
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 02:52, 24 July 2015 by Vexxtal (talk | contribs) (clean up, replaced: Ship (individual) → Ship)
Production information


Technical specifications

700 Meters

Max speed (atmosphere):

1,000 Km/h

Hyperdrive rating:
  • Class 0.95
  • Class 10 Backup


Minimum crew:




Cargo capacity:

12,000 Metric tons


5 months

  • Destroyer
  • Cruiser

Clan Scholae Palatinae

Known owner(s):

Clan Scholae Palatinae

Known commander(s):
  • Leilani Kroan

27 ABY

[ Source ]


The Majestic-Class Heavy Cruiser Renown is the lead heavy cruiser for the House Scholae Palatinae Fleet, acting as a bodyguard unit for the larger ISDII Warspite.

Vessel Info

The Majestic-Class is a recent New Republic design which was meant to go up against a Star Destroyer at range and win. Using advanced targeting systems, this class can stand-off at range and hit their targets, forcing them to come in close to land the equivalent amount of firepower back. Excellent speed and maneuverability combined with heavy shielding and armor allow the ship to more than fulfill their intended role.



The Renown and her sister ships, the Relentless and the Repulse all were captured along with the Excidium II from the Republic Engineering Corporation shipyards in the Mon Calamari system by the 27th Special Operations Platoon of Charlie Company from the 17th Legion during the events of Operation: Reclamation. Shortly after it was stolen, it rendezvoused with its' new crew and made it safely to Clan space, reinforcing the two new Star Destroyers present, the Indomitable and the Warspite.

Service to the Palpatines

The ship is currently commanded by Captain Leilani Kroan, previous helm officer of the Excidium. She has been given the daunting task of training a virtually scratch crew up to the high expectations of the Clan Fleet Admiral's training regimen. However, she is doing well in her task, and her crew's performance have lead it to be assigned as the bodyguard ship for the Indomitable.


During periods of large-scale combat, the Renown always serves as the bodyguard of the Indomitable, with standing orders to place itself between the larger vessel and any danger that could take down the ship. Due to its' bodyguard status, and due to the current mission of the Indomitable, it is seeing much activity, gaining valuable crew experience. However, with constant crew rotations amongst the other ships in the Clan fleet, the ship's crew still has a Green rating.

Assigned to Second Flotilla, along with the ISDII Warspite, the ESC Subjugator, GSP Daring and the GSP Defiant.

Imperial Scholae Armed Forces
Imperial Scholae Navy
First Flotilla Victory-class Star Destroyer ISN SidiousVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser ISN Tarkin
Second Flotilla Venator-class Star Destroyer ISN VaderVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser ISN ThrawnAcclamator-class Assault Ship ISN Amedda
External Support EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate TBA • Haven-class Medical Station IMS Tipoca II
Imperial Scholae Army
The Imperial Legion 1st Regiment • 2nd Regiment • 3rd Regiment • 4th Regiment
Imperial Scholae Guard Regiment Judecca Guard Battalion • Antenora Guard Battalion • Ptolomea Guard Battalion • Caina Guard Battalion
For the Empire!