Selen: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Culture was almost an afterthought in Korda; the majority of the surface inhabitants frequent the numerous bars and clubs nested in the city centre.  
Culture was almost an afterthought in Korda; the majority of the surface inhabitants frequent the numerous bars and clubs nested in the city centre.  
Korda is the manufacturing home of the [[Zratis Arms Corporation]].

====Subterranean Korda====
====Subterranean Korda====

Revision as of 21:32, 26 April 2013


Unknown Regions


Dajorra System


1: Dajorra


One (Boral)

Distance from Core:

275 million kms (1.8 AU's)

Orbital period:

454 Local Days




13,200 km


Type I (Breathable)


Temperate (50¡-75¡ F)


Standard (1 G)

Primary Terrain:

85% Water; Remaining land mass centered on numerous islands

Points of interest:
Native species:


Immigrated species:

Humans, assorted others


3 million

Major cities:
Major imports:

None (Selenians are isolationists at heart)

Major exports:
  • Arms and armour
  • Finance

Clan Arcona

[ Source ]


Selen is a mid-sized planet perfectly suited for most races to inhabit. Most of Selen is covered by ocean, dotted with islands of all sizes. These islands are incredibly fertile, and largely covered in sparse forest and grassy plains. Many are uninhabited, and Clan Arcona had its pick when it chose the location for its Citadel.

The Citadel itself is an enormous ziggurat, completely re-built and expanded from the pieces that were painstakingly taken from Coronada and it's original home. The structure is easily spacious enough to accommodate the entire Clan should the need arise. Resting on the loamy earth of Doto Rock (which isn't actually very rocky), the Citadel houses the quarters and offices of the Consul and Proconsul, and functions as a meeting place for all Clan functions. Having built the structure from the pieces of it's original home, barracks, training rooms, simulators, and an enormous hanger were also built into the structure.

Native Species

Selenians are Humanoids, tall, blond haired mostly. They are a very calm race and slightly distant to surrounding world, concentrating mainly on the ecology of their planet and the work of their complex hydrodynamics. The Selenians have five major cities, though Clan Arcona leaders only ever visit their capital of Estle. Originally, the Selenians migrated from another planet, fleeing another faction of their race. The oral history is recounted below, in the words of one of their Councilmen:

A long, long time ago, far beyond the center of the galaxy, there was a place called Taureen, a giant planet covered with jungle. It was wealthy in gem mines, and hot water lakes. There was nothing special in this planet; the native settlers used gems for making jewellery, and eventually their goods were sold far across the reaches of space. With time pirates, and bounty hunters, started to arrive on Taureen searching for an easy fortune. The Taureen nation was peaceful, without weapons, and therefore couldn't defend itself. At least, that's what our people though.. In hidden bases the planetary government had begun to build ion shields, lasers, and with use of Taureen gems these weapons became more powerful than any before seen. Soon all of our ships had been modified and the Taureen race turned from peaceful merchants into a warrior society. All resources were reserved for the military market, and there was no more peace. The government pressed its people towards all possible sacrifices. But eventually the mines were depleted, and the only way to get more of the precious jewels to cut deeper and deeper into the once lush planet. Their world turned from a green one into a barren field of rock and ash.

Not everyone liked what they saw, however, but they could not fight the hordes of the Taureen government... departure was the only way to set themselves free, to live as they had before the wars. The original refugees waited for the right moment, planning every detail of their escape. Eventually, they freed themselves from their bonds and left to find a new home, Selen.

And here starts the new part of our history, a new era. A new tale. It was a struggle for our ancestors to find their way on a planet so different from their homeworld. Under the water, they found what they were looking for: a clean way to power a new world, without the agony of turning another planet into what Taureen had become. The energy was there beneath the waves, in the lava cracks of the crust and in the shifting of the tides; we just had to release it. We are architects, engineers, creators, all we want to do it buildֹ to realize our visions. We are not warriors, and we do not wish to be. Our fleet still stands to defend our world, for the forces of Taureen did come one day, but that is another tale for another occasion.


Estle City (Capital)

Main article: Estle City

Estle city is the political center of the Dajorra system and its inhabitants. Put simply, whoever controls Estle City controls Dajorra. Presently, Estle serves as the main headquarters for Clan Arcona and as the seat of power for the Consul of the clan.

Originally, Estle city was built onto an island, however during the subsequent Yuuzhan Vong occupation of the Dajorra System, the island was extensively changed. When Arcona finally reclaimed the system, Estle City and indeed the entire island were dominated by a large mountain intersecting the two. Thus, Estle was rebuilt up the near sheer-cliff face of the mountain, with the Citadel perched atop a plateau at the base of the mountain. As a result, various terraces comprise the city’s innards.

Naruba City

Established by Eli Naruba of Naruba Investments, Naruba city is the home of all banking activity on Selen. This financial hub was founded in 22 ABY and, within five years, this small settlement, originally intended as an outpost of the InterGalactic Banking Clan (IGBC), became a hive of activity. A migrant population of professionals from all over the Galaxy settled in Naruba city to capitalise on the increasing demand of professionals in and around the Dajorra system. There is little outside of the working focus here, which is only reified by the near indistinguishable high-rise apartment complexes that congregate around the main IGBC headquarters in the city's central plaza.

Many of the most intelligent make their money here before moving to the city of Celeste to retire and enjoy life. It is the main city for trading and houses Selen's planetary stock market. Naruba city is often considered to be the monetary capital of Selen.

Naruba Investments houses its main office complex in Naruba city.


Celeste is an underwater city encased in one large hydrostatic bubble in the northern hemisphere, not far from the equator. This city is home to Dajorra's high society. A wealth of theatres, opera houses, cinemas, galleries, museums, vast libraries, and impressive religious buildings flaunt the city's cultural focus. Large parks and gardens are a common sight in the centre of Celeste. Grand mansions and luxurious apartments circle the entertainment district, whilst smaller homes sit close to the edges of the hydrostatic bubble to accommodate the city's large workforce. Whilst considered the 'deprived area', this suburb's standard of living is considerably higher than any other in the Dajorra system.

Celeste is only 250 kilometres from Naruba City and can thus maintain solid transport routes to the economic capital. This serves Celeste's populous well, given that most of the city's inhabitants made their wealth and fortune from business ventures within Naruba.

Celeste is considered by most to be Selen's cultural capital.


Zainab is a city specifically constructed on Selen's northern polar cap in order to help alleviate the huge energy consumption of Selen's numerous settlements through renewable energy sources. This city was commissioned by Zainab Mining Enterprise in 27 ABY - hence the settlement's name - and partially funded by Naruba Investments. Whilst the settlement itself is relatively small, the city of Zainab also includes 100 square kilometres of wind farms, 150 square kilometres of solar energy farms, and a number of geothermal heat transformers dotted across the tundra plains thus making it the 'largest' of Selen's cities.

It has a minimal population of scientists and engineers who keep the farms and generators running efficiently. Inhabitants are required to work in six-monthly 'tours' and are often accompanied by their families. Houses are built in a cluster to keep their effect on the environment minimal, and are powered entirely by the renewable energy sources they are responsible for maintaining. Residents are heavily reliant on mass imports of food once a month, though there is constant research in an attempt to rely on what foodstuff can be grown in the area. The inhabitants are extremely well-off, given their minimal expenditure and extremely demanding work. Indeed, in recent years, Zainab has also doubled as a research station for many.

Zainab accounts for almost 40% of the planet's energy consumption.


Nestled in the Atikan Valley in the southern continent between the equator and the southern polar ice cap, Korda is Selen's industrial heart. Korda is the second oldest city on Selen, and has cemented its role at the forefront of industrial manufacture. This has come at a cost, however. Endless factories and manufacturing plants spew smog and debris, polluting the air and marring the surrounding countryside. Only the richest of Korda's inhabitants - the industrial bourgeoisie - can afford to live above ground, given the need for expensive air-filtration systems.

Culture was almost an afterthought in Korda; the majority of the surface inhabitants frequent the numerous bars and clubs nested in the city centre.

Korda is the manufacturing home of the Zratis Arms Corporation.

Subterranean Korda

Subterranean Korda houses the poorest and the majority of the city's criminality.

When pollution became such an issue on the surface, many began to look towards underground living to escape the poisonous air. Elevator systems transport inhabitantsto specific sections of the city above, with 'work permits' being required to travel between the two districts. Life expectancy is low in Subterranean Korda, with many being lured into prostitution rings and smuggling as an alternative lifestyle. Illness is frequent, and medical facilities are few and far between.

The depravity in Subterranean Korda has seen a huge rise in Ryll distribution and use in recent years, with a move toward semi-permanent, illegal glitterstim manufacture. Many of the clubs and bars in Subterranean Korda act as fronts for this booming Spice business.