Draca Zul

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Imperial era
Draca Zul
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

22 ABY (age 21)

Physical Description





6'4" (1.92 m)


190 lbs (86.25 kg)





Personal Information

Tressa Zu


Adrak Zu



Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):

Form 4 (Ataru)

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information



Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Jedi Order

Known masters:


Known apprentices:




[ Source ]

"Can't you see, Anders? Justice isn't how we help the galaxy. Love, compassion, and caring for each other. That's how we help the galaxy. It builds bridges, heals wounds, and creates acceptance."
―Draca Zul

Draca Zul is a male Zabrak Jedi. He was born and raised on Iridonia, and was discovered to be Force-Sensitive at the age of five. His Force Sensitivity naturally developed to a point where he was felt by a group of Iridonian Jedi that had established an enclave dedicated to teaching the ways of the light side of the Force. It was here he began his training as a Jedi.

Character History

Youth And Upbringing (22ABY - 28ABY

Draca Zul was born the eldest of three siblings on Iridonia, one homeworld of the Zabrak species. He has a younger sister and a younger brother. Draca was born into a loving family, the son of moderately successful traders of Iridonian goods throughout the local settlements.

Even at a young age, Draca was shown to be naturally intelligent. He was good at learning, picking Basic and Zabraki up very quickly. When he turned five, his sensitivity to the Force awoke. Having sensed this, Draca's family were approached by the Zabraki Jedi Convert that offered him the chance to learn the ways of the Jedi from them in their makeshift temple within the mountains. He was given to the enclave so that he may learn to hone and control his abilities.

Draca's education during the day turned to Jedi studies, philosophy, and training. In the evening and nights, he turned to physical training and conditioning due to the large amount of energy the boy had.

Training (27ABY - 30ABY)

For three years, Draca attended the Jedi Covenant, developing good relations with his fellow Force Sensitive Zabraks and students just like him around his age. He developed quickly, and was among the top of his peers. Early on into the beginning of his training, Draca's keenness to learn captured the attention of his teachers, and soaked up whatever knowledge he could with vigorous determination, even in his spare time.

His training was by no means easy, but his Masters were fair, and intended to teach lessons through example rather than through holotexts. To love, not hate. To accept, not destroy. To heal, not hurt. That was the way of the Jedi.

Night of the Fire

The Jedi Convert, however, was not meant to last. In 30 ABY, the Zabrak Jedi Convert was attacked by a group of Sith with unknown origins. Luckily, Draca wasn't at the Convert during the attack, but could see the smoke rising in the distance, and smell the burning wood and ash in the air.

Without a second thought, Draca beelined it towards the makeshift temple after going to get supplies. His hearts were heavy with the suffering of his fellow Zabrak Jedi. When he arrived, the temple had been burned down and everyone within, Jedi and apprentices alike, all dead. He was approached by a Chiss, a Sith who introduced himself as Anders. He explained to Draca that he was here to inspect the damage that had been done to the enclave. He then, surprisingly, offered to take the young man under his wing. With no other options for guidance in the Force, and fearing the return of the Sith to finish what they started, Draca accepted, and left Iridonia behind.

Apprenticeship Under Anders (30 ABY - 41 ABY)

For eleven years, Anders trained the young man, using holocrons secured to teach the young man the ideals and finer points of the Jedi Order. Anders was insistent that the young man travel down his own path in the Force regarding his ideology and beliefs of the light and dark.

One this Anders was insistent on teaching, however, were lightsaber forms, learning very quickly that Draca was a bundle of energy that struggled to stay in one place for a long stretch of time. Makashi was out of the question, despite being Anders' preffered form. The young Zabrak simply didn't have the patience required to pull of the more graceful manoeuvres.

It didn't take long for Anders to pin down Ataru as the form most suited for Draca. It was high in energy and mobility, just like he was, yet had an intense focus to his bladework which Anders felt would benefit the young man greatly.

However, an Ataru practitioner Anders was not. They would use holocrons acquired from older days in the Jedi Order to help Draca learn, and perfect form IV of lightsaber combat to the best of hid ability. This, naturally, led to certain tweaks being made that were personal to Draca, such as blast deflection, which typically, Ataru does not possess.

Along with holocrons on Ataru, Draca was given holocrons teaching him homeworld's martial art of K'thri by Anders. Despite the Chiss abhorrence to brutal hand-to-hand combat, he could see the endurance and athleticism being of great benefit to Draca, including its emphasis on "Moving Meditation", which allowed the young man to connect to the Force via his movements.

Lastly, despite Anders' protests on many occasions, he instructed Draca in Jar'Kai. Luckily, Ataru had an in-built training regime designed for dual-wielding, which was perfect for Draca.

The two would develop a close bond over the eleven years, becoming like father and son. Draca looked up to Anders with respect, despite having to turn a blind eye at times to the Chiss' less desirable traits due to his job as an Inquisitor.

Leaving Anders

After a mission to explore the Ethereal Realm at the behest of the Council, Anders and Draca is informed via the Children of Mortis that Anders was the one responsible for the enclave he was a part of being destroyed.

Distraught, and betrayed, Draca left Anders' side and joined the Children of Mortis, feeling like he had nowhere else to go. This is where he still is.

For now…


Appearance And Attire

Draca is a tall, pale-skinned Male Zabrak. He is slender, though athletically toned. He has brown eyes, and a set of horns atop his head that are typical of his species, though they are mostly covered by the brown-haired mullet that extends down to the bottom of his neck. He has a small birthmark on his chest

He maintains a set of Jedi Robes in an almost spotless navy blue, white, and brown mix. He wears a Jedi Cloak over the top of it, and various pendants of Jedi origin, including a Jedi Compass pointing towards Tython, a planet he wishes to visit one day.

Draca uses two twin lightsabers. Their blades are blue in colour.


Draca is an incredibly kind-hearted Zabrak. He has often been described as needing both his hearts for how often he cares about others. He's naturally empathetic to the plight of others, but very excitable. He's ]naturally intelligent, brilliant at puzzles and riddles, and as a Jedi, believes it is his sworn duty to help others when they need it. Because of his youth, he is fairly naive, and can be easily manipulated as a result.

He is above all else, a sensitive soul. He very much has a Jedi nature, and is naturally empathetic to the plight of others. When he sees someone is upset, he will not shy away from giving them a cuddle to try and make them feel better. After all, what makes people feel better more than a good hug? Some say Draca gives the best ones. He understands loss after the Jedi Covenant he was trained at was destroyed.

Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates a good cuddle, and some can be put off from his care and affection.

Combat Abilities

Force Powers

" You don't seem to comprehend what it is, *who* it is that we are up against. Draca isn't just strong in the Force, he personifies it in its rawest form. What's infuriating is that he doesn't even realise it."

Under Anders' tutelage, Draca leaned towards more physical applications of the Force more so than anything else, including Amplification and advanced Precognition. He was a natural with the ability to Sense with the Force, and like most Force-Users, had an acceptable application of Telekinesis.

However, Draca is, for the most part, a close-quarter combatant and heavily relies heavily on his lightsaber. He uses the Force more to amplify his physical traits in combat rather than attack from a distance.


"Be warned. I will defend myself if I have to."
―Draca Zul.

Because of Draca's seemingly boundless energy, it wasdetermined by Anders that he would need to undertake a form of lightsaber combat that could utilise such reserves, and instil discipline within him. Thus, because of his natural reach and Zabrak physiology, he was trained in FormIV, Ataru, and the Zabrak homeworlds art of K'thri.



Anders is a Chief Inquisitor and Chiss who took young Draca in after his enclave burned. However, he has left Anders' side after discovering that the Chiss was the one responsible for the destruction of his home. Previously, he thought of Anders as a father figure and dear friend.

Melissa Luxor

Faring from a underdeveloped planet in the Outer Rim, Melissa Luxor is a female Echani. She wields the light side of the Force, as well as an ominously cheerful demeanour. She is a fiercely loyal friend, if too quick to name someone a friend, which she did with Draca.


BUDD-E is a small BD-Unit droid that usually accompanies Anders, though has a positive relationship with Draca, even if the young Zabrak doesn't understand droidspeak.