Dlarit Army
aprox. 14,460
Ships of the Dlarit Navy
Marine forces
The Dlarit Marines (also called the Dlarit Marine Corps) forms one of the main subsidiaries of the Dlarit Corporation. The Dlarit Marines are a branch of the Dlarit Army but operate in direct cooperation with the Dlarit Navy. The marines serve on board the ships of the navy.
The Dlarit Marines are led by the commandant who is appointed mutually by the chief of staff of the Dlarit Army, fleet commander of the Dlarit Navy and adjutant general of the Dlarit Security Force.
Commandant of the Marine Corps: Lieutenant General Thallad Brenton
Surface Commander: Colonel Blake Johnson
Surface Commander: Lieutenant Colonel Barris Karrel
Surface Commander: Major Hawk Bolton
Surface Commander: First Lieutenant Roy Pierce
Surface Commander: First Lieutenant Rex Corrigan
Surface Commander: Major Darien Phoenix
Surface Commander: Major Adam Surehand
Surface Commander: First Lieutenant Lamont Marsh
Surface Commander: First Lieutenant Jack Bradford