Battleteam Caliburnus Prospectus

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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General information

Darth Sidious as Dark Lord of the Sith


Commander Impetus M'Nar



Historical information
Formed from:

House Scholae Palatinae


13 ABY


Multiple times under various leaders


19 ABY, 31 ABY


23 ABY

Other information
Notable members:

Children of the Sword


Dark Brotherhood


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

A full history, as well as additional information can be found at Caliburnus. A House Prospectus, kept for historical purposes, can be found at Caliburnus Prospectus.

Battleteam Caliburnus is an elite team of covert operatives working for the Scholae Palatinae Intelligence Agency, the ISI, and led by Commander Impetus M'Nar. Previously a strong house, the Sith arm of Clan Scholae Palatinae, the executive order to downsize it into a battleteam has led Caliburnus to shrink into a highly mobile team of only the best. While the ISI is far from lacking in numbers to deal with the various tasks set before it, the situation will occasionally arise in which a team of standard agents is simply insufficient to deal with the task at hand. In such situations, it is Caliburnus, a small team mixed of Dark Jedi and only the best non Force-Sensitive Specialists that are called upon for the job.

The Team

Caliburnus is currently a team of seven, three Dark Jedi and four highly talented specialists. Each of the team bring their own talents and work as a unit, and as such, every member of the team is highly valuable, even the four non-Dark Jedi. Once could argue that since the Dark Jedi all fill a similar role, the supporting specialists are the most valuable members of the team.

Impetus M'Nar

Commander Impetus M'Nar

"We’re operating as one and we’ll return as one. No self-sacrifice, no heroics."
— Impetus

Experienced Twi’lek Commander Impetus M'Nar (28) was a previous Quaestor of the House Caliburnus, and has long had ties to Clan Scholae Palatinae. She also served for a long time as the General of Clan Scholae Palatinae’s Special Operations Regiment, and also commanded black ops during her time studying with another clan. Far from a typical Dark Jedi, Impetus is a woman of peace, serenity and compassion, especially towards her friends and allies. One of her priorities as Commander is to be someone that her team genuinely like and trust.

In combat, Impetus moves with the grace and elegance of a dancer. Despite being rather frail physically, she is among the quickest and most lightsaber duellists in the clan. Her speed and precision are backed up by an extremely strong proficiency in the Force and remarkably acute awareness and intellect. Stealth and espionage run through Impetus’ veins, and her senses and intelligence combine to create an extremely quick tactician in the heat of battle. Had she more bloodlust, Impetus would be the perfect assassin.

Deputy Commander Soren

"Humans are shameless creatures that carelessly ignore any misfortune which does not befall them directly. They can--and often do--turn a blind eye to all manner of wickedness so long as it does not touch them or their kin. We are Human. Get the job done. No hesitation."
— Soren

A long term ally of Impetus, Soren (29), is a master tactician whose techniques often leave those around him to render him cold and heartless. Being found as a mere baby by a mercenary group, they took him in, teaching him strategic techniques shortly after he learned to read. Previous deputy of the Praetorian Regiment under Impetus’ command, he followed her to Plagueis, where he rose above his old superior to become Directorate General of the Intelligence. Moving on to Brotherhood wide command during Impetus’ absence, once she returned and gained commandership of Caliburnus, Soren offered his place at her side. Soren speaks what’s on his mind with blunt, often brutal honesty.

Despite appearing a stark contrast to Impetus, the middle ground the two great minds often meet has never failed them. There is extremely little that Soren wouldn’t consider as a viable strategy to maximise chances of victory and minimise loss. During missions, Soren very rarely joins the team, possessing little combat proficiency of his own, other than minor training with a blaster pistol. He will frequently stay back on the ship or even back at HQ, acting as a support operative, relaying intelligence back to the team and giving tactical suggestions as the situation develops. He is also usually the one to research the mission and gather intelligence prior to the team departing. If intelligence is particularly lacking, he will join the team as a last resort and deduce what he can first-hand.


Sith Battlemaster Brujah

"It's not about the weapons you bring into battle. It's about how well you can use them."
— Brujah

Brujah (28), is a long standing member of Scholae Palatinae, and a one time Quaestor of House Caliburnus. The young human is known for his cunning in the arts of fighting and battle tactics. Brujah once led House Caliburnus to an enormous underdog victory in battle over House Dorimad Sol. Being a fighter, the Sith has spent most of his time in the Brotherhood focusing on the Antei Combat Centre and the battles of Great Jedi Wars. Brujah disappeared for several years, and has just recently returned to House Scholae Palatinae and Battleteam Caliburnus. He has yet to fully disclose the nature of his disappearance. Brujah has a one of a kind personality; some would call him a sadist. He loves to fight, and as a result, he loves to cause physical pain upon his enemies. He is very confident in himself and especially so in his tactics in battle, and he doesn’t like being second guessed.

Brujah has spent most of his life focusing on his strengths within battle and eliminating all of his enemies. When fighting Brujah often starts a fight suddenly, and attempts a flurry of attacks checking his opponent for weaknesses. He is a master of Makashi, and excels in lightsaber duels. He prefers to battle with a lightsaber or sword and will generally only use a blaster as a last resort. His temper has been known to get the better of him at times, especially in his younger days. Brujah is directly responsible for the recruitment of Doctor Yerwyn Metzl into Battleteam Caliburnus.

Dark Jedi Knight Zin Zalabim

- "From Hell's Heart, I Stab At Thee/For Hate's Sake, I Spit My Last Breath At Thee"

-( Herman Melville, Moby Dick) - Zin Zalabim

Zin Zalabim (25), was skilled swordman, and a careful tactician in the Light saber arts of Shii-cho, Vaapad and Ataru. He had practiced many hours while at the Dark Jedi Academy seeking the help of both students, and masters to help with the light saber training. During his meeting with his Clan interviews there was chance encounters with House Scholae which enabled him to learn about his leadership and encourage him to pursue master/teacher training under Korvyn and Xathia. After enlisting in Battleteam Caliburnus under the Leadership of Impetus this enabled Zin to work on both his sword , agility, and force abilities while recruiting a pilot for the team by the name of Smith Townsend.

At the Beginning of his training to being with his parents and studying at the Dark Jedi Academy, Zin is Determined. He also has focus. His will and spirit to go further is within his body and mind. He uses that to encompass the Weapons Training and his own lightsaber training techniques so that he can be a better weapons artist. Through the determination he has pushed through many feats from academy exams and fighting students in the battle arena at the Dark Jedi Academy. His focus through the blade would allow proper energy flow, strikes and jabs. He also has an zest for getting the rival opponent to battle with a anger to push there limits. This would allow him to analyze there abilities and his own.

Doctor Yerwyn Metzl

Tech Specialist Doctor Yerwyn Metzl

"If you would like to live to see tomorrow, I would highly recommend that you MOVE and let me fix that!"
— Doctor Yerwyn Metzel

Ever since a young age, Doctor Yerwyn Metzl (36), outshone everyone around her in terms of academic ability, and found herself skipping many grades to ensure the level of her education continued to suit her expanding scientific prowess. She was identified as a possible Force Sensitive, but was rejected by the Jedi, and has bore a resentment towards them ever since. Doctor Metzl is extremely sure of herself. Having only been told once in her life that she wasn't good enough to do something has given her a bit of an ego. She is quick to say "wanna bet?" in situations where her opinion is being opposed. Although not exactly the pinnacle of strength, Yerwyn is not afraid to move people out of her way when she knows how to fix a problem.

She is extremely proficient with weapon technology, and after acquiring a doctorate at 22, was employed by BlastTech Research and Development. After being recruited to Caliburnus by Brujah, she has displayed immense talents in combat related technical expertise. It’s never been clear who is the more intelligent out of Soren or Yerwyn. Yerwyn is always around the team, and her scientific knowledge is often vital to survival, whether she’s deploying energy shields around the team, repairing a broken weapon or ship part, or analysing the most effective place to plant an explosive charge. Due to the necessity of her to be able to defend herself, Yerwyn is training in the use of an automatic pistol. She typically carries with her various repair tools and explosive charges.

File:Commander File-Eshara Ishtar.png
Eshara Ishtar

Marksman Eshara Ishtar

"She's a dubious character at best but at least her motives are clear. Everything begins and ends in credits. She'll be easy to control."
— Soren on Eshara

Eshara Ishtar (32) is an experienced mercenary assassin, working for gangs in Nar Shaddaa. She escaped the Smuggler’s Moon’s destruction at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong by chasing a target to Tatooine, and stayed there. The blood of a mercenary runs through her veins, and Eshara will take on any job for the right payment. However, she always fulfils one contract before accepting another, making her an ironically trustable ally. A woman used to solo covert ops, Eshara is uneasy around crowds, and spends long periods of time alone away from the group, not talking much unless it’s about the mission or her payment.

Eshara doesn’t miss. It’s about as simple as that. Her marksmanship is exceptionally sharp, beating all records at the ISI shooting range on her first attempt. Travelling lightly with a repeating sniper rifle, lightfoil and a stealth field generator, Ehsara is the specialist in taking out targets at long or medium range, or covering the group from a distance. Using a rifle with low recoil means she can take out multiple targets in quick succession. While not as skilled with the lightfoil as she is with her rifle, Eshara is proficient enough with the weapon for it to be useful in close range. It often comes as a surprise to enemies who close her down, believing her to be a simple sniper.


Pilot Smith Townsend

One of the most vital members of the team, Smith Townsend (23), had an education based primarily around the arts of flight and trade. Unknowingly, when he joined a nearby Imperial Naval Recruitment Centre, he had actually joined a feeder academy for Clan Scholae Palatinae. An undercover envoy recognised his considerable talents, and he was offered the position of Caliburnus’ pilot. Smith is often described as sarcastic by his friends and allies, often slipping in sarcastic jokes in the middle of a critical mission. A thrillseeker at heart, Smith revels in the challenges put before him in Caliburnus, and approaches every mission with pride and confidence in his abilities.

Smith’s piloting abilities are far beyond the basics. Control of a ship is as natural to him as the control of his limbs. His skill and precision when executing evasive manoeuvres at high speeds and low altitudes make him a perfect choice for the pilot of a team so regularly operating in hostile environments. Smith possesses no combat abilities of his own, and often stays back in the ship during missions. He would merely be an obstacle in the field, and his death in battle would leave the team stranded. He only usually accompanies the team when the use of a ground based vehicle is a necessity. While his speciality is ships, he is still an extremely effective driver and operator of various vehicles.

The Headquarters

The Citadel

The Ghostly Citadel is primarily occupied by the ISI, but Caliburnus, being the elite of the intelligence, are given priority over its facilities. The Citadel itself, a great stone building whose aging appearance masks its recent reconstruction, serves mainly as a barracks, information centre and training facility.

The ISI being a primarily intelligence based force, the exchange of information is vital to its success. The majority of this is done through the Ghostly Citadel, as this is the place that contains the offices of Scholae Palatinae’s Cyber Security. Behind the stone walls of the Citadel lie state of the art computing equipment, for decoding enemy transmissions, and ensuring the secure encoding of HSP’s own messages. Much of the research, except in minor local level operations, is conducted by the specialists based in the Citadel.

The training facilities within the Citadel are suitable to accommodate the needs of all who use them. Extensive firing ranges and other such training equipment are present for the blaster wielding forces, and the Dark Jedi are provided with lightsaber training droids, Force practice equipment and similar apparatus.

Given the extreme area that the ISI and Caliburnus are expected to cover, it was simply impractical for one base to cover everything, and as such buildings with a similar purpose are spread over Scholae Palatinae, although the Ghostly Citadel is the largest, has the biggest and best facilities, and is the centre of most major operations.

The Catacombs

Deep beneath the surface of Judecca are a web of catacombs that extend from the lowest levels of the Ghostly Citadel. Originally created with a dual purpose, first as a method of secretive transportation underneath the planet floor, and secondly to house top secret treasures of Scholae Palatinae.

The catacombs served as one of the key transportation methods of the Yuuzhan Vong Insurgents in their conquest of Scholae Palatinae, and as such explorations of the tunnels have been slow since Scholae Palatinae regained control of its system. Many search parties have simply not returned, and it seems beyond reasonable doubt that it is as a result of Yuuzhan Vong stragglers trapped inside. Caliburnus and the ISI are currently looking into alternative methods to explore more of the tunnels. Ever since the invasion, the tunnels have been completely unlit, it is likely that the Yuuzhan Vong sabotaged the lighting system, believing it as heretical.

Further adding the complications is the presence of a Dark Vault of hidden Scholae Palatinae artefacts and knowledge, believed to have been hidden by Vally, a Consul of many years past. Very few of Scholae Palatinae’s current Dark Jedi seem to possess much knowledge of the vault, or what defences are in place to defend it. All that is currently known is that it’s down there somewhere in the vast network of seemingly random passages.

Despite their danger and mystery, the Catacombs, or what’s explored of them, can play a very practical role in the defence of the House. One of the few pathways that has been secured and fully mapped is the one that links the Ghostly Citadel to the main Scholae Palatinae headquarters. The purposes of this work both ways, in times of danger, they provide a swift escape route for the Consul to retreat to the Ghostly Citadel undetected, and they also serve as a means for Scholae Palatinae to call upon reinforcements from the ISI. It is unclear how a giant walking tree will fit down narrow passageways.

The Ghosts

It is the grounds surrounding the Ghostly Citadel which give it its name. Ever since the lost battle between Scholae Palatinae and the Yuuzhan Vong, the powerful Force Sensitives killed in the conflict have remained as spirits, still fighting the battle long lost. The Ghosts of the battle primarily reside outside of the Citadel, although inside and in the catacombs both Jedi and non force sensitives have claimed to have felt strong anger and hatred coming from an unknown source. Currently, the apparitions cause no major disruptions, and are merely a minor nuisance to those who work there every day and learn to live with it. Some have even said it gives the building character. It is often joked that it is the dead with all the charisma in the cyber security teams.

Previous Leaders

Quaestors and Aediles

Quaestor Aedile
Gidda Kane Reese
Kane Reese Jaron Kai
JKast Warhunter
Dissolved Dissolved
Lenzar Demonis Entar Warhunter
Brujah Tamalar Sykes Rokir Jade
Brujah Tamalar Warhunter
Warhunter Xen'Mordin Vismorsus
Impetus M'Nar Xen'Mordin Vismorsus
Impetus M'Nar Thran Occasus
Thran Occasus Rasilvenaira StormRaven
Rasilvenaira StormRaven Yzarc Rellik Kaeth
Yzarc Rellik Kaeth Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae
Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae Daniel Stephens
Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae Rasilvenaira Kaeth StormRaven
Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan
Dakari Kaeth Palpatine Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan
Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan Erianna "Rayne" Victae


Impetus M'Nar