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{{Krath charinfo
|name=Anochiir Isradia
|firstname=Balthier mied Demen
|birth=2 BBY
|lastname= d'Tana
|birth=5 ABY
|death=35 ABY
|hair=Raven Black w/ silver streaks
|hair= Raven Black
|height=2 Meters
|height=1.80 Meters
|saber= Azure
*[[Dun Moch]]
*[[Shadow Fist]]
|fightingstyle=*[[Klarin Chi]]
|profession=*Dark Jedi  
*[[Teras Kasi]]
*[[starwars:Saber Rake|Saber Rake]]
|profession=[[Dark Jedi]]
*Gentleman Thief
|position=[[Quaestor]] of [[House Satal Keto]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=*[[House Satal Keto]]
|affiliation=* [[Clan Arcona]]
*[[Clan Plagueis]]
*[[starwars:House Reena|House Reena]]
|ship=Anochiir's Wings
|dossier=[ 6377]
{{quote|Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici|Faust}}

{{Quote|Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.|Faust}}

== History ==
===Childhood: The Beginning  5 ABY ===

        As a child, Anochiir was born to Islena and Horus. His original surname has been long forgotten and nor does he care to remember it. From what he remembers, his father was a drunk and abusive, his mother was a whore, and his siblings were always fighting for their father’s approval. Anochiir was originally named Fahlen after his grandfather. He grew up carefully and tentatively, leading many to believe that he was not his father’s son. As he grew, the boy wanted nothing more than to be free from his father’s control. He carefully planned everything he did, giving him a slight edge over his siblings. He worked on his mardorin and his basic ensuring he could converse in the Courts as well as with the seemingly normal society.
In 5 ABY, a young Miraluka woman had lain with a smuggler by the name of [[Tyber Vorrac|Vorrac]]. She had recently begun working for one of the nobles within [[starwars:House Reena|House Reena]]. When the child was born, the young woman suffered from severe internal hemorrhaging and expired. The boy was adopted into the House and treated as one of their own children. The child was born with the exact same features as his mother, lending him a feminine look as well as vestigial eye sockets without the orbs to fill them. The man and woman who were to become his parents decided to hide the fact that he was a non-human and bound his face with silk cloth to keep his lack of eyes hidden. It would be many years before the young boy would learn the truth of things. He was named Balthier and given a place among the family.
When he reached the age of seven, he travelled with his oldest sibling to the Courts in Tol Rothan. There he met for the first time the man who would become his master, Jonaleth Isradia. Kneeling before this man of unsurpassed greatness, the boy Fahlen spoke the Oath of Loyalty in flawless mardorin. The Master Isradia, unsurprised at his use of the language gave him a new name. He was to be known as Anochiir Isradia, the family’s tactician. Several more years would pass before his fateful day of betrayal. Unbeknownst to himself and his master, there were things unseen in the makings for the both of them. He had been adopted into the family and was privy to very few things. He had decided to join the Ninth Order, the necromancers. He practiced the dark arts of his tradition with elemental efficiency. As he learned, he grew in strength.

The child, however, grew quickly and soon become more than a nuisance to those around him. Balthier was quick to learn anything new that interested him. Within months the boy was speaking in broken sentences and by the time the first year was over, there was no safe place to hide from the boy's wandering steps.

        When Anochiir had turned the age of thirteen, he was approached by a man named Demarkus. He was of some importance in Minor House Wellick and offered the young man something that appealed to him from his childhood. He offered him the freedom from a Master. Even though he loved Jonaleth like a father and his nature demanded absolute servitude within the confines of being respected, he accepted the tempting offer. He worked night and day, absenting himself from the Courts, leaving the others to wonder what he spent his time working on. The fateful day came that he was to enact his plans, he was not careful enough and was soon found out. He bolted for his ship in hopes of getting away before he was captured. He was very wrong indeed. The Master Isradia was waiting for him when he reached his ship. Being captured, he was branded with the wilted black rose. Marked as an oath-breaker, he fled his homeworld of Vardor never to return as such held an immediate death sentence. He spent nearly two decades away from Vardor. His first stop on his journey was Coruscant
===Childhood: The Early Years  6 ABY - 12 ABY ===

Balthier’s steps became progressively more noticed as he seemed to have an utterly insatiable curiosity. Locked doors and restricted areas only served to interest the child even more. The young boy quickly found that it was relatively easy to elude detection until people were actively looking. Darkened hallways and quiet doors accompanied his silent footfalls perfectly, especially within the later years of his life.

Balthier’s childhood was quiet and mostly uninterrupted as he learned from hand selected tutors in subjects branching from politics to martial arts. The boy was particularly interested in the the thieves of ancient times, the ones who were willing to steal for the adventure and not for the financial gain as well as architecture.
On Coruscant, he hired himself out as an Assault and Tactics specialist to the highest bidder. During his time as such, he has a recorded win-loss rate of seventy wins and six losses. His paramount thinking in terms of battle gave the troops he had command over the lowest recorded losses ever. He spent four years honing his tactics before he discovered a Dark Jedi, whose name has been lost since the Exodus of the Brotherhood. He rose through the ranks slowly, giving him an advantage of knowledge over many who matched him in rank. He occupied much of his time in the Clan Naga Sadow. He went by the name of Jack Ordo. Posing as a mandalorian, he passed under the radar of many people. His tactical mind continued to work in overtime, giving him an even greater edge. After seven years, he felt he had learned enough.

A new life:
The years continued their stately march and yielded a boy who’s mind was far too fast for his own good and who had within him a curiosity that always desired to find out what was on the other side of a hill or behind a locked door. The boy seemed to age much more quickly
After seven years in the clan, he left for a time. He married a young human named Jade Araan. Through her he had two twin sons, Fenris and Drakma, and a daughter, Adriana. He lived in peace for a long time. When his boys had turned twelve, his past came to haunt him. The Black Sun, a rival of his master’s found him out and knew who he was. He was visiting the lake near his home on Myrkyr, when they struck. His family defenseless, they were captured quickly. Seeing smoke on the horizon, he raced back to his home only to find his wife and children bound and gagged before him. The Black Sun operatives took one look at him and the leader of the group gave one command, “Kill them.” Anochiir got the chance to watch his family be executed in front of his eyes. His tactical mind was blown, such an act against a superior opponent was unthinkable. He wept for his family for a brief moment and then his survival instincts kicked in. He butchered the men who had destroyed his family. He then went into his burning himin hopes that it would collapse on him and end his torment. When it never collapsed, he left the ruins and fashioned a brand. Heating it in the smoldering ruins of his home, he placed the mark on his chest whispering in his native language of mardorin, “Va'rasas itai asa, Anochiir.”
===Childhood: Talented Son 12 ABY - 17 ABY ===

As the boy-child grew, he began to fill out the wiry, slender frame that he was unable to ever get away from. The boy began to actively exercise, his hand to hand training was progressing rapidly as the child started learning more advanced forms. Balthier's limbers began to show the signs of muscle and started to become highly toned for what little was there to be toned.
Changing his name and hiding everything about himself, he adopted the name of Mihoshi and was adopted by the Keibatsu family. Punishment, it fit for him. He masqueraded as a woman for several years. He left the clan that he had made his home, looking toward the skies and moving to a new Clan named Tarentum. His time there was short lived as he could not fit in there. He changed his name to Yukika, continuing the masquerade of being a woman.  

Clan Plagueis - A new life and death:
His instructors had always been sure to teach the boy that being the largest fighter was not always the way to be the best fighter. They assured him that his size would always come as more of a benefit than a hindrance to him if the time ever came that he would need to fight with his opponents in close quarters. Balthier always understood and comprehended what the teachers were saying in fairly short order. He strove to perfect his mastery of the forms he had chosen to use to protect himself. Two of these forms being the form Verdanaian and the variant form Shadow Fist.
He finally found himself in Clan Plagueis, after changing his name to Lena Gaiton. He saw his master there and thought he made a mistake, but his Master said nothing to him. His disguise seemed to be working for a time. Moving under the radar of his master, he continued with the guise so much to force his appearance to alter. He had manipulated his genes to give him feline features for a set amount of time. He went on with his charade until his master left Clan Plagueis to return to Vardor, at which time his genetic code returned to normal and he opted to reclaim his name given to him and returned from a brief hiatus as Anochiir once more. He considered himself the cream of the crop and nothing living could beat him. He found himself locked in a struggle with a cathar female who moved faster than he did. In his fight, he was hamstrung and fell to his knees. Knowing the fight was over, his hands dropped to his side. His last memory of that day was the look on her face as her claws raked through his head. He awoke sometime later in a medical facility, with his left eye gone. His right eye was in perfect working condition, but the sparkle of life was gone from it. Something had kept him here, his death was unclean even though it was a warrior’s death. Something he had prayed to the Rose Goddess for nearly fifteen years for, and yet it was denied to him. Regaining his health, he tracked down the woman and bested her, forcing her into his servitude as his apprentice. He found himself longing to see his home and without a word, he left Plagueis space. Upon his arrival on Nox Alpha Three, known as Vardor, he went straight to Urd Nathen. Thinking he had managed to slip in unnoticed, he made his way through the city. His tactical mind screamed for him to leave, but he felt drawn to the Final Obelisk.

He learned other forms, but the only form he is comfortable in aside from those aforementioned is the Bothan form of Jeswandi. His life was filled with balance and his parents were always eager to hear what he had learned the day before.
Upon his arrival at the Final Obelisk, he stood there for a minute in the cold air. He admired the Obelisk from its base, knowing full well that he was in plain sight of everyone traveling or lurking in the shadows. Turning to leave, the wind kicked up and revealed the wilted rose branded on his forearm. Touching his arm lightly, “Imtan’don. Nothing more than an oath-breaker.”
Almost as if that was his cue, the Master Isradia looked up at the interloper. The Anzat’s eyes fell upon the brand and he was filled with rage that an oath-breaker would return to Vardor. Approaching the man, he recognized him as the one who had tried to murder him nearly two decades beforehand. A resounding, “Son utun asa, imtan’don ” echoed through the area and Anochiir froze recognizing the voice. His master had found him after all these years. He pleaded for his Master to see into his mind and see the truth of his betrayal and his pain of exile. He had come to Vardor seeking his death. He wanted nothing more than his suffering to end. He spoke to his master in hushed tones, “If I am your enemy, Master. Command me and I will take my own life.”
===Adolescence: Fast Study and the Saber Rakes  17 ABY - 23 ABY ===
As he begged his master to see into the truth, he unfolded his memories to his Master as easily as one might read a book. The Master hit him squarely on his jaw causing the bone to break. His speech became rough and pained, “I have paid much for my foolishness, Master. Much have I lost and great is my Torment.”
As he awaited his fate with barely surviving dignity, his master’s hand was stayed and he looked as though a great force had struck him. The Master ripped Anochiir’s shirt open and revealed his brand. The Mark of Torment. “Wheels within wheels.” Anochiir made no move to cover his mark, ever watchful of his Master’s safety as he had been before his transgression. Slightly confused, Anochiir watched his master who demanded that he retake his oath of loyalty to the chagrin of Ethran, who had been watching the interaction with his eyes gleaming with the swift justice of an oath-breaker looming in the air. Kneeling before the master and once more in flawless mardorin, he swore the Oath of Loyalty once more. Upon rising to his feet, the Master Isradia gave him a new mark on the soft tissue of his neck. The master’s words echoed in the vaults of his mind and continue to do so, “Your crime, it can be absolved. I declare it so. But the sin is still yours. You gain life only by my indulgence.” He was named a Dane of the Imperial House and given Urd Cytax and the task of guarding the Vaults of the Dead. He took his duties to heart and continues to live with the stigma of being an oath-breaker. He leads his people the best he can and repels all unwanted visitors with near elemental brutality. His people are beginning to overcome their natural xenophobia through his leadership, but it is a slow moving process.

The boy-child turned twelve and was noticed by a small group of duelists who sought out his parents, expressing an interest in teaching the young adolescent. His parents, always knowing how the child hungered for new information, agreed to allow the Saber Rakes to teach the young Balthier the rules of the duel and how to conduct ones self  with dignity and honor even in the face of utter defeat.

*[[Krath]] [[Tetrarch]] of Avatars of Death (Avatars of Darkness)
These lessons were particularly difficult for the young man to master. Standard etiquette was a breeze, but the things the Rakes were teaching the the boy seemed almost inhumanly compassionate and selfless. The Rakes taught him that the females of any species were to be treated with respect as though they were ones own mother. The males of each race were to be treated with respect and honor as a potential comrade or as a competitive suitor for the attentions of a chosen woman.
*[[Rollmaster]] of [[House Gladius]]
*[[Rollmaster]] of [[House Tridens]]
*[[Rollmaster]]/[[Envoy]] of [[House Exar Kun]]
*[[Rollmaster]]/[[Envoy]] of [[House Satal Keto]]
*[[Krath]] [[Tetrarch]] of [[Exar's Shadow]]
*Master to [[Alexashandra|Alexashandra Greywolf]]
*Clan Envoy of [[Clan Plagueis]]
*[[Eclectic Pedagogue]]: Krath Core
*[[Quaestor]] of [[House Satal Keto]]

The young Balthier understood the lessons, but it was many years before the practices actually came into play as they were lessons to be learned the hardest way of all; through pain and error. The young teenager practiced his styles with various weapons as he trained to duel with the older members of the group.

*Began construction on [[Umbra Arx]] [[Exar's Shadow]]'s Base of Operations
Within two years, Balthier had become well known as one of the preeminent duelists of his family and of that select group of older gentleman. He had beaten all of them at least once and bore the title of Saber Rake, shortly followed by the presentation of his first lightfoil.

The victories were short lived, however as the young man soon found several things that didn’t seem to fit with the stories of his life. His parents both had hair the color of spun gold, his brothers and sisters bore the same hair color. Their eyes were the softest blue and they skin bore a darker complexion than most within the area due largely to the fact that his family was always out of doors during the day.

*Anochiir married and had three children. All are deceased. Wife: Jade Araan Sons:Drakma and Fenris Daughter: Adriana
Balthier had a head full of raven black hair, his skin was pale and bore the color of freshly cleaned alabaster. He had no eyes, but that never stopped him from being able to see. His parents had called it a gift. That he was connected to the Force in ways that they never could be.
*Anochiir is an only child as far as he knows. There may have been others in his family, but he never knew about them, as far as he knows, he is the only one of his family left.
*Anochiir lost one of his eyes to his apprentice Alexashandra. She caught him off-guard during a Master-Student discipline session and her claws raked his face on the right side leaving a single scar from his hairline to the top of his cheekbone, thus losing the use of his right eye.
*Anochiir has recently joined the [[Isradia]] family, the Imperial House of Vardor, as a Dane, and has been granted Panarchship of Urd Cytax.

[[Category: DJB Characters]][[Category: Clan Plagueis]]
Anger and rejection began to fill the young man’s heart as he searched for the truth of why he was so radically different from the people he called his parents. After several months of searching, he had found his answer. The bones of a long dead Miraluka woman were buried in their private cemetery which made no sense as there was no blood from that sub-species within the family.
Further digging revealed that the woman was Balthier’s mother who had died during childbirth shortly after the nobles had agreed to care for the child. The young man touched the silk cloth covering his eyes and wept silently for the life he never knew and what was lost for him to have such splendor.
The tears soon dried and he went off in search of his family. A heated argument ensued which ended with him striking down the man he called father with the ever present lightfoil at the Miralukan’s side. The shock of what he’d done barely had the time to wear off when his mother charging him with a blade drawn with the intent of removing the man’s life. An act of desperation flared Balthier’s temper once again and he lashed out with the weapon in his hand, cutting down his mother as well.
Before his siblings could find out what had happened, the young man fled from the estates and boarded the nearest ship offworld. He had found mention of a place within on of the large tomes his father had kept of the Dark Brotherhood. Resolutely, the young man turned his back on his family and on Reena, departing for the unknown and for the Brotherhood.
===Adulthood: Reunion 23 ABY===
Balthier soon joined Clan Plagueis where he was approached by an older man known as Kal Vorrac who claimed that the two were half-brothers by way of their father, Tyber Vorrac. The young man vehemently disagreed even to the point of genetic testing to find if the two were produced by the same father. Balthier had since found that his parents had deceived him and knew that he was not human, but to have a brother was unthinkable. The urges to strike the man down were hard to quell seeing as the older Vorrac respected the Miraluka a great deal for some strange reason that was never revealed.
Before the results of the tests could arrive, the Clan was plunged into a bitter war with itself as the Ketoans and the Kunar continued their battle for dominance. Having been one of the Kunar at the time, Balthier and Kal faced off on the field of battle. Having been formally trained in dueling and in the Force, Balthier made short work of the newly minted Knight and Vorrac's left arm was mangled in the brutal fight that ensued. High-force impacts created excessive strain on the joints that lasted for rest Kal's time with said arm.
While the two were conversing one day, the results from the tests came in proving the two were, in fact, brothers which caused the Tapani a serious level of grief that perpetually confused the older brother. As the time passed, the brothers became closer regardless of which house they served in within the Clan of Plagueis. They saw the fracturing of the Houses and knew that it would eventually fall to them to repair the damage.
===Adulthood: House Satal Keto 23 ABY - 24 ABY===
{{Quote|Brother, this cannot continue and we both know it.| Balthier to [[Kal di Plagia Vorrac|Kal]]}}
The younger of the two brothers was soon selected to be the Quaestor of House Satal Keto. The oldest was currently serving as the tenured Aedile, assigned to assist the Tapani with all matters. The secret held between the brothers at that time continued to remain deep within the shadows that the younger always seemed to enjoy manipulating. Childish delight always seemed to accompany the brothers schemes and soon the two agreed to assist one another in the rebuilding of their home, starting with Satal Keto.
As the brothers grew in strength, the Consul and Proconsul took notice and were afraid that their own positions were not secure as the Ketoans had clearly secured their power base within the House. The approach of the Consul was treated with trepidation and derision from both brothers, though nothing was voiced. Balthier was asked to step down from his position and join the regular troops.
The Prelate did just this, falling once more into the shadows to wait and strike when the moment was correct.
===Adulthood: The Shadows and the Vong 24 ABY - 27 ABY===
The Prelate rejoined the regular troops, still preaching about class differences and that sitting in ivory towers would not protect the regular men from the dangers of the world. He often asked the question: Why do they deserve this protection? What good have they done for us?
The attitudes of the regular troops were harder to sway as they had all been trained thoroughly to protect the Dark Jedi, not the regular men and women. The Prelate's words were heard and the people help him in favor over the ones who rested within their places of power. They demanded that the Feudalistic leaders come out of their towers and share in their pain caused by the Vong. They demanded that the leaders help with the repairs of the sacked villages and the destroyed towns, pleading for refugee camps to surround the castles of the Dark Jedi. Most notably among the protestors and the one calling for change was the blindfolded face of the youngest Vorrac.
The Feudalists left their towers and dispersed the mobs gathering at the gates to their palaces. The Consul had Balthier apprehended and sentenced to life imprisonment within a block of carbonite. The prisoner was simply known as "Prisoner 4N-CHR-98" there were never any other words to signify who this prisoner was and as such, he was lost to time for the next six years.
===Adulthood: Imprisonment 27 ABY - 33 ABY===
At the end of the Vong invasion, the Consul Aabsdu Dupar and his Proconsul Ethran Isradia captured the Tapani and had him encased in carbonite as a highly dangerous citizen. His tenure was long indeed as the time for the aging Balthier stopped as the rest of the world continued to move forward.
Time passed as the Tapani slumbered within his prison of carbonite. He was checked constantly by the wardens to ensure that the eternal slumber of the man was not interrupted or cut short by a malfunction with the controls. Soon, the wardens stopped coming as the tides of Plagueis turned away from the Feudal era and then the Stratocracy.
In 33 ABY, the carbonite prison was opened to reveal the defiant Balthier. His half-brother, Kal, had located him after years of searching the archives. Finally, the laborious task of the older Vorrac paid off and the Prelate was located deep within the prison’s vault. The awakening was painful for the man, as his body had been encased for six long years.
The Prelate awakened slowly some weeks after his long sleep within the stone. His mind was clouded and his muscles weak and unaccustomed to the movements it took for movement of even the simplest of tasks. His brother Kal was there every day, helping the Miralukan to understand the extent of what had transpired during his six year slumber.
The Feudal Era had ended with a man named [[Braecen Kaeth]] ascending to power and dissolving the previous government in favor of something called the Stratocracy. This lasted for a few years and the man left the mark on the system with a prison being named after him. Balthier found this to be extremely bizarre as great men would build schools and not prisons.
The Stratocracy had ended in past few years with Kalidraad taking power in his brother’s place. He used the power attained there to locate the Miralukan through the old records kept by the Feudalists. The days slowly slipped to years as the older Vorrac became nearly obsessed with finding his brother and freeing him.
As the debriefing ended, the Prelate stood and held his hand out to Kal. He informed the Last Son of Plagueis that they did not need someone like him anymore. An old revolutionary’s opinions and tactics die hard. He bid his brother farewell and departed from Jusadih, embarking on a journey that would carry him to his home on Reena as well as very few stops until the he reached the Unknown Regions.
===Adulthood: The Wanderings 33 ABY - 35 ABY===
Balthier flew his ship slowly as to refrain from attracting too much attention to the ship he had borrowed without permission from one of the residents under the purview and protection of the Clan. He travelled extensively, his movements never suspicious and also proper. The young man never had a set direction in mind, but simply travelled the galaxy in search of good times and decent conversation.
The time slipped by and the Prelate barely even registered his absence until he was contacted by a ghost from the past. An old friend had contacted him informing him of the coming vendetta and requested that since he was not attached to any of the Houses that he join Revan and support them. The Miraluka agreed and soon departed the Unknown Regions, setting course for the Dark Brotherhood once more.
The time that followed the Vendetta was different for the young man. He always seemed to feel like something was wrong, as though no matter his choices, he simply did not fit in with those he had cast his lot in with. As it happened, the young man requested placement within the Clan of Arcona where he found himself accepted and treated fairly.
==  Positions  ==
* [[Krath]] [[Tetrarch]] of Avatars of Death (Avatars of Darkness)
* [[Rollmaster]] of [[House Gladius]]
* [[Rollmaster]] of [[House Tridens]]
* [[Rollmaster]]/[[Envoy]] of [[House Exar Kun]]
* [[Rollmaster]]/[[Envoy]] of [[House Satal Keto]]
* [[Krath]] [[Tetrarch]] of [[Exar's Shadow]]
* Clan Envoy of [[Clan Plagueis]]
* [[Eclectic Pedagogue]]: Krath Core
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Satal Keto]]
* [[Krath]] [[Tetrarch]] of Dark Inquisitors
* [[Rollmaster]] of [[House Ludo Kressh]]
* Mythology Professor of the [[Simus Institute]]
* [[Aedile]] of [[Odan-Urr|House Odan-Urr]]
==  Achievements  ==
* Began construction on [[Umbra Arx]] [[Exar's Shadow]]'s Base of Operations
* Dark Maven - Service Degree
* Dark Savant - Service Degree
* Dark Maven - Philosophy
==  Trivia  ==
[[Category:Deceased Characters]]

Latest revision as of 14:52, 1 December 2016

Balthier mied Demen d'Tana
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Date of Death:

35 ABY

Physical Description





1.80 Meters


Raven Black

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

"Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici."


Childhood: The Beginning 5 ABY

In 5 ABY, a young Miraluka woman had lain with a smuggler by the name of Vorrac. She had recently begun working for one of the nobles within House Reena. When the child was born, the young woman suffered from severe internal hemorrhaging and expired. The boy was adopted into the House and treated as one of their own children. The child was born with the exact same features as his mother, lending him a feminine look as well as vestigial eye sockets without the orbs to fill them. The man and woman who were to become his parents decided to hide the fact that he was a non-human and bound his face with silk cloth to keep his lack of eyes hidden. It would be many years before the young boy would learn the truth of things. He was named Balthier and given a place among the family.

The child, however, grew quickly and soon become more than a nuisance to those around him. Balthier was quick to learn anything new that interested him. Within months the boy was speaking in broken sentences and by the time the first year was over, there was no safe place to hide from the boy's wandering steps.

Childhood: The Early Years 6 ABY - 12 ABY

Balthier’s steps became progressively more noticed as he seemed to have an utterly insatiable curiosity. Locked doors and restricted areas only served to interest the child even more. The young boy quickly found that it was relatively easy to elude detection until people were actively looking. Darkened hallways and quiet doors accompanied his silent footfalls perfectly, especially within the later years of his life.

Balthier’s childhood was quiet and mostly uninterrupted as he learned from hand selected tutors in subjects branching from politics to martial arts. The boy was particularly interested in the the thieves of ancient times, the ones who were willing to steal for the adventure and not for the financial gain as well as architecture.

The years continued their stately march and yielded a boy who’s mind was far too fast for his own good and who had within him a curiosity that always desired to find out what was on the other side of a hill or behind a locked door. The boy seemed to age much more quickly

Childhood: Talented Son 12 ABY - 17 ABY

As the boy-child grew, he began to fill out the wiry, slender frame that he was unable to ever get away from. The boy began to actively exercise, his hand to hand training was progressing rapidly as the child started learning more advanced forms. Balthier's limbers began to show the signs of muscle and started to become highly toned for what little was there to be toned.

His instructors had always been sure to teach the boy that being the largest fighter was not always the way to be the best fighter. They assured him that his size would always come as more of a benefit than a hindrance to him if the time ever came that he would need to fight with his opponents in close quarters. Balthier always understood and comprehended what the teachers were saying in fairly short order. He strove to perfect his mastery of the forms he had chosen to use to protect himself. Two of these forms being the form Verdanaian and the variant form Shadow Fist.

He learned other forms, but the only form he is comfortable in aside from those aforementioned is the Bothan form of Jeswandi. His life was filled with balance and his parents were always eager to hear what he had learned the day before.

Adolescence: Fast Study and the Saber Rakes 17 ABY - 23 ABY

The boy-child turned twelve and was noticed by a small group of duelists who sought out his parents, expressing an interest in teaching the young adolescent. His parents, always knowing how the child hungered for new information, agreed to allow the Saber Rakes to teach the young Balthier the rules of the duel and how to conduct ones self with dignity and honor even in the face of utter defeat.

These lessons were particularly difficult for the young man to master. Standard etiquette was a breeze, but the things the Rakes were teaching the the boy seemed almost inhumanly compassionate and selfless. The Rakes taught him that the females of any species were to be treated with respect as though they were ones own mother. The males of each race were to be treated with respect and honor as a potential comrade or as a competitive suitor for the attentions of a chosen woman.

The young Balthier understood the lessons, but it was many years before the practices actually came into play as they were lessons to be learned the hardest way of all; through pain and error. The young teenager practiced his styles with various weapons as he trained to duel with the older members of the group.

Within two years, Balthier had become well known as one of the preeminent duelists of his family and of that select group of older gentleman. He had beaten all of them at least once and bore the title of Saber Rake, shortly followed by the presentation of his first lightfoil.

The victories were short lived, however as the young man soon found several things that didn’t seem to fit with the stories of his life. His parents both had hair the color of spun gold, his brothers and sisters bore the same hair color. Their eyes were the softest blue and they skin bore a darker complexion than most within the area due largely to the fact that his family was always out of doors during the day.

Balthier had a head full of raven black hair, his skin was pale and bore the color of freshly cleaned alabaster. He had no eyes, but that never stopped him from being able to see. His parents had called it a gift. That he was connected to the Force in ways that they never could be.

Anger and rejection began to fill the young man’s heart as he searched for the truth of why he was so radically different from the people he called his parents. After several months of searching, he had found his answer. The bones of a long dead Miraluka woman were buried in their private cemetery which made no sense as there was no blood from that sub-species within the family.

Further digging revealed that the woman was Balthier’s mother who had died during childbirth shortly after the nobles had agreed to care for the child. The young man touched the silk cloth covering his eyes and wept silently for the life he never knew and what was lost for him to have such splendor.

The tears soon dried and he went off in search of his family. A heated argument ensued which ended with him striking down the man he called father with the ever present lightfoil at the Miralukan’s side. The shock of what he’d done barely had the time to wear off when his mother charging him with a blade drawn with the intent of removing the man’s life. An act of desperation flared Balthier’s temper once again and he lashed out with the weapon in his hand, cutting down his mother as well.

Before his siblings could find out what had happened, the young man fled from the estates and boarded the nearest ship offworld. He had found mention of a place within on of the large tomes his father had kept of the Dark Brotherhood. Resolutely, the young man turned his back on his family and on Reena, departing for the unknown and for the Brotherhood.

Adulthood: Reunion 23 ABY

Balthier soon joined Clan Plagueis where he was approached by an older man known as Kal Vorrac who claimed that the two were half-brothers by way of their father, Tyber Vorrac. The young man vehemently disagreed even to the point of genetic testing to find if the two were produced by the same father. Balthier had since found that his parents had deceived him and knew that he was not human, but to have a brother was unthinkable. The urges to strike the man down were hard to quell seeing as the older Vorrac respected the Miraluka a great deal for some strange reason that was never revealed.

Before the results of the tests could arrive, the Clan was plunged into a bitter war with itself as the Ketoans and the Kunar continued their battle for dominance. Having been one of the Kunar at the time, Balthier and Kal faced off on the field of battle. Having been formally trained in dueling and in the Force, Balthier made short work of the newly minted Knight and Vorrac's left arm was mangled in the brutal fight that ensued. High-force impacts created excessive strain on the joints that lasted for rest Kal's time with said arm.

While the two were conversing one day, the results from the tests came in proving the two were, in fact, brothers which caused the Tapani a serious level of grief that perpetually confused the older brother. As the time passed, the brothers became closer regardless of which house they served in within the Clan of Plagueis. They saw the fracturing of the Houses and knew that it would eventually fall to them to repair the damage.

Adulthood: House Satal Keto 23 ABY - 24 ABY

"Brother, this cannot continue and we both know it."
― Balthier to Kal

The younger of the two brothers was soon selected to be the Quaestor of House Satal Keto. The oldest was currently serving as the tenured Aedile, assigned to assist the Tapani with all matters. The secret held between the brothers at that time continued to remain deep within the shadows that the younger always seemed to enjoy manipulating. Childish delight always seemed to accompany the brothers schemes and soon the two agreed to assist one another in the rebuilding of their home, starting with Satal Keto.

As the brothers grew in strength, the Consul and Proconsul took notice and were afraid that their own positions were not secure as the Ketoans had clearly secured their power base within the House. The approach of the Consul was treated with trepidation and derision from both brothers, though nothing was voiced. Balthier was asked to step down from his position and join the regular troops.

The Prelate did just this, falling once more into the shadows to wait and strike when the moment was correct.

Adulthood: The Shadows and the Vong 24 ABY - 27 ABY

The Prelate rejoined the regular troops, still preaching about class differences and that sitting in ivory towers would not protect the regular men from the dangers of the world. He often asked the question: Why do they deserve this protection? What good have they done for us?

The attitudes of the regular troops were harder to sway as they had all been trained thoroughly to protect the Dark Jedi, not the regular men and women. The Prelate's words were heard and the people help him in favor over the ones who rested within their places of power. They demanded that the Feudalistic leaders come out of their towers and share in their pain caused by the Vong. They demanded that the leaders help with the repairs of the sacked villages and the destroyed towns, pleading for refugee camps to surround the castles of the Dark Jedi. Most notably among the protestors and the one calling for change was the blindfolded face of the youngest Vorrac.

The Feudalists left their towers and dispersed the mobs gathering at the gates to their palaces. The Consul had Balthier apprehended and sentenced to life imprisonment within a block of carbonite. The prisoner was simply known as "Prisoner 4N-CHR-98" there were never any other words to signify who this prisoner was and as such, he was lost to time for the next six years.

Adulthood: Imprisonment 27 ABY - 33 ABY

At the end of the Vong invasion, the Consul Aabsdu Dupar and his Proconsul Ethran Isradia captured the Tapani and had him encased in carbonite as a highly dangerous citizen. His tenure was long indeed as the time for the aging Balthier stopped as the rest of the world continued to move forward.

Time passed as the Tapani slumbered within his prison of carbonite. He was checked constantly by the wardens to ensure that the eternal slumber of the man was not interrupted or cut short by a malfunction with the controls. Soon, the wardens stopped coming as the tides of Plagueis turned away from the Feudal era and then the Stratocracy.

In 33 ABY, the carbonite prison was opened to reveal the defiant Balthier. His half-brother, Kal, had located him after years of searching the archives. Finally, the laborious task of the older Vorrac paid off and the Prelate was located deep within the prison’s vault. The awakening was painful for the man, as his body had been encased for six long years.

The Prelate awakened slowly some weeks after his long sleep within the stone. His mind was clouded and his muscles weak and unaccustomed to the movements it took for movement of even the simplest of tasks. His brother Kal was there every day, helping the Miralukan to understand the extent of what had transpired during his six year slumber.

The Feudal Era had ended with a man named Braecen Kaeth ascending to power and dissolving the previous government in favor of something called the Stratocracy. This lasted for a few years and the man left the mark on the system with a prison being named after him. Balthier found this to be extremely bizarre as great men would build schools and not prisons.

The Stratocracy had ended in past few years with Kalidraad taking power in his brother’s place. He used the power attained there to locate the Miralukan through the old records kept by the Feudalists. The days slowly slipped to years as the older Vorrac became nearly obsessed with finding his brother and freeing him.

As the debriefing ended, the Prelate stood and held his hand out to Kal. He informed the Last Son of Plagueis that they did not need someone like him anymore. An old revolutionary’s opinions and tactics die hard. He bid his brother farewell and departed from Jusadih, embarking on a journey that would carry him to his home on Reena as well as very few stops until the he reached the Unknown Regions.

Adulthood: The Wanderings 33 ABY - 35 ABY

Balthier flew his ship slowly as to refrain from attracting too much attention to the ship he had borrowed without permission from one of the residents under the purview and protection of the Clan. He travelled extensively, his movements never suspicious and also proper. The young man never had a set direction in mind, but simply travelled the galaxy in search of good times and decent conversation.

The time slipped by and the Prelate barely even registered his absence until he was contacted by a ghost from the past. An old friend had contacted him informing him of the coming vendetta and requested that since he was not attached to any of the Houses that he join Revan and support them. The Miraluka agreed and soon departed the Unknown Regions, setting course for the Dark Brotherhood once more.

The time that followed the Vendetta was different for the young man. He always seemed to feel like something was wrong, as though no matter his choices, he simply did not fit in with those he had cast his lot in with. As it happened, the young man requested placement within the Clan of Arcona where he found himself accepted and treated fairly.



  • Began construction on Umbra Arx Exar's Shadow's Base of Operations
  • Dark Maven - Service Degree
  • Dark Savant - Service Degree
  • Dark Maven - Philosophy
