Dlarit Military Units
This article contains details of common units in use by the Dlarit Security Force and Dlarit Special Operations Group. Information on common unit size, assignments and command structure can be found here.
Symbol | Name | No. of personnel | No. of subordinate units | Unit leader |
XX | division | 10000–20000 | 2-4 brigades or regiments | colonel to general |
X | brigade | 3000–5000 | 2+ regiments or 3–6 battalions | colonel or lieutenant colonel |
III | regiment | 2000–3000 | 2+ battalions | lieutenant colonel |
II | battalion | 300–1000 | 2–6 companies | major and sergeant major |
I | company | 70–250 | 2–8 platoons | captain and first sergeant |
••• | platoon | 25–60 | 2+ squads, lances, or vehicles | lieutenant and master sergeant |
•• | squad | 8–12 | 2+ fireteams | corporal to staff sergeant |
• | lance or commando squad | 4–5 | 1+ fireteams | corporal to staff sergeant |
Ø | fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Symbol | Name | No. of personnel | No. of subordinate units | Unit leader |
XX | task group | Varies | 2+ commands | captain to admiral |
X | command | 50–40000 | 2+ departments | lieutenant to captain |
II | department | 10–1000 | 2+ divisions or teams | ensign to commander and chief to master chief |
••• | division | 5–50 | 2+ teams | petty officer third class to first class |
•• | team | 2–10 | n/a | petty officer third class to first class |
Symbol | Name | No. of personnel | No. of starfighters | No. of subordinate units | Unit leader |
XX | group or station | 1000-5000 | 72-192 | 2+ wings | lieutenant colonel or colonel |
III | wing | 300-1000 | 36-96 | 3-4 squadrons | major or lieutenant colonel |
II | squadron | 100-300 | 12-24 | 3-4 flights | captain or major |
••• | flight | 20-100 | 4-6 | 2-3 wing pairs plus maintenance and support crew | lieutenant |
•• | wing pair | 2-4 | 2-3 | n/a | lieutenant |
Army and Special Operations Units
A fire-team is a small unit of infantry. Fire-teams generally consist of four or fewer soldiers and are usually grouped by two teams into a squad. Fire-teams are usually led by a lance corporal or corporal.
A lance is a specialized scout unit similar to a squad. A lance will normally consist of one or two fire-teams at most and is usually led by a sergeant. Individual lances are normally attached to larger units for reconnaissance purposes.
Commando Squad
A commando squad is a specialized commando unit within D-SOG. A commando squad consists of four commandos led by a sergeant and operates independently of other units but may be attached to a larger unit such as a company or a battalion.
A squad is a small unit of infantry usually consisting of two or three fire-teams and led by a sergeant. Squads form the main backbone of most army or special operations units.
A platoon consists of two or more squads and is led by a lieutenant who is assisted by a master sergeant.
A company consists of two to eight platoons and is led by a captain who is assisted by a first sergeant. Companies vary widely in size depending on the nature of the assignment. Companies are the smallest unit usually assigned to any particular guard duty other than on capital ships.
Battalions form the core of much of the army and D-SOG. A battalion is usually led by a major who is assisted by a sergeant major in addition to a number of other support personnel. The size of battalions can vary depending on the number of constituent companies.
A regiment is made up of several battalions and led by a lieutenant colonel who is assisted by a number of support officers and other personnel. Regiments can vary significantly in size and are often the largest unit formation on a particular world.
Brigades parallel regiments in many ways and are led by a colonel or lieutenant colonel depending on size. Brigades can be made up either of two or three regiments or a larger number of independent battalions. Regiments are normally used where they are the largest unit formation required, whereas brigades, being more flexible, are usually preferred when required as part of a larger division or battlegroup.
A division is the largest individual unit formation utilized by the army or D-SOG. Divisions are made up or two or more brigades or regiments and are commanded by a colonel.
A team is the smallest independent recognized unit within the navy and consists of two to ten crewmen under a petty officer. Teams operate as part of a wider division or department depending on ship size. In rare circumstances on small transports and corvettes with limited crew teams may operate alone.
A division is made up of a number of teams and can vary from five to fifty crewmen or more. Divisions are usually found only on larger ships where it is necessary to break large departments up into smaller units.
Departments form the backbone of the organizational structure on most capital ships. Apart from the smallest corvettes and transports where a single team manages the entire ship's needs, on larger ships crew are split into departments depending on assignment. Most ships have operations, engineering, deck, weapons and medical departments. Departments are normally assigned an officer to oversee them, this will be an ensign on small ships and can be as high as a commander on large destroyers.
Ship commands make up the backbone of the navy. The nature of an individual ship commands depends entirely on the class of ship. Ships are normally commanded by lieutenant commanders to captains but exceptionally small ships may be commanded by a lieutenant and large Star Destroyers may be commanded by admirals.
Task Group
Task groups come in many shapes and sizes, often masquerading under more specialized names. Task groups consist of more than one ship and are usually commanded by a captain or an admiral.
Starfighter Corps Units
Wing Pair
A wing pair is the smallest grouping of individual starfighters in the starfighter corps. It consists of two craft and is led by the senior lieutenant of the two.
A flight consists of two or three wing pairs and is led by the senior pilot out of the pairs.
A squadron consists of three to four flights and varies between twelve and twenty-four craft in size. Squadrons form the main backbone of the starfighter corps and are normally led by captains or majors depending on experience and the nature of the squadron. Distinguished squadron leaders may occasionally reach colonel. In addition to the actual pilots squadrons typically require a support staff of between one to three hundred people to keep the ships in working order.
Wings are made up of multiple squadrons and can vary quite significantly in size. The smallest wing is only thirty-six craft in size compared to the largest at ninety-six. Wings require a support crew of anywhere from three hundred to a thousand personnel depending on the size of the wing and the type of ships being utilized. A wing is led by a major or a lieutenant colonel.
A group is made up of multiple wings and can vary widely in size. There is no upper limit to group sizes but in practice no more than two wings are normally assigned to the same ship. A group is always led by a colonel of some level.
A station is a number of starfighter wings permanently assigned to a particular base or facility. Stations are practically identical to groups but for their assignment to fixed locations as opposed to onboard capital ships.