Basilisk Medical and Research Center

Located in the South quarter of the Serpent's Vanguard, we find an L shaped building, consisting of five floors above ground, and two below the rocky soil of Ptolomea. The Lower tip of the L facing northward, it has the appearance of the L having been pushed over, Built with blackened concrete pre-fabricated, the building’s appearance is threatening, almost gloomy. The transparisteel window-plates were blackened on purpose, they allow a view to the outside, but when one tries to view inside, one is faced with an obsidian black mirror, this to assure nothing but privacy for both patients and resident staff. All the interior hallways are made from polished durasteel, hexagonal in shape. The doors on the upper floors are sliding doors, standard, except for the labs, which use the heavier blast door variety. This imposing structure is often affectionally just referred to as "The Basilisk".
2nd Floor Basement
The extensive library, a large rectangular room chiseled out of the rock, with a dura-steel reinforced ceiling, the floor has been carpeted with Persian-style rugs over all the floors, too dampen the sometimes heavy footsteps of house-members and dimly lit by alchemically enhanced glow-crystals giving off a faint blue-white hue, consists of a ring of bookstands spanning two floors, describing a slight U, with circling metal frame staircases in the two corners adjacent to the doors. For heating the room has two large fireplaces at either side of the room and opposite the ground level floor, against the wall stands a Dark Side artifact, filling the whole surrounding area with a strong dark side aura that patients and alchemists feed off of. Along the length of the Library run two rows of tables on either side upon which the tomes and books can be studied, they are however safeguarded in that any book leaving the library will become unreadable and will invariably burst into flame.
Leaving the library on the ground floor one finds a large hallway, adorned in obsidian tiles, giving open access to three of the four main areas. The ceiling is made from Dura-steel and reinforced and each of the main areas is accessible only by locked Dura-steel blast doors, each guarded by a Sentinel.
To the immediate right-hand side of the door, facing down the corridor, one has the creature facilities, these facilities are used to enhance, alter or create new creatures by using the art of Sith Alchemy. Some of the House’s Tuk’ata, Hssiss, Terentateks and other Dark Side creatures were born in this area. The area in itself also contains a small amount of books and research on the creatures for immediate use.
Behind that, to the far right-hand side, and inaccessible from the main hallway, are the creature pens, any creature freshly created will be nurtured here until such a time it is strong enough to be moved to the House menagerie or any other part where it is needed. Behind this area is a separate cavern and lift, with creature transport facilities. This is where they will be transported to the menagerie. The lab is equipped with all manner of equipment suited for the creation and enhancement of Dark Side creatures, such as artificial wombs, refrigeration units for eggs and seeds and theatres for splicing DNA in combination with a stock of microscopes and other such equipment.
To the immediate Left-hand side, one can find the weapon and amour smiths, the master metallurgists of the house, most of the house’s stock of Sith swords and other enhanced articles, as well as amour was and is created here, equipped with foundries and furnaces, as well as a small library on how to create the simplest things. The area is also home to the crystal foundries used to create the famed Sith Synthetic crystals, as well as equipment to alter crystalline structures, and imbue captured crystals with the Dark Side to enhance the potency.
Lastly, to the far left hand side, one finds the alchemy lab used for the alteration and creation of minions, although not just minions, people in need of Alchemical enhancement or Cybernetic implantation are worked on here. The lab is equipped with surgical instruments and droids for this purpose. As alternate functionality, this area is used as study for captured creatures and races, containing an extensive library on all manner of species in the galaxy, their anatomy, metabolism etc. any captured species of creature will be brought here, and quite literally, taken apart for extensive study, such as recently, the lab had the honor of studying some of the first species of Vong.
First floor Basement
Entrance to Alchemy facility, is accessible only by lift from the main lobby, the person enters the caverns, painstakingly carved, reinforced and adorned with black marble walls, the main lobby, corridors and all labs and rooms are lit by alchemically enhanced crystals, driven by the Dark Side of the Force. When exiting the lift, one is welcomed by a pair of Dark Guardians, creatures so vile, and created by the Dark Side art of Alchemy, these are all that stand from access. The Guardians were given specific instruction not to let anyone through that did not have a purpose there.
Top-side, ground floor
The ground floor houses the First aid ward, where patients with minor wounds are treated, and sent on their way afterwards. Also, medical staff such as nurses and Doctors find their quarters on this floor, secluded far from the First aid facilities, as well as maintenance crew for the med-droids kept in use. The main entrance is located right next to the North wing, and contains an entry hall and lobby, where patients are directed, the North Wing contains the First Aid wards, the entire East wing contains the staff housing and maintenance areas, only accessible by key-codes
First Floor
The first floor houses the bacta facilities and operating theatres, as well as an immediate bacta supply, hooked up to a main tank underground. All patients that need medical care beyond simple first aid would end up here. For extensive damage, which cannot be cured by bacta, fully equipped surgical theatres provide the intermediate solution. There is no anesthesia present, except for the more severe cases, where specific Sith poisons are used to render the person temporarily unconscious, however these are only used when a person needs to lie absolutely still.
Second and Third floors
First and foremost the building serves as research and medical facilities, housing most of the House’s medical equipment in labs. These labs take up the entirety of the uppermost two floors, sub-divided in a number of separate labs, with two corridors at either end of the lab, and each lab divided by another corridor, each floor holds four labs for medical research.
The third floor is devoted to patient resting areas and wards; here is where patients can recuperate from long and arduous operations and treatments, with a secluded and secured intensive care area at the far end of the east wing. The secure area is for patients under mortal threat and those that would need extensive medical care.
Fourth Floor
The fourth floor consists of a number of offices and separate living rooms, most notably of the Hospital administrator and the head of research of the Alchemy facility, this floor also contains the Archives, and a small library on medical procedures.