Deimos d'Tana: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
(→‎top: Updating Character template to reduce confusion, replaced: |rise| → |imp|, |reb| → |imp|, |djb| → |exd|, |type → |order)
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{{Eras| (old|rise|reb|new|njo|djb|leg) }}
|type =Sith
|order = Sith
|name=Deimos d'Tana
|name=Deimos d'Tana
|birth=270 BBY (Age 307)
|birth=19 BBY (Age 57)
|death=37 ABY
|height=1.77 Meters
|height=1.82 Meters
|weight=98.4 Kgs
|weight=98.4 Kgs
|cybernetics=Left Hand
|cybernetics=Left Hand
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*[[Clan Arcona]]
*[[Clan Arcona]]
*[[House Qel-Droma]]
*[[House Qel-Droma]]
*[[House Galeres]]
*[[Etah d'Tana]]
*[[Etah d'Tana]]
|enemies=*[[starwars:New_Jedi_Order|The New Jedi Order]]
|enemies=*[[starwars:New_Jedi_Order|The New Jedi Order]]
|profession=*[[starwars:Inquisitor|Sith Inquisitor]]
|position=*[[Dark Jedi Knight]]
|position=*[[Dark Jedi Knight]]
|era=*[[Rise of the Empire Era]]
|era=*[[Rise of the Empire Era]]
Line 36: Line 34:
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]
|affiliation=*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]
*[[Sith Order]]
*[[Krath Order]]
*[[Clan Arcona]]
*[[Clan Arcona]]
*[[House Qel-Droma]]
*[[House Qel-Droma]]
*[[starwars:Ysanne_Isard|Ysanne Isard]]
*[[starwars:Imperial_Intelligence|Imperial Intelligence]]
|masters=*[[Etah d'Tana]]
|masters=*[[Etah d'Tana]]

''"Someone once asked me why I look to the Dread Masters as my Idols. I responded by filling the poor serfs head with his worst nightmares and nearly died of laughter as he pissed himself. Poor man, at least his Soup made up for his weak constitution."''<p>
''"There is nothing more enjoyable than being right. Unless you count being right and then getting to use the idiot as an experiment"''<p>
— Deimos d'Tana 22 ABY
— Deimos d'Tana 22 ABY

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A devout follower of the ways of the Ancient Sith Dread Masters, Deimos is a born terror upon and off the field of battle. A natural hunter, feeding his addiction to his beloved 'Soup' he enjoys nothing more than feasting upon a broken victim. Combining his skills in Manipulation, Interrogation & Intimidation with those of  Mind tricks, Force Suppression and his beloved art of Terror, he truly is a monster from the old tales, and he revels in it.
Deimos d'Tana was a Krath Sorcerer of Arcona and Ex Battleteam leader of [[Shadow Gate]]. He served with distintion and took part in numerous campaigns that finally resulted in his death at Xlopora city at the hands of a Plagueis Templar.
== Character History ==  
== Character History ==  

=== Before the Brotherhood ===
====Various Locations - Birth of the Dread Prince====

Not much to absolutely nothing is known about the entity known as Deimos d`Tana before the rise of the Empire. Like most of his species it is assumed he worked his way via the underbellies of major worlds consuming his fill of 'Soup' upon unsuspecting victims. Sometime prior to the rise of the Empire he finally walked out into the daylight. Having undergone surgical modifications to his face to appear more human he managed to slip quietly through society until somehow he ended up on Corellia. Using his silver tongue, not to mention a few fierce intimidation's, he managed to secure himself a spot within IOCI, Altered as he was surgically he passed for a human with little to no problem, and thus began a long, deadly stint in the Empire.

===Imperial Service===
There are few things that come out of a tragic past that rarely make a history a good thing to retell but in the case of Deimos d’Tana, formerly Deimos Ravenscroft, it is the tragedy that shaped him into who he is today.  For a man to break so far then climb back out was truly a miracle, but some semblance of will remained within him that would not let him give up and never will.

==== Corellia - Imperial Office Of Criminal Investigations ====
It all began on his home planet of [[starwars:Arkania|Arkania]], a beautiful world full of a species that believed themselves an almost master race. Famed for their geneticists and their work at self-modification it is no wonder the Arkanian’s think themselves better than the rest of the Galaxy and like all the rest Deimos was, at the time, of no exception to the rule. Even as a young man he was brilliant at what he did but then again parts of him were altered at an early age to make this so. A keen researcher into field of Genetics Deimos set his heart on working with the wildlife of his home planet. He had his heart set on being able to restore the declining populations of certain species and save others from the brink of near extinction, in all it was a truly noble goal. Of little real use to his people in the long run but it kept him content.

He passed the exams with only a small hitch, the medical was more than a little worrying but liberal application of his natural telepathy managed to get him by. He was assigned a desk and a comm unit and spent the first several month of his new life taking calls, getting food and making the drinks for the office, not exactly what he had in mind but he realised everyone had to start somewhere and part of him was just extremely proud to be finally doing something other than scavenging to survive. He wasn't after glamour, he wasn't out for personal glory he simply wanted to do the job he was given and get it done right.
However as it stands every scientist has their pot of gold they reach for but are never able to obtain, in the case of Deimos it was to bring back from extinction, or at least near extinction as records have yet to be confirmed, the [starwars: Arkanian_Dragon|Arkanian Dragon]. The dragon was a fabled creature from Arkania’s past, a mighty flying lizard that could breathe fire and with scales as hard as diamonds. Though as it stood it had not been confirmed if the species had become extinct or not, there had been a few sightings here and there, Deimos still wished to see the creature take to the skies again. He presumed such work would warrant him a place amongst the top geneticists of his people and it would of, if things hadn’t gone so wrong.

His fervour and dedication over the next year was a credit to him and his office. As soon as he was moved up to proper cases he dove right in and tackled them with ever increasing skill and ability, his shifting abilities began being used properly for infiltrating gangs and getting close to those he aimed to take down. Rumours began to circulate of his ability’s on the case and everything was going well until he slipped up again. His final case in IOCI saw him infiltrating a local street gang known for dealing narcotics, primarily spice, and everything was going smooth until a gangers girl walked in on him mid shift. She had followed him away from the gang members high as a kite planning to sleep with him bored of her current guy and intrigued by the new one, however for all intents and purposes she was an innocent bystander.
===The Offer===

She had opened her mouth to scream and took a blaster bolt through the skull, the noise attracted more people and a Shi’ido mid shift looks like a melting wax work as the body readjusts and no one could know his secret, no one. By the time he was done over sixteen people, innocent and guilty lay dead. He was brought up on charges of inappropriate force and was to be tried and sentenced to prison time if it hadn't been for pure luck. The trial was interrupted by the IOCI branch director and two members of the Imperial Security Bureau, it seemed hi reputation for getting shit done no matter the job had attracted the right attention the fact he wasn't afraid to take matters into his own hands nor show the Empires Justice to those who broke the law made him a perfect candidate for ISB. The trial was dismissed and marching forth from the court a freeman, he was escorted to the spaceport told his own life was behind him and shipped off to Coruscant to begin his new life.
After years of failed experimentation the institution funding Deimos’s research cut his funding. Too much money and not enough gain they cited when pulling the plug. He was devastated, he slipped into a slump of self-depression that lasted months. The loss of his project, his baby would not be taken lying down but in truth there was nothing he could do. No one would fund him and even his colleagues at work began distancing themselves from the increasingly unstable man. He lost his wife and began obsessing over perfection, perfection in the flesh, perfection in the mind and spirit. To the point that if nothing was perfect he would lose it and cause a scene. Everything was heading towards the point of him being sanctioned and confined at one of the planets sanatoriums and then it happened like bolt from the blue.
He was approached one dreadfully stormy night. A wizened man, stinking of something Deimos couldn’t quite place his finger on, appeared at his door one night. He explained he knew of his past projects and failures and offered Deimos a deal. He would introduce the man to power beyond his ken if Deimos would swear fealty and loyalty to no one but him. He also explained that he had the power to bring back the Arkanian Dragon and he would like Deimos’s help to do so. Deimos, having nothing else left, eagerly signed up to the promises and the man revealed himself to be a Sith Alchemist of some incredible knowledge. Taken aback Deimos approached him warily and confused knowing of the Sith and their place in history but not knowing why one would appear to him. The man, Kyrass, explained that Deimos had an affinity with the force and that is what allowed him in the past to work so well with various creatures presented to him over the years. Wary still Deimos agreed again to be taken on as Kyrass’s pupil and his training began in earnest.

His training was cut short however when out of the blue Kyrass vanished as quickly as he had appeared. Gone one night, no sign of struggle and no comment. Believing his master to have only vanished to acquire more materials for their project Deimos continued the project unabated. Kyrass never returned but not one to give up and striving for perfection Deimos followed his master’s previous instructions to the letter. The creature he had been tasked with working on was a species of big cat. Imported from some off world planet and acquired from a local collector on Arkania. At the time the creature was subdued but Deimos believed he could infuse it with enough Dark Side energy to begin the mutations that would form it into a Sith Spawn. Of course the apprentice knew little exactly what he was attempting to do and during the process the creature came around and attacked Deimos. During the struggle Deimos lost his arm and was clawed from shoulder to stomach but he managed to beat the creature down and finish it off before it caused any more major harm to him.

==== Coruscant - Imperial Security Bureau ====
Drawn by the ruckus the local authorities arrived at the labs that Deimos and Kyrass had been using. Confronted with the mauled Arkanian, the creature and enough tomes and ingredients the authorities had no option but to attempt to apprehend the Dark Side apprentice. However setting off a serious of chemical explosions Deimos vanished into the night and from Arkania completely.

Coruscant blew him away, he spent about a week just getting over the vast size of it and months later he still caught himself staring at planetary maps, learning districts and sectors off by heart and finding his jaw dropping at the scale. He remembered the shuttle coming into land at one of the upper star ports and being bathed in warm crisp sunlight as he boarded the next transport he remembered the feeling as the sun faded away and the artificial light and darkness consumed him. He learned from that moment on to see the sun on Corucant was going to be a privilege whilst he was on the planet that some never left the depths or even knew what the sun looked like.

The training was hard it tested him mentally, physically and his very existence and belief in the Empire. He spent days and nights just going over maps, reading the laws he already knew from his time in IOCI, going over hundreds of reports and sitting in lecture halls, interrogation rooms and training room’s day in day out. His previous experience helped and by the time the training was over his mind had been truly melded to the true Imperial creed. He started well, the work was easier than in IOCI but more important, or so he had been told. He was in charge of one of the smaller sectors on one of the mid-levels where nothing usually happened, his assignment was designed to teach him the basics and not get him into trouble, though that never lasted long as again something was always bound to go wrong.
===Nar Shaddaa===

Following a tip one cold night Deimos took it upon himself to investigate a local landing pad, bored of sitting and reviewing security camera’s he headed out into the rain and took off into the night. His Uniform drenched under his overcoat when he came upon the landing pad he was instantly set upon by blaster fire from several sources. Outmatched and outgunned he had little option but to try and fall back but he was jumped from behind as he tried, he managed to evade the attack due to his untrained force sense and as he turned and drove the butt of his gun into the attackers face he saw they wore the outfits of one of the local swoop gangs. Having no idea what was going on and being heavily outmatched he broke cover and headed out into the night away from the landing pad to raise the alarm. As he rounded the next corner he felt a heavy hand grip his overcoat and drag him into the shadows of an alley, footsteps thundered past just after and as soon as they were gone he felt himself being lifted and pushed hard into the wall. His struggles were meaningless and he felt the end of a blaster pushed against his skull.
Some years later he wound up upon Nar Shaddaa and having nothing else to do signed up as a local enforcer for one of the lesser gangs. His skills had been augmented by self-training over the years, and his mauled arm had been replaced by a beautifully crafted cybernetic replacement. He had conducted the operation himself with the support of a hacked medical droid but it worked like a charm. However he had resulted to scarring himself if perfection was not achieved in a task, his frame was gaunt and he kept his hair unkempt and unruly. He looked like a spectre and given his species reputation for knowledge and scientific achievements the gang boss had him working in the drug dens cooking up new variants of death sticks and whatever else the greedy bastard needed.

It turned out he had managed to stumble upon a meeting between local swoopers and rebel sympathisers ruining an Imperial Intelligence sting. It was the II officer that had dragged him into the alley and came within an inch of blowing his brains out, it however never came to that with Deimos’s help they managed to track down the tipper that night, it happened to be Deimos’s ISB Captain for that sector, losing all faith in ISB as they put down the traitor and called for pick-up Deimos was on the edge of resigning, but thoroughly impressed yet still annoyed, the Intelligence agent said he would see what could be done as loosing someone of Deimos’s skill would be a waste. So after a few weeks of waiting, jumping through hoops and background checks that brought up his IOCI infiltration skills Deimos managed to switch teams and get a job with ISB’s rivals, Imperial Intelligence.
The problems came when, bored, Deimos began experimenting again with Sith Alchemy. The drugs he began developing started to become with sourced materials that shouldn’t have been anywhere near anything that should be digested or consumed by any species. The death rate of his drugs sky rocketed and it came to a point that it couldn’t be ignored for much longer before the boss came to investigate. Deimos had a silver tongue at the time and was able to convince his beloved boss that anything to do with deaths was somewhere further down the production line. Like a fool the man believed him and Deimos cut back on his experiments for the time being.

==== Coruscant - Imperial Intelligence & The Inquisition====
The second time Deimos thought to try new things he wasn’t so lucky. The original boss had been killed and the gang taken over by someone that really disliked the Arkanian. Attempting to organise a gang war between his current employer and another of the larger gangs Deimos began supply warped drugs. However the plan backfired when the two gangs talked to each other and worked out who was behind the plan, something Deimos hadn’t been expecting. Worried for his life he fled the drugs then but ended up cornered in one of the side alleys of the lower levels. It all seemed lost when like a bolt from the blue the pursuers were cut down to the last. When the smoke and debris had cleared a man approached him and offered him a job as well as a place in what he called the Dark Jedi Brotherhood; the man was Etah d’Tana. Having nothing else to go for the man again accepted an offer at more power and the chance to hone his skills and become a Dark Jedi.

Much of Deimos’s time in Imperial Intelligence is better left undisclosed. There are however two major points in that short career of note that turned Deimos down the path of the Dark Jedi and eventually into the brotherhood.
==The Dark Jedi Brotherhood==

The first of these was Deimos’s first field agent job, a relatively easy case involving information gathering and if evidence was found the acquisition or termination of a traitorous Imperial Navy officer. The information gathering was actually the easiest part of the case and it was proven that the Officer was in fact in league with the rebels and was involved in the situation that happened at the landing pad whilst Deimos spent time in ISB. Deimos truly had no intention of bringing him in alive, after all it was men like him that nearly cost him his life and men like him that caused the deaths of loyal Imperial’s daily. The only problem is his personal residence had enough high tech equipment and hired thugs that getting in was not going to be easy, but for a Shi’ido infiltration Is a child’s game and the child was exactly the way in.

He kidnapped the child as she visited the park; the nanny was frantic and started searching along with the guards. He slew the child and assumed her form, then headed to the child’s play park and sat there in plain sight, swinging back and forth awaiting to be found. He received a hiding once they got home to the officers home, but like all good fathers he held his ‘daughter close’ as he put her to bed. As he did so Deimos pulled out a pair of scissors and drove the blades deep into the man’s eye socket and brain, killing him slowly and without noise. By the time the officer was found Deimos had vanished like a phantom into the night and the mission was completed, however rumours began to circulate about how the mission was completed in the man’s own house and the only thing they could put it down to was Deimos was a secret force user and had persuaded the child to carry out the murder so the Inquisition was sent for.
The time at the Shadow Academy passed in a flash. It was painfully obvious to his instructors that Deimos would never be a front line combatant and thus he was taken away from Etah at first to train under one of the Elder Krath. However as time would have it Deimos managed to pick up enough skills with martial weaponry that they allowed him to return to the d’Tana and complete his training. However Deimos knew that upon reaching the position of a Dark Jedi he may have to cut ties with his saviour. In fact he fully expected it as he wished to seek out someone skilled and knowledgeable in the arts of Sith Alchemy to fully train him.

He appeared before them, the tests were done and it was confirmed as he always knew in some part he was force sensitive and there was something else, it took all of his telepathic ability and wishful hoping they didn't figure out he was a Shi’ido, but due to his races low appearance out with Lao-Mon the Inquisitor couldn't place his finger on it, so Deimos passed and as Imperial Creed declared it he was forced into Sith training and his true path was finally revealed. He never proceeded far however as an apprentice however before the fall of the Galactic Empire and the splitting of the forces, being loyal to the end but with the mass upheavals going on he followed his mater into the service of Ysanne Isard.
Having partaken in numerous operations with Etah, Deimos began to become complacent. It got to the point that upon one mission they were tasked with recon within an abandoned Sith complex. At this time Deimos held the rank of Jedi Hunter, a position he relished with the responsibilities that came with it. However upon entering the ruins they proceeded to the central chamber where upon a dais sat a normal looking Holocron. Against Etah’s council and his better judgement Deimos approached and attempted to open the Holocron with horrendous results. Darkness engulfed the Arkanian and held him in its grasp for a number of years.

==== Lusankya - Service Under Isard ====
When he finally came around several years had passed. Etah had kept him alive in the d’Tana stronghold and was there within hours of Deimos awakening. The man was shattered inside, his mind was broken into fragments and different personalities began to appear as time went on. He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and given to the medical staff and some lesser Krath initiates to be worked on to see if they could restore some semblance of normality to the man. It took some time but they managed to restore most of Deimos’s psyche however there was still a split personality issue. One that was the old confident and overzealous Arkanian and the other was…just mad and incoherent at the best of times.

Service under Isard was not without its perils, though the service was longer than most the time under her command was non-stop. Secreted within the deep bowels of the Lusankya, he continued his training under his master learning the secrets of the Dark Jedi, though never put to service for Isard he still felt a part of what she believed in and he was on the bridge of the Lusankya during the last battle of the Bacta wars and watched in disbelief as the traitors killed his lady.
===The Crusades===

Knowing being who he was he’d have no chance at peace with the rebels, or be found innocent if apprehended he did the only thing he knew how to, he stole away from the bridge and snuck away into the shadows, waiting for the rebel forces to board the ship. As they did he killed and took the form of one the troopers he drew into a trap and was able to easily sneak out of the situation being someone else again. He set course for the only place he knew he would be able to vanish in the galaxy, he had enough of Remnant forces and being used, so it was he landed upon Nar Shaddaa and started his rise to the position of Trickster Prince.
Given an all clear Deimos’s personality issues caused conflict in his new Battleteam and House. He was removed from duty and placed back into care within his old house of Qel-Droma. Over time he recovered and was again put into the field just before the battle of Bhargebba. During the Battle itself Deimos busied himself with various tasks; Experimentation on prisoners, interrogations as well as a final assault on the Mecross Orders Headquarters. From there he moved onto Svolten and Kalsunor. Where between them he survived being shot in the face by [[Nath Voth]], being turned into a strange zombie like creature and becoming lost on a planet overridden by bugs. The crusade itself was not kind on the Dark Jedi Knight and as time passed he slipped into a deeper level of malevolence that extended to using live prisoners of war for his experimentations.

=== The Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era ===
During the Ziost campaign he assumed the mantle of Field General, again, and helped lead the Arconan forces in battle. Though Arcona ultimately lost the Planet and in the end the Crusade he learned valuable lessons about what it takes to be a leader. With the crusade finished he returned to his labs at Port Ol’val and turned his attention to bigger and better things, as well as new apprentice [[Zenon]].
==== Nar Shaddaa - The Trickster Prince ====
The rise to power on Nar Shaddaa was swift and brutal, ruin lay in his wake and stories began circling of a great shadow beast that hunted the scum of the planet, and those that failed to follow its lead were slaughtered without thought of mercy. It came to a point that even the fear of the beast had people searching for recruiters to this new growing powerbase. Though not big enough to cause the Hutt’s or Exchange any concern they none the less sent people to investigate if the rumours were true of this shadow monster. Usually they found nothing to make them worry; Deimos would hide away the majority of his forces and appear to them in a friendly human form, different to his form in Imperial service, yet no one else truly knew who led his organisation, [[File:Morr&amp;Freyja.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Deimos & Freyja]]some claimed it was a Wookie, another a fierce Trandoshan, some swore it was a woman whilst others claimed it was some unknown alien species that led the Harlequins Gang. No one knew and it made them uneasy.  

There was one however who began to get overly interested, more so than others had dared in the past years, a lieutenant in the Hutt cartel she had made it her personal business to track down and find the true leader of the gang. Deimos knew nothing of this woman or of her interests but the first meeting he had with her would change his life for the better and the worse. Her name was Freyja Jorgensen a human of some brutal reputation, rumour had it she had raised herself from the gutters and become a highly paid assassin for the cartel and she had never missed a mark. She ended up taking out five of Deimos’s top people before she pissed him off enough for him to show himself to her.
Deimos took part in the campaign to save the Arconae Cythraul, spending hours in the labs keeping the animals alive using his knowledge and skills in Xenobiology. His next move was to head to the planet Bosthirda where he was slain in Xlopora City by ex One sith and Plagueian Templar [[Ophelia Delacroix]].

The duel that followed pitted shadow assassin versus the force infused Deimos, the fight should have been one sided and yet it was anything but. Both wasted their energy pack’s shooting at shadows, and their blades snapped due to the ferocity of the fight. It came down to blows, fist, feet, head and most of the time the environment yet Deimos had no wish to use the force as he knew the trouble that would bring, the kind of attention that meant only trouble. He made a mistake, a blow he went to block, but was never coming. As he raised his arm he felt the cold tang of metal slip through his clothes and into his side. Taken aback he roared in anger and lashed out with the force, pushing her back from him and into a wall, the snap hiss of his saber igniting in the rain was the only sound to be heard as he stalked towards her, he drew back his arm and went to strike but stopped when he saw, not fear as to be expected, wonder in her eyes. She asked him to kill her as she had failed in her duty; instead he lowered his blade and gave her the choice fealty or death, and thus began the next part of his life that would drive him to the Brotherhood.
== Force Wraith ==
Lovers, partners, friends and monsters the unlikely couple took the Harlequins to new heights, but resentment from Deimos’s old partners and a scorned Hutt Cartel ended the couple. Assassins cornered Freyja and took her out whilst she was enjoying herself on a night out. The bodyguards were paid off and it took a while but she lay in a pool of her own blood by the time Deimos arrived. Mad with rage he slaughtered everyone, he cared little for witnesses now, he ignited he saber and shifted into a terrifying form and lay waste to everyone in his gang, innocent or not, everyone met their deaths that day. As he sat in the ruins and amongst the corpses he heard footsteps approaching, he looked up, saber igniting he charged towards the newcomer, blade smashing in he found it blocked by a second blade. Confused he stepped back and struck again, but felt his saber yanked from his hand and destroyed in front of him, before a hand was laid upon his chest and he felt the force smash into him, sending him flying back into a wall, saber at his throat he looked into the face of his assailant. Etah d`Tana had come for him, and asked one question only; Fealty or Death.

==== Apprenticeship - The Path to Knighthood ====
Training under Etah was swift and intense. Trained already by the inquisition and with the knowledge of the d`Tana Deimos quickly elevated the ranks, proving his worth and dedication. Though it took him over six years of brutal training to be elevated to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, he found contentment in the arms of Clan Arcona and brothers in arms in House Galeres, however times changed and he felt his skills in infiltration and deception were being wasted in the House. Transferred to House Qel’Droma and his new battleteam he slipped into his new role easily under the guidance of Valhaloc and Socorra, and his new battleteam leader Invictus.
==== The Battle for Bhargebba ====
[[File:ForgeofLokaDon.jpg|thumb|right|170px|Recon image obtained by Deimos of the Forge of Loka Don]]
Given freedom on Bhargebba Deimos set himself to tasks he knew without a doubt he would be able to accomplish given his skills. The first thing he caught himself doing was taken on the form of local fauna and approaching the Forge of Loka Don, he sat there for hours simply doing nothing holo recorder strapped to him, observing the One Sith fly in forces from their orbital ships, the walkers crushing trees as each heavy step pounded the lush forest floor. He observed as troops set up defensive positions around the forge and fighter patrols flew overhead, he literally sat there for hours, grazing at times like most animals do, well into the night and only left when he knew for a fact nothing else would be learned, before he left he attempted to move in closer but found that to be folly as auto turrets targeted another poor creature off to the far right, obliterating it. Not stupid Deimos turned hoof and headed off back to camp, delivering the Intel he had acquired.
The second mission he found himself on was the interrogation of a Mecross guardsman and infiltration of the Mecross order’s stronghold. The interrogation went well to a point; it took all his knowledge to glean the information he needed from the female prisoner, but she was stubborn and he was only able to gain information related to the first floor of the complex before he expired. Annoyed but with enough information to at least get a look around he took the woman’s form and slipped in via the front door, the woman’s battered form allowed him to be taken to the medical facility where he was treated and then told to retire to the bunks to get rest. Instead he used the womans knowledge to find one of the many hidden entrances into the fortress, activated a homing beacon and dispatched the guardsman on duty. Opening the back door he fled into the night, hoping on the Arconan forces to arrive in time and secure the objective before anything was locked down.
The infiltration being his last objective on the planet, he turned his attention to partaking in the major assaults of the planet, getting behind the enemy and removing key targets, generators, officers and the like. Using his skills to help the main forces turn the battles in their favour and bring victory against the one Sith, however it was during these battles that he began taking more interest in the leadership abilities and skills of the Sith opponents, wishing to be more than a simple brute he began to search for his true path.
====Finding his Path - Teachings of the Dread Masters====
Intrigued by the one Sith tactics Deimos began exhibiting new battle strategies on the upcomming planets. Focusing less on Infiltration he began focusing on fear tactics and working with his species native telepathy to enhance his force powers that affected the mind. Researching old tomes and holocrons led him to information revolving around an ancient sect named the [[starwars:Dread_Masters|Dread Masters]].
Though he knew he was far below the power of these behemoths of Terror he began emulating them in his workings, he trained himself on basic interrogation techniques and every hapless victim he or his squad managed to take prisoner he would learn to perfect his skills. He is aware he has a long way to go, but there are plenty of enemies before him. Surely some of them will allow him to experiement.
== Force Wraith ==

Line 136: Line 106:
*Shape: Human Child of About Six Years Old.
*Shape: Human Child of About Six Years Old.

Eliza was Deimos's first kill when working for Imperial Intelligence, he slaughtered her took her form as his own and used it to murder her father who was a target. The kill started him down the dark path so it was only fitting that his first Wraith be in tribute to what made him the monster he is today.
Eliza was Deimos's first kill when traveling the galaxy. It was accidental and he regretted it everyday, at least until he found pleasure in killing. He brings her forth as a memory to how it all started.

== DJB Facts ==
== DJB Facts ==
=== Characteristics ===
=== Characteristics ===

====Combat Style====
====Combat Style====

Deimos dosen't partake in combat if he can afford not to. However he has trained in the Makashi lightsaber form is competent enough to survive one on one if need be. His main skills lie in his power over the mind of his enemies. Trained in Mind manipulation, the power of terror and the ability to suppress his foes force powers Deimos strides forward hurling lightning at his foes from a distance as he plays with their mind, either making them carry out his will or simply snapping their mind and having them running in fear. Backed up by his ability to have the foe see illusions, Deimos can make their fears become very real indeed.
Deimos doesn’t partake in combat if he can afford not to. However he has trained in the Makashi lightsaber form is competent enough to survive one on one if need be. His main skills lie in his power over the mind of his enemies. Trained in Mind manipulation, the power of terror and the ability to suppress his foes force powers Deimos strides forward hurling lightning at his foes from a distance as he plays with their mind, either making them carry out his will or simply snapping their mind and having them running in fear. Backed up by his ability to have the foe see illusions, Deimos can make their fears become very real indeed.
Another Aspect of his combat style is that of a Beastmaster. He does not fight alongside his creature instead using it to protect him and find faults in the enemies lines whilst Deimos deploys his own tactics in combat. Due to the naturally high affinity and bond Deimos is able to form he does not have to exert so much power on controlling the creature allowing him the ability to work alongside rather than spending all his time controlling.

==== Physical Description ====
==== Physical Description ====

As like most of his race Deimos is a everything and nothing at once. A shifter he is able to take on many guises from humanoid, non-humanoid, animal and beyond. He has not one true set definition of form but it's been so long since he visited his original one he fears he may have forgotten what he original looked like or even how to get back.<br>
A broken example of what he used to be Deimos is tall and lithe. Scarred from head to foot from either the creatures he attempted to work with over the years or from his own hand due to his imperfections Deimos is a sight to behold. Bone white hair cascades down his back and corruption from abuse of the dark side has turned his eyes and skin a pale shade of white. One could almost call him Albino to some degree.

In the brotherhood as his common form however he stands about 1.87 metres and weighs in around 230 lbs. He has long hair and sometimes sports a matching beard, the colour changing at his whim. Muscular and broad in the shoulder hides his agility and he holds himself well among his peers.<br>
His left hand is entirely missing. In it's place sits a bionic replacement, void of any fake skin. Deimos using it as a reminder to what failure can cause.<br>

==== Attire ====
==== Attire ====

[[File:morrighanrobes.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Deimos's DJB Robes.]][[File:MorrPortoutfit.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Deimos's Port outfit]]
[[File:morrighanrobes.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Deimos's DJB Robes.]][[File:MorrPortoutfit.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Deimos's Port outfit]]
The clothes usually match the assignment he is on or the role he is playing but usually he is found nestled inside his Brotherhood robes, ever shifting eyes staring out from amongst the shadows and folds of the hood. His cape drifts around him and his footsteps are echoed by hard heeled boots. His dueling saber strapped at his side for all to see when he wishes them to see, for the Dark Jedi Knight is proud of what he is.<br>
The clothes usually match the assignment he is on or the role he is playing but usually he is found nestled inside his Brotherhood robes, ever shifting eyes staring out from amongst the shadows and folds of the hood. His cape drifts around him and his footsteps are echoed by hard heeled boots. His duelling saber strapped at his side for all to see when he wishes them to see, for the Dark Jedi Knight is proud of what he is.<br>
He's been shown recently to favour, on missions and even around the port, dark robes with a duel sex death mask. One side male and the other female. Within the death mask a voice changer resides so when he speaks a two tone voice slips from him leasing further confusion to what exactly Deimos is.
Out of the Brotherhood is a different matter, being part swooper he wears traditional gear to go with that line of work, however he has access to a wide assortment of clothes and costumes, uniforms and attires purely for the purpose of different guises. More often than not he an acquire what he needs on the job from a willing donor but he finds it best to always be prepared.<br>
==== Personality ====
==== Personality ====

Unpredictable at times would hit Deimos on the head when it comes to her personality, because everything he does he does it with no reasoning as to why he did it or even as to what he hoped to achieve. He could be quite content one minute eating his dinner and the next tearing a chunk our of some poor passer by just because they looked at him.
Unpredictable at times would hit Deimos on the head when it comes to her personality, because everything he does he does it with no reasoning as to why he did it or even as to what he hoped to achieve. He could be quite content one minute eating his dinner and the next tearing a chunk our of some poor passer by just because they looked at him.

Despite this Deimos is actually rather quiet, preferring to keep to himself at the best of times. His head buried in a tome or looking over a Holocron or on the training field. Sadistic and cruel he's perfected the art of the lie over the years that you never truly know if what he's saying is fact or fiction and half the time he is unsure himself. If caught in the right mood he's more than happy to join in whatever's going on but sometimes it's safer to poke a rancor with a stick then take a gamble with the slightly mad Inquisitor.<br>
Despite this Deimos is actually rather quiet, preferring to keep to himself at the best of times. His head buried in a tome or looking over a Holocron or on the training field. Sadistic and cruel he's perfected the art of the lie over the years that you never truly know if what he's saying is fact or fiction and half the time he is unsure himself. If caught in the right mood he's more than happy to join in whatever's going on but sometimes it's safer to poke a rancor with a stick then take a gamble with the madman.
Rude and uncouth Deimos will speak his mind. He will fight back and he will take pleasure in tormenting the weaker willed. However for all his cruelties he truly cares about the creatures he fights besides...and even at times those under his command.<br>

==== Impediments ====
==== Impediments ====
[[File:Morrighans Lightsaber.jpeg|thumb|left|200px|Deimos's Saber.]]
[[File:Morrighans Lightsaber.jpeg|thumb|left|200px|Deimos's Saber.]]
*Hates The Pitch Black
*Hates The Pitch Black
*Not Good At Imperial Relations
*Quick To Anger
*Quick To Anger
*Not Physically Built To Survive Sustained Combat.
*Not Physically Built To Survive Sustained Combat.
*His ability to shift can throw people or make them uncomfortable
*Prefer's company of creatures over sentient species.
*Spends most of his time in his lab and if he’s not he likes to talk about experiments.

==== Allergies ====
==== Allergies ====
*Cathar Fur
*Kessel Spice (Only If Ingests)
*Kessel Spice (Only If Ingests)
*Imperial Scientists
*Imperial Scientists

==== Distinguishing Marks ====
==== Distinguishing Marks ====
*Everchanging Hair & Eye Colour
*Scars everywhere
*Evershifting Tattoo's
*Bionic Left Hand
*Strange Smell.

==== Phobias ====
==== Phobias ====
*Pitch Black Darkness
*Pitch Black Darkness
Line 193: Line 166:

=== Positions Held ===
=== Positions Held ===
Shadow Gate - XO
Shadow Gate - XO

=== Outstanding Achievements ===
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
*Bronze and Silver Novae in his first IG
*Bronze and Silver Novae in his first IG
*Awarded Grand Cross of the Dark Side
*Awarded Grand Cross of the Dark Side
*Earned 3 top places overall in his first IG.
*Earned 3 top places overall in his first IG.
*Field General for two phases of the Dark Crusade

== Trivia ==  
== Trivia ==  
* Awarded The Dark Cross for getting everyone back on IRC after undernet screwed up.
* Awarded The Dark Cross for getting everyone back on IRC after undernet screwed up.
* Formerly took the name Eclipse at the begining of his training, however changed this after his return from Nar Shaddaa
* Formerly took the name Eclipse at the beginning of his training, however changed this after his return from Nar Shaddaa
* Vanished from the Brotherhood twice in his history in it. Once to return to Lao-Mon, the other for unknown circumstances though it's rumored he hunted down those that caused his so much pain.
* Mastered the use of blaster and blade.

[[Category: DJB Characters]][[Category: Arconans]]
[[Category: Deceased Characters]]

Latest revision as of 16:02, 29 July 2024

Republic eraImperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.
Deimos d'Tana
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

19 BBY (Age 57)

Date of Death:

37 ABY

Physical Description





1.82 Meters


98.4 Kgs





Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):
  • Purple
Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:
Known apprentices:
[ Source ]

"There is nothing more enjoyable than being right. Unless you count being right and then getting to use the idiot as an experiment"

— Deimos d'Tana 22 ABY

Deimos d'Tana was a Krath Sorcerer of Arcona and Ex Battleteam leader of Shadow Gate. He served with distintion and took part in numerous campaigns that finally resulted in his death at Xlopora city at the hands of a Plagueis Templar.

Character History



There are few things that come out of a tragic past that rarely make a history a good thing to retell but in the case of Deimos d’Tana, formerly Deimos Ravenscroft, it is the tragedy that shaped him into who he is today. For a man to break so far then climb back out was truly a miracle, but some semblance of will remained within him that would not let him give up and never will.

It all began on his home planet of Arkania, a beautiful world full of a species that believed themselves an almost master race. Famed for their geneticists and their work at self-modification it is no wonder the Arkanian’s think themselves better than the rest of the Galaxy and like all the rest Deimos was, at the time, of no exception to the rule. Even as a young man he was brilliant at what he did but then again parts of him were altered at an early age to make this so. A keen researcher into field of Genetics Deimos set his heart on working with the wildlife of his home planet. He had his heart set on being able to restore the declining populations of certain species and save others from the brink of near extinction, in all it was a truly noble goal. Of little real use to his people in the long run but it kept him content.

However as it stands every scientist has their pot of gold they reach for but are never able to obtain, in the case of Deimos it was to bring back from extinction, or at least near extinction as records have yet to be confirmed, the [starwars: Arkanian_Dragon|Arkanian Dragon]. The dragon was a fabled creature from Arkania’s past, a mighty flying lizard that could breathe fire and with scales as hard as diamonds. Though as it stood it had not been confirmed if the species had become extinct or not, there had been a few sightings here and there, Deimos still wished to see the creature take to the skies again. He presumed such work would warrant him a place amongst the top geneticists of his people and it would of, if things hadn’t gone so wrong.

The Offer

After years of failed experimentation the institution funding Deimos’s research cut his funding. Too much money and not enough gain they cited when pulling the plug. He was devastated, he slipped into a slump of self-depression that lasted months. The loss of his project, his baby would not be taken lying down but in truth there was nothing he could do. No one would fund him and even his colleagues at work began distancing themselves from the increasingly unstable man. He lost his wife and began obsessing over perfection, perfection in the flesh, perfection in the mind and spirit. To the point that if nothing was perfect he would lose it and cause a scene. Everything was heading towards the point of him being sanctioned and confined at one of the planets sanatoriums and then it happened like bolt from the blue. He was approached one dreadfully stormy night. A wizened man, stinking of something Deimos couldn’t quite place his finger on, appeared at his door one night. He explained he knew of his past projects and failures and offered Deimos a deal. He would introduce the man to power beyond his ken if Deimos would swear fealty and loyalty to no one but him. He also explained that he had the power to bring back the Arkanian Dragon and he would like Deimos’s help to do so. Deimos, having nothing else left, eagerly signed up to the promises and the man revealed himself to be a Sith Alchemist of some incredible knowledge. Taken aback Deimos approached him warily and confused knowing of the Sith and their place in history but not knowing why one would appear to him. The man, Kyrass, explained that Deimos had an affinity with the force and that is what allowed him in the past to work so well with various creatures presented to him over the years. Wary still Deimos agreed again to be taken on as Kyrass’s pupil and his training began in earnest.

His training was cut short however when out of the blue Kyrass vanished as quickly as he had appeared. Gone one night, no sign of struggle and no comment. Believing his master to have only vanished to acquire more materials for their project Deimos continued the project unabated. Kyrass never returned but not one to give up and striving for perfection Deimos followed his master’s previous instructions to the letter. The creature he had been tasked with working on was a species of big cat. Imported from some off world planet and acquired from a local collector on Arkania. At the time the creature was subdued but Deimos believed he could infuse it with enough Dark Side energy to begin the mutations that would form it into a Sith Spawn. Of course the apprentice knew little exactly what he was attempting to do and during the process the creature came around and attacked Deimos. During the struggle Deimos lost his arm and was clawed from shoulder to stomach but he managed to beat the creature down and finish it off before it caused any more major harm to him.

Drawn by the ruckus the local authorities arrived at the labs that Deimos and Kyrass had been using. Confronted with the mauled Arkanian, the creature and enough tomes and ingredients the authorities had no option but to attempt to apprehend the Dark Side apprentice. However setting off a serious of chemical explosions Deimos vanished into the night and from Arkania completely.


Nar Shaddaa

Some years later he wound up upon Nar Shaddaa and having nothing else to do signed up as a local enforcer for one of the lesser gangs. His skills had been augmented by self-training over the years, and his mauled arm had been replaced by a beautifully crafted cybernetic replacement. He had conducted the operation himself with the support of a hacked medical droid but it worked like a charm. However he had resulted to scarring himself if perfection was not achieved in a task, his frame was gaunt and he kept his hair unkempt and unruly. He looked like a spectre and given his species reputation for knowledge and scientific achievements the gang boss had him working in the drug dens cooking up new variants of death sticks and whatever else the greedy bastard needed.

The problems came when, bored, Deimos began experimenting again with Sith Alchemy. The drugs he began developing started to become with sourced materials that shouldn’t have been anywhere near anything that should be digested or consumed by any species. The death rate of his drugs sky rocketed and it came to a point that it couldn’t be ignored for much longer before the boss came to investigate. Deimos had a silver tongue at the time and was able to convince his beloved boss that anything to do with deaths was somewhere further down the production line. Like a fool the man believed him and Deimos cut back on his experiments for the time being.

The second time Deimos thought to try new things he wasn’t so lucky. The original boss had been killed and the gang taken over by someone that really disliked the Arkanian. Attempting to organise a gang war between his current employer and another of the larger gangs Deimos began supply warped drugs. However the plan backfired when the two gangs talked to each other and worked out who was behind the plan, something Deimos hadn’t been expecting. Worried for his life he fled the drugs then but ended up cornered in one of the side alleys of the lower levels. It all seemed lost when like a bolt from the blue the pursuers were cut down to the last. When the smoke and debris had cleared a man approached him and offered him a job as well as a place in what he called the Dark Jedi Brotherhood; the man was Etah d’Tana. Having nothing else to go for the man again accepted an offer at more power and the chance to hone his skills and become a Dark Jedi.

The Dark Jedi Brotherhood


The time at the Shadow Academy passed in a flash. It was painfully obvious to his instructors that Deimos would never be a front line combatant and thus he was taken away from Etah at first to train under one of the Elder Krath. However as time would have it Deimos managed to pick up enough skills with martial weaponry that they allowed him to return to the d’Tana and complete his training. However Deimos knew that upon reaching the position of a Dark Jedi he may have to cut ties with his saviour. In fact he fully expected it as he wished to seek out someone skilled and knowledgeable in the arts of Sith Alchemy to fully train him.

Having partaken in numerous operations with Etah, Deimos began to become complacent. It got to the point that upon one mission they were tasked with recon within an abandoned Sith complex. At this time Deimos held the rank of Jedi Hunter, a position he relished with the responsibilities that came with it. However upon entering the ruins they proceeded to the central chamber where upon a dais sat a normal looking Holocron. Against Etah’s council and his better judgement Deimos approached and attempted to open the Holocron with horrendous results. Darkness engulfed the Arkanian and held him in its grasp for a number of years.

When he finally came around several years had passed. Etah had kept him alive in the d’Tana stronghold and was there within hours of Deimos awakening. The man was shattered inside, his mind was broken into fragments and different personalities began to appear as time went on. He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and given to the medical staff and some lesser Krath initiates to be worked on to see if they could restore some semblance of normality to the man. It took some time but they managed to restore most of Deimos’s psyche however there was still a split personality issue. One that was the old confident and overzealous Arkanian and the other was…just mad and incoherent at the best of times.

The Crusades

Given an all clear Deimos’s personality issues caused conflict in his new Battleteam and House. He was removed from duty and placed back into care within his old house of Qel-Droma. Over time he recovered and was again put into the field just before the battle of Bhargebba. During the Battle itself Deimos busied himself with various tasks; Experimentation on prisoners, interrogations as well as a final assault on the Mecross Orders Headquarters. From there he moved onto Svolten and Kalsunor. Where between them he survived being shot in the face by Nath Voth, being turned into a strange zombie like creature and becoming lost on a planet overridden by bugs. The crusade itself was not kind on the Dark Jedi Knight and as time passed he slipped into a deeper level of malevolence that extended to using live prisoners of war for his experimentations.

During the Ziost campaign he assumed the mantle of Field General, again, and helped lead the Arconan forces in battle. Though Arcona ultimately lost the Planet and in the end the Crusade he learned valuable lessons about what it takes to be a leader. With the crusade finished he returned to his labs at Port Ol’val and turned his attention to bigger and better things, as well as new apprentice Zenon.

Deimos took part in the campaign to save the Arconae Cythraul, spending hours in the labs keeping the animals alive using his knowledge and skills in Xenobiology. His next move was to head to the planet Bosthirda where he was slain in Xlopora City by ex One sith and Plagueian Templar Ophelia Delacroix.

Force Wraith


Eliza The Fallen Child

  • Name: Eliza
  • Shape: Human Child of About Six Years Old.

Eliza was Deimos's first kill when traveling the galaxy. It was accidental and he regretted it everyday, at least until he found pleasure in killing. He brings her forth as a memory to how it all started.

DJB Facts


Combat Style

Deimos doesn’t partake in combat if he can afford not to. However he has trained in the Makashi lightsaber form is competent enough to survive one on one if need be. His main skills lie in his power over the mind of his enemies. Trained in Mind manipulation, the power of terror and the ability to suppress his foes force powers Deimos strides forward hurling lightning at his foes from a distance as he plays with their mind, either making them carry out his will or simply snapping their mind and having them running in fear. Backed up by his ability to have the foe see illusions, Deimos can make their fears become very real indeed.

Another Aspect of his combat style is that of a Beastmaster. He does not fight alongside his creature instead using it to protect him and find faults in the enemies lines whilst Deimos deploys his own tactics in combat. Due to the naturally high affinity and bond Deimos is able to form he does not have to exert so much power on controlling the creature allowing him the ability to work alongside rather than spending all his time controlling.

Physical Description

A broken example of what he used to be Deimos is tall and lithe. Scarred from head to foot from either the creatures he attempted to work with over the years or from his own hand due to his imperfections Deimos is a sight to behold. Bone white hair cascades down his back and corruption from abuse of the dark side has turned his eyes and skin a pale shade of white. One could almost call him Albino to some degree.

His left hand is entirely missing. In it's place sits a bionic replacement, void of any fake skin. Deimos using it as a reminder to what failure can cause.


Deimos's DJB Robes.
Deimos's Port outfit

The clothes usually match the assignment he is on or the role he is playing but usually he is found nestled inside his Brotherhood robes, ever shifting eyes staring out from amongst the shadows and folds of the hood. His cape drifts around him and his footsteps are echoed by hard heeled boots. His duelling saber strapped at his side for all to see when he wishes them to see, for the Dark Jedi Knight is proud of what he is.


Unpredictable at times would hit Deimos on the head when it comes to her personality, because everything he does he does it with no reasoning as to why he did it or even as to what he hoped to achieve. He could be quite content one minute eating his dinner and the next tearing a chunk our of some poor passer by just because they looked at him.

Despite this Deimos is actually rather quiet, preferring to keep to himself at the best of times. His head buried in a tome or looking over a Holocron or on the training field. Sadistic and cruel he's perfected the art of the lie over the years that you never truly know if what he's saying is fact or fiction and half the time he is unsure himself. If caught in the right mood he's more than happy to join in whatever's going on but sometimes it's safer to poke a rancor with a stick then take a gamble with the madman.

Rude and uncouth Deimos will speak his mind. He will fight back and he will take pleasure in tormenting the weaker willed. However for all his cruelties he truly cares about the creatures he fights besides...and even at times those under his command.


Deimos's Saber.
  • Claustrophobic
  • Hates The Pitch Black
  • Untrusting.
  • Quick To Anger
  • Not Physically Built To Survive Sustained Combat.
  • Prefer's company of creatures over sentient species.
  • Spends most of his time in his lab and if he’s not he likes to talk about experiments.


  • Bullshit
  • Kessel Spice (Only If Ingests)
  • Imperial Scientists

Distinguishing Marks

  • Scars everywhere
  • Bionic Left Hand
  • Strange Smell.


  • Claustrophobic
  • Pitch Black Darkness
  • Confinement

Positions Held

Shadow Gate - XO

Outstanding Achievements

  • Bronze and Silver Novae in his first IG
  • Awarded Grand Cross of the Dark Side
  • Earned 3 top places overall in his first IG.
  • Field General for two phases of the Dark Crusade


  • Awarded The Dark Cross for getting everyone back on IRC after undernet screwed up.
  • Formerly took the name Eclipse at the beginning of his training, however changed this after his return from Nar Shaddaa