Serpent's Vanguard

Serpent’s Vanguard
The Serpent’s Vanguard is located on the northern continent of Gaias on Ptolomea. Nestled deep in the forested foothills just south of the formidable Daggerspine Mountain range, the Vanguard covers the tops of two closely adjoined hills.
The heart of Caliburnus, the Serpent’s Vanguard is comprised of the Obsidian Palace, and the various support buildings needed by the team and her members for daily operations. It is far enough from any cities or settlements to provide a measure of seclusion for the Dark Jedi that make this place their home. However, it is not truly isolated as the Vanguard possesses a major communication network that keeps the House and specifically the Quaestor in touch with their planet, as well as the rest of the House.

The Obsidian Palace
- Main article: Obsidian Palace
Containing the heart of Caliburnus, the dominating and awe inspiring structure known as the Obsidian Palace stands at the center of the Serpent’s Vanguard. Polished black stone exterior and its imposing six story height make the Palace the true centerpiece of the House’s headquarters. Contained within its walls are the administrative offices, member housing, and other facilities for the daily support of the House and its members. It also stands guard over the Qawerada Caves which span deep below the Palace.
Qawerada Caves
- Main article: Qawerada Caves
Far underground below the Obsidian Palace is a massive chain of caverns and caves. Over time much of the Cave system was adapted and modified to be used by the House for various needs, including storage as well as providing for an emergency evacuation route or shelter should the Palace itself fall under attack.
The Sunset Cantina
- Main article: Sunset Cantina
The Sunset Cantina is seldom quiet or empty, around the clock staffing sees to the needs of the House for drink, food, and entertainment. Built by one of Caliburnus’ most colorful Quaestors, Thran Occasus, the Cantina is often informally referred to as Thran’s place.
Basilisk Medical and Research Facility
- Main article: Basilisk Medical and Research Center
The imposing building known as the Basilisk holds a two-fold purpose within the House. Primarily it serves as the medical facility for Caliburnus, offering the care needed to keep its members in top shape. Its secondary function however is far darker, being home to the Sith house’s alchemy and research labs as well as an extensive library for conducting further research into the various branches of Sith knowledge.
Bastion Regimental Facilities
- Main article: Bastion Regimental Headquarters
House Caliburnus hosts a large defense force known as the Bastion Regiment. This facility serves as the major headquarters for the regiment and offers offices for the command staff, training and housing areas for much of the regiment, as well as storage for the supplies and equipment needed by the regimental forces.
StarBlade Hangar Facility
- Main article: Starblade Hangar
The true heart of the Sith House is often said to be its Hangar, the Starblade Hangar facility is the epitome of efficiency and resourcefulness. Crafted from the shell of a crashed ISD, the Hangar houses much of Caliburnus’ corps of fighters and transports, as well as providing home to the maintenance crew and training facilities for the House’s skilled pilots.
Vreedsaam Meditation Garden
- Main article: Vreedsaam Meditation Garden
This garden was designed to be peaceful and to promote meditation and quiet training of the mind. It is often found to be a welcoming respite for many of the House’s members as they delve deeper into the mysteries of the Force.
Kalmeer Botanical Garden
- Main article: Kalmeer Botanical Garden
Even Dark Jedi needs a place to just simply relax and enjoy themselves. This garden was developed to be a place where House members could relax and gather to enjoy the beauty of the carefully planted and decorated garden. Unlike the more formal and structured Vressdsaam Garden, the Kalmeer Garden is much more relaxed and informal in the placements of the plantings and benches with the centerpiece being a wonderfully designed fountain.
Auxiliary Power Generator Facility
Built to function as the auxiliary power source for the Serpent’s Vanguard, it serves in the event that the main power generator within the Starblade Hangar ever fails or requires downtime for routine maintenance.
Kumori Training Center
- Main article: Kumori Training Center
Comprised of two separate facilities, the Kumori Training Center offers various training halls and classrooms to allow House members to continue to learn and to hone their skills.
Caliburnus Menagerie Complex
- Main article: Caliburnus Menagerie Complex
Created by Thran Occasus during his time as Quaestor of Caliburnus, the Menagerie Complex houses the majority of Caliburnus’ various animals. These creatures are kept for a variety of reasons, transportation, training, research, and food. The Complex is a massive structure featuring some of the most state of the art architecture available to provide various environments needed to suit the individual varieties of creatures housed within its sturdy walls. Areas are also set aside for medical care, and the staff which sees to the care and maintenance of the animals.
With the advent of the Clan's Nobility and the growing ranks of Nobles, it has been decreed that in order to preserve the relative seclusion and more importantly, the security of the Serpent's Vanguard, NO personal residences shall be built by any person within 10 kilometers of the Vanguard's boundaries.