Quote of the Day/Archive

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 20:18, 25 September 2011 by BenevolentWhiner (talk | contribs) (Sunday, Sunday, gotta QOTW on Sunday)

Here in lies the collection of Daily Quotes gathered by the Wiki Staff.

Sunday, September 25th, 2011
Nominated by Kano Tor Pepoi
<@`Anubis> Smoke is going to need help keeping s#!^ under control during the vendetta. :P
<@`Anubis> ....
  • @`Anubis headdesks.
<`Archangel> Anubis...
  • `Anubis was kicked by `Anubis (Swearing)
<`Archangel> You nub
  • `Anubis has joined #DBGaming
  • X sets mode: +o `Anubis
  • @`Anubis sighs

Sunday, September 18th, 2011
Nominated by - Kal di Plagia Vorrac
<@`Anubis> Good. Doing some top-secret Tal work that won't be top-secret for long.
  • Howlader humps Anubis
<Kal> Gotta like that.
<Kal> The work, not the humping. :P

Sunday, September 11th, 2011
Nominated by Archangel
<@Xenmordin> no ones is as long as Arch's

Sunday, September 4th, 2011
Nominated by Orv Dessrx
<DuMo> yarr
<DuMo> i need to find my JO dick
<DuMo> err
<Orv> lol
<DuMo> disk
<DuMo> f#*& :P

Sunday, August 28th, 2011
Nominated by Dralin Fortea
<@Muz> i am unbendable
<GenOberst> ...so you never sit down?
<@Muz> as unbendable as your erection, shad.  ;)
<Shad-away> I suppose I could... just wrap my legs around you standing...
<Shad-away> it'd be awkward
<@Muz> but hella fun

Sunday, August 21th, 2011
Nominated by Anubis Annedu
<Legorii> Pho is a matt adler clone?
<`Pho|Away> the retarded clone
<`Anubis> Pho: re-read what Lego said.
<`Pho|Away> ouch

Sunday, August 14th, 2011
Nominated by Ronovi Tavisaen
<Ronovi> Yo, Ninj. Where you at in the DB? :P
<GenOberst> "Where you at"? Did you suddenly become black?
<Dralin> Yes.
<Dralin> She did.
<Ronovi> Yes, Oberst.
<Ronovi> It was a strange change.
<Ronovi> Compton did things to me.

Sunday, August 7th, 2011
Nominated by Ronovi Tavisaen
<@GenOberst> What ever happened to whatshisname...
<@GenOberst> black dude...sounded like a muppet while having sex...
<@Dralin> He sounded like a muppet having sex?
<@GenOberst> You didn't watch his sex video?
<@Ronovi> Oberst: Did he sound more like Kermit or Miss Piggy?
<@GenOberst> He made these weird high pitched sounds.
<@Ronovi> ...so Beaker?

Sunday, July 31th, 2011
Nominated by Ronovi Tavisaen
<@Ronovi> Taldryanites?
<@Ronovi> ...Is it really, really bad that I immediately thought of Pokemon? :P
<@`Sidarace> hehe, yes
<@`Sidarace> very bad
<@`Sidarace> But kinda cool at the same time
<@Ronovi> "Taldryanite! Use your Boot attack!"
<@`Sidarace> It's Super Effective!

Sunday, July 24th, 2011
Nominated by Ekeia Iclo
<Kano> in other news.. i was stung on the neck again today.. i think i might learn that the shoulder isnt a good place for the scorpion when the cat is after it
<+Keia> That almost tops the wiki QOTD
<Kano> i already have one upthere right now from when i super glued my hand to the center consol in my car
<+Keia> Yah, that's the QOTW

Sunday, July 17th, 2011
Nominated by Kalak Ragnose
<Ood> if i recall Uzbad designed the security on Timbal's hidden CON boozevault
<Ood> i have the blueprints somewhere
<Ood> was a fun competition to do when drunk though
<Ood> still can't remember why i got second place with a setup using trained rancors in chainmail
<ThranO> Cause it was drawn in crayon.

Sunday, July 10th, 2011
Nominated by Ronovi Tavisaen
<Dralin> It'll be cool heading the Reckoners, though
<Dralin> It was Teia's brainchild, but I had a big hand in raising that brainchild :P
<Dralin> And now I get to catch the brainteenager sneaking out to go to concerts and having strange boys over when I'm not home

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011
Nominated by Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae
Mode change "-o Dashaway" on #arcona by Celahir
<@Celahir> if you're able to op yourself, you're not drunk enough.

Sunday, May 8th, 2011
Nominated by Ronovi Tavisaen
<+RHawk> maybe...way...there is not circumstancing
<@GenOberst> What the f*** did you just say?
<@Ronovi> I think Hawk went into Zero Wing mode just then.

Sunday, May 1st, 2011
Nominated by Ruluk
<`Archangel> Wait wait... the M:FISts do stuff?!?!
<`Ruluk> No as far as I've heard.
  • TheFist (~DJB.fist@75-135-14-181.dhcp.krny.ne.charter.com) has joined #DBGaming
  • X sets mode: +o TheFist
<`Ruluk> Phew. :P

Sunday, April 24th, 2011
Nominated by Wun
<GenOberst> Early amusement parks had drunks who'd start fights with adults and sexually assault minors.
<GenOberst> He thought alcohol helped feed the depravity.
<Legorii> Ah, the good old days.

Sunday, April 17th, 2011
Nominated by - Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae
<+RHawk> Hey Boss number 1
<@Ronovi> Whatever happened to just calling me Ronovi?
<+RHawk> less letters
<@Ronovi> ...Boss number 1 = more letters than Ronovi.

Sunday, April 10th, 2011
Nominated by - Talos d'Tana
<Legorii> What's up Durzo?
<Legorii> Haha oops.
<Legorii> Did you guys know that the arrow key cycles through your last messages?
<Legorii> Seems I was leaning on it :P

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
Nominated by - Talos d'Tana
<ArcherM> I'm a little late here but...wait wait wait. You chose him like a pokemon? =P
<Legorii> Yes, like a pokemon. And he squirted like Squirtle, after I shocked him like Pikachu.
<GM_Muz> archer, don't mind the nerd.

Sunday, March 27th, 2011
Nominated by - Dralin Fortea
<@Talos> Ahh...nothing like being stuck in an airport
<Dralin> I hear it's the only way to not travel.
<GenOberst> Would you prefer full cavity search at the airport?
<Dralin> Well, he would be getting "stuck" in an airport...

Sunday, March 20th, 2011
Nominated by - Solus Gar
<Dralin> !seen scion
<Dralin> D:
<Dralin> Korras, I miss your bot.
<Slagar> Scion has a cloaking device.
<Dralin> Lies and slander, sir.
<Dralin> We all know that no scion that size has a cloaking device.

Saturday, March 12th, 2011
Nominated by - Luciferus
do not think that your small brain to understand the greatness scope of my project :PPPP -- Pegasso
I'm a Biochemist and Microbiologist working on fractionated mutations of HIV and Hepatitis. That'd be like me asking you to reverse engineer the quaternary folding of a viral binding site. - GenOberst

Saturday, March 5th, 2011
Nominated by Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae
<@Ronovi> Wait, wait.
<@Ronovi> Pride Week is on the same week as June 21st?
<@Ronovi> LOVE IT.
<@GenOberst> yeah
<+Donos> Whats pride week?
<@GenOberst> Donos: Gay Pride Week.
<+Donos> ...
<@Ronovi> Wait for the implosion...
<@Ronovi> Wait for it...

Saturday, February 26th, 2011
Nominated by Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae
  • +Donos is bored
<@GenOberst> Go masturbate.
<+Donos> Umm no that is what my fiancee is for
<@Ji> masturbating?
<@GenOberst> Masturbating [does not equal] sex
<@GenOberst> or even a substitute for sex.
<@GenOberst> Masturbating is masturbating.
<+Donos> Yeah what do you think I would masturbate myself
<@GenOberst> err...
<@GenOberst> That's the point.

Saturday, February 5th, 2011
Nominated by Ji K'awiil
  • +Donos is finally not bored
<@GenOberst> Discovered meth?
<+Donos> Umm Oberst with me being in the Military im not aloud to do Ileagel drugs
<@GenOberst> Well...no one is "allowed" to do illegal narcotics...
<@GenOberst> That's what makes them illegal.

Friday, January 28th, 2011
Nominated by - Syrna Valkiss
  • +Syrna sits on Cel.
  • Ninj sits on Syrna.
<+Syrna> Oof. :P
<@Ronovi> Annnnd Cel is flat now. Good job, Ninj. :P
<+Syrna> lol
  • Ninj bows.

Friday, January 21st, 2011
Nominated by - Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae
<+Doni`Tzu> Ronovi's not a chick, she's a being of pure malice grouped with a series of horrifying entities known as the outer monstrosities.
<@Ronovi> In other words...Doni's been reading too much Lovecraft.
<@Ronovi> And his perspective of reality's been skewed to the point of no return.
<@Ronovi> ...Hey, wait. Isn't what you described a woman, anyway? :P