Saal Kesyk: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
m (→‎Joining the Brotherhood: Assimilate!, replaced: [[Acolyte → [[Proselyte)
(→‎top: Updating Character template to reduce confusion, replaced: |type → |order)
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|type = Sith
|order = Sith
|image= [[File:Kesyk.jpeg|250px]]
|name= Ajax Feng
|birth=5 ABY
|hair=Dirty Blonde
|height=appr. 5'3
|height=appr. 5'8
|weight=158 lbs
|weight=150 lbs
|Rank=[[Dark Jedi Knight]]
|Rank=[[Sith Warrior]]
|allies=*[[Andrelious J. Inahj]]
|form=*Djem So
|fightingstyle=*Corellian Kickboxing
Line 28: Line 32:
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era|DJB,]]
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era|DJB,]]
*[[House Galeres|House Galeres,]]
*[[Plagueis|Clan Plagueis]]
*[[Clan Arcona|Clan Arcona,]]
*Black Flag
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood|Dark Jedi Brotherhood,]]
|ship= The Blood Eagle
|masters=Kamalis Creed
|masters=[[Andrelious J. Inahj]]
Achilleus is a Sith Knight. His allegiances lie with Clan Arcona.

== Character History ==
{{Quote|The Force is strong in you. We can make it even stronger. And one day, you will come back to this planet that was foolish enough to cause you strife, and take it as your own."|Unknown Dark Jedi recruiter to Incendus.}}

Achilleus, originally named Ajax Feng, was born in 11 ABY, just years after the [[starwars:Galactic Empire|The Empire]] was shattered and the [[starwars:New Republic|Republic]] reinstated.
[[File:Incendus3.jpg|200px|thumb|left|The Zabrak assassin on Coruscant.]]

Ajax had been recruited by the [[starwars:Hutt Cartel|Hutt Cartel]] as a teenager, and quickly learned the politics of the streets. Throughout his life as a gangster, Ajax went under the codename "Incendus." A fellow assassin who worked for the Cartel came to kill him, and almost succeeded. However, at the brink of death, the force revealed itself to him, and lightning shot from his hands, fatally injuring the enemy. Fearing for his life, he ran, leaving the assassin to die.

On the run, he stopped at a cantina. Here, he was confronted by a Dark Jedi.
'''Saal Kesyk''' is a Sith Warrior, currently allied with Clan Plagueis. He is responsible for the creation of Black Flag, a criminal network of pirates, smugglers and spies which he employs the use of to attain his social and political goals. Ruthless in his pursuit of power, he is a cunning and skilled warrior and diplomat, hoping to use his skills and prowess to gain further power for himself and realize the end goal of his ____ doctrine.

== Joining the Brotherhood ==
== Joining the Brotherhood ==

In 36 ABY, he came to the [[Shadow Academy]], where he was put into Clan [[Arcona]] and House [[Qel-Droma]]. He was shortly promoted to [[Proselyte]] and assigned to his master, [[Andrelious J. Inahj]].  
In 27 ABY, Saal graduated from the [[Shadow Academy]] at the age of 15. He was selected to apprentice under [[Kamalis Creed]], a Zabrak whose lineage traced back to Darth Kraygus, who was a Sith Lord and Wrath of an ancient Emperor. A cunning tactician and ruthless master, Creed would lay the political foundations of and set the stage for Kesyk’s rise to status and power within the Brotherhood. Under his tutelage, Saal Kesyk was trained to be a marauder and a ferocious force on the battlefield. Excelling in the dominant forms of Djem So and Juyo and possessing a natural aptitude for conjuring Sith Lightning, the young Sith quickly became outfitted as a weapon of warfare.

== Operation Rolling Thunder ==
== The Dark Crusade ==

In 36 ABY, The [[starwars:Chiss|Chiss]] military [[starwars:blockade|blockaded]] the Dajorra System. Shadow Gate had been tasked with rigging the power cells of a space station to overload. Scelestus gave the team positions: Zakath and Legorii were at the front, leading everyone through the attack; Incendus and Andraste Vivende were to watch the flanks so that the team wasn't surrounded; and Cethgus and Walker brought up the rear. Scelestus was to assist the front and to rig the subsystems to explode. Everybody would board a gunship that would carry the team to the space station. Incendus carried a blaster and an [[starwars:Electrostaff|electrostaff]] into battle. After landing into the hangar, Legorii and Zakath wasted little time to establish a beachhead inside the enemy's capital ship. After being scolded by Socorra Erinos, the agents took to a quieter approach.
In 30 ABY, the Sith was given his first taste of warfare. Recovering from the Horizons Plague and Zoraan’s attempts at revenge, the Brotherhood now found itself in conflict with the One Sith. After Muz Ashen issued the order for the Brotherhood to conquer their new enemy, Kesyk was dispatched to aid the Arconan war efforts on Barghebba. After some time spent on the battlefield, Saal was tasked with a new mission. The Sith would operate within a covert Arconan strike team comprised of other Dark Jedi, their mission being to perform a raid on a Mecrosa outpost.  

The team had little resistance from the enemy, and what little they did have was quickly dispatched by Legorii and Zakath. Though minimal, there were still some light casualties. Andraste was hit by a blaster and the wide open Incendus was forced to hold off the opposition until Scelestus could get to them with his lightsaber. Cethgus was nearly hit by a blaster turret. Incendus even came close to being shot in the head by a Chiss Officer. Still, the team pushed on, eventually encountering an internal security checkpoint. Now, they had to get past the bulkhead. Cethgus proposed slicing through the huge sealed door, but the option was ruled out on account of time. It was finally proposed that one team member be captured by the enemy, forcing them to open the door, thus giving the team an opening. Incendus volunteered. Walker and Cethgus returned with an officer while Incendus and Zakath returned with a standard Chiss infantryman.  
The strike team, composed of seven Dark Jedi, took heavy casualties, to the point that by the time the Arconans had infiltrated the stronghold, cleared it of enemies and deactivated the anti-aircraft artillery around the base to make way for Arconan freighters, there were only three remaining: Kesyk, a fellow Sith knight and an acolyte. Upon completion of the mission, Kesyk plunged a Mecrosan dagger from a nearby corpse into the acolyte’s heart. Being the strongest warriors of the group, Kesyk and the knight had plotted to provide minimal aid and coverage to their allies, allowing their comrades die and even killing some in the midst of the chaos so that they could thin out some of the weaker Sith competition within their ranks. Kesyk and his master also believed that a scroll containing the teachings of Darth Kraygus, and hinting at the location of his scattered strongholds, was stored within the confines of the warehouse, which had supposedly been one of the Sith Lord’s safe houses in his time. After locating and recovering it through the Force, Kesyk and the knight made a pact of silence, agreeing to contend that their allies had fallen to the Mecrosa’s defensive tactics and that only they had survived. This raised the eyebrows of some Arconan military officers, as the strike team was considered sufficient in size and was expected to make easy work of this operation, but Kamalis Creed’s influence within this Arconan military ranks allowed him to keep the results of the operation under the radar. Together, he and his apprentice planned to work in the shadows to locate the vast resources that Darth Kraygus was said to have left behind, and use it to build their own Sith Empire under his teachings, unbeknownst to the other members of the Brotherhood.
After being swayed via mind trick, the guards dragged Incendus in. Immediately, everybody else dropped through. To their surprise, there was a single Chiss besides the two carrying Incendus, his finger hovering over the button that would sound the alarm and ruin the entire mission. Legorii imediately aimed his blaster at the Chiss' head, and threatened him that if he pressed the button, he would lose his head. Incendus heard a gasp from Socorra through his HUD comlink, he heard the Chiss yell something in [[starwars:Cheunh|Cheunh]], and then he heard the shot of a blaster. The dead Chiss fell to the floor, and the entire team exhaled in relief.
Shortly afterwards, Scelestus split the team up to finish the mission. Andraste was to watch the security monitors, Cethgus was to hack the computers and download every file that he could, Scelestus was sent to rig the cells, leaving Legorii, Zakath, and Incendus to guard and intercept anything that tried to stop them. Minutes dragged on before Scelestus, Andraste, and Cethgus returned to the checkpoint. They then made their way to the hangar. The team boarded their gunship amid blaster fire. As they flew out of the hangar, Scelestus announced that the first round of drinks were on him. The mission was a success.

== Trials of Loyalty ==
A few weeks after the raid on Barghebba, the Sith Knight who had plotted with Kesyk was found dead under suspicious circumstances involving a spice overdose.

== Building a Network ==

Through years of hard training and participation in various Arconan military operations, Saal rose through the ranks and eventually surpassed the rank of Knight. In the shadows, he and his master worked to build the foundations for an extensive network of spies, allied politicians, and a plethora of unsavory black market connections. This network reached across the galaxy, and would serve as both an important intelligence-gathering effort for the Sith duo and as a channel of power which they would use to excel in their goals. Eventually, this would lead to the creation of the pirate organization known as Black Flag.

== Horizons ==
== Ascension ==

In 36 ABY, a deadly [[Horizon Plague|bio-weapon]] was released on the Planet Antei, and the planet fell to chaos. This plague caused those infected to lose their gradually lose touch with the force. Many [[Journeyman|Journeymen]] lost their minds within hours. However, Incendus did not, and was able to escape the planet alongside Andrelious and Sanguinius. Desperate for answers, and desperate for a safe haven, they fled to the [[Tarentum|Tarenti]] Star Destroyer, the [[ISDII Magnus Kaerner|Magnus Kaerner]].  
By the time of 42 ABY, Kesyk had become disillusioned with his place in Clan Arcona. Annoyed at the Clan’s tilt towards a more “gray” approach to the Force, coupled with his disdain of the unit’s decisions to not only welcome Jedi to join Arconan ranks, but to take on leadership roles, Saal disappeared from Selen and surrounding airspace. Eventually, Arconan intelligence revealed that the missing Sith had resurfaced on the planet [[Aliso]].

== The Dark Crusade ==
Seeing the newly reformed and momentum-gaining Ascendant Clan as a better means through which to expand his power base, the Sith Warrior had chosen to abandon the Shadow Clan that he had known for so long, sympathizing with Clan Plagueis’ expansionist policies and their aggressive interpretation of the [[Final Way|Final Way Doctrine]] that was first conceived by [[Kane Vader]]. Though the Plagueis’ summit was hesitant to accept him, due to their foreknowledge of his actions within Clan Arcona and his willingness to turn his back on the unit, they ultimately recognized his capabilities as a potential asset and chose to bring him into the Plagueian ranks. Over time, he began to forge connections with other members, like the then-proconsul [[Nora Olen]] and the Quaestor of [[House Ventress]], [[Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn|Tahiri]]. Eventually, he would be dispatched on a mission to Nar Shadaa, along with [[TuQ'uan Varick]], with the aim of discovering the location of the then-missing Consul of Plagueis.

== The Missing Consul ==

== Force Wraiths  ==
In 42 ABY, the consul of Clan Plagueis, [[Selika Roh]], disappeared from Plagueian airspace, leaving behind no trail or hint of her whereabouts. When it was clear that she had gone missing, Plagueian leadership wasted no time, immediately making the recovery of their consul a priority search. Saal and his assassin droid Dex accompanied his proconsul, TuQ’uan Varick, to Nar Shadaa, investigating a lead from one of Varick’s underworld contacts.

== Extraction on Uskil ==

=== Shogun ===
== Placeholder ==
[[File:SHOGUN_crop.jpg|250px|thumb|left|The Shogun while jumping the rooftops on Port Ol'val.]]
Incendus' first wraith is known as Shogun. It functions mainly as a soldier, deployed by Incendus on various missions.
== Trivia ==

== The Rise of Black Flag ==

[[File:BlackFlag.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|Black Flag is a loose confederation of pirates with ties to Kesyk.]]

With his master out of the picture, Saal would now hijack Creed’s plans to usurp the Sith and usher in a new Sith Empire, completely hidden from the prying eyes of those within the ranks of the Brotherhood. Recognizing his need for manpower, the Sith laid the foundations for Black Flag, a loose coalition of pirate groups, smugglers, and other criminal elements. In an effort to keep himself from being publicly tied to the organization, he worked behind the scenes to install the ruthless raider, Thaddon, as the group’s leader, fashioned as the “Pirate King.” While Saal does not directly lead the organization, he was responsible for putting it together, and as such, he would continue to partner with Thaddon, calling on him for aid in accomplishing his power plays and furthering his political goals through the use of underground elements.

[[Category:DJB Characters]]
[[Category:Plagueis members]]

Latest revision as of 15:57, 29 July 2024

Rise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.

Saal Kesyk
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

12 ABY (age 30)

Physical Description





appr. 5'8


150 lbs





Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
  • Djem So
  • Juyo
Fighting Style(s):
  • Corellian Kickboxing
  • Whiptree
Chronology & Political Information


Personal Ship:

The Blood Eagle

Known masters:

Kamalis Creed



[ Source ]

Saal Kesyk is a Sith Warrior, currently allied with Clan Plagueis. He is responsible for the creation of Black Flag, a criminal network of pirates, smugglers and spies which he employs the use of to attain his social and political goals. Ruthless in his pursuit of power, he is a cunning and skilled warrior and diplomat, hoping to use his skills and prowess to gain further power for himself and realize the end goal of his ____ doctrine.

Joining the Brotherhood

In 27 ABY, Saal graduated from the Shadow Academy at the age of 15. He was selected to apprentice under Kamalis Creed, a Zabrak whose lineage traced back to Darth Kraygus, who was a Sith Lord and Wrath of an ancient Emperor. A cunning tactician and ruthless master, Creed would lay the political foundations of and set the stage for Kesyk’s rise to status and power within the Brotherhood. Under his tutelage, Saal Kesyk was trained to be a marauder and a ferocious force on the battlefield. Excelling in the dominant forms of Djem So and Juyo and possessing a natural aptitude for conjuring Sith Lightning, the young Sith quickly became outfitted as a weapon of warfare.

The Dark Crusade

In 30 ABY, the Sith was given his first taste of warfare. Recovering from the Horizons Plague and Zoraan’s attempts at revenge, the Brotherhood now found itself in conflict with the One Sith. After Muz Ashen issued the order for the Brotherhood to conquer their new enemy, Kesyk was dispatched to aid the Arconan war efforts on Barghebba. After some time spent on the battlefield, Saal was tasked with a new mission. The Sith would operate within a covert Arconan strike team comprised of other Dark Jedi, their mission being to perform a raid on a Mecrosa outpost.

The strike team, composed of seven Dark Jedi, took heavy casualties, to the point that by the time the Arconans had infiltrated the stronghold, cleared it of enemies and deactivated the anti-aircraft artillery around the base to make way for Arconan freighters, there were only three remaining: Kesyk, a fellow Sith knight and an acolyte. Upon completion of the mission, Kesyk plunged a Mecrosan dagger from a nearby corpse into the acolyte’s heart. Being the strongest warriors of the group, Kesyk and the knight had plotted to provide minimal aid and coverage to their allies, allowing their comrades die and even killing some in the midst of the chaos so that they could thin out some of the weaker Sith competition within their ranks. Kesyk and his master also believed that a scroll containing the teachings of Darth Kraygus, and hinting at the location of his scattered strongholds, was stored within the confines of the warehouse, which had supposedly been one of the Sith Lord’s safe houses in his time. After locating and recovering it through the Force, Kesyk and the knight made a pact of silence, agreeing to contend that their allies had fallen to the Mecrosa’s defensive tactics and that only they had survived. This raised the eyebrows of some Arconan military officers, as the strike team was considered sufficient in size and was expected to make easy work of this operation, but Kamalis Creed’s influence within this Arconan military ranks allowed him to keep the results of the operation under the radar. Together, he and his apprentice planned to work in the shadows to locate the vast resources that Darth Kraygus was said to have left behind, and use it to build their own Sith Empire under his teachings, unbeknownst to the other members of the Brotherhood.

A few weeks after the raid on Barghebba, the Sith Knight who had plotted with Kesyk was found dead under suspicious circumstances involving a spice overdose.

Building a Network

Through years of hard training and participation in various Arconan military operations, Saal rose through the ranks and eventually surpassed the rank of Knight. In the shadows, he and his master worked to build the foundations for an extensive network of spies, allied politicians, and a plethora of unsavory black market connections. This network reached across the galaxy, and would serve as both an important intelligence-gathering effort for the Sith duo and as a channel of power which they would use to excel in their goals. Eventually, this would lead to the creation of the pirate organization known as Black Flag.


By the time of 42 ABY, Kesyk had become disillusioned with his place in Clan Arcona. Annoyed at the Clan’s tilt towards a more “gray” approach to the Force, coupled with his disdain of the unit’s decisions to not only welcome Jedi to join Arconan ranks, but to take on leadership roles, Saal disappeared from Selen and surrounding airspace. Eventually, Arconan intelligence revealed that the missing Sith had resurfaced on the planet Aliso.

Seeing the newly reformed and momentum-gaining Ascendant Clan as a better means through which to expand his power base, the Sith Warrior had chosen to abandon the Shadow Clan that he had known for so long, sympathizing with Clan Plagueis’ expansionist policies and their aggressive interpretation of the Final Way Doctrine that was first conceived by Kane Vader. Though the Plagueis’ summit was hesitant to accept him, due to their foreknowledge of his actions within Clan Arcona and his willingness to turn his back on the unit, they ultimately recognized his capabilities as a potential asset and chose to bring him into the Plagueian ranks. Over time, he began to forge connections with other members, like the then-proconsul Nora Olen and the Quaestor of House Ventress, Tahiri. Eventually, he would be dispatched on a mission to Nar Shadaa, along with TuQ'uan Varick, with the aim of discovering the location of the then-missing Consul of Plagueis.

The Missing Consul

In 42 ABY, the consul of Clan Plagueis, Selika Roh, disappeared from Plagueian airspace, leaving behind no trail or hint of her whereabouts. When it was clear that she had gone missing, Plagueian leadership wasted no time, immediately making the recovery of their consul a priority search. Saal and his assassin droid Dex accompanied his proconsul, TuQ’uan Varick, to Nar Shadaa, investigating a lead from one of Varick’s underworld contacts.

Extraction on Uskil


The Rise of Black Flag

Black Flag is a loose confederation of pirates with ties to Kesyk.

With his master out of the picture, Saal would now hijack Creed’s plans to usurp the Sith and usher in a new Sith Empire, completely hidden from the prying eyes of those within the ranks of the Brotherhood. Recognizing his need for manpower, the Sith laid the foundations for Black Flag, a loose coalition of pirate groups, smugglers, and other criminal elements. In an effort to keep himself from being publicly tied to the organization, he worked behind the scenes to install the ruthless raider, Thaddon, as the group’s leader, fashioned as the “Pirate King.” While Saal does not directly lead the organization, he was responsible for putting it together, and as such, he would continue to partner with Thaddon, calling on him for aid in accomplishing his power plays and furthering his political goals through the use of underground elements.