
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 04:26, 9 November 2009 by Rayne (talk | contribs) (Added one more pic)

Template:User infobox I was born in Texas in 1986 and I'm an only child. I have no brothers or sisters that I know of being that I'm adopted.


I grew up in a small town of Decatur and had lived their for 18 years, before moving to alittle bigger town. Yes, I have a Texan accent. I say 'y'all' and 'ain't' and 'howdy'. I was born a blonde and I'm proud of it, although I surprise most people when I can be smarter than they are. I enjoy intelligent conversations, but I do like to have fun and be crazy.

I'm a profound lover of animals, however I do eat meat and I hate PETA. I'm more of a cat person, but I like dogs as well. Currently, I have 2 cats and I volunteer at the local animal shelter when I can.

When I joined the DB in early 2007, I met Archangel from a friend of mine. In April of that year, we decided to make a relationship and I'm astonished and glad that it's lasted to the present day. We've met twice and we have hopes of marriage within the near future.


During my years at high school, I was pretty much a bad child. Hanging out with the 'wrong' crowd as the adults would say. However, once school was over, I realized life is alot scarier than I anticipated and I had to grow up alittle bit. So I've been reformed and am now a decent citizen. So after moving and starting over in life, I tried college and it didn't quite work out as I was working just under full-time. I worked in a couple of places before trying college once again and going for Cosmetology, which I am now licensed for.


Some hobbies I enjoy are video gaming, reading books, IRC, acting at the local theater, clubbing, dancing, astronomy. I love music, and have many favorite songs in almost every genre. Although, my favorite instrument is the piano, both playing and listening to. I've had lessons when I was younger and know the basics of music. I used to sing in all 4 years of high school and I still do today, just not with any organization anymore. Sports in general as well. I've played soccer and basketball, I love football and am a Cowboys fan, even if they aren't always the best.

Discovering the DB

On Myspace, a friend of mine, Wulfgar Tyrsson, had posted a bulletin describing a little bit about Dark Brotherhood. I've looked at a few clubs, none existing anymore. The DB actually looked organized and I decided to join. Originally being placed in Clan Arcona, I was learning the few basics of the club. I transferred to Clan Plagueis not too long after to be with the friend I found this place from. I progressed through the ranks to Guardian before transferring to Clan Scholae Palatinae to be apart of the same Clan as Archangel.

I've made a few friends in the Brotherhood thus far. I enjoy all people of this club and I have no problems with any of the Clans. I've met Wulfgar Tyrsson, Anochiir (as he was called at the time), Lacey, and Archangel. Others who I haven't met, but still consider to be friends are: Xathia, Mayda, Niman, Shikyo, Ninj, Kal Vorrac, Gio Palermo, Anarya, Thran Occasus, Robin Hawk, Rasilvenaira, Tyren Atema, and Malidir. Hopefully, this list can continue to grow.


  • My nickname irl is Donna. Once, I had long, well-maintained, natural blonde hair. I've been commented from many many people who have met me say that I look like many different celebrities. Mostly, that I looked and sound just like Donna off That 70s Show. I still get that remark to this day, even with my hair much shorter now.
  • Since the video game BloodRayne, I've always loved the name Rayne. I've used it online, and have even used it irl.
Rayne with her long hair.


  • To have a family of my own soon.
  • One thing I would love to learn is Brazilian dancing and belly dancing.
  • To grow my hair out again. I used to have hair down to my waist, until I went to college... now it's chin-length. Oh how I miss it.


  • Color: Dark green
  • Drink: Dr. Pepper
  • Alcoholic drink: Cocktails
  • Car: Ford GT
  • Holiday: Halloween
  • Flower: Calla Lily and the Rose
  • Jewel: Diamond and Sapphire
  • Precious Metal: Gold
  • Author: Timothy Zahn

(More to come!)