Arack Tavar
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Arack Tallon Tavar | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Date of Birth: |
12 ABY |
Physical Description | |
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Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
6'0 ft |
Weight: |
160 pounds |
Hair: |
None |
Eyes: |
Dark Green (Fading) |
Personal Information | |
Allies: |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Position: |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
- "Who knows what he hides under that mask. He only started wearing it after he came into the service of that Sith Aedile"
- ―Army Officer speaking of Arack and his mask
Arack Tavar is a young Dark Jedi of the Clan Arcona, under the banner of House Galeres. Unlike most Shadow Jedi, Arack was practically born Sith, to a Sith Battlemaster from the Arconan Auxiliary and his private contractor wife in 12 ABY on the world of Panatha; yet the couple moved from that world when Arack was only 6 months old. From year one, Arack was raised in the Dark Arts of manipulation, combat, and lore. While his mother taught him military discipline and values on the side, it was his father, Valant, that shaped his life as a Jedi. Now, at the age of 18, Arack has formally joined Clan Arcona and serves as Zakath's agent, holding the rank of Protector.
Character History
Not Really Home
- "We're moving, for I've been recalled back to Selen. Fear not, Ameila, you've been offered a commission in the Arconan Military and Arack will remain with us until he comes of age and goes to the Shadows to bring our family honor"
- ―Battlemaster Valant Tavar informing his wife of their move from Panatha to Selen and of their son's ultimate destiny
The boy that would come to be the Obelisk, and later Sith, known as Arack Tavar was born to a semi-retired Clan Arcona Battlemaster named Valant Tavar and his wife, an Epicanthix private contractor Amelia Tavar, on the planet of Panatha in 12 ABY. They named their son "Arack" after Valant's own father, a member of one of the Emperor's dark side cults and who had perished alongside the Galatic Empire in 4 ABY.
Before the birth of their son, Valant and Amelia had lived on Panatha for close to 6 years (6 ABY to 12 ABY) but with the coming of his heir, the Battlemaster was reminded of his oath to bring his first-born son to the planet of Selen, where he would be trained as a Dark Jedi and put into service of the Shadow Clan upon his 18th birthday.
Keeping to the oath, Valant and Amelia moved from Panatha to Selen when Arack was just 6 months old and his mother went on to become a Second Lieutenant in the Dajorra Defence Force after the young Epicanthix turned one year old and was to start his Dark Jedi training in the form of indoctrination, or brainwashing.
Years passed in this method, and Arack became a Force child, increasingly loyal to a Clan he knew nothing about and his father, who had taken up further Dark Side training and by the time Arack was a teenager, had ascended to the rank of Battlelord while his mother sat at the rank of Captain. At age 14, the youngest Tavar was first taken to Estle City where he saw firsthand what he would come to serve...Clan Arcona...and Arack Tavar savored every moment of his visit, for he was unknowingly warped by the Dark Side already.
The next four years passed in a rush, with the up-and-coming Arconan being cut off more and more from his mother and an outside life, devoted solely to the Force and pleasing his father, Valant Tavar. Finally, the day came when Arack Tavar turned 18, an adult in the eyes of the Selenian Law and subject to the fulfillment of the Heirpromise Oath. By noon, dressed in fine clothing of dark blue and black, with his father by his side, Arack set off for the black-rock Citadel of Arcona.
Arconan Delay
- "I declare fealty Obelisk Order!"
- ―Arack Tavar, ignorant of what he would truly become
The first order of business was to declare an Order for which Arack's early training would not affect but his later training would be based off of. Much to the dismay and chagrin of Valant, Arack chose to become one of the Guardians of the Brotherhood and was randomly assigned to House Galeres of the Shadow Clan. This pleased Valant greatly as he had been of the spice-dealing House in his youth.
With the surge of Displace Intergalactic and the troubles it presented for Arcona, Tavar was given quarters in the depths of the Citadel since the leadership of his new "family" and many of its members were off on their respective missions for the Lord Consul and no one would be at the Houses' base planet to see to his arrival.
Instead, a month passed with Arack immersing himself in study and lore about the Three Orders, Unification, and the Dark Council of the Brotherhood and via a private terminal that was linked to the Shadow Academy earned himself two Dark Side Degrees, called Mavens; Leadership and General History.
In the immediate wake of this scholastic success, the Shadow brethren returned from their various assignments and Arack Tavar, an Obelisk Novice, was thrust into the thick of subterfuge and political war. It would start with his Aedile and a lesson on obedience...
- "Come with me, Novice. It is time you witness the balance that I must uphold"
- ―Aedile Zakath to Arack
During the month of study, Valant Tavar had left Arack to his own devices so now Tavar was truly alone as he wandered the Citadel , dodging military officials and palace aides in desperate attempts to find something or someone who could help him find out exactly what was going on; the General Invasion alarm had been sounded and no-one could point him to where House Galeres convened.
While Arack had become something of an adept under his father's tutelage, the Dark Side seemed to abandon him in the Citadel, dwarfed by the sheer nova-like levels of power emanating from some of the Equites and Elders of the Shadow Clan. By pure luck and a little Force intervention, Tavar managed to locate his first leader, Zakath, the Aedile. However the whole scene played out as if Zakath had found Tavar and the young Obelisk was shaken to the core as he lay his emerald eyes upon the lieutenant commander of Galeres.
Zakath was of the Sith and his garb reflected such affiliation; black leggings and a tunic covered pale and taught skin and a crown of messy black hair topped his head. The most alarming feature of the lieutenant was not his gothic mode of dress but his eyes...for they burned with the Fire of the Sith. This was the situation in which Arack was thrown into Arcona, being stared down by a sulphuric-eyed Knight of the Sith.
Dress Code
- "You are Novice? And yet you do not wear the robes of your rank..."
- ―Zakath before Force-choking Arack Tavar
The Aedile's first words to the new member of the criminal House was a berating. For Tavar had by chance dressed himself in the clothing that he had worn upon reporting to the Citadel a month previous and not the robes of the rank in which Tavar was at. Arack found him under a strange pressure as Zakath's black-gloved hand closed and so did his windpipe. The Epicanthix gurgled and struggled until he found Zakath's mercy and was released. Then he was thrown from the Aedile's sight until he changed into proper robes.
Twenty minutes later, the Novice returned, clad in light black robes with his hood drawn and was admitted to the spartan chambers of the Galerian Aedile. Now, it seemed, the demonic man had taken prisoners; a Omwati woman named Bryna and a unknown girl-child. Precise orders were given to Arack in the form of becoming these two's jailer and with nary another word, the black cloaked Aedile swept out of his quarters.
Fisticuffs/Deviation From Orders...
No more than 10 minutes passed before the Omwati, Bryna, had taken her revenge on Zakath through his pawn, Arack. While she had been disarmed (save for two Relby blaster pistols) by Zakath, her Force prowess with creating illusions remaind untapped and she created a loud and very-realisitic CRASH. Naturally, the Novice went to investigate during which time Bryna and her mysterious charge escaped, fleeing down the confusing and dark corridors of the Arconan seat of power.
The Obelisk realized his folly almost as soon as he made it; yet it was to late and within minutes, he was in hot pursuit. The chase lasted close to an hour through the halls of the Citadel, passing soldier and assistant alike. Finally, the hunter came to a back up conference room where he engaged in a brutal battle with Bryna, after the Dark Side fused within him.
By the end of the fight, Arack suffered from a bloody nose and bruised ribs, as well as cuts of various seriousness but the Omwati had taken the true beating; a broken nose topped her injuries but her pasty white skin had a new color to it...crimson of blood and already black and blue from bruises. How Tavar had beaten her so completely could only be traced back to the Dark Side that had roared through him -- and now left him as he fell unconscious. Aedile Zakath arrived moments later and wrapped the girl-child, who had been hidden in a separate room, in his robes and encased his pawn in the Force, taking both back to his quarters.
- "Why can't I move!?"
- ―Arack Tavar upon regaining consiouncess
Arack was frozen to the ground, on his knees and his Aedile was standing over him, an old scalpel gripped in his hand. With only the most meager explanation, that of disobeying Zakath's direct orders to leave the Omwati Bryna unharmed and the mystery girl-child unstressed, the Knight began to cut deep into Arack's left cheek, eteching some mysterious and archaic rune there.
Blood ran free from his wound as he was tasked with finding the Quaestor, Etah d'Tana, and cleaning himself up. However he was given one caveat...he could clear the blood from his face but could do nothing to repair the wound. Arack Tavar was to be branded in Arconan lore forever...there was only one left to complete that staple of his Dark Jedi existence.
In Service, I Find Myself
- "I do this, because I am Sith"
- ―Arack Tavar swearing into Zakath's service
Arack Tavar's involvement in Breaking Point will continue here as the RO continues ~A.T
Diamonds Are Forever
Dark Jedi Rank Robes - Robes of rank are often seen as the unofficial, but still important, uniform of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The robes are the usual attire of Arack Tavar when not in combat scenarios. As a younger Journeyman, Arack's robes are light black with a darker shade overcloak and hood. The under-robes consist of a tunic, trousers and while a normal set of robes would come with black combat boots and skin tight gloves, Arack obtained (stole) a pair of lightweight silver gauntlets and boots and wears those in the stock versions stead.
Besides the color of the robes (they get darker in color as ones rank increases) an appropriate number of flashes in the respective Order color are used to denote rank on either shoulder. For example, Arack is a Sith Acolyte, so on his shoulders are three crimson flashes.
Helmet - After being scarred by Zakath, Tavar sought out a mask or helmet to cover his marred face and found exactly what he was looking for in the Quartermaster's office in the Estle Citadel along with a pair of silver gauntlets and boots. The helmet itself is a lightweight silver durasteel with two red photoreceptor lens and a thin vocabulator line. The object seals and unseals via two buttons on the base of the neck and is packed with a full-range comlink, a filtration mask and glare blocker.
Hand-to-Hand Combat -
Due to Arack's penchant for fighting in-close (unusual for a Sith), Arack had devoted his time to primarily Close Quarters Battle as a form of hand-to-hand combat. Since Tavar is well-built but not overly huge, he can move quickly and efficiently but still leave a lasting effect, usually in the form of stuns and being rendered unconscious.
As the new Protector always wears either 1) his durasilver mask or 2) a combat helmet, he can deliver a series of wicked headbutts that can send an enemy reeling, only to be followed up by various punches and kicks from his armored hands and boots. All of this deadly style is implemented by the Epicanthix naturally and when supplemented by the Dark Side of the Force, many weaker opponents and non-Force sensitives end up dead or crippled by the Sith's use of CQB.
- Is in love with Baked Ziti as a main dish and Key Lime pie as dessert.
- Favorite song is currently Citizen/Soldier by 3 Doors Down.
- Tavar's other picture has the words "Syzion, Dark Lord of the Sith" underneath. Arack knows that he is not the Dark Lord, but the picture was to good to pass up.