Vreedsaam Meditation Garden
One of two special gardens located within the Serpent's Vanguard on Ptolomea.
Vreedsaam Meditation Garden

The meditation garden is a dome that is separated from the rest of the facility by a glass ceiling, and stone walls. The temperature inside is controlled, thus allowing for complete concentration on meditation. The stone walls have hedges in front of them to add to the natural feel of tranquility and peace. There is only one entrance to the garden, and a path that leads towards a fountain, though the majority of this straight path is separate from the garden via a door and has shoe racks on either side. Once just through the doors, there are two cases of crystals and incense to aid meditation, before the tiled path circles the fountain. Hedges separate the sections into eight smaller sections, with three larger ones, all with cushions for comfort. The smaller sections are designed for individuals and pairs, which are popular with master and student pairings, whereas the larger sections are designed for training or group meditations.
The garden is typical of meditation gardens. The dome keeps the temperature moderate and the wind out, but some times a breeze can be felt as the door opens to welcome a new guest. This feature, together with the soft trickling of water allows for one to experience the elements, but still in a limited form. For the trained practitioner it is easy to block these sensations out.
The question may rise why Dark Jedi, who often act solely on their passions, would need such a structure. The answer is quite simple. To let oneself be in touch with ones inner most desires takes much self-reflection. Only when your mind is empty, can you truly hear what your soul truly desires.
This is why Students are encouraged by their Masters to find themselves here. Desires are explored and ambitions are laid bare. There are those who may choose to keep their feelings more opaque. The possibility exists, but only with enough training can you hope to master the technique. Ironic really, that you must first face your feelings in order to learn how to hide them.