand Master sits upon his [[Iron Throne]] visiting with dignitaries and leaders from across the galaxy. The fourth level of the Great Temple of Okemi houses a network of [[starwars:SLD-26_planetary_shield_generators|SLD-26 planetary shield generators]]. |
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| | Located directly below the Temple of Okemi, the Dark Hall is invisible to the naked eye and to sensor sweeps. Hundreds of [[starwars:220-SIG_tactical_sensor_jamming_device|220-SIG tactical sensor jamming devices]] conceal any evidence that the Dark Hall exists and maintains the illusion that the Temple of Okemi is the seat of the Dark Brotherhood. |
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| | == Moons == |
| | === Lyspair === |
| | {{Main|[[Lyspair]]}} |
| | Perhaps one of the most significant locales within the dual-system of Antei and Antares, [[Lyspair]] is Antei’s most prominent moon and home to the Shadow Academy, the Brotherhood’s center of learning for all its members. It should be known that Lyspair is not a native moon to the Antei system, but is actually an unleashed satellite from one of the Antaran worlds in the violent merger during the Obscuration. Freed from its former orbit, Lyspair was caught in Antei’s gravity in the wake of the disaster. It has since stabilized to become the world’s primary moon and been brought into an elliptical orbit. |
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| | A Ruddy-brown in appearance, it is mostly desert textured with arid steppes. The planetoid possesses two seas encompassing some 17% of the moon’s surface. Steep cliffs run almost the entire border of these two bodies of water. It is at the edge of one of these remote cliffs that the Shadow Academy proper is found. |
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| | The Academy is essentially a rectangular structure with a tower placed at each corner. Within the walls of the facility rises a pyramidal structure centralized among the towers and nearly equaling their height. It is here the offices of administration are found among other work spaces and quarters. |
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| | Lyspair rotates through 48 standard-hour periods of light and darkness. The periods of darkness are characterized by moderate rains allowing for the growth of dry grasses throughout the wastes but supporting nothing more substantial. |
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| | The moon’s atmosphere is considered thin by Humanoid standards. Though it does not require the use of breath masks, it can be a fatiguing environment for newly arrived students not yet in the physical condition typical of a Brotherhood member. |
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| | === Atrophos === |
| | {{Main|[[Atrophos]]}} |
| | First in orbit around Antei, Atrophos is a small brown moon less than half the size of Lyspair. Often referred to as “The Ascendant Moon”, Atrophos was Antei’s only natural satellite until the arrival of Lyspair in the Obscuration. It has only trace atmosphere and requires the use of breath masks for most Humanoid species. Its surface is rocky and pocked with craters from meteor impacts. |
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| | Twice the diameter of Lyspair, Atrophos is home to several ongoing archaeological excavations including the Krath Orrery and a former palace of an unknown Grand Master. The Orrery is believed to be a repository for a library of starcharts noting the location of all known Sith relic worlds. The Grand Master to whom the palace belonged is a complete enigma at this time and work continues at the site. |
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| | Recently constructed by the Brotherhood, the Atrophos Martial Academy is found on the moon’s nightside. This is the primary training facility for the Brotherhood’s elite [[Grand Master's Royal Guard]]. Excavated from the rock itself, the Academy is almost entirely subterranean due to Atrophos’ forbidding climate. |
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| | The facility is often referred to by the Guard as “The Spike” due to its architectural aesthetic. The term accurately describes the structure that is predominantly beneath the surface. A small operations cupola breaches the surface in order to maintain reliable communications and to coordinate GMRG vessels arriving and departing the planet via the small pad atop the structure. |
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| | The remainder of the facility exists securely buried in the rock bed where it descends some 800 meters tapering to a point at its lowest level; hence the moniker “The Spike” as it would appear very similar in a cutaway diagram. |
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| | A centralized turbolift serves the eight primary levels which include a dormitory, dining facility, classrooms, training rooms, storage, and the legendary Crucible Training Seminary. Several other sub-levels exist but whose purposes are known only to those within the GMRG. |
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| | [[Category:Planets]] [[Category:Former Brotherhood territories]] |
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Antei was the home planet of the Dark Brotherhood and the Dark Council. It also served as the location of the Dark Hall. It was devastated in 32 ABY by Muz Ashen in what later became known as the Eleventh Great Jedi War.
Ten thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, Antei was a fertile world of jungle flora and sweeping grasslands. The planet was divided into two major continents separated by vast oceans. A sentient near-Human species developed pre-hyperspace technology and formed settlements on both the northern and southern continents. These near-Humans based their society on religion, worshiping their gods from temples scattered across the planet.
In 5050 BBY the Sith Warlord Okemi and his followers discovered the temples of Antei and crushed the near Human species subjugating them into a society of slaves. Okemi created the Theocracy of Darkness and placed himself as the God-King of Antei. Based on the designs and architecture of Korriban and Ziost, Okemi used his slaves to expand upon their temples creating massive structures that focused the Dark Side of the Force.
In 2950 BBY the cataclysmal destruction of the Star Chamber resulted in climatic changes that turned the lush jungles and grasslands of Antei into desert wastelands. The once proud and technologically advanced followers of Okemi were forced into nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers. These nomadic tribes fled the desolation and ruins of Antei’s great temples and sought out the few remaining fertile regions on the planet’s northern continent. It was there that Okemi’s followers would remain for thousands of years. This was a time of intellectual and technological stagnation. The technology the tribes did possess was a result of mishap; ships would occasionally find their way into the system and stay unable to escape. Thus, when the Brotherhood found Antei, there were some marks of technological advancement, but it was inferior to the Brotherhood’s own.
Eighteen years after the Battle of Yavin the Dark Jedi Brotherhood rediscovered Antei and the great ruins of Okemi’s dynasty. Under the guidance of Grand Master Firefox and then Jac Cotelin, the rebuilding of this once great planet has begun with the creation of the Dark Hall and the legendary Star Chamber. For the better part of six years, the Brotherhood lived in isolation, developing its forces, building its infrastructure and working politically to gain control of Antei. In 20 ABY, the Brotherhood violently moved for control of the sunside. Two years later, the remnants of Okemi’s followers capitulated to the Dark Brotherhood, uniting Antei for the first time in 2,000 years.
The Brotherhood's control over Antei did no go uncontested. In 21 ABY, a mysterious race of Force-devoid aliens successfully captured the planet, holding it until they were defeated by the former Jedi Omancor Crask. In 24 ABY, the Brotherhood reclaimed their home planet.
After holding off an attack from former Grand Master Zoraan, the Brotherhood were forced to abandon Antei once and for all after Muz Ashen's Rite of Obscuration devastated the planet.
Narmar (Sunside)
Dominating the northern hemisphere of Antei is the continent of Narmar. The eastern region of Namar known as Zigara is the last fertile land left on Antei. It is here in the rich, fertile soil that the descendants of Okemi were forced to live after the destruction of the Star Chamber.
The western region of Namar houses two ancient temples built during the The Triumvirate period. Under the direction of Grand Master Firefox and Grand Master Cotelin, these temples have been turned over to the Sith and Krath Orders of the Dark Brotherhood.
The center of Narmar is a mountainous region known only as the Death Lands. The Dark Brotherhood built a prison facility in this region that no known sentient has ever returned from. Rumors exist stating the prison doubles as a facility of dark alchemical projects where Elders of the Brotherhood perfect ancient techniques of mutilation on prisoners.
Narmar is often referred to as the Sunside of Antei because it is not trapped under the cloak of ionized storms that plague southern Antei.
Adas (Shadow Lands)
The southern continent of Antei is named in honor of the ancient Sith King Adas who drove away the Infinite Empire at the cost of his own life. Known as the Shadowlands, this region of Antei is trapped under a perpetual darkness created by ionized storms resulting from the Destruction of the Star Chamber.
Adas is the home of the Dark Hall of the Brotherhood. The Dark Hall is a massive complex that serves as the Headquarters and the seat of power of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Built on the foundation of Okemi’s personal temple, the Dark Hall radiates the Dark Side of the Force. It is here that the Grand Master and the Dark Council hold sway over the Brotherhood.
Located far to the south of the Dark Hall on the desolate plains of Adas is the Temple of Boyna. This structure was discovered by Dark Jedi Master Spears and was later claimed by the Obelisk Order. Since 18 ABY it has served as the Obelisk Command Center and as a training facility for lightsaber combat.
Unlike Narmar, Adas is barren of fertile land. Because of this, the Dark Brotherhood is reliant on other planets within the system to generate consumables. Adas is rich in mineral resources and has been excavated by the Dark Brotherhood’s industrial complex. Abundant supplies of cortosis and electrum deposits have been discovered in the Horeau region on the southern tip of the continent.
Du'San Boundary
The Du’san Boundary is located between the continent of Adas and Narmar. It marks the meeting location of the shadow side of Antei and the light side. This narrow strip of mountainous wasteland is only passable through one narrow canyon called the Jadan Pass. In 20 ABY Grand Master Jac Cotelin formally authorized the opening of the Du’san Boundary as the Barony of Elder Trevarus Caerick, and ushered in an era of Dark Brotherhood expansion across Antei.
The Temple Bellseph
Prior to the arrival of Okemi in 5050 BBY, Bellseph was an important settlement and cortosis mining center on Antei. By the Triumvirate period the site had developed into a mighty fortress and temple complex showing the distinctive markings of Sith architecture. Okemi’s slave workforce created a protective cortosis wall around the complex measuring eleven meters in height and five meters in width. The inner trappings of the complex contained barracks, administrative and residential buildings, slave quarters, and a string of five small temples surrounding the massive central temple Bellseph.
In 2950 BBY the Temple Bellseph was laid to ruin by the destruction of the Star Chamber and remained in that state until it was rediscovered by the Dark Brotherhood in 20 ABY. Under the guidance of the Sith High Warrior, the Sith Order rebuilt the temple as a modern version of what it was 3,000 years ago. The garrison is now populated by Sith Journeyman, while the residential quarters house their Sith Masters. The five subordinate temples contain training areas, Archives, communication centers, alchemical laboratories, and quarters for Sith Elders. The central Temple Bellseph stands as a monument to the Sith Order rising from a square base into polished black stone temple. At ground level the Temple serves as a launch bay and hangar for star fighters. Equites man two squadrons at all times ready to launch on a moment’s notice. The second level holds an operations center and war room. It is from this location that Sith Elders plan the future of the order. The third level is one that is held in secret fascination by the Sith Order as a whole. Only those who have obtained the rank of Dark Jedi Master or above may enter this level. Rumors persist that it is an archive dating back to the knowledge of Okemi and his Sith followers. The fourth and upper level is a focusing chamber. From this location Sith Masters contemplate the Dark Side and the swirling futures before them.
The Temple Tiamat
Map of AnteiIn 3945 BBY the Sorceress Tiamat swept down on western Narmar with the power of the heavens. Worshiped as a goddess and queen, Tiamat erected a palace where the Dark Side could focus her powers into rituals of power unheard of. It was here that she first dabbled with rituals designed to harness the power of Stars. Unlike Okemi, Tiamat built no quarters for slaves, soldiers, or advisors. Her temple was one of solitary power. Erected out of the purest electrum, the Temple Tiamat glitters gold and silver in the light of Antares.
The Dark Brotherhood learned of the destruction of Antei and gathered evidence it was the result of a failed ritual by Tiamat. In 20 ABY The Krath High Priestess sought out the source of this destruction and rediscovered the Temple of Tiamat. It is here that she brought her faithful and designed a repository of Dark Side knowledge.
Scholarly and insular, the Krath are the most mistrusted of the three Orders. Their foundations are rife with betrayal. It is thus why the contents and workings of the Temple Tiamat remain a secret to all but those who are in the Krath Order.
Codei Prison
Unlike the majority of Dark Brotherhood structures on Antei, Codei prison is a new structure. Located on and powered by the geothermal energies of the volcano Ashfire, Codei is an inescapable hell for those who are imprisoned there. Repulsor field generators protect Codei from the frequent volcanic eruptions and tremors spawned from Ashfire.
Grand Master Cotelin had the prison built in 21 ABY to imprison persons for crimes against the Dark Brotherhood. Alchemical scientists were granted access to the facility to conduct experiments on the prisoners in the year 21 ABY and have reported great progress in the field of genetic mutation.
The facility is off limits to all but the Obelisk Guards who protect it and the esteemed Dark Mavens of the Brotherhood.
Triumvirate Library
Krath Order archaeological excavations in the south of Adas uncovered an ancient archway, buried beneath eons-worth of earth and debris. A steep staircase descended from the archway ninety-one meters under the surface of Antei and entered a vast chamber. Capped by a dome ceiling, the main chamber consisted of four rows of mammoth book cases, four meters high, and numbered seven per row. Several of the book cases had toppled over spilling books, scrolls, and artifacts onto the floor. Led by the Krath High Priest and the Headmaster of the Shadow Academy, the contents of this location were removed and placed in the Dark Hall Archives. It is said that several secret passages were discovered while cleaning out the Triumvirate Library and that it may yet hold more secrets.
The Temple Boyna
In four military campaigns Ferran the Assassin conquered rebellious natives in western Adas. To show his power Ferran enslaved the populations of this region and forced them to erect a temple in his honor. For fifty years, Ferran oversaw the creation of his obsidian temple and the protective defensive systems surrounding it. To honor the completion of the Temple Boyna, Ferran took the remaining leaders of rebellious populations and buried them alive in sarcophagi throughout the temple.
In 18 ABY when the Obelisk Order claimed the Temple Boyna as their own, the Obelisk High Commander had the interior of the temple turned into a monument of warfare. It is here that the Obelisk Order perfects the seven basic Forms of lightsaber combat, the art of war, and the training of all martial arts. At the base of the temple are several mobile artillery pieces, each mounted on rails, which allows for them to be rolled back behind durasteel doors inside the temple for protection. The infantry and armor units of the Obelisk are housed on the bottom floor of the massive structure. The second floor contains lightsaber and force power training centers. Screams and cries of terror are often heard on this floor as new apprentices fail to live up to their Obelisk Master’s standards. The third and fourth floors of the Temple Boyna contain the Obelisk Command Center. From this location the Obelisk Elders guide the War efforts of the Dark Brotherhood.
Hall of Immortals
The Hall of Immortals is a magnificent structure located to the south of the Dark Hall, built into a cliff near the Du’San boundary. Designed by Dark Jedi Master Spears, the Hall of Immortals was created specifically to honor Dark Brotherhood members who have made everlasting contributions to the Brotherhood. The structure is preceded by a giant statue of Grand Master Justinian Khyron who holds an eternal flame. The inside of the hall is lined by similar statues that were carved from the stone of the cliff. These statues represent the members who are honored in the by entrance into the hall.
The Tomb of Okemi
Discovered by happenstance, the Tomb of Okemi is the location of the final battle that saved the Brotherhood from enslavement in 19 ABY. The “Conscience” had taken its hold on the Brotherhood, resulting in a great and devastating war. Grand Master Firefox found the source of the consciousness was Okemi’s animated body that was housed within this gravesite. Firefox confronted and destroyed the Consciousness through a grand battle with the long-dead Sith Lord.
The tomb site itself was built by the followers of Okemi shortly after the construction of the Star Chamber. It was an underground chamber designed to admit only those powerful enough to stand in the presence of Okemi. As luck would have it, the chamber survived the Obscuration in pristine condition.
Excavations near the under-construction Dark Hall were ordered by Oracle Trevarus Caerick in 19 ABY. The diggers found the tomb five hundred meters south of the Dark Hall. Rumor says that upon excavation, the diggers released the consciousness itself and spread it like a disease throughout the Brotherhood.
The Dark Hall
Since the creation of the Dark Brotherhood, the Dark Hall has been the center of power in the organization. Determined to create a structure that would dwarf the original Dark Hall on Eos, Grand Master Firefox decided that the Great Temple of Okemi in central Adas would be the construction site of the new Dark Hall. In 18 ABY he commissioned the creation of the Dark Hall on Antei.
Construction on the ruins of Okemi’s great temple uncovered a series of catacombs and underground labyrinths. While originally intending to rebuild the Temple of Okemi as the Dark Hall, the Grand Master had a vision of the real Dark Hall burrowing its way under the great temple. The Grand Master would use the ancient Sith technique of deception and use Okemi’s Temple as a location for ceremonies and trivial functions while using the underground Dark Hall as the center of the Dark Brotherhood’s operations.
The Temple Okemi stood as a grand monument to the past. Rising four levels above the ground, the Great Temple of Okemi is an enormous ziggurat hiding the underground chambers and labyrinth of the Dark Hall. The first floor of the Great Temple of Okemi holds a security network protecting access to the Dark Hall below. A series of five turbo lifts are located in various locations specific to their security clearance. A sixth turbo lift lies hidden and serves the Grand Master alone. Occupying the second and third floors of the pyramid is a grand audience chamber in the opulent décor of the Sith Lords of Korriban. Garnished with grand tapestries of the Sith, Krath, and Obelisk order, the grand audience chamber is an imposing sight. The Grand Master sits upon his Iron Throne visiting with dignitaries and leaders from across the galaxy. The fourth level of the Great Temple of Okemi houses a network of SLD-26 planetary shield generators.
Located directly below the Temple of Okemi, the Dark Hall is invisible to the naked eye and to sensor sweeps. Hundreds of 220-SIG tactical sensor jamming devices conceal any evidence that the Dark Hall exists and maintains the illusion that the Temple of Okemi is the seat of the Dark Brotherhood.
- Main article: [[Lyspair|Lyspair]]
Perhaps one of the most significant locales within the dual-system of Antei and Antares, Lyspair is Antei’s most prominent moon and home to the Shadow Academy, the Brotherhood’s center of learning for all its members. It should be known that Lyspair is not a native moon to the Antei system, but is actually an unleashed satellite from one of the Antaran worlds in the violent merger during the Obscuration. Freed from its former orbit, Lyspair was caught in Antei’s gravity in the wake of the disaster. It has since stabilized to become the world’s primary moon and been brought into an elliptical orbit.
A Ruddy-brown in appearance, it is mostly desert textured with arid steppes. The planetoid possesses two seas encompassing some 17% of the moon’s surface. Steep cliffs run almost the entire border of these two bodies of water. It is at the edge of one of these remote cliffs that the Shadow Academy proper is found.
The Academy is essentially a rectangular structure with a tower placed at each corner. Within the walls of the facility rises a pyramidal structure centralized among the towers and nearly equaling their height. It is here the offices of administration are found among other work spaces and quarters.
Lyspair rotates through 48 standard-hour periods of light and darkness. The periods of darkness are characterized by moderate rains allowing for the growth of dry grasses throughout the wastes but supporting nothing more substantial.
The moon’s atmosphere is considered thin by Humanoid standards. Though it does not require the use of breath masks, it can be a fatiguing environment for newly arrived students not yet in the physical condition typical of a Brotherhood member.
- Main article: [[Atrophos|Atrophos]]
First in orbit around Antei, Atrophos is a small brown moon less than half the size of Lyspair. Often referred to as “The Ascendant Moon”, Atrophos was Antei’s only natural satellite until the arrival of Lyspair in the Obscuration. It has only trace atmosphere and requires the use of breath masks for most Humanoid species. Its surface is rocky and pocked with craters from meteor impacts.
Twice the diameter of Lyspair, Atrophos is home to several ongoing archaeological excavations including the Krath Orrery and a former palace of an unknown Grand Master. The Orrery is believed to be a repository for a library of starcharts noting the location of all known Sith relic worlds. The Grand Master to whom the palace belonged is a complete enigma at this time and work continues at the site.
Recently constructed by the Brotherhood, the Atrophos Martial Academy is found on the moon’s nightside. This is the primary training facility for the Brotherhood’s elite Grand Master's Royal Guard. Excavated from the rock itself, the Academy is almost entirely subterranean due to Atrophos’ forbidding climate.
The facility is often referred to by the Guard as “The Spike” due to its architectural aesthetic. The term accurately describes the structure that is predominantly beneath the surface. A small operations cupola breaches the surface in order to maintain reliable communications and to coordinate GMRG vessels arriving and departing the planet via the small pad atop the structure.
The remainder of the facility exists securely buried in the rock bed where it descends some 800 meters tapering to a point at its lowest level; hence the moniker “The Spike” as it would appear very similar in a cutaway diagram.
A centralized turbolift serves the eight primary levels which include a dormitory, dining facility, classrooms, training rooms, storage, and the legendary Crucible Training Seminary. Several other sub-levels exist but whose purposes are known only to those within the GMRG.