House Qel-Droma

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"We hold the shadows in our souls."
―Battle Team Qel-Droma

History of Qel-Droma

The Fall of Ulic Qel-Droma

Thousands of years ago, the former light Jedi Master Ulic Qel-Droma had become the first High Priest of the Krath and enemy of the Light Jedi. In a battle that lasted over a decade and cost the lives of millions on both sides, Ulic Qel-Droma was ultimately driven back to a remote corner of the Galaxy, near a small world called Aurora Prime. He set up a refuge and fortress there and held those for another three years against overwhelming odds. Finally however, the enemy forces, outnumbering Qel-Droma's by more than ten to one, were able to penetrate the fort. Not to be taken captive, Qel- Droma and six of his closest aides took their lives in one of the darkest Krath rituals ever imagined, ripping each other's hearts from their bodies on the highest tower at the light of the last sunray of the day. Their mission seemingly fulfilled, the Light troops left the fortress and the world, never to return.

A Spirit Unfulfilled

However, in spirit, Qel-Droma was not dead, nor was any of the six who died with him. They lived on in the Force, haunting the world they were left on in solitude. Not really alive nor really dead, they spent the next millennia on their deserted world, unable to find final rest but unable to do anything either. The Old Republic came and with it came the Forces to destroy Darkness. A small band of Dark Jedi retreated to the place where Qel-Droma had died and built the base of a Krath cathedral. They taught there for sixty years until, in an inexplicable incident, all but one of them were killed in one night of bloody battle against no foe. The one survivor's name was Kasal Diglapari and it was after this fateful night that he wrote his first Prophecy, a tale of young Dark Jedi and a spirit never able to rest.

Arcona's Ascension and Fall

It was still several hundred years later, after the fall of Palpatine, that the next incident happened. During the reign of Grand Master Khyron, a Dark Jedi House was formed in the system where Ulic Qel-Droma had seen his last battle. The House was named Arcona and its first leader was Sith Warrior Donitz. Donitz however never made it to the day to see his House fully established as the day before the Grand Master was to give his official approval and blessing, he disappeared into the nothingness of Space, never to be seen again. Instead of him, Krath ]]Pontifex]] Gilkane was instated into the position of Quaestor, aided by Obelisk Warrior Dreadnaught. Arcona was blessed with a large amount of talent and immediately seized Right of Supremacy among all Houses in the next vendetta. After the vendetta, Pontifex Gilkane resigned to go into the wilderness and work on his own Force understanding and Dreadnaught was called upon to establish a new House's presence elsewhere. So the leadership of Arcona fell to Krath Priestess Lioness. Lioness was eager and talented, but she had ideas not in accordance with what the Dark Council expected and was in the end forced to resign her leadership. No replacement was appointed and House Arcona began to crumble.

Nighthawk and the new Arcona

It was several months later that a young and loyel Jedi Hunter named Nighthawk approached the Dark Council with the request for permission to rebuild the presence that had once been House Arcona. He had the support of Lioness' former Aedile, Warrior Shark, and together they began a steady process of growth. In less than a year, what had been a dead House was a flourishing assembly of 70 Dark Jedi of all ranks and so it was decided to expand Arcona into a Clan. Two new Houses were formed, House Galeres on Arcona's homeworld - Selen and, on the second inhabitable world of the system, the one where Ulic Qel-Droma had met his fate, a House was established to bear his name. Sith Warrior Shark was the first Quaestor of House Qel-Droma while Nighthawk was now Consul of Arcona.

Oriens Obscurum and the Reordering

While Arcona was prospering, a neighboring Clan, Scholae Palatinae, was doing far less well. They had deteriorated to a point where barely more than a single House's worth of Jedi were left and thus it was decided to downgrade the Clan to a House, called House Oriens Obscurum and give this House to Clan Arcona. Many talented members, especially veteran Sith called this House their home and it became a great asset to the Clan. Then came the day when Grand Master Khyron ordered the most massive restructuring of the Brotherhood ever. No longer were Houses to have members of all three orders but they were to concentrate their powers on one order and its abilities, with a Clan having one Krath House, one Sith House and one Obelisk House. House Galeres had traditionally been strong with Obelisk members and had DJM Blazer, a former CoG as their Quaestor, so it was natural for them to become the Obelisk House. Qel-Droma was as natural a choice for Krath given their namesake and location, so House Oriens Obscurum became Sith. Archpriest Gavron became the first Quaestor of the restructured House Qel-Droma.

Lord Thedek's Reign

These incidents fell just before Grand Master Khyron retired. In his place, Lord Thedek was appointed Grand Master. As a result of his ascension, Nighthawk was appointed Master at Arms and Gavron was chosen as the new Consul for Arcona. The new Quaestor of Qel-Droma was Joker who had to relinquish the post later due to a ship collision that left him out of commission for several months and nearly killed him. Following in his footsteps were Frost (aided by AED Zander) and then Alex (with KPN Voranyen as Aedile). In this time, House Qel-Droma had two Krath Phyles, the Dark Orb Phyle and the Loreseekers. Following a gradual decline in membership, the Loreseekers were closed, leaving Dark Orb as the only Phyle for House Qel-Droma.

The Recent Past

While the resignation of Lord Thedek and the ascension of Lord Zoraan to the Iron Throne had little effect on the House, it still marked the timeline. Some time after Zoraan had assumed rulership, House Qel-Droma had again regrown somewhat. A second Phyle was reinstated under the command of Jedi Hunter Cyrax Lionheart, but Cyrax never made it to any exploits as he was one day found dead in his chambers. Succeeding him was Acolyte Kaiann, a recent graduate of the Shadow Academy. At the same time, Alex also resigned and Archpriest Mejas Doto, the former Rollmaster, was appointed the new Quaestor of Qel-Droma. Dark Orb Phyle remained in the capable hands of Krath Priest D'hak and Pontifex Voranyen continued as Aedile.

Another Haunting Visit

Around these days, the Cathedral found itself in uproar again. Several younger Jedi had apparitions, especially of Ulic Qel-Droma and those who had been killed centuries ago. In a dreadful night, Qel- Droma came back to once again haunt the place he died, leaving two Acolytes dead before finally being dispatched by the joint efforts of the Quaestor and several of the younger Jedi. They recognized the meaning of Kasal Diglapari's prophecy and thus it was decided to name the second Phyle Hell's Gatekeepers.

The Revolt Against Lord Zoraan

Little is to say about this unpleasant chapter of Brotherhood history except that House Qel-Droma gave a standing example of loyalty towards the Iron Throne, putting it in a strong position for the present and future. With a solidified leadership, a loyal standing to its rightful rulers and a growing base of active, talented Jedi of all ranks, Qel-Droma has grown to being able to make more history that shall once be added to this never-finished epic...


