Caliburnus Prospectus

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House Caliburnus
General information

Darth Sidious as Dark Lord of the Sith


Quaestor Vacant



Historical information
Formed from:

House Scholae Palatinae


13 ABY


19 ABY, 31 ABY


23 ABY

Other information
Notable members:

Children of the Sword


Dark Brotherhood


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]
House Caliburnus
Political Information
Head of State:


Head of Government:


Commander in Chief:


Societal information

Caliburnus Headquarters Ptolomea (23 ABY—)

Official Language:

Galactic Basic Standard


Galactic Standard Credit

Religious Body:


National Holiday:

Festival of the Royal, Day of Warriors, Day of the Fox, Kaeth Karnival, Quaestor's Gala,

Historical information
[ Source ]

Brief History

House Caliburnus had long been known as the Sith arm of the Royal Clan, Scholae Palatinae. Caught in a maelstrom of a political climate, House Caliburnus had once vanished from the Brotherhood entirely. Taking it's name from an ancient and legendary weapon, Caliburnus stood to fight with immeasurable tenacity. Steeped in the ancient riddles and mysteries of the Sith, Caliburnus had found the secret to resurrection. Then, on the outside reaches of the Cocytus System, House Caliburnus had returned from the dead...

Complete History: Caliburnus

Society & Culture

House Caliburnus was extremely isolationist. Nearly half a billion kilometers from the rest of the Clan, Ptolomea was a lonely world. With little activity outside of the comfort of the House Compound, few ever ventured into the Ptolomean wilds. House Caliburnus was the only society on Ptolomea, due to the absence of sentient beings on the planet's surface. Ptolomea, on the outer reached of the System, was often overlooked when resources were granted by the Clan. Accordingly, Caliburni had learned the importance of being resourceful.

Caliburnus membership, however, took another step beyond being resourceful. The innate desire to excel was simply part of the House Dynamic. The Sith influence on the House certainly accentuated this desire into a near obsession. In lieu of the troubling position the House found themselves in, each member was notoriously relentless and cut-throat. One example of that tenacity was the extraordinarily bold move by then Quaestor Thran Occasus to build a Space Outpost near Ptolomea to force the clan's out-of-system trade into the hands of House Caliburnus.

Though it would appear that House Caliburnus stood for itself alone, the truth was very far from this. The House of the Sword lived to protect the Clan. Thus, House Caliburnus considered itself the bastion of power for Clan Scholae Palatinae. Before Caliburnus came the Clan and the House took it upon itself to protect its paternal entity. If one were to ask a member of House Caliburnus the meaning of the Clan emblem, the member would certainly comment on the frontal placement of the sword within the emblem. Pride for the clan was amplified through pride for the House, making a member of House Caliburnus a fanatical follower when the Clan was challenged. That natural die-hard mentality was one of the biggest contribution factor to the resurrection of House Caliburnus in the pride war with House Dorimad Sol, attributing the title of Defender of Clan Scholae Palatinae. This mentality did come across as stubborn, but what could be expected of a House of Sith?

Training regiments werea part of everyday life on Ptolomea, much like the Mandalorians from the Mandalorian Wars. However, the House did not restrict itself to military training alone. House Caliburnus attempt to diversify to the best of its ability, allowing members to excel in all fields of study. Though the House tended to exceed normal skill levels in particular fields. These fields were Piloting, Alchemy, Sciences, as well as many others. Training in the ways of the Force, Political Sciences, Philosophy, and other fields were also an integral part of the Caliburnus way of life.

As displayed perfectly by the House Motto “Passion, Power, Knowledge”, House Caliburnus resembled these qualities by pursuing them in every aspect of life. Commonly known as the Pillars of Caliburnus, those three aspects of the House were essential to the societal values as exemplified in the House Doctrine. With that, Discipline was important to the House. Discipline and responsibility brought the House closer and more focus on the ultimate goal of “Best in CSP”. The House breeded strong leadership, action, potential, and pride through the mind frame established in the Pillars of Caliburnus.

House Actions/Reactions

Actions Due in part to its introversion and self-preservation needs, House Caliburnus' actions were always in its own benefit. The House rarely stirred conflict, but was quick to join a Clan Crusade. When placed in the heat of battle, House Caliburnus would take whatever action was necessary to obliterate their opponents. Self Improvement was the ultimate goal of the House, thus pressing conflict was not in the aim of the House or it's leadership.

Reactions The House is quick to react to any and all forward attacks. When reacting, Caliburnus has been know to exceed the normal boundaries for labeling a victory. Pride is so crucial, attacking the House is seen as an audacious display of idiocy. Accordingly, the strong Sith presence in the House often calls for the total elimination of any enemy.


House Caliburnus had a minimal rivalry with House Acclivis Draco, but usually had a steamy rivalry with House Dorimand Sol.

House Oriens Obscurum of Clan Arcona (now closed), House Exar Kun of Plagueis, House Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow, among many others had also made their way into the distinguished Rival's category.


The House had declared no Formal Enemies at this time.


As Isolationists, The House's allegiances lied with the Clan. Should the Clan call upon Caliburnus to defend House Acclivis Draco, they would be called allies with certainty. However, the competitive nature between them put House Acclivis Draco close to the Rivals grouping.


Totalitarianism under the Quaestor was the preferred method of governmental rule on Ptolomea. As the population lied under the two subcategories of House membership or Militiamen, the Quaestor was the end-all of the political system. Benevolence and House interest were always at the mind of the Quaestor, but when those were not enough to keep the leader in check, Ptolomea fell directly under the reign of the Emperor. Accordingly, the governmental body of Ptolomea followrd the will of the Emperor and thus the Clan. The totalitarian nature of the government was based solely upon the population, should colonization occur, the governmental style would likely deviate from that course.



Ptolomea must have imported almost everything, as the planet's surface had negligible industry beyond the gates of the House Caliburnus compound. For the menial fee of shipping and sorting imports to the system, House Caliburnus got a slight discount on tariffs. The Space Station established by Thran Occasus aided in the distribution of goods around the Cocytus System.


Just as House Caliburnus imported everything, there were no exports managed by the House. The House strictly relied on the Clan for all goods, thus building the relationship between the two even farther.

Holidays and Festivals

Caliburnus Air Show

Established by Quaestor Thran Occasus, the Caliburnus airshow was a tour de force showcasing the clan's fighter prowess. Over the Caliburnus Headquarters, nearly 100 fighters and many other vessels displayed their abilities. A crowd favorite was the mock dog-fights, where clan fighters engaged each other in a heated and choreographed dogfight. Aerial acrobatics and displays of speed were particularly intriguing for many as well. The Black Aces, a squadron of TIE Defenders, often amazed the crowds with their machines.

Quaestor's Gala

Another event established by Quaestor Thran Occasus, the Gala was a black tie event which takes place at the Caliburnus headquarters. Proclaimed as the Best party this side of Antei, the Quaestor's Gala was open to all members of Clan Scholae Palatinae. The evening began with a tour of the Facility, in order to show off what the leadership of the House had accomplished. As the evening progresses, live music and a full 5 course meal were presented. As the meal winded down, the liquor began to flow. Into the we hours of the next morning, the Clan drank and celebrated in honor of House Caliburnus.

Day of Warriors

The Day of Warriors was the only day in the standard year that permitted the Caliburni to forgo their daily training regiment. Roughly a day of leisure, that day commemorated the Founding of the House. On that day, the Quaestor prepared a large meal of barbecued meats among many other dishes by hand for the entire house. Fireworks illuminated the sky by night, in remembrance of all the fallen warriors the Clan had seen.

Day of the Fox

The Day of the Fox commemorated the Exodus from the Emperor's Hammer. It was tradition to celebrate that day. Often the event was punctuated by a large tournament. House Caliburnus often showcased it's best assets on this day, hoping to claim the events for CSP.

Kaeth Karnival

This weekend long carnival had been created by Quaestor Thran Occasus in mocking of the then Consul, Braecen Kaeth. Though the Consul had not happy with the creation of the event, its popularity gad made eliminating it a difficult task. The Grounds of the House Caliburnus Headquarters filled with vendors and many fun activities, sponsored by the House. One tradition of that festival was the “Dunk your Quaestor!” Event. On the First annual event, a line of nearly 200 people formed to dunk then Quaestor Thran Occasus. Another popular event was the Pie Throwing contest, where members of the house could place bets on the “ponies” of the event. In the first year, then Proconsul Phoenix Palpatine claimed a prestigious 2nd place in a surprising victory by Cethgus. Phoenix had made it to the final round, but he was disqualified for removing his clothing and was declared unfit to continue. As usual, heavy drinking was involved in this holiday.


Main article: Ptolomea

Size: 16,000 km

Distance from star: 984 million km

Atmosphere / AET: Roughly standard, though with substantially higher oxygen content. 37

Alberigo had no atmosphere. - 32 Zanche had an almost 100% oxygen atmosphere. 240

General appearance: Heavily Jungle, with temperate zones close to the fairly small poles.

Alberigo was a dead rock. Zanche was a moon-wide fire storm, as a result of a stray star craft igniting the atmosphere. The pure oxygen atmosphere sustained the fire, which did produce a source of energy.

Any other life-forms: Nearly standard life spread, though with a seeming over abundance of fish and small marine life (no larger marine mammals), and a rather conspicuous lack of insects. No known sentient beings.

Other information: In the same way that the moon of Ugolino over Antenora caused two period of darkness, the moon of Zanche over Ptolomea caused strange night time / daytime effects. Depending on the location on the planet, the location of the moon could cause a variety of effects - a period of brightness during the normal night cycle, an extra bright period during the normal daytime, or at certain times of the lunar period, complete brightness for full days at a time. The light given off by Zanche wasn't as bright as the light from the Cocytus, but the sometimes 'never-ending light' periods had been know to cause insomnia and madness. Scientists assumed that the lack of insects is down to the fact that they all became extinct since the accident on Zanche, being unable to adapt to the variations in night and day.

Caliburnus had been placed on this planet to act as the primary defenses for the Clan's system, and as such there were House bases on the moon of Alberigo.

Points of Interest and Landmarks

  • Caliburnus Headquarters
  • Tree of Lost Souls
  • Potentia Gorge
  • Abandoned Temple
  • Alberigo Outpost
  • Dynasty Station
  • Blood Forest
  • Krayt Corpse
The Planet Ptolomea.

Potentia Gorge

This landmark appeared as a giant slash carved in the world by a hungry river. It was on the larger of the continents and possessed many beautiful vistas. The canyon was deep and the terrain was rugged. The river running through the gorge was called The Dar Zhu River. Also the highest region within the canyon was called Tenato Mountain, which towered to an elevation of 14,567 feet above sea level.

Temple of Caliburnus

A Gigantic temple complex where many mysterious events surrounded the resting place of the weapon Caliburnus#Description_of_the_weapon_Caliburnus

Blood Forest

The Area surrounding the temple, where many lives had come but few had left. The forest stinked of death and was difficult to transverse.

Tree of Lost Souls

This large gnarled tree bore only one flower. The Dark Side was rich within this ancient vessel, which had been known to bleed. When around the tree, unwise souls lost the ability to speak.

Alberigo Outpost

A nearly abandoned outpost on the Moon of Ptolomea. It had been years since the House had had an active presence there.

Phyle Training Facilities

On a small island chain, the House's Battleteams had set up a top secret training facility. Few ever ventured there, and even fewer actually knew where it is.

Dynasty Station

The Space outpost established by Quaestor Thran Occasus. This Defense Terminal was one of the prides of House Caliburnus and was spoken of fondly by its creator, the Quaestor. The station itself was a rather dull place, but did see many different traders and interesting space captains. A mayor of the Station had yet to be appointed, but would likely have some tie to the royal family.


As could be expected of the Sith, Caliburnus kept a large and well trained militia to defend themselves from any enemy bold enough to attack.

Legions of Caliburnus

The Legions of Caliburnus were divided into the Caliburnus Defense Regiment. This force of Troops was stationed near the House Caliburnus headquarters and was frequently involved in many projects. The House tended to use the engineers and construction teams to help forward such matters. Each Legion reported to the Surface Marshall, or Quaestor, but would often take orders from the Aedile as well.

Bastion Regiment

1st Legion: Grey Knights

2nd Legion: Black Templars

3rd Legion: Demon Lords

4th Legion: Thousand Sons

Caliburnus TIE Contingent

As the Sith arm of Clan Scholae Palatinae, House Caliburnus took extreme pride in its pilots and starfighters. House Caliburnus was lead by the most fearsome pilot the Clan had to offer, Thran Occasus, and thus the TIE Corp. It played a large role in House Caliburnus' military power. Occasus, who is renowned for his tenacity and bold moves in a starfighter, is the High Admiral of the Scholae Palatinae TIE Fighter Corps. With the recent construction of a Space Outpost, House Caliburnus had taken another step towards total dominance of the heavens in the Cocytus System. Routine Training and circulation of fighter squadrons was a common occurrence in the system, allowing CSP to gain the best training available. Three Squadrons remained on post at all times, usually the Grim Reaper Wing of the Starblade Division.

The Starblade Division was stationed at the QX- 2 Space Platform “Dynasty Station”. This Outpost functioned as a trading hub for activities inside the sector as well as a training facility for members of the TIE Contingent. Dynasty station bolstered a crew of 1,120 souls. This station was new to the region and more details about it were sure to build with time.

The recently constructed platform lingers in wait over Ptolomea as an open

Starblade Division

Grim Reaper Wing

Important Figures

Previous Leaders

Quaestor Aedile
Gidda Kane Reese
Kane Reese Jaron Kai
JKast Warhunter
Dissolved Dissolved
Lenzar Demonis Entar Warhunter
Brujah Tamalar Sykes Rokir Jade
Brujah Tamalar Warhunter
Warhunter Xen'Mordin Vismorsus
Impetus M'Nar Xen'Mordin Vismorsus
Impetus M'Nar Thran Occasus
Thran Occasus Rasilvenaira StormRaven
Rasilvenaira StormRaven Yzarc Rellik Kaeth
Yzarc Rellik Kaeth Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae
Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae Daniel Stephens
Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae Rasilvenaira Kaeth StormRaven
Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan
Dakari Kaeth Palpatine Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan
Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan Rayne
