- "There are only two kinds of justice, Draca. The type that lets criminals out in the galaxy, and the type that teaches important lessons through definitive action. It's not always pretty, but I know which I prefer."
- ― Zenod'ande'rson
Zenod'ande'rson (Anders, or Anderson to many,) is a male Chiss Force Sensitive serving as an Inquisitor and Envoy within the Brotherhood. He served within the Chiss Ascendancy as a Sky-Walker until the age of ten when he was rescued by a Sith of the Brotherhood. He was taken to Coruscant and remained there until the age of seventeen under the watchful eyes of the Inquisitorius. Zenod'ande'rson successfully completed his training, and has worked within their ranks since their inception in 33 ABY.
Character History
Youth And Upbringing (10ABY-20ABY)
Zenod'ande'rson was born the youngest of three brothers on Csilla during the Chiss Ascendancy. At the tender age of four, he was discovered to have been gifted with certain aspects of the Force, or what the Chiss called Second Sight and Third Sight respectively. He was taken from his family and was initiated into the Sky-walker corps within the Seekers program as a ozyly-esehembos, the Cheung word for Sky-walker, against his will.
Sky-walker's were Force-sensitive Chiss whose primary duty was as navigators for the Chiss Ascendancy fleet in the Unknown Regions, using their skills in Second and Third Sight (Telepathy and Precognition) to communicate with other ships and avoid dangerous obstacles. Typically, the Sky-walker's were female, though Zenod'ande'rson was one of the very rare and few males that possessed this gift. He was a timid boy during this period, with his only friends being the other Sky-walker's he could communicate with telepathically. Otherwise, he was reclusive and kept himself to himself, lest he draw the ire of his superiors.
Typically, Chiss that are Force-Sensitive lose their connection to the Force as they get older. Zenod'ande'rson, however, only got stronger the more he used his power. Because Zenod'ande'rson's sensitivity never wavered, drastic action was decided upon.
Escaping The Chiss Ascendancy
- "They threatened my life, so I left, it's as simple as that."
- ― Zenod'ande'rson
Being Force-Sensitive is highly taboo in Chiss society, despite it being a crime to kill Chiss navigators. It is considered impure, and those who do not lose their powers are given emergency surgery and are to be rehabilitated back into Chiss society. Such was to be the fate for Zenod'ande'rson. Unfortunately, the death of his closest friend in 20 ABY revealed his fate to him when he overheard officers and scientists discussing the necessary medical procedures for removing the Force from him. When the officers went to retrieve Zenod'ande'rson, he was not in his quarters. This was to be his first, and only escape attempt from the Chiss Ascendancy.
An alert was sent throughout the flagship to hunt him down. Zenod'ande'rson made it to the escape pods, using his instinctual application of Mind Tricks to avoid suspicion, but he was not fast enough for other Chiss Ascendancy officers to arrive. In an act of desperation, Zenod'ande'rson let his latent power explode as he conjured his first use of Force Lightning from stress and fear for his life, killing the two Chiss officers in the process.
Dazed, confused, and fatigued from the sudden burst of power, Zenod'ande'rson jettisoned the escape pod in the middle of the Unknown Regions.
Luckily for Zenod'ande'rson, his burst of power did not go unnoticed by agents of the Brotherhood. A Sith agent of the Brotherhood felt the spike in the Force, and followed it as it drifted through space.
By this point, Zenod'ande'rson's pod had been drifting in space for eighteen hours. He was weak and dehydrated. The Sith agent retrieved his pod and took him to the nearest medical facility to be healed, an asteroid named Meridia Prime.
Training (20ABY - 29ABY)
- " The galaxy needs to be held accountable for its actions, whether it likes it or not."
- ―Zenod'ande'rson
Once he was healed, Zenod'ande'rson was given a choice. He could leave, and fend for himself in the wider galaxy, or he could train under the Sith as their new apprentice, and swear loyalty to the Brotherhood, and the Grand Master. With no other purpose, and a deep-seated thirst for the power he was able to use, he accepted and was taken to Coruscant.
Zenod'ande'rson advanced rapidly in the next eight years, taking to heart the Sith philosophy and teachings of the dark side of the Force. He lived on the upper levels of Coruscant in an apartment provided by his master as a token of his "goodwill" for having him as their apprentice. Initially, he was forbidden from leaving the planet as his Master manipulated and stirred the injustice that lay within Zenod'ande'rson's heart and mind, developing the retributive justice philosophy that he holds dear even to this day. The training was brutal and hellish, but Zenod'ande'rson kept fighting, determined, in his eyes, to bring justice to a galaxy that desperately needed it.
In 29ABY at the age of nineteen, he discovered that his Sith Master was growing paranoid with the amount of power Zenod'ande'rson had gained in a small space of time. When he confronted his master about it, the two ended up fighting in a battle within the apartment complex where only the strongest would survive. After an intense fight, Zenod'ande'rson won, killing them in battle, officially joining the ranks of the Brotherhood with his newfound freedom.
A Fateful Encounter on Iridonia (30ABY)
- "He took you in not because of a desire to protect you, but because of guilt. Many lost their lives that day, including children whose loss of life he was indirectly responsible for. He cares so much about justice, and yet, denies you yours for what he did. This, in his eyes, was his way of atoning for his sins. He never truly cared about you."
- ―The Father
As part of a test of loyalty to the Grand Master, and the Brotherhood as a whole, Zenod'ande'rson, referring to himself as Anderson, was given a team and led them to a recently discovered Jedi enclave on Iridonia. He was to succeed in his mission, or perish. The enclave was destroyed, along with all the Jedi Masters and Knights within.
Zenod'ande'rson had wanted to spare the children that were there. Unfortunately, his fellow Sith acted like savages, massacring every living thing within the temple. Whilst he did not take part in slaughtering the children himself, he made no attempt to stop it.
Once every Jedi was dead, Zenod'ande'rson ordered his fellow Sith back to their ships, choosing to oversee the burning of the enclave. It was this decision that led to him meeting a then eight year old Draxa Zul, who thankfully, was not in the conclave when it was set ablaze. He felt great potential come from the young man, and took him in as his personal student, partially out of guilt and a need to atone for his own sense of justice, and partially out of his own interest in the boy's abilities.
Anders and Draca
Training Draca and Joining the Inquisitorius (30ABY - 33ABY)
Anders and Draca bonded like Master and Student, as well as Father and Son, though the former is reluctant to admit it. Anders almost immediately get Draca started on a routine that varied between chores, studying the Jedi Order, training, and free time to allow him to recuperate.
Anders learned very quickly that the young man had issues with sitting still except in very specific circumstances, which was part of the reason he inevitably decided to train the young Zabrak in Ataru and his homeworld's martial arts style of K'Thri. He found it to be a perfect blend for Draca, overseeing his training every step of the way.
When the Inquisitorius was founded in 33 ABY, Anders was one of the first to join their ranks. Though he kept Draca a secret, but brought the young man with him on personal assignments so he could experience real-life circumstances first-hand.
Envoy Work (41ABY-Present)
A report came in from the planet Gonda, a small out of the way planet, that professor Jonz’ind’iana had gone missing while investigating a newly discovered temple on behalf of the Shadow Academy. The Envoy Corps had been contracted to find out what happened, locate the professor and bring him back to the shadow academy to continue his research. Zenod'ande'rson was one of the Envoys dispatched for this mission.
Upon arrival at the mysterious temple, the Envoy team quickly discovered that things were not as they seemed. An ancient Rakatan temple, a missing research team and the camp in disarray. After thoroughly investigating the scene, the team discovered a patch clutched tightly in the cold hand of a dead researcher. The team’s next stop was a small unnamed village nearby looking for leads on who the patch belonged to. A pair of confrontations led to a pile of dead pirates and a chance encounter with a street urchin willing to help the team and lead them to their final destination, her family's farm. Making a stealthy entrance, the team picked off the pirates one by one through blasters, mind control, hand to hand combat and more and after avoiding a hostage situation they were able to rescue the professor, his research and a Rakatan crystal skull.
Joining Taldryan
- "Well, if you're doing counterintelligence for the Council, you might as well do it for us."
- ―Cassandra
Upon rumours that Talddyan were becoming disillusioned with the Dark Council, Anders was sent to meet with the Second Supreme Chancellor of the Taldryan Republic, Cassandra Oriana Tyris. He let her know his intentions, and that he was to relay information back to the Council regarding their concerns over Taldryan.
In a bizarre twist of fate, the Supreme Chancellor, upon learning of his reason for being in the Caelus System, offered him the position of Spymaster of Taldryan's Office of Secret Intelligence to do the very same for Taldryan.
Losing Draca
On a trip to the Ethereal Realm on the behest of the Council, it was revealed by the Children of Mortis to Draca the true nature of what happened the night the Jedi Enclave on Iridonia burned. Draca turned on Anders and joined the Children of Mortis, being taken in under the Lightbringers.
The event left Anders devastated, and distraught. He has been looking for a way to retrieve Draca since…
Appearance and Attire
Zenod'ande'rson is a tall, Chiss male, and shares many characteristics of his species. He has deep blue skin, and bright red eyes that seemingly glow in the dark. His hair is as black as space, though there is a tint of blue when seen up close. His hair is cut short at about neck length.
His usual Attire includes a Chief Inquisitor set of armor, pitch black, that he wears on every task or mission because comfort matters most when you can deflect blasters with a lightsaber. He carries a Sith Wayfinder and Sith Amulet, the latter of which he conducted the Alchemy for himself.
Zenod'ande'rson has a crafted, golden-coloured, curved-hilt lightsaber which produces a red blade. He has a Sith Zeyd Cloth Cloak he takes everywhere with him. It's a memento from killing his Master.
Speech and Mannerisms
Having lived on Coruscant for half of his life, Zenod'ande'rson speaks with a strong Coruscanti accent. It is very pronounced, especially around others.
Zenod'ande'rson holds himself with respect, and can be seen often sharing a smile with his arms either across his chest or held behind his back.
- " "Good afternoon, I am Chief Inquisitor Anderson.""
- ― Zenod'ande'rson
Zenod'ande'rson, in most situations, is a cordial, positive, and seemingly carefree individual. He is often seen with a genuinely warm smile on his face, and an earful of sarcastic wit for anyone willing to listen. He is quick to make friends or enemies out of people depending on the situation because of it.
However, this charm is not without cracks in its walls. Zenod'ande'rson is an incredibly stubborn individual, particularly when it comes to his beliefs, whether that be Sith ideology, or his views on the galaxy’s justice system. He is a firm believer in righteous judgement and will defend it until his dying breath if he has to.
Despite this, he is a loyal, caring, and sensitive soul, especially for a Sith. He will fight for those he considers friends or an ally.
A switch is flipped in Zenod'ande'rson's head the moment he confronts a target, enemy, or someone he just does not like.
He retains the sarcastic wit, though the smile and cordiality vanishes, replaced with a determined, yet ill-mannered and discourteous persona. He won't pull punches with his words as he comes across as cold, uncaring, and downright hostile. In short, he treats these people like scum, because he believes that is what they are. Scum.
Zenod'ande'rson can be impulsive with his opinion of others, and can get on the wrong side of others if not careful when showing this side of himself.
Combat Abilities
Force Powers
- "I'm a simple man. All I need is good food, good caf-stim, and the right to shoot lightningat fools."
- ―Zenod'ande'rson.
Zenod'ande'rson's Sith Master followed the philosophy of ``` If it ain't broke, don't fix it.``` The Sith Master recognised Zenod'ande'rson's natural talent with the Force and built on the skills Zenod'ande'rson learnt within the Chiss Ascendancy, except dualing it up further. His skills as a Seeker apply to his abilities in Precognition and starwars:Telepathy, which he uses to predict and unbalance his foes. Yet, his skills in Mind Tricks outshone all else as he used the power to manipulate and misdirect his enemies. Lastly, his skills in Telekinesis and Force Lightning was a last resort to kill his enemies if necessary. Zenod'ande'rson was moulded to be a deadly agent of the Inquisitorius.
- "I can beat you with one hand behind my back."
- ― Zenod'ande'rson
Leverage, position, advantage...
Being a practitioner of Form II, Zenod'ande'rson is a keen duelist. He personifies footwork, balance, and precision, preferring a one-handed style that attempts to outmanoeuvre and exploit his opponent's weaknesses whilst conserving energy.
He takes this a step further with Dun Möch, throwing in subtle and not-so-subtle verbal jabs at his opponent to unbalance them and force openings that he can capitalise on with his knowledge of lightsaber fighting styles. Through extensive training, he can attempt to deflect blaster fire should he need too.
However, despite his skill, Zenod'ande'rson style of Combat relies on having his lightsaber in his hand. Should he be disarmed, he has very little he can do to defend himself. Makashi is also typically a one-on-one duelling form. Against multiple adversaries and strength-based styles, Zenod'ande'rson can find himself quickly on the defensive.
Sith Alchemy
During his spare time in-between completing his training and completing tasks for his Sith Master, Zenod'ande'rson took up an interest in Sith Alchemy. He researched tomes and artefacts from ancient Sith, learning the processes of alchemical enhancement in both inorganic and organic material. His first successful application was a Sith Amulet which he always carries on him.
BUDD-E is a little BD unit droid that accompanies Zenod'ande'rson on his missions for the Inquisitorius and Envoy Corps. It has the personality of a loyal, if somewhat mischievous dog. It is Zenod'ande'rson's closest friend at this point in time and accompanies him everywhere.
Draca Zul
Draca is a young Zabrak Jedi that Anders took in and raised for eleven years. He is excitable, a bundle of energy, yet quite reserved, focused, intelligent, and a big lover of hugs, reading, and podracing. He is Anders' apprentice, and considers himself as such.
Mesh'ita Tes'sa
Mesh'ita is a Mandalorian of Clan Jendrii. She met Anders on Zsoldos, where the Mercenary Clan was honouring the dead with a festival. She later was recruited by Anders to aid in his search for Draca after the young Zabrak joined the Children of Mortis. Mesh'ita is an empathetic, yet driven individual.