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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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This bright time for him however, was not destined to last.  A message had arrived on the ''Ikaruga'' from his father [[Arturis Schulen]] that requested his presence on the Theta Station, one that read with much more urgency and an overtone of anger compared to past messages. Though he had been tempted to ignore it, he still owed the [[starwars:Kushiban|Kushiban]] and reluctantly decided to travel to the station.
This bright time for him however, was not destined to last.  A message had arrived on the ''Ikaruga'' from his father [[Arturis Schulen]] that requested his presence on the Theta Station, one that read with much more urgency and an overtone of anger compared to past messages. Though he had been tempted to ignore it, he still owed the [[starwars:Kushiban|Kushiban]] and reluctantly decided to travel to the station.

Upon his arrival at the station, Teebu was met with an armed entourage that immediately escorted him to the Syndicate Council Chambers in the Afterlife Club. For the first time ever, he saw not only his father, but also all nine of the Syndicate heads gathered. Before this, he had seen not even a single one of them in person, and with all of them here he knew something was direly wrong.  Every instinct and fiber of his being told him to run, but that desire was quelled by the tip of a blaster rifle placed firmly against the back of his head.
Upon his arrival at the station, Teebu was met with an armed entourage that immediately escorted him to the Syndicate Council Chambers in the Afterlife Club. For the first time ever, he saw not only Arturis, but also all nine of the Syndicate heads gathered. Before this, he had seen not even a single one of them in person, and with all of them here he knew something was direly wrong.  Every instinct and fiber of his being told him to run, but that desire was quelled by the tip of a blaster rifle placed firmly against the back of his head.

Arturis explained that Dread Lord Selika had terminated the slave contract with the Syndicate that had been established under the former di Plagia leadership structure. Not only that but she also had blacklisted any allied organizations and worlds with Plagueis from any dealings with the Syndicate at all. This had apparently put a major dampener on their income stream and established to numerous other groups that a Clan of the Brotherhood could dictate the Syndicate's influence, that it was not an organization to be feared.
Arturis explained that the new Dread Lord Selika had terminated the slave contract with the Syndicate that had been established under the former di Plagia leadership structure. Not only that but she also had blacklisted any allied organizations and worlds with Plagueis from any dealings with the Syndicate at all. This had apparently put a major dampener on their income stream and established to numerous other groups that a Clan of the Brotherhood could dictate the Syndicate's influence, that it was not an organization to be feared.

This had angered Arturis and the Council. Because of this slight, retribution was not only expected, but demanded. Teebu questioned what this had to do with him, as even though he was now an Admiral within the Navy, he still had no access to either the [[Ascendancy]] or the upper levels of [[the Pinnacle]] on [[Aliso]] where any sensitive information might be stored. And should the Syndicate wish to use him and the ''Ikaruga'' to attack Plagueis, that it would fail spectacularly as well as paint a target directly on Theta Station.
This had angered Arturis and the Council. Because of this slight, retribution was not only expected, but demanded. Teebu questioned what this had to do with him, as even though he was now an Admiral within the Navy, he still had no access to either the [[Ascendancy]] or the upper levels of [[the Pinnacle]] on [[Aliso]] where any sensitive information might be stored. And should the Syndicate wish to use him and the ''Ikaruga'' to attack Plagueis, that it would fail spectacularly as well as paint a target directly on Theta Station.
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=== Grand Admiral No Longer ===
=== Grand Admiral No Longer ===
{{Quote|...you really did what they say happened, sir? Why would you cross Mavros like that? You realize he will never stop hunting you now.|Captain Veramus}}
{{Quote|...you really did what they say happened, sir? Why would you cross Mavros like that? You realize he will never stop hunting you no, right?|Captain Veramus}}

Less than an hour had passed on board the ''Intrepid'' before every datapad and access point that the Admiral had with both the Battle Team Opress, and Clan Plagueis, had it's access terminated. He knew word had already reached them of what had happened.  Aleister as well, through words unspoken and unseen, had made his intent clear.  Teebu knew his rules and his actions, and that his own actions had painted a black spot directly on him. He would be coming for him, that was certain.  Before he departed the destroyer, he disposed of everything that could be used to track his location upon return to Aliso space.  There were final things he had to gather to prepare for his final escape, and exile, from Aliso and his home.
Less than an hour had passed on board the ''Intrepid'' before every datapad and access point that the Admiral had with both the Battle Team Opress, and Clan Plagueis, had it's access terminated. He knew word had already reached them of what had happened.  Aleister as well, through words unspoken and unseen, had made his intent clear.  Teebu knew his rules and his actions, and that his own actions had painted a black spot directly on him. He would be coming for him, that was certain.  Before he departed the destroyer, he disposed of everything that could be used to track his location upon return to Aliso space.  There were final things he had to gather to prepare for his final escape, and exile, from Aliso and his home.

Teebu stashed away on board a cargo freighter bound for the [[Tonus Anchorage]] in the Aliso system, sending a single communication to the only person he felt that could still trust within the Clan at this stage; Captain Veramus of the Vindicator ''Seraph''.
Teebu stashed away on board a cargo freighter bound for the [[Tonus Anchorage]] in the Aliso system, sending a single communication to the only person he felt that could still trust within the Clan at this stage; '''Captain Veramus''' of the Vindicator ''Seraph''. No sooner than he had arrived on the station was the Captain already waiting for him, the Seraph docked off the station.  He had managed to get the ship there under the guise of troop transport to reinforce the exterior system lines in case of potential blow back from what Teebu had caused.

=== The Fall of the Ikaruga ===
Prior to departing for the Tonus Anchorage, Veramus was able to gather everything Teebu had requested except for the items he wanted from his flagship, the Vindicator ''Ikaruga''. Following his betrayal, the Ikaruga was the first thing seized by Opress along with his entire command staff and those closest to him for any information that could lead to his location and capture. Veramus himself had also been captured and interrogated, but released by orders of the Clan Summit against Aleister's wishes.

As they arrived at the airlock bridge to travel to the Seraph however, a squad of Opress assassins stood in their path. It was then that they both understood why Veramus was released as quickly as he was, and that he was a fool for thinking the Summit was on his side. The skills of the assassins were nearly on par with Teebu's, and together they barely took down the group.  On arrival at the Seraph airlock, behind them stood Aleister and the remainder of the Opress Battle Team.
Veramus gave a signal with his hand as he slammed his hand on the door closure switch, a shot from one of the Seraph's cannons ripping through and destroying the bridge connecting it and Tonus Anchorage. As the Seraph departed from the Anchorage, it came under heavy fire from the station as well as both the Vindicator ''Vigilant'' and the Strike-class ''Termagant'' which had positioned themselves in it's path.
Ignoring the damage output, the Seraph took the blunt of the attack before jumping to lightspeed.
=== The Fall of the Seraph ===
The plan was to journey towards the Unknown Regions and link up with Arturis at the '''Theta Asteroid Base''' to regroup.  With it's extensive defense system and offensive capabilities, it would make for a perfect hiding location until things cooled down.  Without warning however, the Seraph fell out of hyperspace. No matter what the bridge crew attempted, the Seraph would not return to lightspeed. Upon inspection in the engine room, it turned out that the hyperdrive had been sabotaged.
Teebu assumed that the Termagant and the Vigilant would not be far behind if saboteurs were on board, the navigational plans were most likely communicated as well. Veramus concurred and proposed making for the [[Caelus_System|Caelus System]], the domain of [[Clan Taldryan]] which was not far from their location. With the clans not being on the best of terms, the plan was risky but without a hyperdrive there was no where else they could travel and have a chance of survival.
On the outer border of the Caelus system as expected, the Vigilant and Termagant jumped out of lightspeed and began their assault on the Seraph. In it's efforts to defend itself, the saboteurs struck again and took the Seraph's weapons and shield systems offline. As shuttles transported Opress troops to the Seraph, Teebu and Veramus headed their way towards the hangar bay. The chances of Aleister being with them were far too high, and unless they escaped on board Teebu's personal freighter the [[starwars:720_Light_Freighter|Ghtroc-720 Freighter]] ''Albion'' then their plan would be in vain.
Enroute to the Hangar Bay, Aleister stood between them and the final passage.  Veramus remained behind to face Aleister while Teebu traveled into the ventilation ducts of the ship. When he descended inside the hangar bay, a group of Seraph officers stood before him as well as a large group of Plagueis slaves that served on the ship. As the Second Officer identified himself and walked to Teebu, he was quickly assailed by the Ewok. The others quickly made their move as well, attempting to overwhelm the furry Admiral.
With close to half of the group deposed and both of Teebu's wrist daggers shattered, one of the officers managed to land a vibrodagger straight into Teebu's back. Teebu slumped to the floor as the officer nudged him with his foot to see if he was dead.  As the others breathed a sigh of relief to catch their breath, Teebu jumped up with the dagger still embedded into his back and reignited his assault.

=== Saved by House Ektrosis ===
=== Saved by House Ektrosis ===
By the time the battle was finished, Teebu was barely able to stand. Aleister entered the hangar bay and made a run straight at Teebu focused only on finishing him. Out of the corner of Teebu's eye, he saw his BB-8 Unit come up behind Aleister from behind at full speed, ramming his legs and successfully knocked him to the ground.  Teebu grabbed on and together they bolted up the ramp of the Albion. Suddenly it began to take off, much to the surprise of Teebu.
In the cockpit was his Lieutenant, MacMillian. He had posed as part of the saboteurs and waited in the hangar bay, before quietly sneaking on board after Teebu's arrival. The Albion quickly took off into space, going straight for the Caelus System border.
Both the Vigilant and Termagant brought up pursuit, even crossing into Taldryan space to continue chasing it. As the Albion began to suffer critical damage and the Termagant came in for the deathblow, several squadrons from House Ektrosis came into radar range and began to open fire on both Plagueis ships in support of the Albion.
To prevent a major situation, Aleister ordered both ships to retreat against his judgement. The last thing Teebu remembered before passing out was someone from Ektrosis demanding that the ship follow them to the planet [[Ostara]].

== A New Ewok Era ==
== A New Ewok Era ==

Revision as of 20:58, 16 August 2021

Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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Teebu Nyrrire
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description





0.9 m


28.86 kg


Light Brown, Orange, Black, Brown




Right Eye

Personal Information

Schulen Syndicate


Clan Plagueis

Chronology & Political Information



Clan Taldryan

Personal Ship:

Ghtroc 720 Albion



[ Source ]

Teebu Nyrrire is an Ewok originally from Endor, however had spent the majority of his life on the Theta Asteroid Station in the Rend System of the Surron Sector under the parentage and brutal tutelage of the Schulen Syndicate Chancellor Arturis Schulen. He serves as a Commander in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, a makeshift Grand Admiral, and wanted traitor of Clan Plagueis. Teebu serves Clan Taldryan as a strategist and Commander, his absolute and definitive loyalty now belonging only to Taldryan and House Ektrosis, the latter of which having saved him from his all but sealed fate at the hands of Battle Team Opress's Commander Aleister Mavros.

Clan Taldryan had originally intended to exile the Ewok back to Clan Plagueis, having assumed he was merely a spy as part of a horrendously planned plot by Plagueis Consul Selika Roh to sneak him inside. This quickly changed however as Plagueis' desired him back for reasons of treason, deeming it of extreme paramount importance that he was returned. Teebu had also begun to prove his worth as well, providing valuable tactical information on Plagueis as well as other systems of interest between Plagueis and Taldryan space. He had also demonstrated his worth as a strategist and tactician, subsequently earning him his place in the Clan.

Early Years

Life on Theta Asteroid Station

The Tiny Assassin

Joining the Brotherhood

Failed Mission

Plagueian Slave

Tactical Advantage

Clan Plagueis' Ewok Era

Rise of the Pint-Sized Grand Admiral

Commissioning of the Ikaruga

Oppressing the Battle Team Opress

The Rite of Supremacy: Prologue

Things had started to look promising for Teebu, despite the hurdles he faced within the Battle Team. Aleister had begun to respect, and even mentor him to several degrees, which allowed him to focus almost exclusively on his tactical prowess instead of his stealth and assassination skills. In addition, with the extra time he managed to spend on board the Ikaruga, his crew had finally all but acknowledged him as their Captain.

Because of the degree that the crew had come to know of Teebu, his typical antics and prank style nature no longer worked on them as they were able to see straight through him every time. And even though he was not truly a Grand Admiral, the entire crew had come to recognize him as such. Following the battles on Myrkr, and the departure of Plagueis Consul Ronovi Tavisaen, he had been formally promoted to the official rank of Admiral within the Plaguian Military after Selika Roh assumed the post of Consul and Dread Lord of Clan Plagueis. It was at this stage that Teebu had begun to mature overall, and his skill base as a tactician flourished.

As a conflict known as the Rite of Supremacy began to grow, and various groups within the Clan had gone to support the various factions participating in the conflict, Teebu decided to keep the Ikaruga stationed over Aliso to deter any who might try and make a move in the absence of numerous Dark Jedi.

This bright time for him however, was not destined to last. A message had arrived on the Ikaruga from his father Arturis Schulen that requested his presence on the Theta Station, one that read with much more urgency and an overtone of anger compared to past messages. Though he had been tempted to ignore it, he still owed the Kushiban and reluctantly decided to travel to the station.

Upon his arrival at the station, Teebu was met with an armed entourage that immediately escorted him to the Syndicate Council Chambers in the Afterlife Club. For the first time ever, he saw not only Arturis, but also all nine of the Syndicate heads gathered. Before this, he had seen not even a single one of them in person, and with all of them here he knew something was direly wrong. Every instinct and fiber of his being told him to run, but that desire was quelled by the tip of a blaster rifle placed firmly against the back of his head.

Arturis explained that the new Dread Lord Selika had terminated the slave contract with the Syndicate that had been established under the former di Plagia leadership structure. Not only that but she also had blacklisted any allied organizations and worlds with Plagueis from any dealings with the Syndicate at all. This had apparently put a major dampener on their income stream and established to numerous other groups that a Clan of the Brotherhood could dictate the Syndicate's influence, that it was not an organization to be feared.

This had angered Arturis and the Council. Because of this slight, retribution was not only expected, but demanded. Teebu questioned what this had to do with him, as even though he was now an Admiral within the Navy, he still had no access to either the Ascendancy or the upper levels of the Pinnacle on Aliso where any sensitive information might be stored. And should the Syndicate wish to use him and the Ikaruga to attack Plagueis, that it would fail spectacularly as well as paint a target directly on Theta Station.

Being an even more sinister tactician, Arturis had already thought of that solution much to Teebu's surprise.

The Traitor

The Rite of Supremacy: The Betrayal

The plan as laid out before him by the Kushiban Arturis was that in the Rite of Supremacy that had just begun to fester to the surface between the Severian Principate and the Tenixir Revenants, Arturis would pledge himself to the Restorers faction supporting the Principate within the conflict, while communicating to his Battle Team Commander Aleister Mavros that he was pledged to the Retributionists, who supported the Revenants. Teebu knew that most of the Battle Team had already pledged to the Retributionists, while he himself had stayed neutral to provide a defensive posture on Aliso.

It was then that he understood exactly what Arturis was going to ask, and it was proven when he asked just that: His plan was to further shatter the trust and morale within Plagueis and it's surrounding allegiances by making it appear to the Tenixir Revenants and the Retributionists that they could not be trusted. To do this, Teebu was given a choice. If he went through with his plan and supported it, he would be released from his debt to the Kushiban. If not, he would die right there. Regretfully, he chose the former of the two. The plan was for Teebu to present himself to the Howling Ospren, a Retributionists frigate over the world of Dandoran under the guise of helping them defend their location from an incoming Principate attack, and instead sabotage them.

After confirming with Aleister what he planned to do, Teebu began his journey to the Howling Ospen. During the journey, he was mentally torn. He knew if he did this, Plagueis would take a massive hit as well as the Battle Team especially. The Revenants would no longer trust them, or anyone affiliated to them. He knew however, that he had no choice. But this would be the final time choice was taken from him.

Upon arrival at the Howling Ospen, he presented a data chip that Arturis had given him to the ship's Captain, informing him that it contained tactical data of the attacking Principate force as well as formations that will be used by the Ikaruga, which would be arriving shortly. Following this exchange, Teebu returned to his shuttle as a Star Destroyer jumped into orbit near the Howling Ospren, with it's squadrons heading to the opposite side of Dandoran as the tactical data had suggested.

His pilot was the first to notice something was awry after Teebu ordered him to head towards the destroyer, instead of remaining on the Howling Ospren to defend it. Upon communication contact with the destroyer, which identified it as the ISD Intrepid under Captain Richardson of the Restorers, allied with the Principate, the pilot drew his weapon on him demanding answers. The Ewok obliged.

He explained exactly what was happening, much to the pilot's horror. His fear and commitment to Opress got the better of him and as he attempted to communicate with the Howling Ospren, as Teebu had hoped he would. The Ewok made his move and killed the pilot in a split second with a wrist dagger to the back of the neck. He then took over the controls and headed towards the Intrepid as the aforementioned destroyer opened fire on the Ospren.

Teebu knew it had no chance. The data chip ensured that their entire system array would be offline, including communications, weapons, and shields. It would leave just enough operational to allow it's Captain to escape. The Howling Ospren was destroyed less than 30 seconds later, with a lone shuttle launching from the ship. Teebu had closed his eyes in deep thought knowing what he had just done, and what was about to be reported in. It was done. There was no going back now.

Grand Admiral No Longer

"...you really did what they say happened, sir? Why would you cross Mavros like that? You realize he will never stop hunting you no, right?"
―Captain Veramus

Less than an hour had passed on board the Intrepid before every datapad and access point that the Admiral had with both the Battle Team Opress, and Clan Plagueis, had it's access terminated. He knew word had already reached them of what had happened. Aleister as well, through words unspoken and unseen, had made his intent clear. Teebu knew his rules and his actions, and that his own actions had painted a black spot directly on him. He would be coming for him, that was certain. Before he departed the destroyer, he disposed of everything that could be used to track his location upon return to Aliso space. There were final things he had to gather to prepare for his final escape, and exile, from Aliso and his home.

Teebu stashed away on board a cargo freighter bound for the Tonus Anchorage in the Aliso system, sending a single communication to the only person he felt that could still trust within the Clan at this stage; Captain Veramus of the Vindicator Seraph. No sooner than he had arrived on the station was the Captain already waiting for him, the Seraph docked off the station. He had managed to get the ship there under the guise of troop transport to reinforce the exterior system lines in case of potential blow back from what Teebu had caused.

Prior to departing for the Tonus Anchorage, Veramus was able to gather everything Teebu had requested except for the items he wanted from his flagship, the Vindicator Ikaruga. Following his betrayal, the Ikaruga was the first thing seized by Opress along with his entire command staff and those closest to him for any information that could lead to his location and capture. Veramus himself had also been captured and interrogated, but released by orders of the Clan Summit against Aleister's wishes.

As they arrived at the airlock bridge to travel to the Seraph however, a squad of Opress assassins stood in their path. It was then that they both understood why Veramus was released as quickly as he was, and that he was a fool for thinking the Summit was on his side. The skills of the assassins were nearly on par with Teebu's, and together they barely took down the group. On arrival at the Seraph airlock, behind them stood Aleister and the remainder of the Opress Battle Team.

Veramus gave a signal with his hand as he slammed his hand on the door closure switch, a shot from one of the Seraph's cannons ripping through and destroying the bridge connecting it and Tonus Anchorage. As the Seraph departed from the Anchorage, it came under heavy fire from the station as well as both the Vindicator Vigilant and the Strike-class Termagant which had positioned themselves in it's path.

Ignoring the damage output, the Seraph took the blunt of the attack before jumping to lightspeed.

The Fall of the Seraph

The plan was to journey towards the Unknown Regions and link up with Arturis at the Theta Asteroid Base to regroup. With it's extensive defense system and offensive capabilities, it would make for a perfect hiding location until things cooled down. Without warning however, the Seraph fell out of hyperspace. No matter what the bridge crew attempted, the Seraph would not return to lightspeed. Upon inspection in the engine room, it turned out that the hyperdrive had been sabotaged.

Teebu assumed that the Termagant and the Vigilant would not be far behind if saboteurs were on board, the navigational plans were most likely communicated as well. Veramus concurred and proposed making for the Caelus System, the domain of Clan Taldryan which was not far from their location. With the clans not being on the best of terms, the plan was risky but without a hyperdrive there was no where else they could travel and have a chance of survival.

On the outer border of the Caelus system as expected, the Vigilant and Termagant jumped out of lightspeed and began their assault on the Seraph. In it's efforts to defend itself, the saboteurs struck again and took the Seraph's weapons and shield systems offline. As shuttles transported Opress troops to the Seraph, Teebu and Veramus headed their way towards the hangar bay. The chances of Aleister being with them were far too high, and unless they escaped on board Teebu's personal freighter the Ghtroc-720 Freighter Albion then their plan would be in vain.

Enroute to the Hangar Bay, Aleister stood between them and the final passage. Veramus remained behind to face Aleister while Teebu traveled into the ventilation ducts of the ship. When he descended inside the hangar bay, a group of Seraph officers stood before him as well as a large group of Plagueis slaves that served on the ship. As the Second Officer identified himself and walked to Teebu, he was quickly assailed by the Ewok. The others quickly made their move as well, attempting to overwhelm the furry Admiral.

With close to half of the group deposed and both of Teebu's wrist daggers shattered, one of the officers managed to land a vibrodagger straight into Teebu's back. Teebu slumped to the floor as the officer nudged him with his foot to see if he was dead. As the others breathed a sigh of relief to catch their breath, Teebu jumped up with the dagger still embedded into his back and reignited his assault.

Saved by House Ektrosis

By the time the battle was finished, Teebu was barely able to stand. Aleister entered the hangar bay and made a run straight at Teebu focused only on finishing him. Out of the corner of Teebu's eye, he saw his BB-8 Unit come up behind Aleister from behind at full speed, ramming his legs and successfully knocked him to the ground. Teebu grabbed on and together they bolted up the ramp of the Albion. Suddenly it began to take off, much to the surprise of Teebu.

In the cockpit was his Lieutenant, MacMillian. He had posed as part of the saboteurs and waited in the hangar bay, before quietly sneaking on board after Teebu's arrival. The Albion quickly took off into space, going straight for the Caelus System border.

Both the Vigilant and Termagant brought up pursuit, even crossing into Taldryan space to continue chasing it. As the Albion began to suffer critical damage and the Termagant came in for the deathblow, several squadrons from House Ektrosis came into radar range and began to open fire on both Plagueis ships in support of the Albion.

To prevent a major situation, Aleister ordered both ships to retreat against his judgement. The last thing Teebu remembered before passing out was someone from Ektrosis demanding that the ship follow them to the planet Ostara.

A New Ewok Era



Measure of an Ewok

Return of the Admiral

Taldryan Republic
About The Clan
History of Taldryan Taldryan Prospectus Sons & Daughters of Taldryan Taldryan's Vault
Republic Leadership
Clan Supreme Chancellor: Cassandra Oriana TyrisVice-Chancellor: Ood Bnar
Magistrates of the Supreme Chancellor First Magistrate: Meleu KarthdoSecond Magistrate: TBA
Military Forces
Main Taldryan MilitaryTaldryan Defense Force
Naval Forces Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet
Armed Forces Taldryan Republic Armed Forces
A brotherhood within a Brotherhood.