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[[Category:Scholae Palatinae Legions]]

Latest revision as of 03:37, 10 May 2017

Special Operations Commander
Unit Information

Scholae Palatinae


Legions of Scholae Palatinae





  • 908 troops
  • 158 vehicles





Angelo Dante




Reclamation of Judecca, Ninth Great Jedi War

Battle honors:

Reclamation of Judecca



[ Source ]

The Special Operations Command is the higher headquarters unit for all special forces and special missions capable units within the Imperial Guard. Its subordinate units are tasked with numerous tasks to which 'normal' troops would be ill-fitted. Co-located with the Imperial Scholae Guard Headquarters on the planet of Judecca within the Cocytus System.


Although the Special Operations Command is a relatively new structural unit within the Imperial Scholae Guard, its roots can be traced all the way back to the Reborn Emperor and the planet of Byss.

The Reborn Emperor prided himself with his Force-sensitive elite warriors, the Emperor's Hands, and often sent them on missions without additional firepower. However, sometimes a single Emperor's Hand could not accomplish a mission without additional support and would require some assistance.

While Stormtroopers were considered the elite of the Imperial Army, there existed a group who was one echelon above even the feared troopers: the Storm Commandos. Generally a very small unit, the Storm Commandos could operate by themselves or under the command of an Emperor's Hand, and they were very efficient with their killing and mission completion rate.

Long after the death of the Reborn Emperor, these practices were resurrected to some extent in the Hammer's Fist Legion of the remnant group known as the Emperor's Hammer. Led by Field Marshal Dante, the Hammer's Fist was a powerful force to be reckoned with as it sported large formations of walkers capable of destroying fortifications at will. However, they suddenly needed more subtle solutions to the problems they had begun to face in the years during and immediately following the Exodus of 19 ABY.

Operation: Brightlight was a prime example of the changes which were occurring in the types of enemies that the Hammer's Fist began to face as more and more splinter grouops were created. Gone were the days of large standing armies charging at one another, and the forces had to adapt to that or die. During Brightlight, a cell of Jedi had captured an Emperor's Hammer research center and held the scientists hostage as well as having a division of New Republic troops take over the small town nearby. Field Marshal Dante, instead of ordering his AT-ATs into battle, decided on a different tact to handle this breach of their lines.

He hand picked a detachment of men who specialized in multiple fields, and all of them had seen many years of fighting both with the Fist and with other groups. One of these men, Decarat, was keenly intrigued with how this new Prefect was modifying his tactics.

Under cover of night, these men dropped behind enemy lines using parachutes, quickly inserted themselves into the ranks of the enemy, and eliminated most of the outlying Republic troops before they had even woken up. After the sentries were dealt with, they began their attack on the research facility itself.

Although the Jedi had fled during the night, another formation of stormtroopers captured them and the scientists before they could reach their transports. Upon his return to Carrida II, Decarat met with Dante, explaining his idea for an elite formation of troops, who train and fight differently from their brethren.

It was from this idea that the 1st Special Operations Group emerged. Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Balefire, the 1st SOG had three detachments in it: Roughnecks, Torch and Nightstalkers.

The Roughnecks were the airborne troopers of the Group who were trained to attack fast and hard, often with little subtlety. This style of warfare often stunned the enemy, not giving them time to regroup and counter.

Torch was actually a squadron, sporting speedy V-Wing Fighters and troop transports that were able to whisk troops from location to location as well as provide air support for attacks or defenses. Torch was more often than not grouped with the Roughnecks.

The final detachment was the Nightstalkers. These men and women were trained to do almost the exact opposite of the Roughnecks. They fought with subtlety and subterfuge, striking from the darkness, with sniper rifles and knives. In a pinch, they were mean warriors, as capable with their blaster rifles as they were with their quieter options.

1st SOG would survive for a number of years as a very active unit until the entire Hammer's Fist headquarters and base was destroyed by a massive New Republic attack on Carrida II. At this point, Fleet Commander Astatine decreed that the entire Fist would be sent back to the normal legions, and the restructured Fist would become a standard armored brigade.

Many years later, Dante and Decarat would find themselves in the same Clan in the Dark Brotherhood, after they were expelled from the Emperor's Hammer. The Consul of Scholae Palatinae, Braecen Kaeth, realized the resource that he had in the former Prefect and soon Dante was placed in command of the Clan's troops with Decarat having been appointed as his second-in-command.

In 33 ABY, after astonishing losses at the hands of rival Clans on Salas V, the Legions of Scholae Palatinae had to be revamped and reorganized. Dante took this opportunity to recreate the 1st Special Operations Group, in a new setting and with new weapons.

This recreation would become the Special Operations Command, along with a new battleteam of Dark Jedi being formed in Scholae Palatinae, called the Nightstalkers


Commander: Colonel Talar Jenks

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 1.7 Meters
  • Weight: 73 Kilograms
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Blond

Commander Bio. Talar Jenks starts as an Imperial Commando sometime shortly after the Battle of Yavin and worked his way through the ranks of the empire. After the fall of Endor he fell under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn where he served until his defeat. Moving from left over Imperial group to another he finally retired 27 ABY. Approached during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and knowing his skills might be of use he joined the forces of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Once the fighting was settled he ended up working for Clan Scholae Palatinae and was elevated from Major to Colonel and it became his duty to help train the 101st up to par.


The Special Operations Command consists of two very different Legions, and eight Tactical and Airlift squadrons. The units assigned to the SOC are the 101st Special Forces Legion and the 90th Airmobile Legion, as well as the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 60th Tactical Squadrons, and the 140th and 140st Airlift Squadrons.


The majority of the forces of the Special Operations Command are based at the Imperial Scholae Guard base on Judecca. This placement allows for them to be ready to assist the Emperor and protect the capital, which is their primary mandate. This also allows them easy access to the other planets in the Cocytus System, as well as the rest of the galaxy, if the need arises.

101st Special Forces Legion

The 101st Legion is an special forces infantry formation, tasked with both the protection of the planet of Judecca and the Cocytus System, and the constant pressure applied to the enemy, through acts of Black Ops and sabotage (amongst other missions).


The existence of similar units can be traced back millennia, as far back as standing armies were raised and maintained. Often considered a collection of elite soldiers, Special Forces units are trained to complete missions which a 'normal' trooper in a standard regiment would be hard pressed to even take part in, much less complete successfully.

One of the largest scale uses of Special Forces such as these was during the Clone Wars. As a part of the cloning agreement the Jedi Council made with the Kaminoians, large formations of high-trained, high-skilled and more free-thinking troops were created. These troops were given better armor than their clone trooper brothers, as well as a wider array of weaponry.

These 'better' clones were dubbed Clone Commandos, and often trained separately from the clone troopers, on more elaborate training systems and with more difficult and dangerous enemies. It was widely considered that a team of Commandos could be more useful than a company of Clone Troopers. While this is often thought of as demeaning towards the Clone Troopers, this comparison did have merit.

The Clone Commando units were based on a four man team, with a standard internal layout which we see in many other special forces units.

  • Sergeant: The first man is the Sergeant, the leader of the team, whose tactical knowledge and martial skills are expected to help him keep his men alive.
  • Sniper: The second man is the Sniper, a marksman whose skills are very difficult to match, and is expected to watch over the team.
  • Tech: The third man is the Tech, a genius with computers and mechanical devices, he is expected to keep doors and computers open for the team and their equipment up to spec. He is also the medic, if the need arises.
  • Demo/Heavy Weapons: The fourth man is the Demolitions and Heavy weapons specialist, often carrying a larger weapon as a complement to his main weapon into battle, and is expected to open doors the Tech cannot, and take out any large danger, such as a tank.

After the Clone Wars, this trend died down, with the Galactic Empire not needing special forces, other than perhaps the Emperor's Hands, relying more on their Stormtrooper legions. The Rebel Alliance was far from capable of deploying a fully functioning Special Forces unit, having been created from rabble and ex-soldiers looking to overthrow a government.

It was not until the New Republic was formed that the Rebels were able to begin creation of a true Special Forces unit. This unit was known as Page's Commandos, but it did not follow the dogma and layout of the Clone Commandos.

In 33 ABY, after many years at war with the Yuuzhan Vong, then a Jedi Cult under the leadership of Omancor Crask, the Royal House, Scholae Palatinae, saw the need to create a similar force, an elite company of assassins, marksmen and specialists, to help maintain their superiority and strength throughout the region.

This unit would be known as the 101st Special Forces Legion.


Commander: Major Hallik Caldron

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 39
  • Height: 1.8 meters
  • Weight: 75 Kilograms
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown

Commander Bio. Hallik served under then Major Jenks during the fight with the Yuuzhan Vong. When Jenks moved up in command and was promoted to Colonel a replacement was sought. Captain Hallik Caldron was selected and promoted to Major to fill the roll. He has a bionic left hand after losing his hand in a firefight as a young officer. Compact and lean muscle shows he is still a fighter and he has been known to go to the field with his men.

Sergeant Major: Sergeant Major Kesar Laradok

  • Species: Barabel
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 2.2 Meters
  • Weight: 145 Kilograms
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Hair Color: none

Sergeant Major Bio. Kesar Laradok earned nearly all his achievements in the war on the Vong. He bears a scar on his cheek where he literally tried to bite off a Yuuzhan Vong's head. Large and intimidating his other prominent feature is not physical, but rather that he has a strong grasp on the language of Basic and understands the concept of apology, something quite rare for a Barabel. He is an expert with heavy weapons and explosives, the heavier and more powerful the better.


The 101st Legion has a full complement of men and equipment, as per the Legion reorganization in 33 ABY:

101st Special Forces Legion
Designation Commander Complement Specialization
Alpha Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Bravo Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Charlie Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Delta Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Echo Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Foxtrot Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Gold Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Hotel Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Impi Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Juliet Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Kilo Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA
Lima Sergeant TBA 4 men TBA


Sergeant's Kit:

Sniper's Kit:

Tech's Kit:

  • Primary Weapon: E-19 Blaster Rifle
  • Sidearm: DC-15s Side Arm Blaster
  • Armor: Modified Stormtrooper Armor
  • Pack: Thermal Detonators x3, Food rations, Water Rations, Fold Away Tent, Blanket, Extra Blaster Clips x5, Medical Kit, Datapad, Tech Tool Kit, toiletries and keepsakes.
  • Belt: Blaster Clips x3, power supply (for datapad/tools), Utility Tool (for cleaning weapons or repairs), Water Canteen, Sustenance Tablet Canister (for when eating is not an option).

Heavy Weapon Specialist's Kit:


The 101 st Special Forces Legion has no vehicles specifically assigned to them, but instead make use of the [#60th_Tactical_Squadron 60th Tactical Squadron] to get them from place to place.

90th Airmobile Legion

The 90th Airmobile Legion is an air mobile air assault infantry formation, tasked with the protection of the planet of Judecca and the Cocytus System, as well as being the tip of the spear of any offense or defense taken by the Legions of Scholae Palatinae.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


Commander: Major Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

Commander Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Sergeant Major: Sergeant Major Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Barabel
  • Gender: Male
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

Sergeant Major Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


The 90th Airmobile Legion has a full complement of men and equipment, as per the Legion reorganization in 33 ABY:

90th Airmobile Legion
Designation Callsign Commander Complement
Alpha Infantry Captain Blake 165 men
Bravo Infantry Captain Arnolds 165 men
Charlie Infantry Captain Hampton 165 men
Delta Infantry Captain Gallindro 165 men

The 90th Airmobile Legion also has a strong armored section, as of 33 ABY:

90th Airmobile Legion
Designation Callsign Commander Complement
Alpha Armor Captain Blake 16 AT-XT, 1 AT-AA
Bravo Armor Captain Arnolds 16 AT-XT, 1 AT-AA
Charlie Armor Captain Hampton 16 AT-XT, 1 AT-AA
Delta Armor Captain Gallindro 16 AT-XT, 1 AT-AA


Standard Infantryman Kit:

Crew Member Kit:


The 90th Airmobile Legion has numerous vehicles assigned to it, as it has to strike hard and fast.

The 90th Airmobile Legion's Tactical and Airlift Squadrons have large store of heavy-lift dropships and troop transports, allowing almost all of the 90th to be on the move at any given time.

4th Tactical Squadron

The 4th Tactical Squadron is a troop transport squadron, ferrying troops from position to position, and providing air support as needed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


Commander: Commander Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

Commander Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Exceutive Officer: First Lieutenant Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Cookie Monster
  • Gender: Male
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

XO Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


The 4th Tactical Squadron has a full complement of men and equipment, as per the Legion reorganization in 33 ABY:

4th Tactical Squadron
Nickname Commander Complement
TBA Commander TBA 12 LAAT/i

5th Tactical Squadron

The 5th Tactical Squadron is a troop transport squadron, ferrying troops from position to position, and providing air support as needed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


Commander: Commander Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

Commander Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Exceutive Officer: First Lieutenant Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Cookie Monster
  • Gender: Male
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

XO Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


The 5th Tactical Squadron has a full complement of men and equipment, as per the Legion reorganization in 33 ABY:

5th Tactical Squadron
Nickname Commander Complement
TBA Commander TBA 12 LAAT/i

6th Tactical Squadron

The 6th Tactical Squadron is a troop transport squadron, ferrying troops from position to position, and providing air support as needed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


Commander: Commander Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

Commander Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Exceutive Officer: First Lieutenant Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Cookie Monster
  • Gender: Male
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

XO Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


The 6th Tactical Squadron has a full complement of men and equipment, as per the Legion reorganization in 33 ABY:

6th Tactical Squadron
Nickname Commander Complement
TBA Commander TBA 12 LAAT/i

7th Tactical Squadron

The 7th Tactical Squadron is a troop transport squadron, ferrying troops from position to position, and providing air support as needed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


Commander: Commander Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

Commander Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Exceutive Officer: First Lieutenant Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Cookie Monster
  • Gender: Male
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

XO Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


The 7th Tactical Squadron has a full complement of men and equipment, as per the Legion reorganization in 33 ABY:

7th Tactical Squadron
Nickname Commander Complement
TBA Commander TBA 12 LAAT/i

30th Airlift Squadron

The 30th Airlift Squadron is a troop transport squadron, ferrying troops from position to position, and providing air support as needed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


Commander: Commander Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

Commander Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Exceutive Officer: First Lieutenant Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Cookie Monster
  • Gender: Male
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

XO Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


The 30th Airlift Squadron has a full complement of men and equipment, as per the Legion reorganization in 33 ABY:

30th Airlift Squadron
Nickname Commander Complement
TBA Commander TBA 12 LAAT/c

31st Airlift Squadron

The 31st Airlift Squadron is a troop transport squadron, ferrying troops from position to position, and providing air support as needed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


Commander: Commander Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

Commander Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Exceutive Officer: First Lieutenant Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Cookie Monster
  • Gender: Male
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

XO Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


The 31st Airlift Squadron has a full complement of men and equipment, as per the Legion reorganization in 33 ABY:

31st Airlift Squadron
Nickname Commander Complement
TBA Commander TBA 12 LAAT/i

60th Tactical Squadron

The 60th Tactical Squadron is a troop transport squadron, ferrying troops from position to position, and providing air support as needed. This squadron is singularly assigned to the 101st Special Forces Legion.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


Commander: Commander Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

Commander Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.

Exceutive Officer: First Lieutenant Lorem Ipsum

  • Species: Cookie Monster
  • Gender: Male
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:

XO Bio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae mauris quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla turpis ligula, porttitor at condimentum sit amet, gravida sit amet leo. Proin arcu orci, venenatis et luctus nec, imperdiet sed tellus. Maecenas auctor imperdiet elit dignissim placerat. Curabitur pellentesque fringilla tincidunt. Etiam varius lacinia dui eu mattis. Nullam sit amet metus arcu. Nulla facilisi. Ut sed tortor lectus.


The 60th Tactical Squadron has a full complement of men and equipment, as per the Legion reorganization in 33 ABY:

60th Tactical Squadron
Nickname Commander Complement
TBA Commander TBA 12 LAAT/i

Scholae Palatinae Ground Forces

Praetorian Guard

Imperial Scholae Guard

Antenoran GuardCainian GuardJudeccan Guard • Ptolomean Guard

Expeditionary Force
Expeditionary Force WarspiteExpeditionary Force Indomitable • Heavy Artillery Force

Special Operations Command

90th Airmobile Legion • 101st Special Forces Legion • 102nd Airlift Wing

Imperial Scholae Intelligence

Tempest Division