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'''Varuk Kru''' is a Grey Jedi affiliated with [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. A former Dark Jedi once in service to [[Clan Taldryan]], Kru was confined to a [[Varuk Kru#Reliance on Armour|suit of armour]] due to a horrific starfighter accident in his twenties. A former [[Wiki Tribune|Keeper of the Holocrons]], the Umbaran now serves [[Clan Naga Sadow]] alongside his Wookiee companion [[Krryarl]] and can usually be found behind the controls of his personal ship the ''[[Imperialis]]'' or dispatched in one of the ''Damnation's'' TIE Defenders.
'''Varuk Kru''' is a Grey Jedi affiliated with [[Clan Naga Sadow]]

Revision as of 22:12, 25 March 2018

Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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Varuk Kru
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

4 ABY (age 38)

Physical Description





1.91 m / 6'3"


77.91 kg / 172 lb





  • Life Support System
  • Right Arm
Personal Information

Tarvad Kru †



Lightsaber Color(s):

Purple / White

Lightsaber Form(s):


  • Lightsabers
  • BR-5010 Slugthrowers
  • Bladed Weapons
Fighting Style(s):

Broken Gate

Chronology & Political Information
  • Naval Officer
  • Commando
  • Ace Pilot
Personal Ship:



Dossier - Character Sheet

[ Source ]

Varuk Kru is a Grey Jedi affiliated with Clan Naga Sadow


Before Darkness

Not much is known about Varuk Kru's time before the Brotherhood. He was born on his species homeworld Umbara just prior to the destruction of the DS-2 Battle Station and raised there by an Imperial science officer - a weapons developer in service to Umbaran-Imperial technical cooperation. His mother died during childbirth, leaving him to be raised in a strict doctrine by his father Tarvad who believed that one day a new Empire would emerge.

Insert training with Umbaran military and spec-forces.


Antei's moon, Lyspair

Kru agreed, and joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Following tradition, he was dropped off via shuttle on the surface of Lyspair and made the journey to the Shadow Academy. The Test of Lore was administered and passed, with Varuk being indoctrinated into the Brotherhood as a Journeyman. All of his possessions were surrendered to the coffers of the Dark Brotherhood and started his new career with nothing - the bottom of the food chain. Returning to Taldryan led the Umbaran to attend and graduate the Taldryan Military's training institute on Karufr. Kru transfered to the Dark Prophet as part of one of her starfighter wings while he continued his studies. Immediately upon joining the crew of the vessel they attended a military ceremony meant to honour the winners of the recent Rite of Supremacy - Second Darkness.

Forces from several of the Brotherhood's clan's attended the awards ceremony meant to celebrate the three victors, held just outside The Shroud. As the festivities were underway and recognition being given by the Sith, an alien race devoid of the Force commanding a fleet more than twice the size of the present forces launched an all out assault on the Brotherhood vessels. With this the Eighth Great Jedi War begun, the Dark Prophet sacrificing herself as a retreat order into The Shroud was given by the leadership.

Varuk was one of several pilots able to successfully launch their craft before the Victory-class Star Destroyer suffered catastrophic hull failure and vented her innards into space, and successfully made a return to the Venator-class Star Destroyer Katarn which itself had suffered incredible damage and had almost failed to make the retreat. During the trip back to Antei the Umbaran served as an engineer aboard the limping cruiser until it was able to regroup with other forces. Later on, the Dark Lord of the Sith Aristan Dantes would call for a complete retreat from Antei, leading a full abandonment of the planet and the Shadow Academy on it's moon.

During the aftermath of the assault and loss of the Brotherhood center of power, Varuk returned with his fellow naval comrades and Dark Jedi back to the Kr'Tal System. A short time after the Umbaran pilot returned the Cotelin-class Star Destroyer Justice was commissioned by Taldryan's leadership. Kru's next posting as a military officer would be the Justice, his potential as a pilot not un-noticed.

Karufr, home of Clan Taldryan

Varuk spent a year aboard the Cotelin-class destroyer as a regular pilot, branching out slowly as a Dark Jedi and improving his abilities with practice. He occasionally assisted the engineers by lending an extra hand on repairs and maintenance when he could spare the time. A large portion of his time however was spent inside the flight simulators, practising his skills in an effort to perfect them. The Umbaran quickly became known as a reputable squadron mate and enjoyed his relaxed position aboard the cruiser even as Operation: Swift Justice was underway.

A New Journey

Once his year long stint aboard the Justice had concluded, Varuk left military service to earn his own lightsaber through Knighthood. He was provided standard lightsaber parts by the office of the Herald, and forced a blood red blade from the kyber as he made it to bleed with the pain of his childhood. Once in possession of his Knight lightsaber, the Dark Jedi took a complete leave from the Brotherhood as a whole. The piloting ace left in search of knowledge relating to the early days of the Brotherhood and the dark side of the Force in general to understand and better learn on his own terms; as he always had. The pilot was joined shortly after he started his adventure by a Wookiee named Krryarl - saving him from capture and possible death at the hands of crafty slavers who had managed to subdue him. Indebted, Krryarl pledged a life debt to the Umbaran Dark Jedi with the promise to do as he wished.

During their travels it was revealed early on the black furred Wookiee was also a Force-sensitive, allowing the two to discover new mysteries and train as a pair. Over a period of several months they traveled to other worlds including the long-ruined temple on Malachor, beginning to gather trinkets and tokens of their journey along the way.

Varuk and Krryarl recovered several relics and two items of note during their adventure. The first was an ancient Wookiee Ryyk Blade in the Kashyyk Shadowlands - a blade that once belonged to Krryarl's tribe and their ancestors. Although studying the Force intently, the black furred creature was still bent on sticking to the traditions he had followed for decades. On another journey they recovered a rusty set of silver armour from a lifeless desert planet, belonging to an Ancient Sith soldier. A derelict relic at this point, the armour was comprised of simple armour plates and a helmet featuring a large black one-way visor for optimal view of the battlefield. It was unlikely that they could completely restore the original armour and instead did what they could to preserve what remained of it in a glass case aboard their vessel.

Following the recovery of these items and their quest for greater knowledge of the Ancient Sith slowly being satisfied, Krryal and Kru returned to Brotherhood space, with Varuk returning to Taldryan and rejoining the Navy once more. Shortly after returning he was elevated into the Equite ranks - and almost three years after the fall of Antei, another war would break out on the planet's surface.


In 24 ABY the reigning Grand Master Muz Ashen hatched a plan with his assembled Dark Council to retake the center of Brotherhood power - the dark planet Antei. Suspecting the planet to still be under control of the Force-devoid alien race, he ordered the Clans to return to the planet with their forces and initiated the Ninth Great Jedi War conflict. When they arrived, they found the planet to be absent of the aliens and instead occupied by Omancor Crask and his droid army. The Dark Council initiated an assault, and as Taldryan was thrust headfirst into the conflict the Umbaran joined them on the ground temporarily - fighting outside his comfort zone and combating the likes of B-1 Battle Droids during the beginning of the conflict. As the fighting intensified Varuk removed himself from the closer aspects of the battle and instead returned to the rear, where he could faciliate access to a starfighter.

Varuk with his first lightsaber

Brotherhood Dark Jedi and soldiers alike began to force their way through Crask's droid army, a good sign from Taldryan's standpoint. Varuk took to the skies in a bomber, participating in bombing runs against enemy forces. keeping Taldryan forces moving forward. Their battle plan was immaculate, leading to few losses of their own. The campaign to retake Antei was succeeding successfully, and Kru had been dealt little injury so far in the conflict.

That would change shortly before the end of the necessicity for bombing runs against enemy forces, with Varuk being shot out of the sky by the droid army from the ground. A missle launched from Antei's surface had colided with the right side of his starfighter, shredding the hull and ripping it open - taking the Umbaran's right arm below the eblow in the process. The bomber suffered an immediate catastrophic failure and plummeted into Antei's hard surface. The collision crumpled what remained of the hull, trapping an injured and unconscious Umbaran pilot inside to burn.

After a lengthy rescue effort the Dark Jedi was pulled from the wreckage of the bomber by Iron Legion forces and thrown on an LAAT transport to the closest medical facility in the nearby Brotherhood fleets. With near fatal burns having eaten a hole through his chest cavity, a missing arm from the impact of the missile, and shredded legs from the collision with the surface, Kru barely survived the medical evacuation.

Varuk was dropped onto a surgical table the moment he arrived at the nearest Brotherhood vessel, still unconscious from the crash. He awoke as he was undergoing a painful medical procedure to repair any open holes in his chest cavity and install a temporary life support system that could ensure his survival in a bacta tank, barely able to breath and full of pain medication that inhibited his ability to feel the Force. The medical team working on his body also fitted him with a basic cybernetic appendage to his right forearm at the end of the surgery, and placed the burnt Umbaran inside a bacta bath. Kru would miss the conclusion of the war as he underwent a slow recovery, Krryarl awaiting his companion's return.

The Umbaran put his intact mind to work, striving tirelessly to devise a plan to return to his former mobility and free himself from the bacta tank. Not long after the end of the war Kru received a message from the Herald, Shikyo Keibatsu.

The Dark Councillor had heard of the near-fatal crash sustained by the Umbaran and expressed intent on helping in his recovery using technological means. The Son of Sadow took the relic Sith armour provided from the glass case aboard Varuk and Krryarl's freighter as payment, and used that relic as a baseline design for a custom life support armour that would ensure the former Dark Jedi's return to work in almost any environment, including space. The encapsulating life support armour was created with dark armour plating etched with ancient text and incorporated Varuk's native technology into the suit at his request to maximize compatibility with any later modifications he might perform. This armour was custom fitted to the Umbaran's body and a life support system tailored to his injuries installed. To ensure Varuk would be able to repair the armour himself, an easy-access for maintenance mentality was used in the suit's construction.

Thirst for Knowledge

The Umbaran spent what seemed like ages inside the bacta tank before he was finally able to be free of it, full of anger at his position. The process of moving from the cold liquid to his new suit of armour was uncomfortable and would be every other time he would need to undergo the procedure, with some of the armour's components grafted directly to Kru's skin. The armour was cumbersome, and permanently restricted some of Varuk's range of movement. Coming to the realization that he would be confined to the metal suit for the rest of his life, the Dark Jedi Knight struggled to accept the new reality and lashed out because of it. With a dark modulated voice, he called blasphemy on his new reality.

File:Anubis Annedu.jpg
Varuk after being placed inside his life support armour

His senses were duller and much less refined; his combat skills also having suffered as a result of the confinement, fighting with nowhere near the same efficiency in lightsaber combat. His original red-bladed lightsaber had been lost during the crash on Antei, and was provided a pre-made yellow-bladed replacement by the Herald's office until he could construct another. While still a successful fighter, he was nowhere near the level of combatant he once was. He attempted to return back to military service but failed to hold discipline, and instead left Brotherhood space with a hunger; a hunger for more knowledge on the Force and the possibility of regaining his connection to it. After discussing the journey with his Wookiee friend, he set off without him.

While his journey of solitude was lonely at times, it helped the Umbaran remain focused on the task at hand. He revisited all of the previous sites he had once ventured to with Krryarl. The adventure took him to the planet Jakku when he found records of a pre-Imperial construction project undertaken during Palpatine's reign as Chancellor of the Galactic Republic hidden away in an old data archive. The Umbaran recalled at one point there was a large Imperial-Alliance battle over Jakku and went to investigate his findings. The former Dark Jedi discovered after travelling to the location of the site an underground built into the planet's crust itself, one of Palpatine's Observatories.

After cutting into and accessing the facilities supercomputer and retrieving the flight path discovered into the Unknown Regions, he learned that the Emperor's personal yacht the Imperialis had once been docked at the Observatory two decades earlier. Unaware there were other similar facilities scattered across the galaxy, Kru took reference of the vessel's name and set off on the months-long journey calculated by the Observatory alone under the belief that his answers may lie in the Unknown Regions as the Emperor once thought.

An internal hunger for more answers and knowledge slowly began to overtake the Dark Jedi, leaving him insatiable. His personality became centred on finding new Sith knowledge, learning the ancient languages and history in his travels. Varuk would end up roaming the darkness and vast expanses of unexplored space for several years, coming into contact with and narrowly escaping execution by the Chiss race. Varuk returned to the Brotherhood without his yellow-bladed lightsaber, taking on a new mantle of responsibility within the organization.

Keeper of the Holocrons

The Dark Hall on the planet Antei

Succeeds Windos as Keeper of the Holocrons, isolating himself with them and chronicling the Ancient Sith knowledge, learns the Ancient Sith language, etc etc.

The New Order

Leaves the Holocron Center to join the Iron Navy shortly after the Horizons event takes place and Pravus ascends to the throne, itching to be behind the control yoke again.

Royal Guardsmen

Recruited from the Iron Navy during it's reformation under Pravus to become a Royal Guardsmen in the New Order. Sent blindfolded to Arx for intense physical training. After induction into Pravus' royal guard orders the manufacture of a personal Star Courier from the recently founded Arx Starship Acquisitions due to it's endless options in personal customization. Constructs the unique crossguard lightsaber Tenebrae Duellum to specifically combat Jedi opponents in a two-handed stance and becomes adept in the use of slugthrowers.

A New Home

Names his vessel the Imperialis in reference to Palpatine's yacht and spends a considerable amount of time modifying the Star Courier with Umbaran technology and personal upgrades. Craft loses all four additional storage bays on lower deck due to modifications; two converted to a emedical bay with bacta tank. like special sealed quarters for Kru where he can remove his armour and a bacta tank. Passenger seating on upper deck behind holo-table lowered due to addition of a workbench and removal of the four rightmost seats to accomodate.



Abilities & Traits

Permanent Injuries

Blurb about his severe and should-have-been-fatal chest burns, etc etc


Blurb about his Lore skills and language skills

Combat Training

Prized Equipment

Varuk Krus's Sith Armour

Sith Armour
Production information
  • Based off Ancient Sith design
  • Designation: X-420S-1

Custom Life Support Armour



Possession Item:

Tailored Brotherhood Robes

Technical specifications

2.0 meters




Varuk Kru's entire body

[ Source ]

Full description about Varuk's prototype Sith Armour, also known by it's designation X-420S-1, which includes a a fully-enclosed helm featuring an onyx and faceless polarized full face plate, shoulder pauldrons, vambrace-length gauntlets, a cuirass and partial plackart, integrated belt, protective tassets, knee guards, and full length non-slip-grip boots in addition to it's most important function, the Life Support System.

Include blurb about how it drastically changed his fighting style due to constant partial encumberance/loss of movement range.

Layer 1 - Life Support System

Blurb about the life support system and how it provides oxygen/any nutrients needed

Layer 2 - Main Wiring & Bodyglove

Blurb about how the LSS is wired into the rest of the armour and bodyglove, with a blurb about the digital display/control panel on right forearm, etc etc.

Layer 3 - Seals & Outer Shell

Blurb about the armour plating/outer shell and atmospheric seals, etc etc.


Blurb about the Helmet and it's wiring into the LSS, a blurb about the HUD and how it functions/what it displays, etc etc.


Main article: Imperialis

Purchased Imperialis after joining Darth Pravus' New Order and explains how he lives aboard it, occasionally has to take bacta baths in it to recover, etc etc.


File:9056 lightsaber1.png
Production information

Unknown Sith Lord



  • Ornate Obsidian Construction
  • Waterproof

Long-Handle Lightsaber



Possession Item:

Epic Lightsaber

Technical specifications






[ Source ]

Devorantem is Varuk's first custom lightsaber, a unique thin obsidian-steel hilt flanked by dark and regular chrome jagged edges and fitted with a smooth to the touch comfort grip and built around two handed combat, especially useful due to Kru's lack in connection to the Force. It was acquired shortly after he became Keeper of the Holocrons.

Big explanation about how it was built by it's creator, came to be in Varuk's possession, blah blah blah, blah blah blah.

Tenebrae Duellum

File:9056 lightsaber2.png
Tenebrae Duellum
Production information

Varuk Kru



  • Titanium Construction
  • Two-Handed Pressure Sensor

Unique Crossguard Lightsaber


Over 20,000 credits

Possession Item:

Epic Lightsaber

Technical specifications






[ Source ]

Tenebrae Duellum is a unique crossguard lightsaber constructed by Varuk Kru shortly after joining the Grand Master's Royal Guard. It is made from a perfectly machined block of dark chrome titanium, with two crossguard blade emitters that face away and towards the user. The weapon was built exclusively for duels with lightsaber-wielding opponents. Bigger blurb on the lightsaber.

Big explanation about how it was built, blah blah blah.


  • Former Aedile of House Ektrosis
  • Former Aedile of Independent House Taldryan
  • Former Keeper of the Holocrons
  • Former Inter-Club Training Event gaming All Star
  • Was known previously as Anubis Annedu for a decade and still goes by the moniker Noobis over Discord and Telegram
    • Anubis' previous character history was completely retconned and overhauled in late 2017 in favour of Varuk's to be brought in line with Brotherhood/Disney Star Wars canon
    • Varuk was heavily inspired by Darth Vader, who Noobis considers to be the greatest of all time Star Wars character