Relentless (destroyer)

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Revision as of 14:56, 23 January 2021 by Nikora Rhan (talk | contribs)
This article is about Star Destroyer. You may be looking for other uses of Relentless.

Production information

Kuat Drive Yards

Product line:

Star Destroyers


Victory-I Class


75,000,000 credits

Possession Item:

ID 47053

Technical specifications


Engine unit(s):

Alderaan Royal Engineers LF9 ion engines

Hyperdrive rating:

Rated 3200 SBD


Rated 1520 RU

  • Covenant Squadron
  • Dagger Squadron
  • Planetary defense
  • Planetary assault
  • Ground-troop support
  • Ship-to-ship combat



Taldryan Navy


37 ABY

[ Source ]

The Relentless was a Star Destroyer in service of Clan Taldryan.

Vessel Info

Designed and first fielded during the Clone Wars, the Victory I-class Star Destroyer was a prelude of the Empire to come. Originally designed and manufactured by Rendili StarDrive in their competition with Kuat Drive Yards' Venator program. Intended as a multi-role battleship capable of covering many fleet tasks at once, the Victory served as both a carrier and battleship in equal measure. Outfitted with forty turbolasers, ten ion cannons, and a multitude of secondary weapons across its nine-hundred meter long hull, it was well armed for a craft of its size. Even after decades into its service, the class is notably well armoured and shielded against enemy threats. This is to its benefit, as an outdated engine design makes it sluggish and slow to maneuver in comparison to other vessels of its type.

The Victory is well suited to supporting ground assaults and planetary invasions, thanks to its ability to operate within an atmosphere. To this end it could carry over two thousand troopers as passengers, supported by multiple armoured vehicles such as AT-AT walkers and dropships. Its ability to enter planetary atmospheres also allows it to also pursue enemy ships seeking to evade its attacks, something further augmented by the presence of ten tractor beams. To maintain full operational effectiveness, the Victory needs four-thousand-seven-hundred-and-ninety-eight crewmen and an additional four-hundred-and-two gunners.



Complement & Assignment

Fighter Complement

Starfighter Compliment
TIE Defenders
Covenant Squadron Dagger Squadron
Star Destroyer Relentless

Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet (TRNF)
Fleet Command
Flagship: Starhawk-class Battleship Mark II Leviathan [Craft]
Fleet Admiral: Grand Admiral Teebu Nyrrire
Executive Officer: TBA
Air Marshal: Commodore Gehennas Faerin
Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet Headquarters
Kasiyan Orbit: The City of Port Kasiya: Taldryan Tower Complex
Allegiance Battle Group
Command Ship: Starhawk-class Battleship Mark II Leviathan [Craft]
Cruisers: Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser Bulwark
Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser RavenVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser Providence
Corvettes: Raider II-class Corvette DauntlessRaider II-class Corvette Helios
Flights: Jester Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Aqua Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Tornadus Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Executioner Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Sentinel Alpha (Sentinel-class Landing Craft Flight) • Sentinel Beta (Sentinel-class Landing Craft Flight) • Sentinel Charlie (Sentinel-class Landing Craft Flight) • Sentinel Delta (Sentinel-class Landing Craft Flight) • Sentinel Epsilon (Sentinel-class Landing Craft Flight) • Sentinel Foxtrot (Sentinel-class Landing Craft Flight)
Bastion Battle Group
Command Ship: Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Axios [Craft]
Cruisers: Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser AegisVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser DreadhammerVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser Triumph
Corvettes: Raider II-class Corvette LiberatorRaider II-class Corvette Oracle
Flights: Valhalla Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Harbinger Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Gladiator Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Wraith Flight (VT-49 Decimator)
Sovereign Battle Group
Command Ship: Immobilizer 418 Cruiser Orthanc [Craft]
Cruisers: Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser Pegasus
Corvettes: Raider II-class Corvette ValkyrieRaider II-class Corvette Revenant
Flights: Eidolon Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Joker Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Obsidian Flight (VT-49 Decimator) • Sentinel Gamma (Sentinel-class Landing Craft Flight) • Sentinel Hotel (Sentinel-class Landing Craft Flight)
Lightning Floatilla
Command Ship: Cosinga-class Heavy Corvette Serenity
Corvettes: Optimus (Marauder-class Corvette) • Trial (Marauder-class Corvette)
Orbital Assault Corps Bombad
Frigates: Colossus (Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster) • Skyfall (Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster)
Taldryan Defense Force Taldryan Navy Taldryan Army