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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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{{Quote|My son, life is unfair. Your only goal in life is to make sure you are on the winning side of unfair.|Jorn Framke}}
{{Quote|My son, life is unfair. Your only goal in life is to make sure you are on the winning side of unfair.|Jorn Framke}}

Blarex was born Han Framke in [[StarWars:Coronet|Coronet City]], [[StarWars:Corellia|Corellia]] in 15 ABY to Jorn Framke and Mari Posilla. His father Jorn, a very proud Corellian patriot, named his son after his idol [[StarWars:Han Solo|Han Solo]]. Jorn is descended from a long line of successful, but ruthless, business owners on Corellia. The source of the family wealth is Framkorp, a manufacturer of coolant pumps. The company supplies parts for the Corellian shipbuilding industry and counts companies such as [[StarWars:Corellian Engineering Corporation|Corellian Engineering Corporation]] as clients. As a child Han was very close to his father's family, this is partly due to the fact that as the only child, he would eventually inherit the family business. Han never saw or knew much of his mother's side of the family. Growing up, all Han was only aware that her family lived in the [[StarWars:Outer Rim|Outer Rim]] and that he'd get a birthday card from his grandfather each year with 100 credits.
Blarex was born Turon Framke in [[StarWars:Coronet|Coronet City]], [[StarWars:Corellia|Corellia]] in 15 ABY to Jorn Framke and Mari Posilla. His father Jorn is the thirteenth generation CEO of the family business, Framkorp. Framkorp is mid-sized supplier of starship parts and is best known for coolant pumps. The company supplies parts for the Corellian shipbuilding industry and counts companies such as [[StarWars:Corellian Engineering Corporation|Corellian Engineering Corporation]] as clients. As a child Turon was always around the family business because in addition to his father being CEO, his mother was his executive assistent. Although he had a nanny, he did spend two to three days a week as a pre-school child at the business either shadowing his father or sitting with his mother. It served a dual purpose for their only child, not only did they get to spend time with their son but he would begin his training at an early age on how to succeed in the cut-throat world of Corellian industy. By the time young Turon attended grade school, he could already read and write sentences.

[[Image:CorellianBoy.jpg|left|thumb|Confrontation at School]]For his tenth birthday, Han's father gave his son a top of the line new [[StarWars:Datapad|datapad]]. Although his mother thought this an extravagant gift to give to a ten year old, his father said as the heir to his business he had to start acting like a CEO. Instead of reading financial reports and stock tickers, the ten year old actually used this to read news of the [[StarWars:Yuuzhan Vong War|war]]. Thr next day an older boy at Han's school stole the datapad after roughing him up. Han was both furious that the boy had stole from him but also afraid that his father would be angry that he let it out of his sight. Han decided not to tell anyone at school and tried to recover his stolen property on his own.
Turon was enrolled in the prestigious Coronet Boys Academy at the age of six. The sons of the Framkorp CEOs received the most advanced education on Corellia from the Academy for generation. Turon received excellent marks each quarter and still would visit his parents at corporate headquarters two or three days a week after school where he continued his immersion into management and leadership. The young Corellian boy was unremarkable until an event at the age of ten.

Han stalked the older child, first he found out from other students how the boy got home each day. Han trailed his prey, who walked to and from school without the other boy knowing. Once the other student went down an alleyway, Han saw his chance to strike. Young Framke attacked and broke the older boy's jaw, left hand and fractured a rib. The fight was broken up by another student, a senioir, who called [[StarWars:CSF|CSF]]. The elder student was afraid Han had actually killed the other boy. Jorn's political connections, a sizable payoff, and the fact that the other boy was still alive, got Han out of any major disciplinary action with the authorities. However, after this altercation his mother urged his father to enroll their son in formal fighting classes would teach him discipline and help him control his anger. Han was enrolled at a [[Dulon]] school that was near his families apartment at the urging of his mother.
[[Image:CorellianBoy.jpg|left|thumb|Confrontation at School]]At the beginning of fourth grade, Turon acquired his first bully. For months, the sixth grade boy was a frequent dealer of normal pre-teen bullying. Name calling, knocking-down of books and even some light physical harassment. Throughout it all, the young Framke boy kept taking his mother's advice that the bully would go away if he simply ignored the situation. As the season's changed from warm, to cool, to warm again, Turon's bully never ceased but the bullying itself never escalated. This all changed the day late in the school year when the bully stole his favorite victim's lunch [[StarWars:credits|credits]].

Over the next three years, the young Corellian boy became somewhat of a local phenom in the martial arts scene, taking on two and even three students his level. Han's Dulon instructor mentioned to his parents that it seemed that the boy was not just reacting to his opponents but actually preemptively countering their moves. He suggested that the boy may have some level of Force sensitivity. Again using the pull of the Framke name, his parents contacted the locally deployed [[StarWars:Jedi|Jedi]] in Coronet. His mother was very reluctant at first however she was overruled by her husband and his family, they decided that having a Jedi in the family could only further the influence of the Framke name.
This is the action that moved Turon to action. That day at lunch, he spoke with a few of his closest friends in the fourth grade class. He specifically assembled fellow classmates who had been other frequent victim's of his nemesis. With passion in his voice, Turon gave a rousing speech, calling his friends to action. The young leader implored them to rise up and earn the name that they all have carried since birth. He told them that they are all from honorable, successful Corellian families and that they should never bow unwillingly to another. The small gang was motivated to confront their attacker that day after the final bell rang. The last step was to bait the older boy into showing up without knowledge of their plot. The trap was sent when during his normal post-lunch bully-spree, young Turon challenged the bully to a fight after school that day.
After the final bell, the boys headed over to the hover-playground area. Arriving before their prey, all but their leader remained hidden in the equipment until he arrived. The sixth grader confidently strode into the play area only a few minutes later. As soon as he was inside, Turon charged him with all he had within him. The older boy simply kicked him straight in the chest as the younger boy ran at him at full speed. Turon was sent flying onto his back while his friends were emerging from their respective hiding places. Sensing his was outnumbered, the older boy turned to run. Rolling over to the bully's feet, Turon was able to catch both ankle's in his hands before the sixth grader could make his escape. The fourth grade gang now had enough time to swarm their former tormentor, giving him a beating he would remember for years. Although all of the fourth graders served detention for a week, they never had a bullying problem again.

The boy was taken to the local Jedi enclave in 28 ABY. The Jedi did determine that the boy had enough force aptitude, although not above the average youngling, to warrant Jedi training. Unfortunately, Han failed all of the mental tests and was deemed too aggressive to be admitted to the [[StarWars:New Jedi Order|Order]]. His Father pleaded with the Jedi, even offering a bribe, desperate to have his son and heir trained as a Jedi. The Jedi was disgusted at the attempt and demanded that the Framke's leave.

=== Adolescent Years ===
=== Adolescent Years ===

[[Image:PracticeSword.jpg|right|thumb|Han's Practice Sword]]Han's failure with the Jedi created a rift between the now teenage Corellian and his father. However, he became even closer to his mother during this period of time. She took a keen interest in his development as a martial artist and was present with her child at every event over the next three years. By 31 ABY, Han was dominating the local Dulon scene and the 16 year old was approached by a local [[Kartranin]] instructor. The man, Jin-She, was a person Han had heard of though other students. It was said that Jin-She only taught students that he personally chose for his school, and charged no fee. When Han told his mother she immediately commed Jin-She to officially accept the offer, which was followed by a very large anonymous donation to his school. She then took Han out to purchase his first training sword which she spared no expense on, much to the chagrin of his father. Jorn was still unimpressed with his son as believed his son was living below his potential, he should be a Jedi.
In 28 ABY, with the galaxy at war with the [[StarWars:Yuuzhan Vong|Yuuzhan Vong]], representatives of the [[StarWars:New Jedi Order|Order]] were sent out to find recruits to fill the ranks of the Jedi. The Coronet Boys Academy was one of the first stops for the recruiter on Corellia. A series of basic tests were performed on all students and the Jedi did determine that Turon had enough force aptitude, although not above the average youngling, to warrant Jedi training. When the representative of the Order showed up with Turon at Framkorp after school that day, Jorn was livid. He told the Jedi that his son's destiny lied with Framkorp and that he was not about to let his only child die in battle when there were trillions of others that could fight in his stead. After Jorn welcomed the Jedi to leave, he explained to his son that he was of best use to the galaxy learning to run the family business. This war, and any after, would need it's fighting men and women but that those beings will also need to tools to fight.  

It was not long before Han again began excelling in his new chosen form as well. He quickly mastered the basics of Kartranin and by his first year of study was proficient in the same techniques as students that had been practicing for four or five years. Recognizing the raw potential in the young man, Han's master took him in as his primary pupil and taught him the rare art of [[Tu'rek]]. Merging this new form with his others, and his latent Force abilities, the young man was now unstoppable. He won every competition that he entered in 32 ABY by a wide margin. He even began to attract a small following of fans in Coronet, even though is mother was still was his biggest fan.
Tavon was still devastated but torn at the same time. He wanted badly to become a Jedi, to wield the mystic power he saw in the holovids, to cut-down swarms of alien invaders and garner the power and respect that being a galactic hero garners. He did not dare cross his father however and dutifully graduated as valedictorian from grade school.
At this time, professional talent managers began taking notice of Han. Han's father, seeing an opportunity to restore some glory lost by the failure with the Jedi, took over the negotiations with the prospective managers. In the end Tranik Maltin of the Galactic City Sports Agency from [[StarWars:Coruscant|Coruscant]] was selected by Jorn to represent his son. Han's was taken out of high school and given a personal tutor by his sports agency. The workouts he was now put through turned the toned but diminutive young man into a hulking mass of muscle. By the time Han reached age 18, and adulthood, he was ready for a shot at the big time.

=== Young Adulthood ===
=== Young Adulthood ===

[[Image:CoronetCity.jpg|left|thumb|Coronet the night of the fight]]Tranik organized Han's first fight in 33 ABY, with one of his other up-and-coming clients. Han's opponent was a [[StarWars:Miraluka|Miralukan]] [[Jar'Kai]] artist [[Kopin Rewa]]. Both young men were both Force Sensitive and extremely skilled in their chosen forms. On top of that both were Tranik made both young men aware that the winner of the fight would receive the full support of the agency and the loser would be cast off. The venue of the fight was Han's home city of Coronet on [[StarWars:Remembrance Day|Remembrance Day]]. The buzz around the fight was tremendous, the arena sold out in ten galactic standard hours as much of the city was eager to root on the young man who had become a full-fledged local celebrity. Pre-orders for the holocast of the fight were also a record for an amateur fight.
[[Image:CoronetCity.jpg|left|thumb|Coronet City]]By the age of 21, the now adult Turon Framke had attended the Corellian Institue of Technology (CIT) and graduated summa cum laude with a masters degree in management with a minor in communications. During his time in college, Turon was captain of the Corellian champion debate team and chairmen of the young entrepreneurs club. Even with all of this success, the specter of the missed Jedi training opportunity still hung over him daily. Shortly after graduation, his father gave him a sales position within Framkorp. The intention was for the younger Framke to simply wine and dine the existing client base, get to know the prominent business men on Corellian and learn the ropes on how to run the show himself. This was not enough for the recent college graduate.
Han arrived at the arena much earlier than the crowds that afternoon to practice and talk strategy with his master Jin She. As he entered the arena and approached the ring the crowd was already roaring in anticipation. He saw his mother in the front row but his father was not sitting next to her. In his place was an older man that he did not recognize. As the fight began, he pushed all of this from his mind, convinced that he would need all of his concentration to defeat his opponent. Both Han and the crowd were mistaken. The fight was over in two minutes, Han was able to disarm and defeat his opponent before the end of the first round. As the crowed stared in stunned silence, Han stood in the middle of the ring disappointed in the outcome. He was hoping that by moving onto the larger galactic circuits he would find opponents that would challenge his abilities.
Han exited the arena as the crowd recovered and began cheering louder than ever for their hometown hero. His mother was waiting for him in the locker room, along with her escort from earlier. She told Han that the man was Kitrum Posilla her father and his grandfather. She advised her son that it was time he learned about the Posilla family and his heritage. His grandfather told Han that the family descended from a long line of bounty hunters, pirates and mercenaries dating back thousands of years.
Kitrum revealed that the family had, for many generations, began to compile the family history. The old man advised his grandson that the family traces it's history back to a man known as Blarex the Patriarch. The Patriarch was a pirate from an era of history known as the [[StarWars:Cold War|Cold War]] however there were few records available concerning The Patriarch himself. Kitrum said he had spent his entire life searching for these records and finally had a lead, but he could no longer keep up the quest due to his deteriorating health. He urged young Han to abondon his safe lifestyle on Corellia and become the soldier of fortune that he was meant to be.  

Han realized that genetic disposition for martial studies, coupled with his Force Sensitivity, was why he would never find a challenge in organized fighting. Combat was in his blood and only in the life and death underworld would he truly ever find a challenge. Han accepted without thought, forsaking the life of a Corellian business owner. His grandfather advised his grandson that the lead he had was on [[StarWars:Nal Hutta|Nal Hutta]]. this issue was that the information currently resided in the possession of a small-time [[StarWars:Hutt|Hutt]] crime boss name Kirga. Beyond that, he knew nothing else about the long lost information. Head now spinning from the victory and all he had just learned, Han returned home with his mother.
Instead, Turon focused his efforts off-world. He began to make regular sales calls to other major starship manufacturers across the galaxy. He also began to form strong bonds in the galactic business community, especially among his younger peers. In a few short years, the younger Framke had formed a network of contacts within some of the largest interplanetary conglomerates. His efforts began to bear fruit as his contacts began to secure him meetings with decision makes at companies like [[StarWars:Kuat Drive Yards|Kuat Drive Yards]]. Framkorp, through the efforts of their young salesman, started to submit bids on a few very high-end projects. Each of them by themselves would have doubled the revenue to the company overnight.  

When Han arrived home, his father was overjoyed on the outcome, having watch the match on the [[StarWars:Holonet|Holonet]]. He had already been on the communicator with Tranik and Han's talent agency planning his next career moves. Han told his father he would not be continuing his martial arts career and was going to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather. Jorn was furious, he screamed at Han that he was throwing his life away. Jorn disowned his son and vowing to never speak with him again. As Han gathered up his few possessions he spoke with his mother. She informed him hat upon reaching 18, he had been given a large stake in the family business and with it a seat on the board of directors. His mother promised that she would ensure that he would still inherit his father's shares of the family business, guaranteeing him status as majority share hold one day. She advised him to change his name, if he conducted illicit activities under his given name even she couldn't stop him from losing his seat on the Board of Directors. The Corellian man decided use Blarex as his alter ego, after The Patriarch himself.
There was one problem, one after the other, each bid was always beaten out by a larger competitor. Turon began to become frustrated, never in his life had he failed in an endeavor he put his mind to. Even with the relationships he had formed since graduating from CIT he was unable to close any of the deal. Framkorp was out bid on each and every project it bid for, sometimes in a manner that had aroused his suspicion.

Kitrum transferred Blarex ownership of his old, but heavily modified[[StarWars:VT-49 Decimator|VT-49 Decimator]], Foebane. On the way to the spaceport he was confronted by Kopin Rewa who had already gotten word that Han had turned his back on the lucrative contract. Kopin was infuriated with Han, not only had he ruined his shot at the big time but the Corellian then turned his back at the opportunity that he had stolen from the Miralukan. The off-worlder attacked his new nemesis but was quickly defeated and ended up losing his left hand in the fight. Han let the Jar'Kai artist escape expecting him to see his eventual artificial hand as a reminder not to cross paths with Blarex again.
After years away from Corellia, Turon returned home to Coronet empty handed. The day he returned, he visited his father at Framkorp headquarters. Expecting to be admonished for his failures, instead the burgeoning businessman was praised by his parents. Jorn even gave him a newly created executive position, Vice President of Emerging Markets. When the son asked his elder why he was being rewarded for failure, the response was simply that only through action come results. It was Turon's efforts, ones noone has even attempted in the history of Framkorp, that earned him his position. But he also advised his son that the deck was stacked against him. The world of business was a cold, dark place and it is far from fair. It was this day that his father told him that the goal of any person should be to make sure they are on the correct side of unfair. This lesson would stay with the new Vice President as an unexpected opportunity came his way.
Finally aboard his new old ship Han did a systems check to see if everything was in working order. Han had never flown before in his life but Kitrum had over the years installed very expensive droid brains that automated most of the ship's functions. This allowed the ship to be flown with a crew of only one pilot. His mother made sure her father was placed into hospice care at the finest hospital on Corellia. With his own vibroblade, the small frigate and the rest of the old bounty hunter's equipment Blarex began taking low-paying bounties to begin building up his credibility with prospective employers. Over the years he never lost sight of his goal, the information possessed by Kirga The Hutt.

=== Joining the Brotherhood ===
=== Joining the Brotherhood ===

By 35 ABY, the fledgling bounty hunter was making a name for himself in a galaxy still reeling from the Yuuzhan Vong war. However, he was no closer to his main objective. Regardless, the thrill of hunting prey was exhilarating to the young Force Sensitive, his senses came alive when he was on the prowl. It was a feeling he first felt at 10 years old when he tracked his first mark, the boy that stole his datapad. The thrill of victory in the ring could not begin to match the rush he got when tracking and defeating a target. Each mark improved his tracking abilities and he would take more difficult jobs each time to challenge and improve his abilities.
By 35 ABY, the newly minted executive was making a name for himself in a galaxy still reeling from the years of almost endless war. However, he was still no closer to securing a major contract with an off-world company. Regardless, the young Corellian man grew his network of contacts and his new title did help open a few more doors. One opporuntiy presented the young man with an unexpected boon, a crack at an opportunity he once though lost.  

One such job presented the young man with his toughest assignment to date and a crack at an opportunity he once though lost. While on the planet of [[StarWars:Ord Mantell|Ord Mantell]] he accepted a job for what he was told was a rogue Force Sensitive. His contact, an unnamed [[StarWars:Rodian|Rodian]], told Blarex that the sponser of the bounty believed this may even be a Jedi that went AWOL during the war. The mark had been terrorizing the [[StarWars:Mid Rim|Mid Rim]] systems for the last two years. Despite a 1,000,000 credit bounty, no other hunters had even attempted the job. This was an opportunity to truly test his tracking and combat skills as the mark would likely be able to feel is presence.[[Image:Bothawui.jpg|right|thumb|Bothawui]]
While on the planet of [[StarWars:Ord Mantell|Ord Mantell]] he was giving a speech at a conference for young executives. After the conference, he was approached by another young man that told him of an heretofore untapped market. The man introduced himself as [[Marick]] and the Chief Commercial Officer of [[Zratis Arms Corporation]]. Marick informed the Corellian that they specialized in the manufacture of small arms but that they were looking to possibly expand into heavy weapons and would need to contract with a company that could supply coolant systems like Framkorp. The CCO invited Turon to meet him on a station in the [[Dajorra System]] where they could start to look into a formal business alliance.

Traveling throughout the Mid Rim, Blarex followed reports from local law enforcement that had elements indicating a Force User was involved. He followed leads such as guards shot by their own blasters in a bank robbery on [[StarWars:Naboo|Naboo]] and a police officer with a broken neck but no other signs of physical trauma on [[StarWars:Bimmisaari|Bimmisaari]]. Finally, he got a firm lead on the planet [[StarWars:Bothawui|Bothawui]]. Blarex tracked his prey to a local apartment building in a middle-class portion of town thanks to a report of a local information broker. The [[StarWars:Bothan|Bothan]] relayed that residents told him of a human with white skin, always in dark clothing in their building with a lightsaber on his hip. He made his way to the apartment number the Bothan gave to him, at a reasonable price of course. He removed his armor and armaments, knowing that wearing these items in a residential building would attract attention quickly. He took his vibrosword with him but it was packed a [[StarWars:Kloo Horn|Kloo Horn]] box, which he slung over his back.
Although he had never heard of Zratis, the Framkorp VP followed the astro-navigation directions his new contact gave him, leading right to [[Port Ol'val]]. Upon arrival, Turon was concerned he had possibly been tricked, the port looked very much like a criminal hotbed. Almost as if his thoughts were being broadcast over the holonet, the man he met on Ord Mantell contacted him with landing instructions. He landed his personal ship, the ''Wealth of Nations'' and was escorted by a very friendly protocol droid to a conference room.

As he began to slice the door security, it slid open. Standing in the doorway was a middle-aged human male dressed in a dark combat suit. He commanded Blarex to enter the residence, and the Corellian knew immediately he would have to comply. Inside, Blarex's mark introduced himself only as G.D. and revealed the net the young bounty hunter had been ensnared in. The man advised his "hunter" that he was a member of an organization known as the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]] and had actually placed the bounty on himself. The Dark Jedi said he hoped to lure bounty hunters into tracking him as combat practice. G.D. told the Corellian that he was happy that this young hunter had found him and he would not kill him, yet. He sensed the Dark Side of the Force within the young bounty hunter and made him an offer. He would spare his life if he joined The Brotherhood.  
Marick was waiting for him in the conference room, but there was no indication that this was a business meeting. The door quickly shut behind the Corellian and the man who had originally idendified himself as a CCO revealed that he was a member of an order of Dark Jedi. The Dark Jedi said he was on Ord Mantell for another mission and felt Turon's presence in the force as it slowly grew during his speech. He gave the Vice President of Framkorp an offer, he would not only grant him access to the order he belonged to, but personally take him under his mentorship. In the order he called the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]], he would learn skills to dominate his compeetitors, but the trade off is he would also dedicate time to fight alongside his brothers and sisters in arms.

Blarex, accepted seeing the chance to fully realize his potential, and knowing he would not be able to fight the Dark Jedi off if he said no. A meeting was organized a between the Corellian and a recruiter for the Brotherhood. In late 35 ABY, Blarex was enrolled in the [[Shadow Academy]].
Turon, accepted seeing the chance to fully realize his potential, not only would he learn the mysteries of the Force but he would use his power to, as his fater said, put himself on the right side of unfair. The businessman also knew he would not be able to fight the Dark Jedi off if he said no. In late 35 ABY, Blarex was enrolled in the [[Shadow Academy]].

===Into The Fray===
===Into The Fray===
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The fledgling Dark Jedi was able to connect with other members of his clan once arriving on New Tython, notibly [[Marick Del'Abbot]] and [[Etah d'Tana]]. With the assistance of the two Obelisk, Blarex was able to prove himself worthy in the crucible of combat.  Much of the combat Blarex experienced was on the streets of [[Menat Ombo]], the main city of New Tython. Without the ability to deflect blaster bolts and lacking a ranged weapon of his own, Blarex employed guerilla-style tactics to get his kills. The Corellian would hide in an empty stall or residence until an enemy patrol happened by. The Katranin master would then quickly ambush the enemy troops and then using the cover of buildings, retreat to a new position to avoid a counter-attack. The bounty hunters tracking skills coupled with his familiarity with an urban environment allowed Blarex to score an impressive amount of kills for a raw journeyman.
The fledgling Dark Jedi was able to connect with other members of his clan once arriving on New Tython, notably his master Marick. With the assistance of Clan Arcona , Blarex was able to prove himself worthy in the crucible of combat.  Much of the combat Blarex experienced was on the streets of [[Menat Ombo]], the main city of New Tython. Without the ability to deflect blaster bolts and lacking a ranged weapon of his own, Turon used his intelligence and wisdom to survive the battle.

Although not turning the tide of any battle on his own, Blarex was awarded with 11 [[Tenth_Great_Jedi_War#Seals_and_Novae|Seals of Decimation]] and an [[Anteian Cross]] for his efforts. The ability to be dropped into the middle of an on-going war and hit the ground running attracted the attention of Marick, who offered to take the young Obelisk as his apprentice. Blarex accepted the Prelate's offer and instead of returning to the Shadow Academy, followed his master back to the [[Dajorra]] system.
Although not turning the tide of any battle on his own, Blarex was awarded with 11 [[Tenth_Great_Jedi_War#Seals_and_Novae|Seals of Decimation]] and an [[Anteian Cross]] for his efforts. The ability to be dropped into the middle of an on-going war and hit the ground running granted the young journeyman to ascend quickly through the ranks of the Order.


Blarex has always been quick to temper, although he has learned to channel his emotions into first martial arts and then bounty hunting. He craves victory as a spice fiend craves [[StarWars:Glitterstim|Glitterstim]] and experiences lows and highs similar to a drug addict. The Corellian is not known to take losing well, becoming enraged and lashing out at those around him. While victory in the ring can still give him a rush, tracking down his prey gives the young man an unmatched natural high. The overpowering need to win was instilled in him by his father who saw success as a forgone conclusion and failure a result of a lack of effort.
In Progress

As a child, Blarex watched his father grind his competitors into the ground with merciless efficiency. Jorn told his son that life was unfair, ant that his job was to make sure he was on the winning side of unfair. These early life lesson created a young man with no compassion for others. Blarex lives by a strict code of the strongest survive. He sees the so-called "weak" as unmotivated, unskilled masses that lack the drive to take what they want in life. It is his opinion that you only get what you have the strength to pry from the grip of another.

Between bounty hunting and his ownership in the family business, Blarex has been able to amass a reasonable fortune. Even though he supports no charities and has never been seen volunteering his time, this is not out of greed. He views money as a tool, just a blade or a ship. His material possessions have no meaning to him other than the intended function. All things are considered replaceable and only kept as long as they are useful, there is no sentimental value in items.
[[Image:Blarex Armor.jpg|thumb|right|Blarex fully armored]]Blarex could easily be mistaken for any Corellian male. He stands average height at 5' 9" and weighs in at a respectable 175 lbs. He keeps his dark brown hair in a tight buzzcut to deny his enemies any advantage in combat. Blarex's dark hair is matched by his dark brown eyes which required corrective surgery as a child. Life inside martial schools and later his combat armor have turned his once golden Corellian skin to a pale white hue.  

Over the years, Blarex's father has cooled towards his lifestyle as the two meet at least semi-annually at Framkorp board of directors meetings. He does still have regular conversations with his mother who seems to enjoy vivid retellings of his battle and missions.
== DJB Facts ==
[[Image:Blarex Armor.jpg|thumb|right|Blarex fully armored]]Blarex could easily be mistaken for any Corellian male. He stands average height at 5' 9" and weighs in at a respectable 175 lbs. He keeps his dark brown hair in a tight buzzcut to deny his enemies any advantage in combat. Blarex's dark hair is matched by his dark brown eyes which required corrective surgery as a child. Life inside martial schools and later his combat armor have turned his once golden Corellian skin to a pale white hue.

His years of martial arts training, starting at 10 years old, has created a very strong physique. He is generally found in the recently purchased navy blue combat armor. However, when trying to keep a low profile Blarex is known to wear the dull grey armor he inherited from his grandfather which is pockmarked and covered in carbon scoring. What passes for casual attire for the Corellian man is a simple black combat suit. His vibroblade, weapon of choice for bounty hunting, can always be found sheathed and slung over his back with his [[Armory Lightsaber]] hanging from his waist.
In Progress

== DJB Facts ==
=== Positions Held ===
=== Positions Held ===
Member of House Galeres/Clan Arcona

Member of Battleteam [[Revenance Virtuom]]
Member of House Qel-Droma/Clan Arcona

=== Outstanding Achievements ===
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
Highest winning percentage of any amateur martial artist in Corellian history.

Joined the DJB during Great Jedi War X earning 11 Seals of Decimation
Joined the DJB during Great Jedi War X earning 11 Seals of Decimation

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
Blarex sits on the board of directors at Framkorp
In Progress

[[Category:DJB Characters]]
[[Category:DJB Characters]]

Revision as of 02:37, 13 May 2013

Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

15 ABY

Physical Description





5' 9"


74.84 kg.





Personal Information
Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
  • Vice President - Emerging Markets
Personal Ship:

Wealth Of Nations

Known masters:

Marick Arconae (former)



[ Source ]

"Second place is the first loser"

Blarex is a Human bounty hunter and member of House Qel-Droma and Clan Arcona.

Personal History

Early Childhood

"My son, life is unfair. Your only goal in life is to make sure you are on the winning side of unfair."
―Jorn Framke

Blarex was born Turon Framke in Coronet City, Corellia in 15 ABY to Jorn Framke and Mari Posilla. His father Jorn is the thirteenth generation CEO of the family business, Framkorp. Framkorp is mid-sized supplier of starship parts and is best known for coolant pumps. The company supplies parts for the Corellian shipbuilding industry and counts companies such as Corellian Engineering Corporation as clients. As a child Turon was always around the family business because in addition to his father being CEO, his mother was his executive assistent. Although he had a nanny, he did spend two to three days a week as a pre-school child at the business either shadowing his father or sitting with his mother. It served a dual purpose for their only child, not only did they get to spend time with their son but he would begin his training at an early age on how to succeed in the cut-throat world of Corellian industy. By the time young Turon attended grade school, he could already read and write sentences.

Turon was enrolled in the prestigious Coronet Boys Academy at the age of six. The sons of the Framkorp CEOs received the most advanced education on Corellia from the Academy for generation. Turon received excellent marks each quarter and still would visit his parents at corporate headquarters two or three days a week after school where he continued his immersion into management and leadership. The young Corellian boy was unremarkable until an event at the age of ten.

Confrontation at School

At the beginning of fourth grade, Turon acquired his first bully. For months, the sixth grade boy was a frequent dealer of normal pre-teen bullying. Name calling, knocking-down of books and even some light physical harassment. Throughout it all, the young Framke boy kept taking his mother's advice that the bully would go away if he simply ignored the situation. As the season's changed from warm, to cool, to warm again, Turon's bully never ceased but the bullying itself never escalated. This all changed the day late in the school year when the bully stole his favorite victim's lunch credits.

This is the action that moved Turon to action. That day at lunch, he spoke with a few of his closest friends in the fourth grade class. He specifically assembled fellow classmates who had been other frequent victim's of his nemesis. With passion in his voice, Turon gave a rousing speech, calling his friends to action. The young leader implored them to rise up and earn the name that they all have carried since birth. He told them that they are all from honorable, successful Corellian families and that they should never bow unwillingly to another. The small gang was motivated to confront their attacker that day after the final bell rang. The last step was to bait the older boy into showing up without knowledge of their plot. The trap was sent when during his normal post-lunch bully-spree, young Turon challenged the bully to a fight after school that day.

After the final bell, the boys headed over to the hover-playground area. Arriving before their prey, all but their leader remained hidden in the equipment until he arrived. The sixth grader confidently strode into the play area only a few minutes later. As soon as he was inside, Turon charged him with all he had within him. The older boy simply kicked him straight in the chest as the younger boy ran at him at full speed. Turon was sent flying onto his back while his friends were emerging from their respective hiding places. Sensing his was outnumbered, the older boy turned to run. Rolling over to the bully's feet, Turon was able to catch both ankle's in his hands before the sixth grader could make his escape. The fourth grade gang now had enough time to swarm their former tormentor, giving him a beating he would remember for years. Although all of the fourth graders served detention for a week, they never had a bullying problem again.

Adolescent Years

In 28 ABY, with the galaxy at war with the Yuuzhan Vong, representatives of the Order were sent out to find recruits to fill the ranks of the Jedi. The Coronet Boys Academy was one of the first stops for the recruiter on Corellia. A series of basic tests were performed on all students and the Jedi did determine that Turon had enough force aptitude, although not above the average youngling, to warrant Jedi training. When the representative of the Order showed up with Turon at Framkorp after school that day, Jorn was livid. He told the Jedi that his son's destiny lied with Framkorp and that he was not about to let his only child die in battle when there were trillions of others that could fight in his stead. After Jorn welcomed the Jedi to leave, he explained to his son that he was of best use to the galaxy learning to run the family business. This war, and any after, would need it's fighting men and women but that those beings will also need to tools to fight.

Tavon was still devastated but torn at the same time. He wanted badly to become a Jedi, to wield the mystic power he saw in the holovids, to cut-down swarms of alien invaders and garner the power and respect that being a galactic hero garners. He did not dare cross his father however and dutifully graduated as valedictorian from grade school.

Young Adulthood

Coronet City

By the age of 21, the now adult Turon Framke had attended the Corellian Institue of Technology (CIT) and graduated summa cum laude with a masters degree in management with a minor in communications. During his time in college, Turon was captain of the Corellian champion debate team and chairmen of the young entrepreneurs club. Even with all of this success, the specter of the missed Jedi training opportunity still hung over him daily. Shortly after graduation, his father gave him a sales position within Framkorp. The intention was for the younger Framke to simply wine and dine the existing client base, get to know the prominent business men on Corellian and learn the ropes on how to run the show himself. This was not enough for the recent college graduate.

Instead, Turon focused his efforts off-world. He began to make regular sales calls to other major starship manufacturers across the galaxy. He also began to form strong bonds in the galactic business community, especially among his younger peers. In a few short years, the younger Framke had formed a network of contacts within some of the largest interplanetary conglomerates. His efforts began to bear fruit as his contacts began to secure him meetings with decision makes at companies like Kuat Drive Yards. Framkorp, through the efforts of their young salesman, started to submit bids on a few very high-end projects. Each of them by themselves would have doubled the revenue to the company overnight.

There was one problem, one after the other, each bid was always beaten out by a larger competitor. Turon began to become frustrated, never in his life had he failed in an endeavor he put his mind to. Even with the relationships he had formed since graduating from CIT he was unable to close any of the deal. Framkorp was out bid on each and every project it bid for, sometimes in a manner that had aroused his suspicion.

After years away from Corellia, Turon returned home to Coronet empty handed. The day he returned, he visited his father at Framkorp headquarters. Expecting to be admonished for his failures, instead the burgeoning businessman was praised by his parents. Jorn even gave him a newly created executive position, Vice President of Emerging Markets. When the son asked his elder why he was being rewarded for failure, the response was simply that only through action come results. It was Turon's efforts, ones noone has even attempted in the history of Framkorp, that earned him his position. But he also advised his son that the deck was stacked against him. The world of business was a cold, dark place and it is far from fair. It was this day that his father told him that the goal of any person should be to make sure they are on the correct side of unfair. This lesson would stay with the new Vice President as an unexpected opportunity came his way.

Joining the Brotherhood

By 35 ABY, the newly minted executive was making a name for himself in a galaxy still reeling from the years of almost endless war. However, he was still no closer to securing a major contract with an off-world company. Regardless, the young Corellian man grew his network of contacts and his new title did help open a few more doors. One opporuntiy presented the young man with an unexpected boon, a crack at an opportunity he once though lost.

While on the planet of Ord Mantell he was giving a speech at a conference for young executives. After the conference, he was approached by another young man that told him of an heretofore untapped market. The man introduced himself as Marick and the Chief Commercial Officer of Zratis Arms Corporation. Marick informed the Corellian that they specialized in the manufacture of small arms but that they were looking to possibly expand into heavy weapons and would need to contract with a company that could supply coolant systems like Framkorp. The CCO invited Turon to meet him on a station in the Dajorra System where they could start to look into a formal business alliance.

Although he had never heard of Zratis, the Framkorp VP followed the astro-navigation directions his new contact gave him, leading right to Port Ol'val. Upon arrival, Turon was concerned he had possibly been tricked, the port looked very much like a criminal hotbed. Almost as if his thoughts were being broadcast over the holonet, the man he met on Ord Mantell contacted him with landing instructions. He landed his personal ship, the Wealth of Nations and was escorted by a very friendly protocol droid to a conference room.

Marick was waiting for him in the conference room, but there was no indication that this was a business meeting. The door quickly shut behind the Corellian and the man who had originally idendified himself as a CCO revealed that he was a member of an order of Dark Jedi. The Dark Jedi said he was on Ord Mantell for another mission and felt Turon's presence in the force as it slowly grew during his speech. He gave the Vice President of Framkorp an offer, he would not only grant him access to the order he belonged to, but personally take him under his mentorship. In the order he called the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, he would learn skills to dominate his compeetitors, but the trade off is he would also dedicate time to fight alongside his brothers and sisters in arms.

Turon, accepted seeing the chance to fully realize his potential, not only would he learn the mysteries of the Force but he would use his power to, as his fater said, put himself on the right side of unfair. The businessman also knew he would not be able to fight the Dark Jedi off if he said no. In late 35 ABY, Blarex was enrolled in the Shadow Academy.

Into The Fray

Menat Ombo, New Tython

Upon arrival at the Shadow Academy, it as immediately clear that it was not business as usual. Only one Dark Jedi was there to meet him as he entered the academy. The other human did not identify themselve and only took Blarex's name, assigned him to House Galeres. The new recruit was directed to a shuttle with no other information given. Still unsure of what was going on, he boarded the shuttle that was stocked with all forms of armaments and the two crew members, one male one female. He asked where they were going and the woman explained that the Brotherhood was at war with a group of Jedi on a planet called New Tython which was where they were headed. Blarex it seemed, would have to prove himself in combat on day one.

The fledgling Dark Jedi was able to connect with other members of his clan once arriving on New Tython, notably his master Marick. With the assistance of Clan Arcona , Blarex was able to prove himself worthy in the crucible of combat. Much of the combat Blarex experienced was on the streets of Menat Ombo, the main city of New Tython. Without the ability to deflect blaster bolts and lacking a ranged weapon of his own, Turon used his intelligence and wisdom to survive the battle.

Although not turning the tide of any battle on his own, Blarex was awarded with 11 Seals of Decimation and an Anteian Cross for his efforts. The ability to be dropped into the middle of an on-going war and hit the ground running granted the young journeyman to ascend quickly through the ranks of the Order.


In Progress


File:Blarex Armor.jpg
Blarex fully armored

Blarex could easily be mistaken for any Corellian male. He stands average height at 5' 9" and weighs in at a respectable 175 lbs. He keeps his dark brown hair in a tight buzzcut to deny his enemies any advantage in combat. Blarex's dark hair is matched by his dark brown eyes which required corrective surgery as a child. Life inside martial schools and later his combat armor have turned his once golden Corellian skin to a pale white hue.

DJB Facts

In Progress

Positions Held

Member of House Qel-Droma/Clan Arcona

Outstanding Achievements

Joined the DJB during Great Jedi War X earning 11 Seals of Decimation


In Progress