Quote of the Day/Archive (2010)
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
- Monday, November 15th, 2010
- Nominated by - Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae
- @Ronovi aims a gun at Sang's nether regions
- <@Ronovi> Try clipping me again, biznatch.
- <Sanguinius> Darling, you and I both know that ain't gonna do s**t :P
- <Mal|dead> sang doesn't need his nether regions
- <@Ronovi> Why, is he asexual?
- <Sanguinius> Nope
- <Sanguinius> Just arconan
- Monday, November 8th, 2010
- Nominated by Archangel
- <@`Halc|Away> Where's my milk!
- @`Halc|Away falls to the ground and whines
- @`Archangel steals Halc's lunch money
- <@`Halc|Away> I'm gonna tell on you!
- <@`Halc|Away> Kiiiiiiir
- <@`Halc|Away> Arch is being mean to me!
- Monday, November 1st, 2010
- Nominated by - Dralin Fortea
- <`Max> You're a horrible person.
- <GenOberst> Hi, we must have not met before.
- <GenOberst> I'm Oberst.
- Monday, October 25th, 2010
- Nominated by Archangel
- <@Halc|Away> Darth names are for losers :P
- <@Halc|Away> Unless you have one as sexy as mine :P
- <@Muz> Darth Bias makes a point.
- Monday, October 18th, 2010
- Nominated by - Hades
- <@Sarin> be back in 15. wife time. maybe 8 guys will be around by then.
- <`Hades> .. who, your wife?
- Monday, September 27th, 2010
Nominated by - Ronovi Tavisaen
- @Ji wields the mighty lightning of the gods and destroys Severon
- +Sev cringes.
- <@Ronovi> ...did you not read Ji's statement?
- <@Ronovi> You've been DESTROYED. :P
- <+Sev> Nah.
- <+Sev> Destroyed is relative.
- <@Ronovi> ...Sev, I'm no philosopher...
- <@Ronovi> But "destroyed" is pretty f*****g absolute.
- Monday, September 20th, 2010
Nominated by - Hades
- <@Ronovi> ...So with that said...anyone still want to bet when my sanity will dissipate? :P
- <@scion> with Ji as PCON? 3 months, tops
- <@GenOberst> 3 days
- <+`Knight> 3? That guy makes me want to eat my own face every time he talks.
- Monday, September 13th, 2010
Nominated by - Ronovi Tavisaen
- <@Tim|Busy> It's a Driftan :o
- <@Tim|Busy> But do I crush it underneath the iron heel of tyranny?
- <Lavar> As opposed to...?
- <`Ji> the ruby heel of love
- Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Nominated by - [/code/index.php?title=User:Ji_K%27awiil&action=edit&redlink=1 Ji K'awiil]
- <+Dralin> Like getting teabagged by an orangutan.
- <@`Ji> I bet their balls are sweaty
- <+Donos> i bet they are ill ask my fiancee since she is studying zooology
- Monday, August 30th, 2010
Nominated by - [/code/index.php?title=User:Ji_K%27awiil&action=edit&redlink=1 Ji K'awiil]
- @`Raimi spits.
- benevolen (whiner@ has joined #tarentum
- <@`Ji> a miracle!
- Friday, August 20th, 2010
Nominated by - Selika
- <Muz> just because there are people worse than you doesn't mean that you aren't bad...it just makes you feel better.
- <Muz> which is why i used to watch springer. :P
- Friday, August 13th, 2010
Nominated by - Rayne
- <@Muz> and then, Kir showed up and said "Dude, we are out of rubbers..."
- <@`Kir`> always out of rubbers...
- <@Muz> and Sarin said "Check next to the cereal."
- <@`Kir`> we need a condom sponsorship
- <@Muz> and then we all fell down laughing
- <^Rayne> and then?
- <`Archangel> We all go out for cookies
- <@Muz> well, we had to hide them next to the cookies because jac makes water balloons out of them, if he finds them
- <`Fang> water if you're lucky
- <@Muz> and then makes this 'pew pew' noise when the lobs them at people
- <`Archangel> Wouldnt it be bad to put them next to the cookies? Doesnt he like them?
- <@Muz> no, cookies are made out of vegetables he says
- <`Fang> arch, the cookies are in a jar that's labeled, "not cookies". jac believes it
- <`Archangel> hehe
- <`Archangel> Damnit, now I really want some cookies
- <`Fang> they're next to the condoms
- @Muz nods
- <`Archangel> The condoms are gone though, Kir just said so :P
- <@`Kir`> Yea, jeez
- <@`Kir`> listen more carefully to our inane conversation :P
- Friday, August 6th, 2010
Nominated by Muz
- <Muz> when you start drinking the purel, it's time for AA
- Friday, July 30th, 2010
Nominated by Fremoc
- (+Kano_): Fear Me! For I am an idiot...
- (@Fremoc): yep
- (@Fremoc): that be you :P
- (+Teu): what did you do?
- (+Kano_): i super glued me hand to the center consol in my car about 15 min ago
- (+Teu): lol
- (@Fremoc): alright you won the I am an Idiot title for the day
- Friday, July 23rd, 2010
Nominated by Alaris
- Shad-away is now known as `Shadow`
- `Shadow` goes to monitor the wiki closely
- Thursday, July 15th, 2010
Nominated by - Taigikori Aybara
- <@Orv> If I get a custom saber, I want it to be thought out
- <@Korras> my toes are too ugly for artwork.
- <@Korras> :P
- <@Taigikori> Screw my custom.
- <@Taigikori> When I hit EQ3, dual!
- `Shikyo (_Shikyo@08-152.223.popsite.net) has joined #naga_sadow
- X sets mode: +o `Shikyo
- <@Taigikori> I lie.
- <@Taigikori> j/k
- <@Taigikori> I love my custom
- Thursday, July 8th, 2010
Nominated by - Sephiroth Shamshan Kali
- <SephKali> !signup gaysex
- <SephKali> wait...
- <`Celahir> Ah finally, a match.
- Thursday, July 1st, 2010
- <Bloodfyre> This RoS will end with Muz in a g-string and pasties, and Jac and Sarin waving dollar bills at him, while Shadow gets ready for his set.
- <Noctis> xD
- <Noctis> nice one BF :p
- <Bloodfyre> And Kir will be on cocktail waitress duty.
- Monday, May 3rd, 2010
- RHawk gives Orv her first unborn child
- <@Orv> ...
- <@Orv> maybe you should rephrase that
- <ThranO> ROFL
- Friday, March 26th, 2010
- <Windos> Roar! Anyone want to vote for a Feature Article or nominate one?
- <Windos> Surly someone has seen something good? :P
- <GenOberst> Surly?
- <Windos> It's my accent
- <Windos> :P
- Friday, March 12th, 2010
- [23:32] * @GM_Sarin ticks a mark on the wall indicating the second time he has agreed with Thran in five years.
- Friday, March 5th, 2010
- But, kids never lie about their age on the internet!
- --A concerned Mother, in an email to Muz
- Friday, February 26th, 2010
- <Muz> just...delete that shit
- <Muz> he doesn't have the money for that
- <Muz> hahahaha
- <Windos> lmao
- <Muz> nicely done
- Windos bows
- Friday, February 12th, 2010
- <ThranO> I get laid, so...I am, by nature, terrible at games.
- <`Cado> yeah that could be my prob thran
- <`Cado> i need to tell my fiancee no sex
- Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
- <Robyn> Do you think I should change it Kalak? :P
- Kalak shrugs
- <Robyn> Robyn Haak :P
- <Kalak> I don't have a strong opinion on that.
- <Robyn> meh
- <Robyn> Thran :), Important thing, are you happy?
- <ThranO> He doesn't have a strong opinion on anything, except what to drink at Tea Time.
- Friday, January 22th, 2010
- Taigikori has joined #naga_sadow
- <Fremoc> yo taig
- <Taigikori> Up
- <Fremoc> how you doing man?
- <Taigikori> Good you?
- <Fremoc> doing alrite
- <Fremoc> you and aabs gotta be hating me by now LOL
- <Taigikori> Nah...I just hit him up for a degree too.
- <Taigikori> :p
- <Fremoc> haha
- <Fremoc> well 4 degrees in a month
- <Fremoc> started to believe you and aabs would be saying "whos that needing a maven?" "Its that guy fremoc.." "Jesus again?"
- <Taigikori> Haha
- <`Raven> Yo Fremoc I'm happy for you and Imma let you finish but taigikori is one of the best SA takers of all time
- <Taigikori> LOL
- <Taigikori> Kanye Raven. Best raper out there.
- <Taigikori> Get it.
- <Teu> O.o
- <Taigikori> Fml
- <Fremoc> lol
- Taigikori has quit
- Friday, January 15th, 2010
- <Callidous> I can feel the manipulation you are using, and I also know the odds that you are making things up Thran, but I now feel suitably motivated JIC.
- <ThranO> Me? Make things up? NEVAH!
- <GM_Muz> Thran is currently talking to the sombrero wearing ferret
- <ThranO> Peppito Weaselez
- <GM_Muz> watch out for his left hook.
- <ThranO> It's not his size, but his speed that kills
- <ThranO> Just like Tyson
- <GM_Muz> that and he uses that sombrero like a riot shield
- <Callidous> Think of the money that ferret could get you...
- <GM_Muz> if you could catch the slippery bastard.
- <ThranO> He uses the best grease ever, 50s hair style kind.
- <GM_Muz> and the pomade
- <ThranO> Yep
- Friday, January 8th, 2010
- "I an a college graduate. I have a house that is paid for. I have 3 cars that are paid for. I have a life. What do you have except this?"
- — Crazy parent mentioned by Muz
- Friday, January 1st, 2010
- "You people are morons. Get a life."
- — Crazy parent mentioned by Muz