Starblade Hangar
The Starblade Hangar is the planetary home base for the Starblade Division of Clan Scholae Palatinae located at the northeastern edge of the Serpent's Vanguard on Ptolomea.

StarBlade Hangar Facility
In 2 ABY, on a routine exploration of Imperial Sectors, the Imperial Class Star Destroyer Aggressive lost contact with Imperial Central Command. Although the vessel was not known for any great feats in battle, its loss was still unwonted. Known for a record of mediocrity, the Aggressive vanished into the troves of history. For various reasons, most of which remain unknown, the Aggressive ran off course to investigate a mysterious signal coming from a remote and unoccupied system. During this investigation, The Aggressive somehow lost power and fell to the planet below. The veteran crew did their best to keep the ship from being terribly damaged on impact, but most perished in the crash.
The Aggressive, still in power loss, crash-landed on the jungle world of Ptolomea. Though the hull maintained its iconic shape, the interior was damaged beyond recognition. The gigantic engine rigging for the vessel among many other parts seemingly vanished when the vessel crashed. Interior corridors and almost every inner room were reduced to rubble. Surprisingly, the ship's gigantic reactor was relatively well persevered, enough so that with a little work it remained operational. As the years passed and the Aggressive remained untouched, the jungle began to reclaim the surface of the ship. Nearly twenty years later, the vessel was narrowly distinguishable from the rest of the wild world.
Upon finding the planet, Scholae Palatinae's forces quickly discovered the remains of the vessel. Excited by the prospect of finding a salvageable Star Destroyer, the Clan began to work on the vessel. Shortly after the work began and much to their dismay, Naval experts deemed the vessel unworthy of salvage and recommended it for destruction. Saved only by its sheer size and wealth of raw materials, the Aggressive remained near the base camp of the expeditionary forces. Over the years, the Aggressive was substantially stripped to a shell of the vessel. After exploring the cavernous Aft end of the vessel, the Scholae Palatinae Engineering Corp began work on developing a valuable piece of architecture from the rubble. The various engineers involved arose at the conclusion that the large empty interior of the vessel would be perfect for creating a hangar facility, size being a major factor.
At the time, the small outpost home of House Caliburnus was the only settlement on the planet, so the large complex could work as a spaceport. With vast storage areas and tons of room for expansion, the Aggressive became a vital part of the growth of House Caliburnus. With a reactor that remained largely unscathed, the House had little trouble with power management. Amazing to see, the vessel towers over the complex in spite of being significantly embedded in the ground. At roughly 400 meter, this relic of past times remains as impressive as ever.
Level One
Main Hangar Bay
With the enormous amount of space available, the Main Hangar Bay is obviously one of the single most impressive areas in the complex. With a ceiling of nearly 150 meters, The Main hangar bay can easily host the vast majority of atmospherically capable starships. With such dimensions, the main hangar can easily launch and land transport craft simultaneously. Compared to rival spaceports, the main hangar of the Starblade Hangar complex achieves extreme proficiency, due in part to the large area they deal with compared to the volume of traffic that they see. The Hangar Bay, should it become filled, would fit nearly 200 YT-1300s with a comfortable fit. Truly impressive, the Hangar Bay is an astonishing welcome to any arriving traveler.
Transport and Larger Craft Landing Bay
The Largest of the hangar's landing bays, this area takes up nearly 3/5ths of the Main hangar's floor space. Designated as Hangar Bay 11 and designed to house up to 6 Action VI Transports, the Landing bay sees the most traffic of the hangar. Transports come and go, leaving all the necessary supplies. Though the Hangar rarely sees it full load, the impressive volume this landing bay can hold keeps the House well supplied. In the event of damages, Hangar Bay 11 can refit and repair ships of the frigate or light cruiser designation. While larger craft are forced to space docks, the ability to repair smaller craft makes this facility especially important tactically.
Fighter and Smaller Craft Landing Bay
While the majority of the space in the hangar is taken up by Bay 11, Bay 13 sees more consistent action than the larger area. Small craft come and go by the hour, leaving smaller packages but requiring similar levels of attention. Fighters are primarily restricted to racks, where they can be launched with ease. Due in part to the tenacity of High Admiral, Thran Occasus, Fighters that are not of the TIE designation are left in the back portion of the hangar bay. This larger bay can still fit a substantial quantity of light transports roughly the size of a CEC YT-1300, around 10 to 12.
Hangar Traffic and Management
Due to the high volume of traffic, Hangar management is a critical function for the hangars. At all times, Hangar Traffic Control monitors and controls the flow of ships in and out of the bays. Overlooking both areas, Hangar Traffic Control has a full staff night and day.
Staging Area
When the call comes in, the Fighter Pilots of Clan Scholae Palatinae must be ready to meet the call. The staging area is where that happens. Pilots dress, get briefed, and meet their team in this small room. In order to make the launch process effective, fighters are launched in waves. The Staging area makes this all possible.
Electrical Room
In order to operate all the machinery in all the hangar bays, vast amounts of power are required. The Electrical room funnels power from the Reactor, to all the necessary places. Vast amounts of power pass through this room daily.
One of the few remaining original parts of the ISD Aggressive, the Reactor provides abnormally large amounts of power to the entire Caliburnus Power grid. The Reactor itself makes the Hangar completely self-sufficient in power needs.
Composite Repair
Taking the name into consideration, many things happen in this room. It is generally reserved for droid repairs and other minor repair tasks. It is open to all, and is used frequently for all types of repairs.
Droid Charging and Storage
For every pilot there is a loyal droid waiting. Droids are one of the most important pieces of a working hangar area. Ranging from Astromechs, to Utility, to protocol, droids of all function occupy this room. While many spend countless hours performing necessary tasks, all need to take some time to recharge. This is where all those hard-working droids stay when they are not needed.
Combat Simulations
Novice pilots rarely get the chance to fly spacecraft until they are proficient on various Simulators. Even veteran pilots spend more time behind the veil of a simulation, than in actual flight time. These machines keep all pilots, combat, and civilian, prepared for anything they could encounter. With over 16 million different missions, no one has ever finished them all. Along with many of the Sith Members of the House, pilots hone their skills and develop a better feel for their vessels. High Admiral Thran Occasus of the TIE Corp and Rasilvenaira StormRaven regularly visit this area of the facility, to challenge each other. While Thran will claim he has never been truly bested, Rasilvenaira has given him a run for his Title of “Top Ace”.
Composite Prep Room
Much like the Staging area, the Prep room allows pilots to ready themselves before missions. Although this area is used during times of lower urgency, it is much the same as its counterpart.
On Occasion mysterious or contaminated parcels arrive on the planet. Until they are cleared for entry or are destroyed, such parcels remain in quarantine. Once, when receiving a shipment of food, a Gizka was found a cargo hold and as the old saying goes, where there is one Gizka, there is more, thus the shipment was held until all the creatures could be wrangled.
Tool Room
With all the repair that is seen in the Hangar, a veritable army of tools is required. From hydrospanners to automixers, the Tool room has it all.
Level Two
Like any active Spaceport, a great deal of paperwork is required to track and record incoming cargo manifests. These offices spend day after day doing all the boring activities that keep the hangar running properly. The Dock Master runs these offices, among many other odd jobs.
Military Offices
Due to the presence of military fighters, the Caliburnus Defense Regiment holds offices at the Hangar Bay. Administration of TIE Pilots and the ever-watchful eye of the Military keeps things in order around the Hangar.
Mission Briefing Room
When planning sorties, the TIE Corp meets in this room. Similar to the briefing rooms in any other Military facility, this room has a holoprojection screen and a small group of chairs, that is all.
Private (House Members) Craft Hangar Bay
Having the esteemed honor of being in House Caliburnus is enough to merit a private Hangar Bay. Accessible to House membership alone, all private vessels are kept safe and away from other less important vessels. Designated Hangar Bay 22, It is of substantial size, but smaller than both of the first level Hangar Bays.
Private (House Summit) Craft Hangar Bay
Having the esteemed pleasure of running House Caliburnus merits a private hangar, where the Summit can make a quick escape. This hangar bay is designated Hangar Bay 24, it is of comparable size as Hangar Bay 22.
Private (Guests) Craft Hangar Bay
The third and final hangar bay on this level, it is reserved for welcomed guests of other Houses and of the Clan. It is of comparable size as the other hangars, and is designated Hangar Bay 23.
Hangar Traffic Management
Due to the high volume of traffic, Hangar management is a critical function for the hangars. At all times, Hangar Traffic Control monitors and controls the flow of ships in and out of the bays. Overlooking both areas, Hangar Traffic Control has a full staff night and day.
Fire Suppression System
In the event of Fire, an elaborate suppression system has been implemented. It covers both levels of the Hangar. Though it has never been used, it is routinely inspected and tested for faults. Preparedness prevents catastrophe.
Level Three
Cargo Storage
The Main Cargo Storage room, this plain room is filled with cargo boxes. Basically it is a gigantic warehouse for the transition of cargo between transports and their final destination. A mostly empty cargo hold, hundreds of thousands of tons of cargo can fit in this room when full.
Cargo Logging and Registration
This small office monitors and tracks all incoming and outgoing Cargo. Thousands of transactions happen monthly, recording these with accuracy ensures that the House remains on import budget. Also, should a mysterious package arrive, the package can be easily tracked from this station. No one is permitted in and out of the Cargo Storage without first registering and inspecting cargo, this prevents gross interruption of the Cargo.
Level Four
Living Spaces
This is where the unfortunate souls who live in the Hangar complex spend their off time. Grossly plain and generally terrible living conditions, these rooms need improvement.
Mechanics Quarters
A plain block of quarters where the mechanics live. Small rooms punctuate this area almost as much as the eerie silence.
Pilot's Quarters
A plain block of quarters where traveling pilots can rest. Few residents of this area are permanent and most cannot wait to leave. Small rooms punctuate this area almost as much as the eerie silence.
Administration Offices
Like any active Spaceport, a great deal of paperwork is required to track and record incoming cargo manifests. These offices spend day after day doing all the boring activities that keep the hangar running properly. The Dock Master runs these offices, among many other odd jobs.
Mess Hall
The free dining hall is open to any person may need to stop to get some nourishment. The food has something left to be desired, but will give you the energy one needs for a long journey or for a hard day's work. Compared to a soup kitchen, the mess hall often leaves people feeling sick from the mystery dishes they are fed.
Level Five
Observation Tower and Air Traffic Control
At the peak of the command tower, the view over the House's Compound is spectacular. At nearly 300 meters, this is the highest point in the House's Compound. Looking 360 degrees over the Ptolomean Jungle, one can get a feeling of just how wild the planet really is. Looking over the now green hull of the ISD Aggressive, the outline of the ship can still be seen while all other distinctive features have long been lost to the jungle.
Observation Tower
The former Bridge of the Aggressive, the Observation tower gives those brave enough to go to the top a view of unmatched beauty.
Air Traffic Control Room
Just as Traffic Management is important inside the hangar, outside the hangar it is equally important. With the volume of vessels the hangar sees, management of courses and exit vectors reduces collisions by a substantial margin. This room oversees inbound and outbound vessels, so as to ensure the greatest level of safety.