After the Horizons Crisis and the concurrent massive attack on their fleet and home system, House Plagueis was left near total defeat. In a controversial decision, Quaestor Reith used the charges from orbit to destroy every Plagueian stronghold and temple in the Jusadih System, due to their being overrun with the enemy. With much of their forces destroyed, Plagueis had to turn to other tactics in order to rebuild. Brute force, while still useful, was not going to be as viable an option with the house in its weakened state. Realizing this, Tra'an Reith concluded that a new battle team had to be formed, specializing in asymmetrical warfare.
To lead this team, Tra’an turned to Arden Karn. Arden had garnered a reputation during the Horizon Crisis for creative thinking and courage under fire. He had also had a past record of being a top notch sniper, scout, and slicer before coming to the Brotherhood. All these qualities made him a natural choice to lead a team dedicated to stealth and subterfuge. He began gathering others in Plagueis that had similar talents.
The first of these to be approached was a transfer from Clan Arcona during the beginning of the Horizons Crisis named Celevon Edraven. The assassin was recognized for his ambitious nature in his early career in the Brotherhood, having been chosen as an Apprentice by Elder Sashar Erinos within days of joining. He had flourished under the Mandalorian’s teachings, taking on the position of sniper in the Soulfire Strike Team. Prior to joining the Brotherhood, the amnesiac took on numerous assassination contracts and had experience smuggling weapons, not counting advanced military training during his teenage years and further training during his time in Soulfire and as Captain of Spectre Cell, as well as time served in the Arcona Army Corps.
Together they would form the nucleus on which a strong battle team would be founded. They would be instrumental in the rebuilding of Plagueis, participating in several early operations.
The name, Karness Muur, came to Arden instinctively after hearing Alaris’ name for the counterpart battle team Ajunta Pall. Muur’s ability to strike fear into those he oppressed was innate. The Rakghoul plague drove entire populations to terror over millennia, and though the power to turn others into Rakghoul was out of reach to those in Plagueis, the symbolism of it weighed perfectly in Arden’s mind.
In addition, unbeknownst to Arden and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, Karness Muur still existed during the Dark Brotherhood Era and for an additional hundred years after the creation of the battle team, existing in a hard fought battle with Celeste Morne through the use of his Talisman. The irony here is that Karness Muur still exists, exerting his will, as does House Plagueis, though neither party is aware of the other’s existence.
Unit Speciality
One could safely say that one of the reasons the Brotherhood, and in particular Plagueis, was so devastated by the Horizon Crisis was the fact they were caught unaware. The enemy struck without warning with devastating force. Plagueis could not afford for this to happen again, particularly in its current state. Therefore, the newly knighted Arden was tasked with assembling a team of individuals that specialized in information gathering and more subtle forms of war. BKM would be the eyes, ears, and when necessary “finger” of Plagueis.
Striking from the shadows, BKM can be everywhere and nowhere. These members are the ones the Quaestor calls upon if he wants to keep his hands clean. Be it Hacking, Recon, Assassination, Interrogation/Torture, Manipulation, Bribery, or anything of s similar nature, the leaders of Plagueis can find those talents in BKM.
Due to the nature of its operations, BKM tends to operate in two or three man teams in most circumstances. Smaller groups can be more stealthy by their very nature. However, missions requiring more force often call for multiple teams to be working as a cohesive unit on a given target. These teams are not necessarily fixed as different skills might be needed for specific objectives.
Base Of Operations - BAC Harrower
File:BAC.jpgBAC Harrower, base of BT Karness MuurDue to not having a permanent, land-bound Headquarters, the Sith and his Executive Officer immediately worked out a plan to transform the Bothan Assault Cruiser into a mobile Command Base. While it had enough food supplies for two standard years, it lacked some critical components to make it a base, such as training facilities and the armory. Due to it being a purely militaristic vessel before then, it was not setup for long-term living. Two of the suites were immediately cleared out and set up for Arden and the Assassin while the original three suites remained for the Quaestor, Aedile and Rollmaster’s visits.
Rather than having individual rooms for all of the other Officers and Grunts, the regular military were moved to where eight to ten of them shared each of the rooms, which had been a waste of precious living space. The Officers themselves were shifted until they were two persons to a room. The mainly accessible parts of the ship is in sections, each divided up into several decks, and can be accessed by lifts throughout the Harrower in that area of the vessel. Due to security concerns, however, each deck is unspecified.
Bridge ‘Level’
The Bridge Level contains the Bridge, Quaestor’s Suite, Aedile’s Quarters, Rollmaster’s Quarters, Commander’s Suite, Lieutenant Commander’s Suite, the Communications Centre, War Room, Pilot Ready-Room, Medical Bay and Officers Quarters.
The Bridge is a large area where the Captain that had long been the highest commander on the ship once held the reins. Now, however, Captain Grant, a cold female Hapan can be seen still walking the higher area, though her orders are only a repeat of what her Dark Jedi masters command, specifically the Commander. Unlike smaller vessels, the navicomputer is manned by three of these naval soldiers. Dozens of information consoles line either side, as well as a communications area for when dealing with approaching ships and planet-side landings.
Quaestor’s Suite
For it was expected of Plagueis’ leader to visit at times, the Quaestor had the most lavishly decorated apartment in the entire ship, containing standard sleeping chambers with elegant furnishings, a large sonic-shower, a reception area and a dark, hardwood desk with the sigil of Plagueis fire-etched into the wood and lined with silver, making it stand in stark contrast to the grain of the piece. Currently behind the desk is the personal warbanner of Tra’an Reith. The apartment also connects to the Aedile and Rollmaster’s Quarters, only connected to the Exarch’s genetic signature. When the Summit visits the Harrower, five of the SD-10 Battle Droids are assigned as their Honour Guard.
Aedile/Rollmaster Quarters
Though not as lavish nor as large as the Quaestor’s Suite, the Aedile’s Quarters contain decorations of a casual elegance with the sigil of Plagueis throughout the room itself. As the Aedile and Rollmaster would spend a lot of time around their Quaestor if they were to visit, it makes sense that they have only sleeping quarters and not the ostentatious apartment of his/her direct superior. The Quarters of the Rollmaster are nearly identical to that of the Aedile, the only difference being their personal Warbanners.
Commander’s Suite
Unlike those of the Quaestor, Knight Karn chose a simple, yet elegantly furnished sleeping quarters, though it was insisted upon that he at least take the smaller suite. It bears his trophies and varied medals, as well as Arden’s personal Warbanner. Within a case is his weapons and the armor designed by his XO for whenever they go on assignment. An office is attached to the Commander’s Suite. The title of Commander is merely honorary due to his position and does not reflect the Sith’s actual level of military rank.
Lieutenant Commander’s Suite
The Executive Officer’s Suite is slightly larger than that of the Commander, mostly because the Templar didn’t argue when they told him: “As a High-Ranked Officer, you get a suite.” The office is has a theme of silver and dark blue hues, with standard sleeping quarters. The Assassin’s trophies and medals, including the past armor sets, adorn varied stands and plaques. Like that of his superior, Celevon has a clear case that bears his weapons and armor when not worn. As with the Sith, the title of Lieutenant Commander is merely an honorary rank to his position and does not reflect his actual military rank, though one of the sets of armor bears the Arconan Army Corps insignia of Captain on the upper right arm.
Communications Centre
The Communications Centre is a room full of panels, screens, varied terminals and a multitude of electronic equipment that’s EMP shielded. Lieutenant Xathia Edraven Erinos can often be found in this room with her team of experts, though the Krath herself freely admits to being mostly skilled as a Hacker.
War Room
The War Room is the area where the highest Leaders operate from when not in the Bridge. It contains a large table where a holograph of the battle arena can be pulled up and shows the real-time action, where the commanders of every unit not in the field can remotely order their forces to a certain, exact area. As this area can be sealed off from any attempts at listening in, it is perfect for Classified discussions, including meetings held with the Plagueian Summit, where holograms of the members will appear if they cannot travel to the ‘’Harrower’’ for whatever reason.
Pilot Ready-Room
The Pilot Ready-Room is an averaged sized assembly area with interactive, holographic maps, dozens of boards and the information that both squadrons of fighters need to accomplish their missions. Unlike the Ground Troop Ready Room, the Pilot Ready Room can hold all of the members of all four (Harpoon, Javelin, Voulge and Rapier) squadrons of fighter pilots, due to the significantly less number of people than the regular Ground Forces.
Medical Bay
The Medical Bay area contains state-of-the-art equipment needed to heal all forces contained within BAC Harrower, including a small section dedicated to cybernetic replacements for lost limbs. Bacta tanks, sick beds and an entire cordoned off wall where a droid (Z8-D4) retrieves the medication needed for their forces. The Force Users are rarely seen in this area, due to their ability to heal themselves. Only the worst cases end up here, as Force Users cannot heal lost limbs or severe wounds.
Training ‘Level’
The Second (Training) Level contains four separate training areas: one for Lightsaber Combat, one for Ranged Training, one for Melee Training and a final one meant for Hand-To-Hand Training. Beyond the training facilities, it also hosts the areas where the varied military assets can hone their tactical and strategic skills, the GT (Ground Troop) Ready-Room, as well as the General Quarters for the rest of the Crew.
Training Facilities
There are four training facilities, separated for a certain style of combat: Lightsaber training, Ranged training (Firing Range), Melee training and Hand-To-Hand training. They are separate so that a specific thing can be taught in those areas and for safety issues. The only time a mundane (Non-Force User) will be seen in the lightsaber training area is if he or she is searching for one of the Dark Jedi.
GT Ready-Room
Similar in concept to the Pilot Ready-Room, the Ground Troop (GT) Ready Room is a large briefing area for the leaders and sub-leaders of each individual military unit of the Ground Forces. Numerous boards, maps and generally everything needed to give the units the information needed for any mission litters this large room.
Battle ‘Level’
The Third (Battle) Level is restricted to the crew trained for Space Combat, which contains a large portion of the ammunition and supplies. For every operational turret and cannon, there is a two-person team operating the terminals to control it.
Maintenance ‘Level’
The Fourth (Maintenance) Level contains the Engine Room, some crew Quarters for those who kept the vessel in top-notch condition and the Armory, which required a message from both the Commander and Lieutenant Commander to get certain equipment unless it was an emergency situation.
Located in the aft section of the Harrower, the Master-at-Arms stands behind a shielded enclosure. In order to procure arms, one must have pre-sent approval from both the Commander and Executive Officer to the Master-at-Arms in the form of holo-communications. The actual armory proper is behind the high security door behind the Master-at-Arms,who then fetches the equipment. The role for the moment is performed by a male Snivvian named Kritch who is also known for procuring all sorts of unique items and erotic entertainment.
Hangar ‘Level’
The Fifth (Hangar) Level is a short corridor leading to the large Hangar Bay, containing what few personal ships remained from those who had joined the Commander and the Assassin on their journey to new territories. Aside from that, it held the two Squadrons of X and Y-Wings, Rapier and Voulge respectively, as well as two Squadrons of HLAF-500s, called Harpoon and Javelin, always primed and ready for their pilots.
Assigned Forces
Naval Forces
1 Bothan Assault Cruiser Harrower
- 1 T-65AC4 X-wing Squadron “Rapier”
- 1 BTL-S3 Y-wing Squadron “Voulge”
- 2 HLAF-500 Squadrons “Harpoon” and “Javelin”
- 1 Lambda-class shuttle
- 1 Nu-class attack shuttle
- 1 Armored Interface Craft-4
- 2 LAAT/C
1 Corellian Gunship Anguish
1 Corellian Gunship Curse
Ground Forces
The backbone of BKMs ground forces are the BX-Series Commando Droids. Commanded by Captain CK-441, they serve as the direct right hands of the Dark Jedi of BKM. They serve on the front lines using their skills in infiltration as well as striking fear into the mundanes assigned to serve the team. In fact, some members of the team hold the droids in higher regard than the organics under them.
The polar opposite of the BXs, the teams SD-10s are far from subtle. In addition to serving as personal bodyguards for the senior Dark Jedi, they serve another important purpose as well. When an infiltration goes bad, the SD-10s are used to cover the exfiltration of other friendly forces.