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[[Category:Scholae Palatinae Dominion]][[Category:Moons]]
[[Category:Scholae Palatinae territories]]

Revision as of 05:57, 30 September 2016

Pre-Republic eraRepublic eraImperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Bolgia Satellites

Mid Rim


Hutt Space


Cocytus System

Immigrated species:

Species of the Dark Brotherhood

Official language:

Basic, various other languages common to the rest of the galaxy


Scholae Palatinae

[ Source ]

Upon discovering the Cocytus System, then Consul Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine set about mapping the prominent features of the planets for Dark Council review. As he navigated through the ten satellites of Caina he labeled them after the Eighth Circle of Hell: Bolgia. Which had been divided into ten levels of barren land for sinners of the penultimate level. And, in the mind of the Krath, if he would deem the entire System the Ninth Circle… this surely would be the lesser, but near equivalent.


The nearest moon to Caina, it is also the largest satellite in orbit above the icy world. Almost one sixteenth the size of the planet itself, Bolgia 1 rotates in a unique elliptical pattern that allows it to never cross into the path of the white star Imperius and the surface. Additionally, due to its size, the moon is also set alone on its orbit - with no threat of an additional moon colliding with its path.

There is no contained atmosphere upon the moon, thus there is no vegetation or life present upon its surface. It does serve as a resource for the planet, though. During the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong upon the Cocytus System the major production facility over Judecca was destroyed in the initial onslaught. To compensate for a decrease in productivity, temporary facilities were set-up on the moon’s surface.


The second moon orbiting Caina, it is also the smallest satellite in orbit above the icy world. A fraction of the size of Bolgia 1, this satellite travels an erratic pattern that causes numerous solar eclipses across the planet’s surface in a calendar year. These ‘dark spots’ are known to pass with relative quickness, but create such darkness that it feels tangible to those whom are trapped within its path.

There is no contained atmosphere upon the moon, nor is there any sign of life. Unlike the largest satellite, Bolgia 2 offers no economical purpose or addition to the planet.


The third moon orbiting Cain, serves no economical or agricultural purpose. Devoid of atmosphere and life, the moon has the longest orbital period of any satellite and requires a time period of five years to make a single orbit about the planet. Due to its irregular speed and above average size, when an eclipse does occur it leaves only ice in its wake.

Recorded instances and tracking suggest the next eclipse will occur at 30 ABY and fall across the Northern Pole of the planet.


The fourth orbital satellite is minuscule in size, but requires close attention as it is one of five moons whom have orbital paths that cross. Bolgia 4 is devoid of atmosphere and, thus, life. Though its surface suggests that previous attempts have been made to colonize the moon in an attempt to mine its natural resources - if any. There is also evidence of cataclysmic scarring where the satellite is believed to have collided with another object of similar size.


The fifth orbital satellite is minuscule in size, but requires close attention as it is one of five moons whom have orbital paths that cross. Bolgia 5 is devoid of atmosphere and, thus, life. Though its surface suggests that previous attempts have been made to colonize the moon in an attempt to mine its natural resources - if any. There is also evidence of cataclysmic scarring where the satellite is believed to have collided with another object of similar size.


The sixth orbital satellite is minuscule in size, but requires close attention as it is one of five moons whom have orbital paths that cross. Bolgia 6 is devoid of atmosphere and, thus, life. Though its surface suggests that previous attempts have been made to colonize the moon in an attempt to mine its natural resources - if any. There is also evidence of cataclysmic scarring where the satellite is believed to have collided with another object of similar size.


The seventh orbital satellite is minuscule in size, but requires close attention as it is one of five moons whom have orbital paths that cross. Bolgia 7 is devoid of atmosphere and, thus, life. Though its surface suggests that previous attempts have been made to colonize the moon in an attempt to mine its natural resources - if any. There is also evidence of cataclysmic scarring where the satellite is believed to have collided with another object of similar size.


The eighth orbital satellite is minuscule in size, but requires close attention as it is one of five moons whom have orbital paths that cross. Bolgia 8 is devoid of atmosphere and, thus, life. Though its surface suggests that previous attempts have been made to colonize the moon in an attempt to mine its natural resources - if any. There is also evidence of cataclysmic scarring where the satellite is believed to have collided with another object of similar size.


Bolgia 9 is one of the ‘Twin Moons’ as it shares similar features with the tenth moon and an identical orbital path. The two satellites, while traveling the same path, have never collided in recorded history. It is believed their path and similar mass are equally accelerated, and decelerated, by the gravitational pull of the icy world beneath.

As the Twin Moons hold at positions at polar opposites, it allows for the denizens of the Cocytus System - more specifically Caina - to exploit the tactical advantage presented. While the specifics have yet to be revealed, it is believed that House Dorimad Sol operates two secret bases; one on each satellite.


Bolgia 10 is one of the ‘Twin Moons’ as it shares similar features with the ninth moon and an identical orbital path. The two satellites, while traveling the same path, have never collided in recorded history. It is believed their path and similar mass are equally accelerated, and decelerated, by the gravitational pull of the icy world beneath.

As the Twin Moons hold at positions at polar opposites, it allows for the denizens of the Cocytus System - more specifically Caina - to exploit the tactical advantage presented. While the specifics have yet to be revealed, it is believed that House Dorimad Sol operates two secret bases; one on each satellite.

Scholae Palatinae Dominion
Star and System
Cocytus System - Imperius
Antenora - Judecca - Ptolomea - Caina - Iblis - Vassago
Ugolino - Sereia - Alberigo - Zanche - Barbatos - Brutus - Cassius - Judas

Bolgia Satellites - Astaroth - Gressil - Marchosias - Nemea - Vetis

Zepar - Zepar I - Zepar II