![]() |
Kschamehellan | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Unknown |
Date of Birth: | |
Date of Death: |
N/A |
Physical Description | |
Species: | |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
1.8m |
Weight: |
68. kg |
Hair: |
blonde |
Eyes: |
blue |
Personal Information | |
Lightsaber Form(s): |
Soresu |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Scholar and Teacher |
Position: |
Member House Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: |
Clan Scholae Palatinae |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Kschamehellan is a current member and former Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco. He was a long time member of the house before departing for regions unknown in order to further his studies and come to a greater understanding of his complex history. He has recently returned to the house on the eve of war to continue his life, if possible, from where he left off and to serve his brothers in their time of need.
Character History
First Tour of the Brotherhood
Kschamehellan first joined the brotherhood about one year after the exodus when things were still in flux and power was constantly shifting. He came to the brotherhood with what he thought was a rather straightforward history. This supposed history can be seen below. Kschamehellan flourished in his new environment even though things were far from the way they are today. Things were far less efficient, tensions and emotions were still running high after legal battles and sabotage attempts and permanency and stability were still dreams.
In this environment Kschamehellan became one of the first students at the newly formed Shadow Academy. He was one of the first to receive promotions based on his work there and he soon developed a taste for learning which caused him to switch orders from the Obelisk to the Krath (at this time members were restricted by their order as to which competitions they could join).
Advancing in rank it was not long before the new member began to receive appointments to the various stages of the hierarchy which seemed to promise a bright future in the brotherhood. He was named a tetrarch and after only a few months as Oathmaster of House Acclivis Draco. He continued to grow in knowledge and after being apprenticed to Dark Jedi Master Arania Lawakiro Palpatine he was quickly elevated to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. It was interesting to note that he was elevated to knight only a few weeks after his Master’s other student, Koras, also made the advancement.
Once a Knight he continued to remain active in the brotherhood. He was appointed to Aedile and served with distinction under several different superiors, thus providing a basis of continuity in the house. Eventually with the retirement of the Quaestor the young student was given the task of leading the house in his own right. Years of experience under his fellow members had prepared him for the task and he carried it out notably for over a year on the galactic calendar.
No sooner had he been appointed Quaestor than things began to go sour however between himself and the brotherhood though none at the time knew this. Kschamehellan had led the house through the first Independence Games and the second. He was never a top competitor but his ability to motivate others always kept the house and clan in competition. Yet, things were not going well behind the scenes. By this point in the brotherhood’s history things had begun to settle down and a vast bureaucracy began to develop. The traditions under which the now Priest had been trained were changing so fast that it was hard to figure what one was to believe. First the order restrictions were lifted effectively making them useless. Along with this came the integration of houses in multi-order units and no longer affiliated with one specific path. Trained as a Krath Kschamehellan was greatly troubled to see Acclivis Draco become multi-order and so he and the remainder of the clan resisted as long as was possible before submitting to the will of the Iron Throne. The interest of the leader began to wane as well. The increasing demands on his time did not seem to be reaping any reward and in fact seemed to be stifling his ascent into greater power. Members far younger than him were being promoted to greater and greater offices while he felt he was constantly being pushed farther and farther into the background of obscurity.
And so when his first student to survive until knighthood, Impetus, finally received her lightsaber Kschamehellan felt it was time for a change. Laying aside the mantle of power he went rogue and for the next several years lapsed there simply pursuing his own ends and studies. Nothing much was accomplished. It was at this time that he began to feel a draw in the force. There was something not right, something that needed to be answered and it was not going to happen within the structure of the brotherhood. Thus deceived and blinded the Archpriest made the hardest decision of his life. Taking all the things he had accumulated over his tenure in the brotherhood, almost eight years, he destroyed them in a single night informing no one. With his work destroyed he took the clothes upon his back, masked his identity and set off for parts unknown with the intention of answering the call within him and expecting never to see Brotherhood territories once again.
Pre-Brotherhood History: A reflection
The question which he was seeking, what had been gnawing at him was his history. This was what he was going to seek in order to discover the truth. When first allying himself with the Brotherhood the Master at Arms and Headmaster had asked the new recruit for a personal history of himself. Still at the tender age of fifteen and dazzled by what he beheld around him the boy Kschamehellan wrote down what he remembered of his past, or what he thought he remembered. This is that account.
I was born on earth about fifteen years ago or maybe more. I’m not quite sure what time it really is, what year, it seems I’ve been drifting and traveling from one place to another for so long. On earth I lived in what was termed South America. My father, though a European by birth, worked for the government in some high up position. We were what people considered well to do. We had man servants and maids. I was educated in several of the best schools money could afford and was never went with a care or desire in the world that was not fulfilled. Oblivious to the world around me I assumed every child and person lived the same way I did only to be shaken in that belief in the most horrible way.
One day I began to hear the rumors, though at my age I failed to understand them. I would see the adults, whose faces had once always been filled with laughter and smiles, now mumbling in dark corners, their faces showing the wrinkles of deep concern and mortal fear. Whenever I asked what was the matter I was told nothing which concerned me and was politely but quickly shown the door however as I was no longer a very small child I could see the changes and my curiosity began to grow. Everywhere I looked life seemed to be moving faster and a shadow appeared to be falling upon the dream world in which I lived. The servants spoke little, scurrying faster and faster between rooms. Boxing up our precious treasures and all the finer things we possessed and sending them off to unknown places.
A year passed in this state of uneasiness and though my parents tried to maintain the show of normalcy even the more ignorant man could see the world was going to change. One evening this change took a turn for the worse. While enjoying a dinner in our great hall, now devoid of much of its former grandeur, a rumble was heard from without and one could see multitudes of people with torches and weapons advancing upon our compound. In the distance the homes of the government officials though not visible in the dark of night were seen to be undergoing similar experiences, some already alight with the first flames of a revolution.
We fled my parents and I. Somehow we escaped the mansion as it was being overrun by ruffians who sought our blood. Men who I never knew existed now were out to end the life I had scarcely lived. It was mayhem as one family of nobles joined with another. Our carriages and trucks laden with goods and precious commodities all heading for the airport made an easy target and attacked we were. In the screaming and smoke and confusion I was separated from my family and I saw them no more.
I spent the night in a ditch, upon a road where I had fallen after running far from the battle of the night before. With the first tinges of dawn upon the sky I retraced my steps hoping to find my family and friends but alas I was to late. I did find them, what was left of them at least, but the rebels had made short order of their work. Our goods gone, the vehicles stolen or burned out, the sole remaining sign of life were the piles of corpses scattered alongside the road in various states of decay. I turned and I fled, nearly sick, my anger alone giving me strength and control. Into the hills I fled and there I festered, brooding on my anger, living meagerly on what I could fine. I grew strong in the wilderness and there I vowed my revenge.
Months came and went and just when my anger was all that I had left, my body consumed by it and the reality of my harsh existence a woman came to me. Speaking little she told me she knew my pain and that she could give me all that I thought. Guiding me onward she brought me to a shelter, higher in the woods than I had ever traveled and there it was the first shuttle I had ever seen, surrounded by a small base of operations. At first I thought she worked for the government and she would be able to explain what had happened in the world, but she never did. As she cared for me and nurtured my fragile health I realized she was not from this place. In time my strength renewed itself and my young body was well again. It was then that we began the second stage in our relationship.
Assuring her that my anger burned more deeply than ever she began to teach me her arts. Small things at first, meditation and martial arts. Then came greater things, philosophy, religion and slowly but surely she opened me up to the nature of all reality, the Force. At last she took me, my training incomplete and boarding her shuttle I was told we were going to a place where I could grow in my training. I had learned all she could teach here and we needed a greater Master. We never arrived at that mysterious destination. We traveled the stars from planet to planet though I do not remember them now. What I do remember one day there was an argument between us. I grew impatient, filled with rage at the promises that had gone unfulfilled. She edged me on, pushing me until I was blinded with fury and I remember no more. I awoke in the shuttle and she was gone. The once plain interior had been wrecked. Scorch marks lined the walls and computers and furniture were damaged beyond repair. Standing up I sensed I was not alone and when I turned around I met them.
They were different men than the woman but the power I had felt in her was also in them, though more strongly. They smiled at me, apprehended me and after an initial struggle brought me here, to this building. An older man took me, asked me if I would like to stay and study here. Answering in the affirmative he gave me this pad and told me to write all that I remembered. Which I have done as faithfully as it can be said to be.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Tetrarch of the Ebon Cloak Phyle of House Acclivis Draco
Rollmaster of House Acclivis Draco
Aedile of House Acclivis Draco
Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco
Outstanding Achievements
Kschamehellan helped to design and implement the Master and Student program for House Acclivis Draco which was later amended and adopted for Clan Scholae Palatinae.
He is the proud master of Impetus M'Nar Palpatine.