Arack Tavar
File:RapRapX.jpg | |
Novice Arack Tavar | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Tarthos |
Date of Birth: |
12 ABY |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
5'11 ft |
Weight: |
150 pounds |
Hair: |
Strawberry-Blonde |
Eyes: |
Dark Green |
Personal Information | |
Allies: |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Position: |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Known masters: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
- "We act upon what the Mentor taught"
- ―Arack Tavar; circa 31 ABY
Arack Tavar is a young Novice that was truly born into the Clan of Sadow, or more specifically, the House Marka Ragnos. The son of Dlarit Navy Captain assigned to Kar Alabrek, Arack was born as Jason Collins in 12 ABY to Captain Derek Collins and his wife, Madeline Collins. Tavar never knew his mother as she died in childbirth and Arack grew up in the Dlarit Navy till 31 ABY, where he discovered latent Force Sensitivity, changed his name, and began on the path of a Dark Jedi with the teachings of the Warrior Priests at Mucenic.
Character History
Birth into the Clan
Arack Tavar was born under the name of Jason Collins in 12 ABY to the famous Dlarit Navy Captain, Derek Collins, and to a civilian named Madeline Collins. Arack was born a perfectly healthy baby boy but unseen implications took Madeline's life on the birthing table leaving him to be raised by his military father. Accordingally, the young boy was raised for most of his early life, even having private tutors brought aboard the VSD Crux that Captain Collins commanded.
Tavar received the top education possible until he graduated at the age of eighteen and returned to Tarthos for a rest period before he would attend the Dlarit Officer's Academy for another year to become an Ensign in the Navy. However, Arack fell in love with taking his speeder bike out on the wide plains of Tarthos. It was on one such day when his life would start to change when he fell under ambush by twenty-nine hooded figures.
The Thirtieth
- "We need a Thirtieth Disciple...join us and realize your true destiny"
- ―The Disciple; 31 ABY
The hooded figures showed no hostility, or even movement, whatsoever except for one figure that stepped forward and spoke quickly to Arack, telling him he had the capability to become a member of the House of Ragnos. The information crashed over him like a tidal wave, never in his wildest dreams had Arack thought he could become a Dark Jedi...naturally, every inhabitant of Tarthos had heard rumors that the inhabitants of the magnificent Alabrek Castle were Force-adepts, though no conclusive proof had ever surfaced.
Bidding that Arack at least think about the offer, the Twenty-Nine Disciples of Ragnos stepped back into the shadows and were absorbed by the darkness, leaving the Navy cadet astride his idling Navy-issue speeder bike. Arack considered the offer for two days, barely sleeping or eating, and after that time had elapsed, the eighteen year old returned to the grove where the Disciples had first tendered their offer...and waiting in that grove was a black robed female, the same person that had talked to Tavar two days previous.
Welcoming the Apprentice to their family, the two Dark Jedi turned back towards Alabrek Castle, and the human turned to his new superior and officially changed his name to Arack Tavar...Jason Collins was dead. It was as the new Ragnosian looked up at his new home that the first bombs fell and the retribution of the Yuuzhan Vong began....
- "I believe so, sir. Arack Tavar...I was transfered to your unit by Quaestor Jade this morning"
- ―Arack Tavar to future friend Fremoc Pepoi on what counted as "important business"; circa 31 ABY
After arriving amidst the inferno that now consumed not only the Ragnos Cathedral but the whole of Tarthos, Arack Tavar was pinged with a transmission from Jade Atema Sadow, the Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos and his traveling companion that he had just split off with, welcoming him to the House formally and telling him to report to Fremoc "Demonic" Pepoi, the Commander of the elite Battleteam, the Night Raptors.
Arack did as told but he walked in at a bad time as one of the Flight Leaders, Valorian, had just told Pepoi that their sister Battleteam, the Night Hawks, had been ambushed by the Peace Brigade. In a flurry of motion, Commander Pepoi grabbed Arack's transfer orders and officially instated him as a member of the Team, ordering him to put on his new Ragnos armor and report to the city of Kar Alabrek to reinforce the Hawks.
Cathedral Mayhem
However, when the battle seemed to be going the Raptors' way, horrible news was given to Fremoc by a Lieutenant in the Dlarit Special Operations Group...the Cathedral had been infiltrated by a unholy alliance of Peace Brigands and Yuuzhan Vong. Quickly moving as an elite team, Rollmaster Manji Sadow, Fremoc Pepoi, and Arack Tavar moved through the Cathedral, leaving the rest of the Night Raptors under Archpriest Raven's command.
Manji Sadow took a liking to the brutal but efficient style that Arack displayed and showed it by giving him a beautiful sword that he had looted from a Peace Brigade Sergeant. Naming the sword Desiderium, Tavar also recieved a field promotion to the rank of Novice. With a new weapon in hand, the Dark Jedi of Ragnos charged into the Grand Hall, slaughtering Brigand after Brigand.
But Arack's near-nonexistent grasp of the Force spelled his doom though as when he turned his back, a Peace Brigand First Sergeant stabbed Tavar through the back, sending him to the brink of death.
The Meet-Up
Manji quickly dispatched the Brigand and engaged a Yuuzhan Vong warrior in battle while Pepoi tended to his fallen subordinate. Healing Arack, the trio moved from the Grand Hall to where an injured Force presence of the Quaestor, Jades Sadow, was exuding from a secret passage in the Cathedral.
There, Arack, Manji, and Fremoc did further battle with the Yuuzhan Vong, coming to Jade's rescue. The Anguis and her Disciples parted ways later and the Ragnosian Three added another number to their group as Arack took his first Vongese life in the defense of the Mandalorian Protector, Ryuk.
After two more warriors of the invasion force lay dead at the Dark Jedi's feet, Fremoc overheard news about his sons whereabouts and he quickly murdered Captain Nevillo and Lieutenant Ordanz of the Peace Brigade and herded his strike force towards the hangar.
I'll Gut You Like a Fish...
- "Shall we go to Yavin IV?"
- ―Fremoc Pepoi; circa 31 ABY
However, as the Ragnosian Four battled their way through the hangar and then boarded the Stryker, Manji Sadow tried to contact his apprentice, Dyrra Skye, but the comlink gave out and the One-Eyed Dragon commanded Fremoc to divert his course from Yavin IV to the House Ludo Kressh homeworld of Aeotheran.
Pepoi protested, at which time Manji threatened to kill him and discrete his body, forcing Fremoc's hand and making him change course. However, neither Yavin IV nor Aeotheran would be touched by the Ragosnian Four as two Equalizer Heavy Soldiers, an elite unit of the normal Peace Brigands, locked onto the Stryker with their shoulder mounted rocket launchers and let fly two head-banger missiles.
Both missiles connected with the VCX-820 and the shuttle of Demonic went down hard, only the emergency thrusters saved the four Dark Jedi from certain death. Shaking themselves loose, Arack, Ryuk, Manji, and Fremoc found themselves in the Entertainment District of Kar Alabrek. Commander Pepoi and Rollmaster Sadow sighed and let anger flow through their veins; indeed, both Thomas Pepoi and Dyrra Skye would have to be left to their apportioned fates.
Fallout II: Working Back to the Front
W'rok Muyel
- "My name is W'rok Muyel and I will draw the pleasure of introducing you to my gods!"
- ―Jeedai convert W'rok Muyel to Dark Jedi Knight Fremoc Pepoi and Krath Epis Manji Sadow; circa 31 ABY.
It's His Mission
- "Thomas is my son, so killing Paterson is my mission"
- ―Fremoc Pepoi, concerning the assassination of Captain J. Paterson of the Peace Brigade; circa 31 ABY.
A Backyard Offensive
- "The Peace Brigands are falling back! They're falling back! The Cathedral is saved!"
- ―Night Hawks Commander, Raven, on the turn of the tide in the Ragnos Cathedral defensive; circa 31 ABY
The Ways of the Scorpion
- "Blasters have no honor. Armor has no honor. If you use things, then likewise, you are without honor!"
- ―Ylith, on matters of honor; circa 31.5 ABY
Children of War
To be written during and post CNS House Feud
Soro-Suub GLX 'Firelance' Assault Rifle
An assault rifle originally designed for use by bounty hunters, the Firelance possess no marking. A high-rate of fire and a steady accuracy make this weapon a real asset in the field and the perk of it being able to be broken down for quick concealment or cleaning makes the Firelance a must have for any bounty hunter or Dark Jedi. During the events of Fallout, Arack's Firelance as rendered useless when the VCX-820 Stryker crashed in Kar Alabrek. Since taking up training with Battlemaster Ylith, Arack has done away with blasters in general, never caring to replace his lost Firelance.
A majestic longsword that once belonged to a Peace Brigade Captain, Desidirium was relieved of its owner by Manji Keibatsu Sadow during the 31 ABY burning of the Ragnos Cathedral. Made of the rare ore called durasilver, the sword blade is double-edged blade with an indent in the middle to increase streamlined use and to add a majestic look to it.
The crossguard is made of twisted durasilver that seperates the blade from the hilt made of durasteel that was tightly wrapped in black grip-cloth for both a dark appearance and to ensure that the wielder never accidentally lost control of the longsword. The entire sword is sheathed in a simple scabbard of black rancor skin over a hardened durasteel shell. Desidirium is Arack's most prized possession and he keeps the sword with him at all times.
Skeletal Blade
Dark Jedi Robes
DJB Facts
Positions Held
- Assault Trooper for the Night Raptors.
- Apprentice to the Scorpion, Ylith.
- Solifugae of the Disciples of Ragnos.
Outstanding Achievements
- Wrote the new history for the Night Raptors Battleteam.
- Managed to score a 100% on Force Philosophy
- Arack lives by the song "Freedom" by Akon