Shurtsneyrsk Disla

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Shurtsneyrsk Disla
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

14 ABY (age 29)

Physical Description





1.93 m


95 kg



Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information
  • Warhost Fleet

Weapons Officer of Covenant

[ Source ]

Shurtsneyrsk Disla is a Trandoshan in the service of the Naga Sadow Warhost Fleet. He currently resides as the Weapons Officer aboard the Covenant. He is most commonly referred to as "Shirt" due to his long and difficult name.

Early Life

Born on Trandosha in 14 ABY, Shurtsneyrsk Disla was born from a brood of four other siblings. As per custom, the strongest usually murdered their siblings not too long once they hatched. Shurtsneyrsk was no different and quickly established himself as the dominant one. His parents were thrilled with his savagery and it was not long before he was taught the ways of hunting and initiated into the ranks of the Trandoshan warriors. His training began as soon as he turned three. Due to the short lifespan of the Trandoshan's compared to other sentient species this is only natural.

Shurtsneyrsk quickly stood out amongst his peers and proved once again that he was the dominant one of the pack. Having made many rivals in his younger years, it was to their great relief that he was sent out on a solo mission by the Elders of his tribe to hunt down a newly colonized planet that was rumored to house Wookies. Thrilled at having the chance to rack up an immeasurable amount of Jagannath Points and impress the Scorekeeper, Disla took to his new mission with intense ferocity. The last time he saw his parents was in early 19 ABY when he boarded a transport ship that would eventually lead him to Aeotheran. He remembers that last moment as one with pride, where he would meet his parents once again in the halls of the Scorekeeper and be reunited with honor.


Shurtsneyrsk arrived on Aeotheran in late 19 ABY, after the end of the Seventh Great Jedi War. During his time aboard the transport ship he learned many things about weapons and developed fundamental skills of knowledge about other ships and their capacity. In order to pay for his passage, he was at first hired as a guard. Later when the Trandoshan had to switch ships in order to continue his journey, he offered his knowledge of weapons as compensation and was allowed to tweak the systems aboard to provide marginally better firepower. The Captain was thrilled with the minor boost and allowed the Trandoshan to operate of his own free will whilst aboard the ship. In the eight long months that it took him to finally reach Aeotheran, he had become a weapons expert inside out. Shurtsneyrsk viewed this as training to better hunt and track Wookies, and thought little else of offering his services in such a fashion.

Upon entering the Orian System it was clear that the forces that patrolled this area had undergone extensive warfare. Many of the ships showed visible damage, some being repaired on the spot for lack of power to make their last leg home. This had no real impact on the Trandoshan, as his only objective was to make it to Aeotheran first and begin his hunt. Once his ship had finally landed in the city of Seng Karash, he felt a sense of displacement for the first time. Nothing smelled or looked familiar, and he stood out like a sore thumb. A brief sense of homesickness washed over the young warrior, before he pushed the feeling down and made his way down to the market area to start his search for the gear he would need to hunt down the Wookies.

Wookie Colony

Within months on arrival, the Trandoshan had purchased his gear and taken a shuttle to Sepros, where he had confirmation of a hidden Wookie colony deep within its jungles. Aeotheran had not housed any Wookies, much to the frustration of Shurtsneyrsk Disla. However, he had been tipped off that they were instead on Sepros, the power seat of Clan Naga Sadow. Supposedly the Clan had control of the Orian System but was still building and rebuilding throughout the system in 22 ABY. Throughout the next 5 years the Trandoshan would live in the forests of Sepros, hunting and occasionally killing a few Wookies when he was successful. Because he was alone, he had to pick his targets carefully, set his ambushes and traps with caution and move quickly once he had killed one.

However after a few years of hunting, the Wookies struck back in 26 ABY and forced the Trandoshan to retreat out of the forest. The hunter had become the hunted, and Shurtsneyrsk did not like the idea at all. Once he was driven out of the forests by the remaining Wookies, he felt shamed and realized that he had failed in his quest. His life was now worth nothing in the eyes of the Scorekeeper. Admitting defeat, he took what he had earned and traveled back to Aeotheran by grabbing a shuttle from Sepros. Upon arrival he sold his belongings, cashing in on the credits from the rare pelts and wandered about the city aimlessly for weeks. Being away from his people for so long, he had forgotten that a Trandoshan could regain his honor and all of his Jagannath Points by killing the person or persons which had shamed him. Luckily for the Wookies, by the time Shurtsneyrsk would figure this out, it would be too late for him.

Warhost Fleet

The Trandoshan was spoken about in hushed voices among the civilian population. Disla didnt naturally blend in, and being the only Trandoshan in the entire system didn't make it any easier for him to stay low profile. One day in late 26 ABY, he was approached by officers of the Warhost Fleet who addressed him nervously, asking him if he would not be interested in joining them and putting his hunting and tracking skills to better use for them. At first the Trandoshan thought nothing of the idea, waving them away and asking to be left in peace. However, the seed had been planted and the next months as his credits dwindled and his frustration for lack of activity increased, he decided to enroll for the Navy. Upon taking the entry test, he excelled in the weaponry department, bringing his skills and knowledge to light. He was immediately accepted and transfered to a school where he would learn the necessities of living within the strict code of the Warhost. Despite being the only Trandoshan once again, he felt more at home here, being able to speak with like minded intelligent being who shared the same passion as he did. Weapons and explosives, and how to use them effectively.


Shurtsneyrsk Disla enjoying his new position aboard the Covenant.

In 29 ABY Shurtsneyrsk Disla completed his military training and was assigned to the Covenant under the command of Captain Russell Bartholomew. Despite having little real experience with a ship of this size's weapons, he quickly adapted to the new and different things. He became a well liked and respected crew member, even training other crew to use their weapons effectively in different situations to minimize unnecessary damage and ammo loss. It was during this time that he earned the nickname "Shirt" from his fellow crew, who respected him immensly but found his name extremely difficult to pronounce.

Eventually his hard work was noticed by the Captain and he was approached with the offer of becoming the crew's Weapon Officer in 32 ABY. Shurtsneyrsk agreed and was immediately promoted to the position. The Trandoshan enjoys a nice and easy life aboard the Covenant, forgetting about his past and enjoying the moments he has with his crew members. Up until the attack of the Dominion in 34 ABY, Disla has felt a sense of security. The attack shattered that dream and brought him back to reality. He feels compelled to save his new home and family, and will go to extreme lengths to ensure that they survive anything that is thrown at them.