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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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{{Krath charinfo
|name=Dralin Hakh'khar
|homeworld=[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/New_Nystao New Nystao], [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Wayland Wayland]
|image=[[File:Dralin Head Shot.jpg|250px]]
|birth=[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/10_ABY 10  ABY]
|species=[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Omwati Omwati]
|birth={{Birthyear and Age|ABY|4|}}
|height=1.72 m
|weight=63.5 kg
|height=1.7 m
|weight=77 kg
|allies=*[[Telona Murrage]]
|cyber=Black eyes with green accents
*[[Bieten Macht Elols]]
|allies=* [[Telona Murrage]]
*[[Evant Taelyan]]
*[[Charon Lorccán "Ziltopia" Bláthnat]]
|form=* [[Vapaad]]
*[[Doni Tzu Tarentae]]
|fightingstyle=* [[Sliding Hands]]
|era=* [[Imperial era]]
* [[Rise of the Brotherhood era]]
* [[Exodus era]]
* [[New Order era]]
|fightingstyle=[[Close Quarters Battle]]
|affiliation=* [[Plagueis]]
|masters=* [[Lilar Nemat-Fortea]]
* [[Telona Murrage]]
|era=*[[New Republic Era]]
*[[New Jedi Order Era]]
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=*[[Clan Tarentum]]
'''Dralin Fortea''' is a well-traveled member of the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]], and currently belongs to [[Clan]] [[Plagueis]]. The [[starwars:Coruscant|Coruscanti]] man holds the view that a stronger, unified Brotherhood is essential for the survival of the [[starwars:Dark Jedi|dark Jedi]], and has little patience for those who tout their own unit as being the most important. He was trained in the Force by [[Telona Murrage]], and was formerly trained as an [[starwars:assassin|assassin]] by his mother, [[Lilar Nemat-Fortea]]. Due to his time in the Brotherhood, Dralin has learned the benefit of being a leader and manipulator, preferring to empower others to perform tasks for him and only lending his strength when necessary.
==  Pre-Brotherhood ==
*[[Antei Combat Center]]
=== [[starwars:Uscru Entertainment District|Uscru District]]  ===
[[File:Vos Gesal Street.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Dralin spent a great deal of time in the Uscru Entertainment District.]]
  |dossier=[http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=9485 9485]
Dralin was born to the upper-class couple Kaiman Fortea, a corrupt defense attorney, and Lilar Nemat-Fortea, a bored socialite heiress. While growing up, Dralin was left to his own devices due to his parents' chronic absenteeism, and he passed his time outside of his native [[starwars:Sah'c District|Sah'c District]] by roving the [[starwars:Coruscant Underworld|undercity]] of Coruscant, most of which was spent in the lower levels of the Uscru Entertainment District. At first, Dralin appeared to be just another street urchin pickpocket, running with the homeless children that plague the district. Before long, however, he was discovered by a mysterious local bounty hunter, Harika Krecca, who employed him as a lookout and sidekick, training him in the ways of stealth and thievery.
{{quote|Monsters we are, lest monsters we become.|The founding tenant of Dralin's philosophy}}
Into his early teens, Dralin kept up his routine of sneaking out of his home district and leading a double-life in the undercity. His parents did not seem to care, except to occasionally dress him up and parade him around during social functions in which it would look good to have the whole family together. Dralin's continued tutelage under Krecca taught him much of the important matters he would have picked up in school, but he was also being groomed as an assassin, with lessons in stealth and weaponry. His first kill came about during a mission with Krecca, in which he killed a man who successfully blindsided both Krecca and himself. Up to that point, Krecca's identity, including species and gender, were a mystery to all, as Krecca never removed the customized armor that encased them, but the man who rushed Krecca and then fell to Dralin's knife had knocked Krecca's helmet off. To Dralin's surprise, Harika Krecca was none of than his mother Lilar, who had spent over a decade carrying on a secret life as a bounty hunter under the guise of living a hollow socialite's existence.
=== Assassin ===
[[File:Harika Krecca.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Dralin's mother led a double life, under the alter ego Harika Krecca.]]

Dralin Hakh'khar started from humble beginnings and worked his way up to where he is today. While always ready to defend either his friends or his causes, Dralin knows that everything has a price, and that some prices must be paid for the greater good. He believes that by controlling his anger and impulses by giving them outlets, he can prevent himself from slipping towards unnecessary evil.
Dralin enjoyed working with his mother in what they had jokingly come to call "the family business". The realization that at least one of his parents had been close to him and mentored him brightened what had been a dismal family life. His new-found openness with Lilar gave new meaning to the work they did, and he came to enjoy his nascent assassin career even more. The duo had both captured criminals and assassinated officials, happily working on both sides of the fence. They gained a reputation for efficiency and a ruthless "first come, first served" policy on jobs, in addition to being a bit of a novelty in the criminal world: Harika Krecca and the Boy Assassin.

Their main hangout was the Outlander Club; the enormous club attracted all kinds of beings from both the undercity and the nearby [[starwars:Senate District|Senate District]], which gave them excellent exposure to the elements of society most interested in hiring them. Dralin also made an unlikely friend in the older information broker, [[Diclonius]], which would serve him well later in life. Over time, however, Dralin began demonstrating strange, spontaneous abilities and performing accidental feats that could only be described as unlikely, such as catching a thrown knife or accidentally jumping three meters into the air when he only meant to hop. Through her contacts in the Brotherhood, for whom she had previously done some contract work, Lilar knew that her son was like them, and that the best thing to do would be to send him to them, rather than risk being found by the resurgent Jedi under Luke Skywalker and facing their judgement. As soon as they could arrange, Dralin was shipped to the [[Shadow Academy]], from which he was assigned to Clan Tarentum.

== Biography ==
== Tarentum  ==
{{quote|It doesn't matter where you are from, it matter how you interact with where you are.|Dralin Hakh'khar}}
=== Origins ===
Dralin's parents were wealthy business owners in the burgeoning city at the foot of [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_Tantiss| Mount Tantiss]. Shortly before the city's destruction during the events surrounding Grand Admiral [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mitth%27raw%27nuruodo| Thrawn's] plot to destroy the Republic, Dralin's parents moved off-planet, not wanting to be present during all the commotion while Dralin's mother was pregnant. Soon after [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/New_Nystao| New Nystao] was established by the displaced [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Noghri| Noghri] as the new capital of [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Wayland| Wayland], Dralin's parents moved back in time for Dralin to be born there.

Growing up, Dralin often mingled with the Noghri, and soon grew more fond of the compact Noghri than his fellow humanoids. He grew to accept Noghri culture, along with their ideas in honor, friendship, and family. Dralin would often spend his entire day with the Noghri children, also taking time out to speak with the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dynast| Dynasts] of the Noghri clans.
[[File:Dralin.jpg|thumb|309px|right|Dralin Fortea, Scion of Telona Murrage]]

=== Teenage Life ===
=== Appearance  ===
The Dynast of the Hakh'khar Clan always held a soft spot for the strange Omwati among his kind. Dralin often held his own in philosophical debates with the Dynast, and viewed him as a grandfatherly figure. As a special treat, the Hakh'khar Dynast let Dralin sit in at the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Grand_Dukha| Grand Dukha], the meeting between the Clan Dynasts and their parties, when he was 16. It was here that Dralin's latent Force capabilities would manifest.
Dralin has pale skin, dark red hair, and cybernetic eyes with green light accents. While he stands less than two meters tall, his proud force of personality makes him seem larger and more intimidating than he is. While he is a young man in his fighting prime, Dralin prefers to wear tailored suits when not on a mission, which he uses to project a greater sense of control and understated style to others. While on a combat mission, he prefers light plate armor and a cape. He will remove the cape when he is not directing others and needs to become involved in the fighting himself.

While Clan Hakh'khar was well-established in New Nystao, Clan Baikh'vair had misgivings about occupying the planet used by Thrawn as a base. Just before the meeting, Dralin felt something strange ab out the Baikh'vair Dynast, almost a feeling of imminent threat. He told the Hakh'khar Dynast about his feelings on the matter, and the Dynast listened, knowing that Dralin wouldn't impinge on the Baikh'vair Dynast's honor without reason. When the Dynasts all sat down to begin the discussions at hand, the Baikh'vair Dynast lunged across the table at the Hakh'khar Dynast. Had the Hakh'khar elder not been forewarned, the younger Baikh'vair Dynast could have easily dispatched him using the element of surprise.
===  Combat  ===

For his warning and for the honor he displayed in his loyal actions, Dralin was named an honorary member of Clan Hakh'khar. For the other Noghri, the word of the Dynast and Dralin were enough; for the non-Noghri population who witnessed the occurrence and heard of Dralin's involvement, suspicion began to seep in. Soon, the community was divided on whether or not Dralin had set up the Baikh'vair Dynast, or if it was all a ruse to begin with. The other inhabitants began making Dralin's life difficult, starting out with only little things. Sometimes he was given the cold shoulder, other times refused service at a non-Noghri establishment. Soon, the taunting and heckling began. It was only a matter of time before things started getting violent, and Dralin could scarcely walk down the street without getting stones thrown at him along with the jeers.
===  The Force  ===
Dralin sees the Force as a tool, not as some mystic entity or divine will. He believes that it is similar to the ancients figuring out how to harness electricity; the power was always there, and it does the bidding of those who learn how to direct it. Dralin's Force-training has grown to either reinforce his natural talents or make up for a lack. For example, where he used to use old-fashioned techniques for information-gathering purposes, he has now replaced that skill set entirely with Force abilities.

The Hakh'khar Dynast, however, had held his suspicions about Dralin's insight close, and believed the young man to be Force-sensitive. After speaking to his contact in Clan Tarentum, in the Yridia System, the Dynast arranged for Dralin to be sent off, to both learn how to control his budding powers, as well as escape the cruel treatment of his peers.
Some Force powers are more commonly used by him than others. Dralin specializes in [[starwars:Mind trick#Force illusion|illusions]], [[starwars:Telepathy|telepathy]], and [[starwars:Force sense|sensing]] others through the Force, with a particular aptitude for [[starwars:Force Track|tracking]] others. Additionally, he has taken a stronger interest in [[starwars:Battle meditation|battle meditation]] since taking up command of military units, and his [[starwars:Force Barrier|barriers]] tend to be more encompassing than others' if he concentrates solely on that. Like most [[starwars:Dark Jedi|dark Jedi]], he can bolster himself with the Dark Side of the Force, which he has typified into a [[starwars:Force rage|cold fury]]. His ability to [[starwars:Force cloak|cloak]] himself in the Force and his [[starwars:Telekinesis|telekinetic]] prowess, both of which he used often as an active assassin, have fallen by the wayside. He is capable of these feats still, but Dralin's focus has shifted to other tasks.

=== Arrival at Sword's Sheath ===
=== Skills ===
[[image:Dralin Warbanner.jpg|thumb|left|150 px|Dralin's first warbanner]]
Above all other weapons Dralin possesses, his keen intellect is foremost among them. He values his ability to stay two steps ahead of the opposition through logic, careful planning, and the ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances in order to benefit. Two other talents that he has honed over the years come from his involvement in leadership: his ability to manipulate others, and his ability to threaten others into cooperation. His use of intimidation has expanded to how he treats underlings and colors his diplomatic proceedings. Younger dark Jedi and military officers know that Dralin prizes competent and intelligent subordinates, and he is known to harshly punish a lack of forethought and the inability to learn from ones failures. Dralin can be a terrifying individual, but those under his command can rest assured that he does not punish failure, just irredeemable stupidity.
Dralin was sent to the Sword's Sheath, House Gladius' home in the Itaana Belt. He learned much there, and enjoyed the freedom he had to learn about the Force and exercise both his body and his will. Soon, he attracted the attention of at-the-time-[[Quaestor]] [[Kromtal Stormfyld]]. Master Stormfyld taught him the value of initiative, answering questions his apprentice had. Soon, Dralin's Envoy, [[Telona Murrage]], commandeered him and took him, along with fellow Journeyman [[Bieten Macht Elols]], in what was supposed to be a routine flight. After crash-landing on the surface of [[Koros]], Dralin and Elols followed Telona into the [[Cestus Complex]], surviving the nightmare scenario until help arrived.

Soon after, Master Stormfyld passed Dralin's apprenticeship on to Telona, who had the time to devote to his training. It was then that Dralin was made the Archivist of Battle Team Praxeum, only to gain the position of Commander shortly thereafter.
If his social machinations and subordinates fail to perform as is necessary, Dralin is not adverse to wading into combat himself. Skilled in the use of [[Djem So]], Dralin is like a rock in the middle of the raging river that is the battlefield. He can accept a lot of punishment, both physical and mental, and then smash through his enemies' defenses with his favored [[starwars:Lightsaber combat|lightsaber form]]. As a former head of an [[Yridian Security Bureau|intelligence branch]], Dralin is also trained in interrogation and investigation, but these skills have gone to rust with time and further reliance upon the Force.
[[image:Reaching.jpg|thumb|right|Dralin is adept at the physical aspect of the Force.]]
=== Telona's Apprentice ===
Dralin's apprenticeship to Telona Murrage would prove to be both the most difficult thing he would encounter so far, as well as the most rewarding. Telona by no means went easy on Dralin, who would have to prove himself at every turn. Under Telona, he learned the art of [[Close Quarters Battle]] with it's myriad ways of killing someone with a small blade, the true value of independent thought, and the proper use of his physical Force powers. One thing that would plague him, however, was his inability to control his Force senses. While Dralin grew to have reasonable ability in being able to affect the world around him with the Force, whenever he tried to actively sense his surroundings he would draw blanks. His Force senses would be out of reach when he tried for them, and other times they would flood his senses with unasked for information, especially in his sleep.
== Characteristics ==
{{quote|A being is only the sum of its parts. I suggest you use those parts wisely.|Dralin Hakh'khar}}
[[image:Possible.jpg|thumb|left|100 px|Dralin after he joined [[Clan Tarentum]] and had Sith tattoos applied.]]
=== Appearance ===
Like a typical Omwati, Dralin has nearly-white, feather-like hair. His skin is a very light blue, and his eyes are black, which is not especially common among Omwati, but not terribly uncommon either. However, unlike most Omwati, Dralin stands around 1.72 m, 2 m being the norm. When it comes to clothing, Dralin prefers robes. When on a mission, however, he wears normal civilian clothing, with his own added touch. Dralin sews pockets into the inside of sleeves of his shirts and in the waistbands of his pants; he also sews small things into his clothing, to be pulled out with the Force later on. This habit has allowed him to carry small items on his person without others knowing, be it a small dagger, a hold-out blaster, or poison.

One thing someone might first notice about the Omwati is his tattoos. Upon being accepted into Clan Tarentum, he had dark red tattoos applied to his forearms that read "Monster" in the Sith language. This is something that Dralin keeps foremost in his mind, the creed by which he lives his life.
===  Personality  ===
[[File:Gin.jpg|thumb|173px|left|[[starwars:Sullustan gin|Sullustan gin]], mixed with a [[starwars:Hapan|Hapan]] vermouth.]]

=== Personality ===
Ever since he had begun taking the role of a leader, Dralin has become more eloquent than the taciturn young man he once was. When speaking [[starwars:Galactic Standard Basic|Galactic Basic]], Dralin has a distinct Coruscanti accent.
As an only child, Dralin didn't usually have a need for other's company. He is soft-spoken and graceful; however, if either angered or excited, Dralin starts to become frantic in his motions and louder in his speech. When it comes to his emotions the Omwati believes in full expression, be it joy or sorrow, calm or angered, loving or spiteful. In his mind, emotions must be expressed, as bottled-up emotions can suddenly spring forth unwanted. In an effort to control these outbursts, he believes in indulging these emotions somewhat, letting them run their course so that they don't overtake him later.

Dralin is slow to make friends, but the friends he does make are for life. He learned from the Noghri that all someone truly has is their family, and that is how Dralin treats his friends. Loyal to the end, Dralin would do nearly anything for those he considers family.
He mistrusts all but a few, with that number dwindling since learning of [[Ronovi Tavisaen|Ronovi's]] death.. Dralin has rarely, if ever, been seen to "let his hair down." On the few occasions that he had in the past, it was usually at the goading of Ronovi. He no longer drinks, in remembrance of her. Those that Dralin does consider a friend find that he can be warm and friendly in a dry, sarcastic sort of way. Given his usual dour, businesslike manner, this can surprise many. Ronovi, being Dralin's first true friend, has taught him much in the way of empathy, but to most, Dralin remains as cynical and closed-off as always.
{{start box}}
==  Career Summary ==
{{succession box
| title = Apprentice to [[Kromtal Stormfyld]]
{{Succession box
| years = [[26 ABY to Present#26 ABY|26 ABY]]
|title=Apprentice to [[Telona Murrage]]
| before = N/A
|years=[[20 ABY to 29 ABY#26 ABY|26 ABY]] - [[30 ABY]]
| after = N/A
{{succession box
{{Succession box
| title = Apprentice to [[Telona Murrage]]
|title=[[BTL|Tetrarch]] of [[Arcano Signum]]
| years = [[26 ABY to Present#26 ABY|26 ABY]] - Present
|years=[[20 ABY to 29 ABY#27 ABY|27 ABY]] - [[20 ABY to 29 ABY#28 ABY|28 ABY]]
| before = [[Seabr'imsto'nedansr|Brimstone]]
| after = N/A
|after=[[Ronovi Tavisaen]]
{{succession box
{{Succession box
| title = [[BTL|Battle Team Leader]] of [[Praxeum]]
|title=[[Aedile]] of [[House Gladius]]
| years = [[26 ABY to Present#27 ABY|27 ABY]] - Present
|years=[[20 ABY to 29 ABY#28 ABY|28 ABY]] - [[20 ABY to 29 ABY#29 ABY|29 ABY]] 
| before = [[Kazarelth]]
| after = N/A
|after=[[Scion Altera]]
{{end box}}
{{Succession box
== DJB Facts ==
|title=[[Rollmaster]] of [[House Gladius]]
=== Medals ===
|years=[[30 ABY]] - [[31 ABY]]
*1 [[Crescents|Crescent]] with a Topaz Star
|before=[[Balia Donos]]
*2 Crescents with a Sapphire Star
|after=[[Severon Vercingetorix]]
*1 Crescent with a Quartz Star
{{Succession box
=== Degrees ===
|title=Lieutenant of the [[Reckoners]]
*[[Dark Side Degrees|Dark Maven Degree]] in History
|years= [[32 ABY]]
*Dark Maven Degree in Philosophy
|after=[[Solus Gar]]
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
*Dralin escaped from the old [[Cestus Complex]] on [[Koros]].
{{Succession box
|title=[[Rollmaster]] of [[House Kaerner]]
|years= [[33 ABY]]
|before=[[Raiju Kang]]
{{Succession box
|title=[[BTL|Commander]] of the [[Reckoners]]
|years= [[33 ABY]]
|before=[[Solus Gar]]
|after= [[Nichos Rhade]]
{{Succession box
|title=[[Aedile]] of [[Qel-Droma]]
|years= [[34 ABY]] - [[35 ABY]]
|before= [[Solus Gar]]
|after= [[Invictus]]
{{End box}}

== Trivia ==
*Dralin has difficulty using his Force senses, often being overwhelmed by the information they provide during the few times they work.

[[Category:DJB Characters]]
[[Category:Plagueis members]]
[[Category:Clan Tarentum]]

Revision as of 19:09, 14 May 2018

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Dralin Fortea
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

4 ABY (age 38)

Physical Description





1.7 m


77 kg




Black eyes with green accents

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:


[ Source ]

Dralin Fortea is a well-traveled member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, and currently belongs to Clan Plagueis. The Coruscanti man holds the view that a stronger, unified Brotherhood is essential for the survival of the dark Jedi, and has little patience for those who tout their own unit as being the most important. He was trained in the Force by Telona Murrage, and was formerly trained as an assassin by his mother, Lilar Nemat-Fortea. Due to his time in the Brotherhood, Dralin has learned the benefit of being a leader and manipulator, preferring to empower others to perform tasks for him and only lending his strength when necessary.


Uscru District

Dralin spent a great deal of time in the Uscru Entertainment District.

Dralin was born to the upper-class couple Kaiman Fortea, a corrupt defense attorney, and Lilar Nemat-Fortea, a bored socialite heiress. While growing up, Dralin was left to his own devices due to his parents' chronic absenteeism, and he passed his time outside of his native Sah'c District by roving the undercity of Coruscant, most of which was spent in the lower levels of the Uscru Entertainment District. At first, Dralin appeared to be just another street urchin pickpocket, running with the homeless children that plague the district. Before long, however, he was discovered by a mysterious local bounty hunter, Harika Krecca, who employed him as a lookout and sidekick, training him in the ways of stealth and thievery.

Into his early teens, Dralin kept up his routine of sneaking out of his home district and leading a double-life in the undercity. His parents did not seem to care, except to occasionally dress him up and parade him around during social functions in which it would look good to have the whole family together. Dralin's continued tutelage under Krecca taught him much of the important matters he would have picked up in school, but he was also being groomed as an assassin, with lessons in stealth and weaponry. His first kill came about during a mission with Krecca, in which he killed a man who successfully blindsided both Krecca and himself. Up to that point, Krecca's identity, including species and gender, were a mystery to all, as Krecca never removed the customized armor that encased them, but the man who rushed Krecca and then fell to Dralin's knife had knocked Krecca's helmet off. To Dralin's surprise, Harika Krecca was none of than his mother Lilar, who had spent over a decade carrying on a secret life as a bounty hunter under the guise of living a hollow socialite's existence.


Dralin's mother led a double life, under the alter ego Harika Krecca.

Dralin enjoyed working with his mother in what they had jokingly come to call "the family business". The realization that at least one of his parents had been close to him and mentored him brightened what had been a dismal family life. His new-found openness with Lilar gave new meaning to the work they did, and he came to enjoy his nascent assassin career even more. The duo had both captured criminals and assassinated officials, happily working on both sides of the fence. They gained a reputation for efficiency and a ruthless "first come, first served" policy on jobs, in addition to being a bit of a novelty in the criminal world: Harika Krecca and the Boy Assassin.

Their main hangout was the Outlander Club; the enormous club attracted all kinds of beings from both the undercity and the nearby Senate District, which gave them excellent exposure to the elements of society most interested in hiring them. Dralin also made an unlikely friend in the older information broker, Diclonius, which would serve him well later in life. Over time, however, Dralin began demonstrating strange, spontaneous abilities and performing accidental feats that could only be described as unlikely, such as catching a thrown knife or accidentally jumping three meters into the air when he only meant to hop. Through her contacts in the Brotherhood, for whom she had previously done some contract work, Lilar knew that her son was like them, and that the best thing to do would be to send him to them, rather than risk being found by the resurgent Jedi under Luke Skywalker and facing their judgement. As soon as they could arrange, Dralin was shipped to the Shadow Academy, from which he was assigned to Clan Tarentum.


Dralin Fortea, Scion of Telona Murrage


Dralin has pale skin, dark red hair, and cybernetic eyes with green light accents. While he stands less than two meters tall, his proud force of personality makes him seem larger and more intimidating than he is. While he is a young man in his fighting prime, Dralin prefers to wear tailored suits when not on a mission, which he uses to project a greater sense of control and understated style to others. While on a combat mission, he prefers light plate armor and a cape. He will remove the cape when he is not directing others and needs to become involved in the fighting himself.


The Force

Dralin sees the Force as a tool, not as some mystic entity or divine will. He believes that it is similar to the ancients figuring out how to harness electricity; the power was always there, and it does the bidding of those who learn how to direct it. Dralin's Force-training has grown to either reinforce his natural talents or make up for a lack. For example, where he used to use old-fashioned techniques for information-gathering purposes, he has now replaced that skill set entirely with Force abilities.

Some Force powers are more commonly used by him than others. Dralin specializes in illusions, telepathy, and sensing others through the Force, with a particular aptitude for tracking others. Additionally, he has taken a stronger interest in battle meditation since taking up command of military units, and his barriers tend to be more encompassing than others' if he concentrates solely on that. Like most dark Jedi, he can bolster himself with the Dark Side of the Force, which he has typified into a cold fury. His ability to cloak himself in the Force and his telekinetic prowess, both of which he used often as an active assassin, have fallen by the wayside. He is capable of these feats still, but Dralin's focus has shifted to other tasks.


Above all other weapons Dralin possesses, his keen intellect is foremost among them. He values his ability to stay two steps ahead of the opposition through logic, careful planning, and the ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances in order to benefit. Two other talents that he has honed over the years come from his involvement in leadership: his ability to manipulate others, and his ability to threaten others into cooperation. His use of intimidation has expanded to how he treats underlings and colors his diplomatic proceedings. Younger dark Jedi and military officers know that Dralin prizes competent and intelligent subordinates, and he is known to harshly punish a lack of forethought and the inability to learn from ones failures. Dralin can be a terrifying individual, but those under his command can rest assured that he does not punish failure, just irredeemable stupidity.

If his social machinations and subordinates fail to perform as is necessary, Dralin is not adverse to wading into combat himself. Skilled in the use of Djem So, Dralin is like a rock in the middle of the raging river that is the battlefield. He can accept a lot of punishment, both physical and mental, and then smash through his enemies' defenses with his favored lightsaber form. As a former head of an intelligence branch, Dralin is also trained in interrogation and investigation, but these skills have gone to rust with time and further reliance upon the Force.


Sullustan gin, mixed with a Hapan vermouth.

Ever since he had begun taking the role of a leader, Dralin has become more eloquent than the taciturn young man he once was. When speaking Galactic Basic, Dralin has a distinct Coruscanti accent.

He mistrusts all but a few, with that number dwindling since learning of Ronovi's death.. Dralin has rarely, if ever, been seen to "let his hair down." On the few occasions that he had in the past, it was usually at the goading of Ronovi. He no longer drinks, in remembrance of her. Those that Dralin does consider a friend find that he can be warm and friendly in a dry, sarcastic sort of way. Given his usual dour, businesslike manner, this can surprise many. Ronovi, being Dralin's first true friend, has taught him much in the way of empathy, but to most, Dralin remains as cynical and closed-off as always.

Career Summary

Positions Held
Before Position After
Brimstone Apprentice to Telona Murrage
26 ABY - 30 ABY
Kazarelth Tetrarch of Arcano Signum
27 ABY - 28 ABY
Ronovi Tavisaen
Apollo Aedile of House Gladius
28 ABY - 29 ABY
Scion Altera
Balia Donos Rollmaster of House Gladius
30 ABY - 31 ABY
Severon Vercingetorix
N/A Lieutenant of the Reckoners
32 ABY
Solus Gar
Raiju Kang Rollmaster of House Kaerner
33 ABY
Solus Gar Commander of the Reckoners
33 ABY
Nichos Rhade
Solus Gar Aedile of Qel-Droma
34 ABY - 35 ABY