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- "Tarax is just a pole, and nothing more; quoted Shadow, the awesome whore."
- ―Shadow Taldrya
Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor is a Human cyborg male Dark Jedi holding the rank of Obelisk Exarch from House Taldryan. In the past he served the House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan as first Aedile and then Quaestor, alongside a myriad of Dark Summit positions. For his loyalty to the Clan, Tarax was awarded the title of Son of Taldryan.
Character History
Childhood (3 BBY - 6 ABY)
CommenorTarax Kor was born in Munto, one of Commenor's largest cities, to suspicious and tragic circumstances. While giving birth to her son, Margaret Lefay's health took on a sudden and mysterious turn for the worse, putting Tarax's own life at risk; Tarax's mother did not live long enough to hear her son's first cries. Born with a myriad of health complications, the hospital staff's only chance of saving the newborn's life was to attach him to an experimental techno-organic prosthetic, which would strengthen and reinforce the baby's rapidly-weakening physiology. Tarax's father, Malcolm Dresden Kor, would go on to raise his son by himself.
Given that Malcolm Kor worked as rare artifacts dealer, his job would take him and his son all over the galaxy. By the age of 6, Tarax was already developing a deep resentment to the fact that he didn't have a place to call home; his dad kept them on the relatively run-down cargo ship, flying from port to port, with not much to show for it. Tarax knew that his father was a good, hard working man that wanted to make the best of the situation for his son, but that did not prevent the hate from festering within the child's heart. It would be during one of his father's many trading runs when Tarax's world would go from bad to worse.
Tragedy and Rebirth
HapesA few weeks after Tarax's 6th birthday, his father's business led them to the homeworld of the Hapes Consortium, the planet Hapes itself. It was in this place that Tarax would have his reality turned upside down, and the course of his life changed forever.
It was almost time for them to leave Hapes and head to the next leg of their trip. One of Tarax's father's contacts blah blah blah I got writer's block.
The Shaping of a Monster (6 ABY - 15 ABY)
Tarax as a childStuff goes here
Beginning Down a Dark Path
Stuff goes here
Stacking Up the Body Count (15 ABY - 19 ABY)
Stuff goes here
Dark Jedi Brotherhood (19 ABY - Present)
A Search for a Worthy Home
Whole buncha stuff here to add later.
Joining the Best: Clan Taldryan
Leaving the furry-overrun weirdos of Plagueis, Tarax joined Taldryan, a place that didn't suck.
Becoming a Son of Taldryan
Officially awesome.
Recent crap
The crap? It is recent.
Physical Description
So very sexy. Just over 2 meters tall and weighing almost 115 kilograms, Tarax is an imposing figure. His white hair and blue eyes brighten a face that hides a very dark and sinister mind. A body packed with muscle, Tarax is both blessed and cursed by the cybernetic techno-organic virus that has claimed the left half of his entire upper body; while providing him with added strength and protection, it also proves as a handicap when exposed to extreme weather such as freezing temperatures or scorching heat.
Earned in battle against the Mandalorians of Clan Arcona during the Selen Incident, the scar over his right eye serves as a constant reminder to the Taldrya Exarch of his maddening hatred of Mandalorian everywhere, especially for those within the Dark Brotherhood.
Regular attire
Tarax's robes When he's not on a mission for Taldryan or the Old Folks' Home battleteam, Tarax prefers to wear colourful and loose clothing. Other members of his House constantly make fun of his choices for clothing, but Tarax prefers his unconventional ensemble to the traditional Dark Brotherhood robes often worn by his peers. Oftentimes this decision has worked in Tarax's favour, as he can wander around various cities around the galaxy without being identified as a member of the Dark Brotherhood or Taldryan, thus providing him a tactical advantage on numerous occasions.
The blue colours on his shirt bring out his bright, beautiful blue eyes, while the red reflects his passion and thirst for his enemies' blood.
Hand-to-Hand Styles
Not wishing to rely too much on his weapons, Tarax has devoted himself to studying and mastering various hand-to-hand combat disciplines. He is a master of the Dulon, Broken Gate, and Carinor forms, and an apt practitioner of the Kartranin, Hapan, and
Shyarn-ado forms.
Lightsaber Forms
A skilled combatant with the lightsaber, Tarax rains death and destruction upon his enemies simply and efficiently. As his mastery of the Force increased along with his ascension through the Obelisk, the Taldryan Equite perfected the advanced style Djem So as his primary form, relying on the lower Shii-Cho and Soresu styles as a secondary form. The lack of diveristy in Tarax's knowledge of lightsaber forms is made up with the ferocity and intensity he displays when utilizing these styles against his opponents.
Pearl White LightsaberTarax's custom lightsaber, built shortly after attain the rank of Exarch. It glows in the dark.
Melee Weapons
One of Tarax's daggersBeing the type of man that enjoys the up close kill, Tarax has developed a strong affinity for using various sorts of bladed melee weapons - most often daggers - along with his lightsaber. Depending on the situation and its circumstances, Tarax's arsenal would include a combat knife or dagger, a punch-dagger, and his most prized bladed weapon of all: a Zhaboka.
The Zhaboka came into Tarax's possession shortly after his departure as Quaestor of House Dinaari, whereupon to satisfy his need for blood and mayhem led him across the galaxy hunting various sorts of prey; oftentimes his prey ended up being Mandalorian. During one of these hunts Tarax came across a secret weapons cache belonging to his target, finding the Zhaboka within; it was with this weapon that Tarax's prey met his gruesome, painful, bloody demise.
When faced with a combat situation Tarax prefers to use his melee weapons instead of his lightsaber, usually to taunt and tease his opponents. The use of a cold-bladed weapon to maim and kill his opponents brings causes euphoric satisfaction to Tarax, which leads to him rarely using his lightsaber against his foe unless he is outmatched, outclassed, or decides to top playing around and go for the quick kill.
File:Tarax-ceremonialarmor.jpgTarax's ceremonial armorAnother piece of Tarax's armory that was taken from a slain opponent. For Taldryan and Dark Brotherhood ceremonies only, this armor is rarely worn by Tarax into battle.