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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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{{quote|Fear not the light, the dark, the in-between; fear instead that which is unknown in yourself. | Syntari Bastiayn}}
|type= Krath
|order= Force Disciple
|firstname= Syntari “Syn”
|lastname= Bastiayn
|name= Syntari "Syn" Bastiayn
|homeworld= [[starwars:Bpfassh|Bpfassh]]
|birth= 10 ABY
|birth= 21 standard years of age
|death= Which time?
|species= [[starwars:Bpfasshi|Bpfasshi]] with Umbaran ancestry
|species= Umbaran
|gender= Female
|gender= Female
|hair= Black w/silver bangs
|hair= Currently bald
|eyes= Silver-green/gold-green
|eyes= Colorless
|height= 5'5"
|height= 5’6”
|weight= 137Lbs
|weight=135 lbs
|cyber= None
|cyber= None
|allies=* [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
* [[House Shar Dakhan]]
* [[Calenhad]]
* [[Shikyo Keibatsu]]
* [[Marcus Kiriyu]]
|enemies= TBA
* [[Maelous Ascarend]]
|saber= [[File:SynLightsabre.jpg]]
* [[Locke Sonjie]]
|form= TBD
* [[Methyas L'eonheart]]
|fightingstyle= TBD
|enemies= N/A
|profession= [[Dark Jedi Knight]]
|saber= See Dossier
|affiliation=* [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]
|form= Niman
* [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
|weapons= Lightsaber
* [[House Shar Dakhan]]
|fightingstyle= N/A
|ship= The Scimitar
|Former Profession= Bounty Hunter
|masters= Shikyo Keibatsu
|Current Profession= Member of CNS
|apprentices= TBA
|dossier= [[dossier:12301|12301]]
|affiliation= *Clan Naga Sadow
* [[House Marka Ragnos]]
* [[Night Hawks]]
|masters= [[Shikyo Keibatsu]]
|apprentices= None
|dossier= [[dossier:14353|14353]]
}}'''Syntari Bastiayn''' is a [[Krath]] Adherent and the former apprentice of [[Shikyo Keibatsu]]. A member of the [[Night Hawks]], she has earned the title of [[Mystic]] while in service to Clan [[Naga Sadow]] and has sworn what loyalty she has to House [[Marka Ragnos]].

==Character History==
Note: Due to the "life saving efforts" of [[Naga Sadow]]'s resident "doctor", [[Calenhad]], Syntari suffers from amnesia that effects the bulk of her memories. Very little of her early years remains intact, while her time within the Brotherhood is essentially non-existent; what is recorded here is only ''assumed'' to be the truth.

== Now You Know Her... ==
===Early Life===

Young and frighteningly beautiful, Syntari Bastiayn is a true hybrid of the temperamental Bpfasshi and the calculating Umbaran. Iridescent silver-green eyes glitter with a cold intelligence and smolder with ever-changing emotions, while that hint of a smirk is both arrogant and suggestive of secretive entertainment. A Krath well-versed in the art of deceptive battle, she devotes the majority of her time to learning anything and everything which is unknown to her and known to the galaxy. Confident, quick-witted and sardonically sarcastic, she has a subtle flair for the dramatic in a world tinted in cynical tones of derision. Personable in nearly all circumstances, she is nonetheless possessive of a decisively bitter attitude. Drifting through throngs of beings with all the aloofness of an observer, she moves with the litheness of a feline hunter and the poise of a talented warrior; her bearing suggests her as the holder of a multitude of the universe's secrets. Syntari is quick to anger, and though her attitude suggests amusement with the workings of sentient beings, she often becomes highly irritated with her peers and living beings in general. Nonetheless, she views every experience as an opportunity for increased levels of learning.  
'' '''...we will be a bastion against an open and lacking world..." ''' -- Bastiayn family motto

Loyal to a fault and, at times, overly suspicious of the doings of others, she is headstrong and protective of those residing in her inner circle. As a rule she surrounds herself with people she deems as "intelligent" and otherwise useful to her own designs, preferring those who act with some degree of common sense. However she can become just as goofy and fun-loving as anyone else, with a so-called "wild side" that loves a crowd and the party that goes with it. She is willing to speak her mind in nearly all situations and truly does not worry about offending anyone; if they choose to be offended, so be it--the only exception is superiors and her Master. For those she judges worthy, she would give her life without hesitation or regret.
Syntari Bastiayn was born in 10 ABY on the planet [[starwars:Umbara|Umbara]] to parents in one of the highest castes. The daughter of Celeste Bastiayn, the matriarch of her clan, she was raised in typical Shadow People fashion with the traditional values of treachery and schemes. She would spend her formative years from her birth to 25 ABY shrouded within the secrecy of her mother's clan. Despite her traditional upbringing Syntari was noted as having a distaste for the usual secrecy and schemes of her species' world, and up until she was fifteen years old she would quietly bear such tutelage at her mother's knee.  

=== Now You Don't... ===
===Teenage Drama===
When Syntari was fifteen years old the world she knew would come crumbling down around her. The quiet life she had lead would go up on flames when, to her mother's shame, she was put on trial and convicted guilty for multiple murders. One of the victims would be her own father, an Umbaran of questionable social status, while others would be revealed as peers who were no younger than the fifteen year old Syntari herself. The cause of death? Umbaran records do not say. (Her own would say, "gruesome", and nothing more.) The conviction of guilty would result in her being banned from the planet and her name wiped from all Umbaran records; despite this, she would carry on the name of Bastiayn and would be the first of her clan in centuries who would venture outside of [[starwars:umbara|Umbara]]'s atmosphere.
Unbeknownst to Syntari, this incident would awaken her connection with the Force, though later family records would indicate that Force sensitivity was considered a sickness, and such members would be often quarantined or sent away.  

Those who know Syntari have seen her locked in fits of unpredictable behavior with an unidentifiable cure. Sometimes she looks out at the world with vivid eyes full of intense, hidden emotions and says absolutely nothing, her silence lasting for hours and even days. Though uncommon, she is sometimes susceptible to drowning in currents of rage and has been known to destroy everything within arms reach (fortunately this particular fit has not occurred during her time in the Brotherhood as of yet).
No one knows why these occur, why they happen to her, or specifically what can break her out of them. When finally she comes back to herself it seems to completely random, and it most often happens when she is alone with no one else to observe her doings. Noted, however, is the change in her eye color when these moods overcome her; they change from a silver-green to a golden-green hue. A recent development with an unknown cause is an affliction of night-terrors--however, what that will mean for her is still unknown.
=== When In Battle... ===

When she must be, she is a fighter capable of devastating destruction and merciless action. As a Blackguard she is privy to combat training of a sort only the best can withstand, and as apprentice to the Herald, her innate capabilities have been tempered to a whirlwind of structured calm, the eye of a raging storm. In the rare instances in which she is forced to engage in battle, Syntari is utterly serene and precise in movements which always have a purpose, although it may not appear as such to others. The only variation to this pattern occurs whenever her eyes gleam with that dangerous golden hue; a nightingale spreads a cobra's hood beneath the onslaught of emotional turmoil. A whirlwind of motion regardless of her mood, each of her movements always have a meaning, although to others that may not be the case. Despite her prowess, she detests combat in nearly all its forms.
==Dark Jedi Brotherhood History==

== Character Info ==
The request from [[Cyril Omega]], who had remained MIA for the majority of six years, turned out to be a turning point in Syntari's life. The reasons behind Cyril's abdication remain unknown, as Syntari was not privy to the details of her friends' desire for freedom. The result of her aid in this is also unknown; whether Cyril lived or died was never clear, and Syntari would never have a chance to find out. Instead the Umbaran would take Cyril's place within Clan [[Naga Sadow]] and it is there that she has remained to this day. Her life in the Clan would be filled with betrayal, heartbreak, a never-ending thirst for knowledge and the power she had lacked throughout her life, and ultimately a craving for revenge she wold never have. These events have culminated in the events of the current age, which encompasses her recent medical intervention and resulting memory loss.

=== History ===

[[File:SB31ABY.jpg|thumb|150px|left|Syntari Bastiayn]] Syntari has always been known to be ingeniously sly, a half-breed of quick wit capable of acts of stoic horror and, at times, crafty manipulation. A native of the [[starwars:Bpfassh|Bpfassh]] system, she was born to a Bpfassh father and, oddly enough, an Umbaran mother rather high up in the social structure. From birth it was said she was an odd child; though frighteningly quiet, she was never soft in her silence and early on acted heavily superior to all others, including her parents. Her father was linked, through his own lineage, to the cult of Dark Bpfasshi that attempted to take over the system, and it was through him that she gained her connection to the Force. He left both her and her mother behind when she was barely a few months old, and thus was temporarily saved from Syntari's awakening to the art of murder. What happened after this new-found awakening is relatively unknown; she disappeared from known records and when she resurfaced, she had acquired her own ship, the "Scimitar", and was now traveling with soon-to-be Brotherhood member Cyril Nighthunter. The two established themselves as both hackers and bounty hunters, and though those careers did not last very long they each managed to amass a respectable sum of credits, with Syntari keeping most of hers in separate accounts. When she was fifteen and Cyril sixteen standard years of age, the latter became a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and the two went their separate ways. Soon after, Cyril disappeared and has not been heard from since; Syntari has kept her silence, and the Brotherhood has moved on. Syntari keeps her past relatively hidden out of the opinion that it isn't all that important, although her mood swings do hint at harsh incidents in her youth. All those be warned, however, who would cause harm to those she considers friends and allies, regardless of her mood.
Not long after arriving in [[Naga Sadow]] space Syntari Bastiayn would gain the attention of none other than [[Shikyo Keibatsu]]. Her apprenticeship to the then-Herald would be an interesting one, as his various duties as Herald would interfere with her training and result in delayed ascension to Knighthood. She would proceed to spend the better part of a year "languishing", she would later say to friend and ally [[Mirus Hi'ija]], following a quick ascension to the rank of Huntress. In her words she would spend "an ungodly amount of time laboring in the Archives, striving to learn the skills he wouldn't teach". Despite not displaying a penchant for secrecy previously, it is Syntari's apprenticeship to Shikyo that would teach her the secrecy she hadn't learned before; her time beneath his tutelage would also sharpen the distaste for authority she already possessed. What the [[Keibatsu]] taught her is unclear, and with her memory loss, Syntari herself will never know what her former self learned in her early days as a Sadowan.  

=== In the Brotherhood... ===
Of note, Syntari used to brag about her apprenticeship to Shikyo, however it didn't take long for her to quiet down about the details of her apprenticeship. Chief among a variety of reasons was a paranoid desire to avoid unwanted attention, something she never cared about prior to her apprenticeship. As stated, amnesia has taken her memories of Shikyo's tutelage, and today she doesn't question where she learned her skills, nor the identity of her teacher.
===The Dark Crusades and Other Wars===
Although Syntari did participate in the [[Dark Crusade]] she can no longer remember her achievements during that time, and lacking the medals for achievement she does not claim participation. She is unsure of her participation in other wars, though she does possess medals that suggest she had honorable achievements up to the [[Twelfth Great Jedi War]]. Her memories do not help in this matter, as she remembers nothing.

For most of her life, Syntari claimed to have no awareness of her Force prowess and possessed no desire to embrace her capabilities, detesting a lightsabre and renouncing the Force even after she entered the Brotherhood. Rumor claims that she was recruited by the late Cyril Nighthunter prior to her death via an exploding shuttle. Upon her arrival in the Brotherhood, Syntari became a member of [[House Taldryan]]; however, for one reason or another, the she deserted the House and returned to the Clan which Cyril had formerly belonged to. [[House Shar Dakhan]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]] swiftly become her home and she fosters a deep affection for every individual in the Clan.
==Present Day==

Her Master is the Herald of the Brotherhood, [[Shikyo Keibatsu]], a man whom she includes in her closest circle of confidants.  
After the "life saving efforts" of Calenhad, Syntari spent several months languishing aboard the ships the Clan currently occupies, keeping mostly to her quarters and speaking little. If ever anyone inquired as to her comings and goings she would simply walk away from the Clan members she had once called allies, unable to recognize names or faces or even where her loyalties were cast. Curiously, Syntari seemed to lack an interest into her former life and instead invested her time in rediscovering her Force abilities; her talents now seem to be turning towards skills which would make her unseeable, talents suiting a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.  

=== Weapons ===
Briefly, at the behest of Rollmaster [[Tasha'Vel Versea]], Syntari turned her sights on becoming a Blackguard for Consul [[Bentre Stahoes]], while her enemy Calenhad guarded Consul [[Ashia Kagan Keibatsu]]. Due to an emotional breakdown, the Umbaran did little with the title of Blackguard and subsequently vanished, leaving Bentre unguarded and requiring new Blackguard to be chosen in her stead. Some months later she was found a wraith of her former self, having nearly starved herself to death. Presently she has rejoined the Clan, but as Syntari doesn't have a history of sticking around, it remains to be seen if she will stay a permanent member of the Clan that she has called home for so long.

Her katana is a modified replica of the swords used thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin, with a blade made of beskar instead of durasteel. Despite having an armory sabre with which she is proficient, her katana is her main weapon of choice and, in her eyes, the more reliable of the two. If ever she has the choice she will fight with it and nothing else, as she views blasters as "poorly designed and impersonal machines", and even lightsabres aren't full extensions of the self. The blade is a bit shorter than the average lightsabre length and for a short time can stand up to hits with said weapon, though the beskar would have to be replaced or refined every few weeks to keep it in decent shape. She takes great pride in her sword and is often to be found polishing it or sharpening it in the solitude of her room.

(Image to come).
[[Category: Naga Sadow members]]
[[Category:DJB Characters]]

Latest revision as of 15:57, 29 July 2024

Exodus era.New Order era.

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Syntari “Syn” Bastiayn
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

10 ABY

Date of Death:

Which time?

Physical Description







135 lbs


Currently bald





Personal Information


Lightsaber Color(s):

See Dossier

Lightsaber Form(s):




Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:

Shikyo Keibatsu

Known apprentices:




[ Source ]

Syntari Bastiayn is a Krath Adherent and the former apprentice of Shikyo Keibatsu. A member of the Night Hawks, she has earned the title of Mystic while in service to Clan Naga Sadow and has sworn what loyalty she has to House Marka Ragnos.

Character History

Note: Due to the "life saving efforts" of Naga Sadow's resident "doctor", Calenhad, Syntari suffers from amnesia that effects the bulk of her memories. Very little of her early years remains intact, while her time within the Brotherhood is essentially non-existent; what is recorded here is only assumed to be the truth.

Early Life

...we will be a bastion against an open and lacking world..." -- Bastiayn family motto

Syntari Bastiayn was born in 10 ABY on the planet Umbara to parents in one of the highest castes. The daughter of Celeste Bastiayn, the matriarch of her clan, she was raised in typical Shadow People fashion with the traditional values of treachery and schemes. She would spend her formative years from her birth to 25 ABY shrouded within the secrecy of her mother's clan. Despite her traditional upbringing Syntari was noted as having a distaste for the usual secrecy and schemes of her species' world, and up until she was fifteen years old she would quietly bear such tutelage at her mother's knee.

Teenage Drama

When Syntari was fifteen years old the world she knew would come crumbling down around her. The quiet life she had lead would go up on flames when, to her mother's shame, she was put on trial and convicted guilty for multiple murders. One of the victims would be her own father, an Umbaran of questionable social status, while others would be revealed as peers who were no younger than the fifteen year old Syntari herself. The cause of death? Umbaran records do not say. (Her own would say, "gruesome", and nothing more.) The conviction of guilty would result in her being banned from the planet and her name wiped from all Umbaran records; despite this, she would carry on the name of Bastiayn and would be the first of her clan in centuries who would venture outside of Umbara's atmosphere.

Unbeknownst to Syntari, this incident would awaken her connection with the Force, though later family records would indicate that Force sensitivity was considered a sickness, and such members would be often quarantined or sent away.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood History

The request from Cyril Omega, who had remained MIA for the majority of six years, turned out to be a turning point in Syntari's life. The reasons behind Cyril's abdication remain unknown, as Syntari was not privy to the details of her friends' desire for freedom. The result of her aid in this is also unknown; whether Cyril lived or died was never clear, and Syntari would never have a chance to find out. Instead the Umbaran would take Cyril's place within Clan Naga Sadow and it is there that she has remained to this day. Her life in the Clan would be filled with betrayal, heartbreak, a never-ending thirst for knowledge and the power she had lacked throughout her life, and ultimately a craving for revenge she wold never have. These events have culminated in the events of the current age, which encompasses her recent medical intervention and resulting memory loss.


Not long after arriving in Naga Sadow space Syntari Bastiayn would gain the attention of none other than Shikyo Keibatsu. Her apprenticeship to the then-Herald would be an interesting one, as his various duties as Herald would interfere with her training and result in delayed ascension to Knighthood. She would proceed to spend the better part of a year "languishing", she would later say to friend and ally Mirus Hi'ija, following a quick ascension to the rank of Huntress. In her words she would spend "an ungodly amount of time laboring in the Archives, striving to learn the skills he wouldn't teach". Despite not displaying a penchant for secrecy previously, it is Syntari's apprenticeship to Shikyo that would teach her the secrecy she hadn't learned before; her time beneath his tutelage would also sharpen the distaste for authority she already possessed. What the Keibatsu taught her is unclear, and with her memory loss, Syntari herself will never know what her former self learned in her early days as a Sadowan.

Of note, Syntari used to brag about her apprenticeship to Shikyo, however it didn't take long for her to quiet down about the details of her apprenticeship. Chief among a variety of reasons was a paranoid desire to avoid unwanted attention, something she never cared about prior to her apprenticeship. As stated, amnesia has taken her memories of Shikyo's tutelage, and today she doesn't question where she learned her skills, nor the identity of her teacher.

The Dark Crusades and Other Wars

Although Syntari did participate in the Dark Crusade she can no longer remember her achievements during that time, and lacking the medals for achievement she does not claim participation. She is unsure of her participation in other wars, though she does possess medals that suggest she had honorable achievements up to the Twelfth Great Jedi War. Her memories do not help in this matter, as she remembers nothing.

Present Day

After the "life saving efforts" of Calenhad, Syntari spent several months languishing aboard the ships the Clan currently occupies, keeping mostly to her quarters and speaking little. If ever anyone inquired as to her comings and goings she would simply walk away from the Clan members she had once called allies, unable to recognize names or faces or even where her loyalties were cast. Curiously, Syntari seemed to lack an interest into her former life and instead invested her time in rediscovering her Force abilities; her talents now seem to be turning towards skills which would make her unseeable, talents suiting a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

Briefly, at the behest of Rollmaster Tasha'Vel Versea, Syntari turned her sights on becoming a Blackguard for Consul Bentre Stahoes, while her enemy Calenhad guarded Consul Ashia Kagan Keibatsu. Due to an emotional breakdown, the Umbaran did little with the title of Blackguard and subsequently vanished, leaving Bentre unguarded and requiring new Blackguard to be chosen in her stead. Some months later she was found a wraith of her former self, having nearly starved herself to death. Presently she has rejoined the Clan, but as Syntari doesn't have a history of sticking around, it remains to be seen if she will stay a permanent member of the Clan that she has called home for so long.