Scholae Palatinae Praetorian Knights
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The Scholae Palatinae Praetorian Knights are an Order of Force-Users whom have sworn their fealty to the Emperor of the Cocytus System and, thus, to Clan Scholae Palatinae. Trained in the ways of the Force, and proficient in the Art of War, they have sworn to safeguard the Emperor, or Consul, and uphold the values of the Clan. However, their dedication comes at a cost... they have forgone the Will of the Force to ensure the prosperity of the Clan they serve.
Everything Has A Beginning
In the era between the Seventh and Eighth Great Jedi War, during the reign of Braecen Kaeth & Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine, the Order of Praetorian Knights was established. Consul Emeritus, and former Tyrant, Dakari the Merciless, came before the convened Clan Summit seeking for a new avenue of service unto the Royal Clan. While the Force had drawn him away from the duties as Emperor, and Consul, he still found a longing to be in the service of the Clan he had directed for so long. It was during his absence from the Clan - in pursuit of insight into the Dark Side - that he crossed over documents concerning the Legend of Palpatine and his many Force-Sensitive agents. Electing to build upon this idea, the Sith Battlelord returned to the Cocytus System to speak before the residing Consul and Proconsul.
"Noble Leaders," the Sith's voice thundered, "give me the chance to collect the brightest, and most able, of warriors to ensure the safety of our Clan. Allow me to create a division of soldiers that are not only tasked with safeguarding the leaders, but can act as an extension of your will." He bowed deeply and, in hushed tones, whispered the last part for their ears alone. "Give me the authority to empower those whom are sworn to the Tradition, Heritage and Prosperity of this Clan." Initially unconvinced, Braecen and Phoenix delayed their decision on the matter; asking for more intricate details. Over the course of several months, Dakari would be called to the Royal Court to discuss his concept until the trio had settled on the course of advancement.
And, on the third month of the twenty-sixth year after the Battle of Yavin, the Scholae Palatinae's Order of Praetorian Knights was born under Commander of the Guard, Dakari Kaeth.
An Order Expanded
In the months preceding the Eighth Great Jedi War, Braecen Kaeth opened the halls of the Praetorian Knights to accept new recruits whom would, eventually, shape the progression of the Order. Under the careful, scrutinizing eyes of the Commander of the Guard, Dakari Kaeth, the First of the Order was selected. Appointed as the General of the Praetorian Regiment and Lord of the Emperor's Children - a Legion of Scholae Palatinae - was the Obelisk Xan Kaeth. Selected not only for his proficiency with the lightsaber, but his tenacity and loyalty to the Clan... he was the first of a forthcoming age of the warrior-leader prototypes whom would define Scholae Palatinae in the Seventh Great Jedi War and those conflicts that followed.
The Emperor then addressed the Clan. "To those whom wish to place themselves in the service of our Noble Clan, I challenge you..." His voiced trailed off before picking up momentum, "Not only will you swear absolute fealty to the Clan, but you will act under the direct supervision of the Commander of the Guard, Grand Marshall and Emperor. Should you wish to join.... use the forthcoming conflict to prove your mettle!" And many astute warriors gave themselves over to the discretion of the Emperor, wishing to serve better their Clan. Despite changing Emperors – throughout time – this Order had sworn itself to the title, not the individuals occupying them. And, thus, have remained eternally faithful to the ideal of Clan Scholae Palatinae - ensuring the flame that defined the clan should not extinguish.
Those whom took up the call were immediately pressed into service at the lowest level of service: military command. While many of the Order chose to pursue this path in its fullest, building themselves up in rank through the military chain of command, a select few would attain the prestigious honor of becoming a direct tool of the Emperor of the Cocytus System: the Emperor's Hands. These people, beyond a measure of doubt, would sacrifice everything to ensure the will of Scholae Palatinae be executed.
Much of the Order's depth and content is shrouded in secrecy, hidden by the members and known associates of the Praetorian Knights. Yet, some aspects of their culture is known to the general populace and available via the Clan archives.
Loyalty to the Emperor
As the Emperor, the acting Consul, is tasked with the prosperity and development of the Clan, the Praetorian Knights swear their fealty to the liege. Through their service to him they ensure the Clan will continue to grow and prosper as no external threat may befall upon the Lord of the Cocytus System. When a Consul resigns and a new one elected, the Praetorian Knights will be asked - once more - to renew their fealty to the current, residing liege. The combined Order will come before the new Emperor and, after the Commander of the Guard, swear their obedience and loyalty to the new Emperor.
Should one retire, or remove himself, from the Order, a punishment will be issued by the acting Grand Marshall. Most generally, the punishment is lashings - a crude form of capital punishment. Though it has been known for members to be exiled from the Clan or banned from the capital planet of Judecca. Should one defy the Emperor’s commands, they could be subject to execution; however, no Knight of the Order has ever been punished so. In addition, they are stripped of any honors, titles, armor, warbanners and weapons known to be of Praetorian Knight design. The rare exception is a retiring Commander of the Guard, whom is forever enshrined as an Praetorian Knight of the highest class; allowed to retain his membership privileges to the Order.
Acceptance and Training
Formal invitations to the Praetorian Knights are not given. Instead, it is assumed that a member whom is wholly devoted to Clan Scholae Palatinae will request to join the Order. It is, at this time, that their physical and mental characteristics are tested: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Should one prove worthy, in the eyes of the Consul, they are then granted permission to train under the careful scrutiny of the Commander of the Guard. With the blessing of the Clan Summit, the individual is shipped to the facilities of the Praetorian Knights.
For an entire year they will be subject to the training of the Order – at the school of Ludus Magnus . In this time they will foster their innate loyalty to the Clan through their duty and service to the Emperor. For each member to be effective they must be trained in armed and unarmed combat of varying styles from across the galaxy. With this extensive training, they can readily identify an opposing foe's strengths and weaknesses, as well as their own – making them an efficient agent of Scholae Palatinae. Daringly, the trainers attempt to teach each trainee of the many, and various, forms of the lightsaber and hand-to-hand combat. Most of the knowledge, however, is incomplete as it is based on various texts, and volumes, acquired through Antei - the Brotherhood's seat of power and knowledge. As such, the Clan leaps at opportunities when a Master of a given form requests a position mentoring the new generations of Praetorian Knights.
At the conclusion of their training, Praetorian Knight Inductees are sent to test their courage in battle. Generally, the Emperor assigns them to the field - as an Officer in the Legions - to demonstrate their skill and proficiency. Normally, they are assigned as a Colonel; though, it is largely up to discretion of the Consul. Should one serve admirably, they will be elevated within the Order and, possibly, be given a new assignment.
Forms of Service
The Order of Praetorian Knights is used at the discretion of the Emperor. Their talents ranged from assassination, security, secret attacks, and other machinations of the Emperor, Grand Marshal or Commander of the Guard. Additionally, they were assigned within the Legions of Scholae Palatinae to keep unit morale high, executing special orders and missions. In rare cases, the warriors were assigned to safeguarding key locations within the Clan's Domain; such as, the Abandoned Temple upon Judecca.
Only the Emperor knows every mission assigned within the Order. And he was never seen without a duo of guards at his side - in hearing range - to execute his will or die to protect him.
Personal Guards
Those whom are in the highest service of the Praetorian Order will be entrusted with safeguarding the Leaders of Scholae Palatinae. Assigned to the mission of ensuring the personal safety of the Emperor, and those whom he wishes guarded, these warriors are always in the presence of their charge. In the past, the Emperor has been known to assign guardians to the elite members of his Clan during times of Vendetta.
The elite of tactics and defense, these soldiers would be tasked with safeguarding the Emperor, and his charges, during their travels. Often, they are sent before the Leader to secure the area and establish a multi-layered network of security and defense of the palace and other areas of import to the Emperor. In addition, these agents work independent of the internal military order to ensure the safety of the Ruler of the Cocytus System. It has been rumored that these individuals also bear titles of great import.
Legion Officers
For those whom are not tasked with the direct supervision of safety or security, the Emperor will assign the soldier to a position of command within the Legions of Scholae Palatinae. The rank assigned is dependent on length, or tenure, of service in the Order, the specific task the Emperor has in mind or at the request of an Advisor of the Emperor. Throughout the history of the Praetorian Knights, no warrior has been assigned an enlisted rank, nor have they been issued a command under the rank of Colonel. In most instances, these Dark Jedi-Colonels are granted the command of a Legion. Yet, they are required to follow the Chain of Command. Should one break the Chain of Command, they are - just as normal soldiers - held accountable for their actions; though, at a much greater price.
While a vast contingent of materials are provided to those whom serve the Emperor, two items stand apart from the rest: armor and lightsaber. These two prestigious items signify attainment of Praetorian Knighthood; reflecting one's skill, service and loyalty to Clan Scholae Palatinae. These items are given upon completion of training and will forever remain in their possession unless they should either expire or resign from the Emperor's service.
The Armor
Crafted in the same model as those of the original Senate Guard, then those of the Emperor's Royal Guard - of Darth Sidious - during the Galactic Empire, these were neither purple or red, but black. The Clan symbol - a dragon wrapped about a sword, centered over a sun - is located on the left shoulder pad and right gauntlet - each cast in gold. The gauntlet, composed of pure cortosis (Not approved for official DB use), rendered any lightsaber blade that touched it useless for several moments. The black, flexible material that made up the additional armor was reminiscent of the ribbed, multi-ply material that Darth Vader once wore under his armor. Additionally, these warriors are afforded a cloak of black silk bordered with a metallic, white trim.
The Lightsaber
Upon induction into the Scholae Palatinae Order of Praetorian Knights, the member is given a custom lightsaber hilt composed of some of the most valuable materials in the galaxy: Phrikk Alloy, Novae, high-grade Lens & Emitters. The standardized hilts - crafted under the direct supervision of the Emperor - also cast a silver, or white, hued blade. The blade is no more powerful than a normal saber, but it does provide a link between the Emperor and Knight that can be used over vast distances. This connection allows for the Consul to issue orders, in greater detail, than he could via normal telepathy; additionally, it is a much securer means for the passing of information.
Ranks & Titles
Once a member completes their formal training, they are further referred to as an Praetorian Knight; however, there are formal training ranks before one is allowed to don the title of Praetorian Knight. Additionally, the ruling member is awarded a title, or rank, as well as those whom have been in-service to the Emperor for a long period of time – in good standing with the residing Emperor.
As one leaves the Clan Summit, to train at Ludus Magnus, they bear not only their blessing, but the rank of Inductee within the Order. This formal title, however, is shed after the initial testing that occurs within the first month of their training. Should they succeed through that phase, they are granted the title of Novicius and begin their formal training in hand-to-hand combat. Generally, this combative training lasts for several months before the trainers deem the Novicius is prepared to further their study in the Art of the Lightsaber. It is during these lightsaber exercises that the trainees hold the rank of Tiro. Upon completion of this year long training, they are then elevated into the Order.
The Ranks of the Praetorian Knights:
- Inductee
- Novicius
- Tiro
- Praetorian Knight
- Master Praetorian Knight
Those whom serve with distinction within the Order of the Praetorian Knights can be granted superior positions, or titles, to reflect their commitment and service unto the Emperor of the Cocytus System. Most of these titles have been ripped from the history of the Galactic Empire, information recorded as the Scholae Palatinae served as Darth Sidious’ royal guardians on Byss.
Commander of the Guard – The residing ‘head’ or General of the Praetorian Knights is given the honorary title of Commander of the Guard; not to be confused with the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood’s Command of the Guard whom controls the Royal Guards sworn into the service of the Iron Throne. He is tasked with safe-guarding the Order and completion of their formal training.
Emperor’s Hand – This title is awarded to those whom have been sworn into the Emperor’s service to either complete covert or extraordinary feats at the request of the Consul. These tasks generally consist of infiltration, reconnaissance, assassination or sabotage against a foe of the Royal Clan. The exact number of Hand's is never known to anyone beyond the Emperor - whom may grant the title as he sees fit.
Facilities & Resources
Facilities in-progress. (Syphoc Rilkel)
To attain proficiency in this path, the Dark Jedi must carefully catalogue their journey from an initiate to the completion of their training. The journal must include all of the hardships, roadblocks and breakthroughs an individual experienced. As such, they must include full disclosure of any, and all, changes they have undergone during study of this path. This must include the use of any Praetorian Knight equipment, or training, and the wisdom granted to you by those whom have sworn to serve the Royal Clan.
- Inductee of the Scholae Palatinae Praetorian Knights - None
- Praetorian Knight - Ten page fiction
- Master Praetorian Knight - Ten page fiction
- Emperor's Hand - Ten page fiction
- Commander of the Guard - Ten page fiction; in addition to ten pages required for Master Praetorian Knight