Eighth Great Jedi War

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The Yuuzhan Vong Incursion
Conflict: Hours after the Second Darkness operation had concluded the Yuuzhan Vong lay siege to the Antei system, forcing the Clans to withdraw into the Shroud.
Date: 27 ABY
Location: Brotherhood Territories

Yuuzhan Vong

Dark Brotherhood

  • Shimrra Jamaane
  • Nagto Mel


Yuuzhan Vong

Hundreds of Dark Jedi

  • Nagto Mel
  • No Peace
  • Thousands of Yuuzhan Vong
  • Dozens of Dark Jedi
  • Thousands on Antei

[ Source ]

The Eighth Great Jedi War, the Yuuzhan Vog Incursion or the Fall of Antei is a conflict that occurred in 27 ABY. Immediately after the Second Darkness military excercise had concluded the Yuuzhan Vong laid siege to the Antei system driving the Clans inside the Shroud. After one of the bloodiest battles in the Dark Brotherhood's history the Dark Council was forced to abandon Antei with Grand Master Aristan Dantes initiating the Baraata Option and signalling a retreat.


Despite the success of Second Darkness the Dark Brotherhood was to discover it had acted too little, too late. No more than hours after the operation had finished the Yuuzhan Vong laid siege, not just to many of the Clans' systems, but to the Antei system itself.

Though he managed to help hold the Yuuzhan Vong off long enough to allow the Clans to fall back inside the Shroud, the Shadow Hand, Muz Keibatsu, was captured by the aliens. Despite his actions the Yuuzhan Vong advance did not stop and the Clans were driven to Antei where a titanic battle ensued. Consumed by their fear and greed, the Clans turned on each other as well as the Yuuzhan Vong.

Just as the Dark Brotherhood appeared to be on the verge of destruction the Dark Lord of the Sith arrived. Making his way to Antei, Aristan Dantes initiated the Baraata Option, signalling the Star Chamber, Dark Council and Shadow Academy were abandoning the planet. Sacrificing the Dark Brotherhood flagship, the Autarch, the Grand Master provided the Clans with an opening to allow them to fall back and retreat. Before leaving the Antei system, the Dark Lord was able to recover his Shadow Hand from the wreckage of the Yuuzhan Vong task force's flagship. Upon his recovery, Aristan Dantes recognised Muz Keibatsu had become worthy of being called a Sith Lord.


Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Yuuzhan Vong Invasion Force

Major Characters

  • Ahm Cr’od; Intendant (male Yuuzhan Vong, NPC)
  • Kol Amnan; Commander, Perfect Agony (male Yuuzhan Vong, NPC)
  • Mak’rah; Warleader (male Yuuzhan Vong, NPC)
  • Nagto Mel; Supreme Commander, No Peace (male Yuuzhan Vong, NPC)
  • Shimrra Jamaane; Supreme Overlord, Torrent of Enmity (male Yuuzhan Vong, NPC)
  • Volngah; Priest (male Yuuzhan Vong, NPC)


Second Darkness Major Brotherhood Conflicts
27 ABY