Dominion Policy

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Real World Perspective.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
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This Dominion Policy covers elements of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood with regards to the fictional control of the Star Wars galaxy that a unit has, what requirements exist and how they are maintained. This policy is maintained by the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, in working with the Regent on the possessions elements, Voice on the fictional elements, and Wiki Tribune in the recordkeeping elements.

The goal of this policy is to create real established elements that are set in stone, which serve as a foundation for a unit’s fictional development and draw a line from which this development can occur free of misunderstanding about what is official.

Brotherhood Star Systems

This is a collection of celestial bodies consisting of, usually one or more planets, orbiting a star that is specifically created by the Dark Jedi Brotherhood for purposes of storytelling and fictional development. Below are requirements, all other details are open for interpretation by owners of the star systems.


Name: A name, be it based on a central star or planet, or a numerical representation that cannot be in use in Star Wars canon,the Legends continuity, or elsewhere in the DB Dominion.

Location: A set of coordinates that note its location, not to conflict with known existing systems in Star Wars canon or the Legends continuity.

Stars: The types and characteristics of the system’s stars must be defined to get a relative understanding of the size and temperature of the system’s star or stars.

Planets: The planets of the system must be clearly defined, specifically noting if each is terrestrial or a gas giant, environmental conditions and landscape, as well as if it can sustain life with details on its atmosphere and distance from the star.

Moons: Each terrestrial planet can have up to six moons, while gas giants can have up to twenty. The environmental conditions and landscape of each moon and its ability to sustain life must be defined as well as its name and which planet it orbits.


The Clans are each afforded one star system, of which all required details must be approved by the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Voice, and Regent. This is done to ensure consistency of the story and prevent constantly changing systems within the Brotherhood system.

  • If a clan wishes to make fundamental changes to the physical characteristics of their dominion that is codified within possessions (i.e. what type of star system or planet, a new star system in lieu of their current one, etc) these changes must also be approved by the Grand Master.
  • Additional star systems or celestial bodies may be granted by the Grand Master as a prize for such things as 1st clan for winning a vendetta.
  • The Dark Council will create and approve star systems as necessary for fictional development of the club.


All approved Star Systems, with required details as approved, will be documented and granted to Clans or the Dark Council in the possessions system using individual items as follows: star system (which will house the star), planet, moon, with each item capable of being slotted into the previous. Planets and moons will have sub-item slots to allow for the slotting of planetary assets. Fictional background and further development that does not require explicit approval will be documented on the DJB Wiki, with reasonable oversight by the Wiki Staff and Dark Council to ensure a consistent member experience.

Planetary Assets

This section covers a clans planetary assets. Included in the possessions system are a variety of planetary assets such as bases, base weaponry, defense shields, orbital Weapons, and space stations. In order for a clan to claim ownership of these types of items, they must first purchase it through the possessions system; you don’t buy it, you don’t have it.


All clan assets are purchased in the possessions system by Clans using their available credits. All requirements for their existence are handled by the possessions system going into the transaction.


All planetary assets are approved at the time they are purchased in possessions and become a possession of a Clan or unit. Fictional background and further development on the DJB Wiki does not require explicit approval, but with oversight will be monitored by the Wiki Staff and Dark Council to ensure a consistent member experience.


Possessions are the system of record for details and names of all space stations and other planetary assets. The DJB Wiki is used to expand fictional background and further development of the planetary assets. This should include where the asset is located in the galaxy, where if not specified is assumed to be the owner’s home system.

Credits and Version Information

  • Currently in version 1.1
  • Version 1.0 drafted by GM Evant and RGT Anubis
  • Version 1.1 - Update of Planetary Assets section to reflect new item prototypes available for purchase by clans. (Anubis)