Ginla Xinsel

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Ginla Xinsel
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

68 BBY (age 111)

Physical Description





1.69 m


76 kg





Personal Information

Dlarit Corporation

Chronology & Political Information
  • Ex-Pirate
  • Swordsman Trainer
  • Warhost Fleet

Captain of the Covenant

[ Source ]

Ginla Xinsel is a female Falleen in the service of the Warhost Fleet. She currently holds the position of Executive Officer of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Covenant. Ginla is a ruthless commander and has proven she is capable of commanding the Covenant with great respect from it's crew.

Early History

Ginla Xinsel was born on Falleen in 68 BBY. Being a lowborn in the society, Ginla struggled to survive as her parents abandoned her at the age of six. As she roamed the streets of Falleen and learned to cope with her hostile environment, she quickly garnered a name for herself as a thief and criminal. Somewhere along the way she had picked up two swords and became an adept practitioner of Jar'Kai. Although young, she had the potential to become a skilled swordsman if she could find a proper trainer. By the time she was 16 she had gathered enough fortune to buy herself a shuttle ticket off planet in 52 BBY, her only possessions being the clothes she wore and the two swords she had procured.

Pirate Life

As she roamed the galaxy from system to system until 34 BBY, she encountered many different kinds of smugglers and pirates. It was from them she learned their trade and proceeded to apply this knowledge for herself. However she was unsuccessful as a lone smuggler, and realized her skills would be more suitable for making others work for her. She began to carve out a small empire for herself in the Orian System which was at the time an unclaimed region in 28 BBY. Pirates and smugglers alike fought for control of Aeotheran and the the other planets in the system with Ginla Xinsel at the helm. She was an excellent commander and made much profit throughout her illustrious career. Manipulating and seducing her enemies, Ginla had become the ultimate criminal lord on the Orian System by the time of 0 BBY. After the fall of Palpatine she felt empowered and confident that her criminal influence could no longer be contested.

During this time Ginla had been using a false name until her enemies and partners began to call her "The Dancing Blade" due to her skill when using her swords to duel or execute anyone that stood in her way. Eventually she placed a bounty on Jar'Kai practitioners, wanting them captured alive and brought before her as she searched for a suitable trainer to further hone her skills.

Eventually a Kaleesh warrior by the name of Celt Gahrk was captured and brought before her in 3 ABY. She seduced the warrior to teach her in the ways of Jar'Kai, using her looks, manipulation and a hint of pheromones to keep the warrior loyal. Promises of freedom and possibly more kept Celt around to willingly teach her. As he trained her she began to finally grow in her skill and eventually began to fall for the person she had enslaved.

Dlarit Corporation

In 7 ABY the Dlarit Corporation had set up base in the Orian System and quickly began to exume the system of its enemies. This happened methodologically as Ginla watched each and every battle she fought turn into a loss. The crime lord was no match for the Dlarit Corporation which used advanced technology and, unknowingly at the time, had the might of the Dark Jedi behind them. She persevered though, together with Celt Gahrk, and survived numerous battles by escaping and allowing others to die in order to let her live another day. She did not care for those fallen, they were tools to be used to further her own agenda. When it became apparent that she could not win, Celt Gahrk and Ginla Xinsel went into hiding on Aeotheran in late 14 ABY, abandoning her precious syndicate and allowing them to be wiped out by the Dlarit Corporation. She vowed she would make the Dlarit Corporation repay for taking from her what she had so painstakingly built up for herself.

Seng Karash

The Falleen fled to Seng Karash in 14 ABY. The new city allowed for ample opportunity to sneak in and build a new life for herself. Having falsified her credentials, Ginla posed as a combat trainer, worming her way into the Dlarit built city and opening a Dojo in the arts of Jar'kai. Ginla had given Celt his freedom back once they had fled to Seng Karash, but Celt knew her feelings for him. He opted to stay and help her in the Dojo, where the two became romantically involved. For 15 years, Ginla and Celt taught many students and both lived a happy life until the hostile takeover of the Dlarit Corporation by the Orian Assembly in 32 ABY. Both of them settled well into their lives, leaving the rugged pirate life behind them and leading honest but hard working lives.

Orian Assembly Takeover

Celt Ghark in 32 ABY, Ginla's romantic interest.

In 32 ABY the Orian Assembly began it's hostile takeover of all assets owned by the Dlarit Corporation. In 33 ABY they invaded Aeotheran and caused much damage and destruction throughout the city of Seng Karash. Ginla had been at home, feeling ill on the day they invaded. Since she was in a civilian zone there was little harm done to the area.

Celt had been less fortunate, as he had been training a group of students that day when soldiers had burst into the Dojo, and demanded the immediate surrender of Celt and his students. Outraged at their lack of respect for the fighting art, the Kaleesh warrior stampeded into the soldiers, carving them down with his two swords as if they were not even there. Eventually, a five hour battle waged fro control of the Dojo, as Celt and his students held off the attackers. Despite being outgunned, the Jar'Kai practitioners had been trained well, and were able to weave and dodge their way through the unskilled warriors of the Orian Assembly. Nearing exhaustion, the Orian Assembly troops overran the Dojo and executed Celt. His body was burned along his students inside the Dojo, the raging inferno decimating the training center and leaving nothing but ashes behind.

A few days after the event and everyone was cleared to roam the city, Ginla made her way to where her Dojo had stood proud for so many years. What she saw tore her apart, knowing that Celt had died fighting to protect the one thing they had left in this world besides each other. In her grief, the Falleen female wept uncontrollably for days, affecting those around her with her pheromones and causing them to burst into tears sporadically. It took many weeks for Ginla to recover from her loss, and eventually decided in honor of Celt she would bury her swords at an unmarked site she had given Celt for his grave. Ginla vowed to uphold the peace on Aeotheran and in the Orian system from that day forward, making her way to the Orian Assembly recruitment center, entering herself into their service.

Clan Naga Sadow

At the age of 102, Ginla Xinsel had found herself recruited into the services of the Warhost of Naga Sadow. She underwent vigorous training just like her peers, but came out on top in all aspects. It is speculated that she might have persuaded some higher ups to pass some of the training, but when she was confronted by some her peers they all mysteriously "disappeared". Ginla has ensured her climb to the top did not go unnoticed, and in early 34 ABY she was handpicked by Darkblade to serve as the Executive Officer on the Covenant. She would replace Russel Barthalowmew in late 34 ABY once she completed her training.

Because of her pheromones, the Falleen commander had to undergo stress tests to help her control the release of these pheromones, such as panic and fear, in order to not cause chaos and confusion in troubling times on her ship. It took a half year of training in order to keep herself in check, and once she had them under control she was allowed to assume command of the Covenant.

Honored at being hand picked, Ginla Xinsel has undergone rigorous training with her crew aboard the Covenant and proven to her superiors that she was a solid pick. Her skills in space combat however are yet to be tested.