Crafting Tutorial
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Crafting 101: The Basics
Item crafting is enabled through the I Said No Power Tools! Trophy. The trophy has a total of thirty (30) ranks, with each rank represented at a set XP Threshold. You must reach the designated XP thresholds to be granted a specialized crafting material required for crafting any craftable item except the two options obtainable through choices in the Trial of Acquisition. That material is Carbon Nanofiber. Items that have been crafted can be “disassembled”, returning the full crafting materials to your inventory.
Trophy Rank | XP Threshold | Granted Carbon Nanofiber | Accumulated |
1 | 800 (JM1) | Granted Standard Lightsaber Emitter Matrix & Captain's DL-44 Gas Conversion Enabler (X-Citer) | 0 |
2 | 1300 (JM2) | Granted Basic Lightsaber Focusing Lens Assembly & Captain's DL-44 Trigger Assembly | 0 |
3 | 2150 (JM3) | Granted Knight Lightsaber Casing & Captain's DL-44 Blaster Pistol Chassis | 0 |
4 | 3600 (JM4) | Granted Interchangeable Power Cell | 0 |
5 | 6800 (EQ1) | 3, Granted Interchangeable Power Cell | 3 |
6 | 12500 (EQ2) | 5 | 8 |
7 | 19000 | 3 | 11 |
8 | 23000 (EQ3) | 5 | 16 |
9 | 28250 | 3 | 19 |
10 | 33500 | 3 | 22 |
11 | 35600 | 3 | 25 |
12 | 44000 (EQ4) | 5 | 30 |
13 | 49000 | 4 | 34 |
14 | 54000 | 4 | 38 |
15 | 59500 | 4 | 42 |
16 | 64500 | 4 | 46 |
17 | 70000 | 4 | 50 |
18 | 75000 | 4 | 54 |
19 | 80000 | 4 | 58 |
20 | 85000 | 4 | 62 |
21 | 95000 | 4 | 66 |
22 | 105000 | 4 | 70 |
23 | 115000 | 4 | 74 |
24 | 125000 | 4 | 78 |
25 | 135000 | 4 | 82 |
26 | 145000 | 4 | 86 |
27 | 155000 | 4 | 90 |
28 | 165000 | 4 | 94 |
29 | 175000 | 4 | 98 |
30 | 185000 | 4 | 102 |
The first four ranks of I Said No Power Tools! each grant a part to the Knight’s Lightsaber and Captain’s DL-44 Blaster Pistol. At the rank of Journeyman 4 (3600xp), you can choose to craft one of those items. From the ranks of Equite 1 (6800 XP) to Equite 4 (44000 XP), a member is granted an alternating amount of three (3) to five (5) Carbon Nanofiber. Beyond Equite 4, Carbon Nanofiber is granted at a rate of four (4) per additional trophy XP threshold reached, with the maximum limit of 185000 XP and 102 Carbon Nanofiber. As such, there is a finite amount of Carbon Nanofiber that can be earned for crafting. Members will need to choose wisely about which items they would like to craft.
You can find your current total of Carbon Nanofiber and any other crafting materials you’ve purchased by visiting your crafting administration by going to Administration → Possessions, Loadouts & Snapshots → Crafting
Crafting Costs
Each type of craftable item has a required amount of Carbon Nanofiber that must be sacrificed in the crafting blueprint to craft your desired item.
Item Type | Carbon Nanofiber Cost |
Armor | 3 |
Droid | 3 |
Weapon | 5 |
Land Vehicle | 18 |
Space Vehicle | 30 |
Corvette (Salvaged) | 42 |
Corvette (Refurbished) | 52 (42+10) |
Corvette (Military) | 62 (52+10) |
Carbon Nanofiber is not the only cost associated with crafting. Members must purchase the crafting materials necessary to craft their items from select crafting material vendors.
- Materials for crafting various lightsabers can be purchased from the Eos Exotic Kyber Bazaar
- Materials for crafting various space vehicles (including member Corvette-class vessels) can be purchased from Synergy Starship Outfitters.
Where To Find Crafting Recipes
All blueprints for crafting can be found on the Blueprints page. You can reach this page by navigating on the main Brotherhood website menu to Resources → Item Research, and then click on the Crafting Recipes tab. There is one blueprint per crafted item, each with mandatory items required. They can also be found in your personal Crafting tab by visiting Administration → Possessions, Loadouts & Character Snapshots → Crafting..

You can also click the Filter button in the top right to search for a crafting recipe by name, and show only recipes you have access to or own ingredients for by clicking the associated checkboxes

Crafting Your Item
Once you have purchased all of the necessary crafting materials for a blueprint, navigate to your crafting admin by visiting Administration → Possessions, Loadouts & Character Snapshots → Crafting.

The Brotherhood website will automatically remove the crafting materials required for that blueprint from your possessions inventory, and replace it with a Masterwork-rarity crafted item (except for the Captain’s DL-44 Blaster Pistol and Knight’s Lightsaber). Masterwork-rarity items cannot be sold, they can only be disassembled.
To reverse the process and disassemble your crafted item into the crafting materials you used, you must first un-slot any purchased item upgrades currently in your item. Then, visit the Crafting tab in your possessions admin and find the (Disassemble) recipe for the item you wish to disassemble and follow the same process as if you were crafting it once more, only it will be “crafted” in reverse, removing the Masterwork-rarity item from your inventory and replacing it with the requisite crafting materials used. Once you have disassembled your item back into the requisite crafting materials the Carbon Nanofiber and all crafting materials used to craft that item will automatically be returned to your possessions inventory in Administration → Possessions, Loadouts & Character Snapshots. You may then sell those crafting materials to recoup the full cost spent on them.
Crafting A Member Corvette
Crafting Corvettes using the crafting system follows the exact same process as crafting any other item in possessions. You must purchase the prerequisite crafting materials, visit the blueprint for the Corvette-class ship you wish to craft, and press the CRAFT button. The crafting materials will be removed from your inventory, and the Corvette-class space vehicle placed in your inventory.
Corvettes differ from all other craftable items in that there are three tiers, all of which are still Masterwork-rarity:
- Tier I: Salvaged
- Tier II: Refurbished
- Tier III: Military
Each tier of Corvette has its own associated Carbon Nanofiber costs.
Item Type | Carbon Nanofiber Cost |
Corvette (Salvaged) | 42 |
Corvette (Refurbished) | 52 (42+10) |
Corvette (Military) | 62 (52+10) |
You must start by crafting a Tier I Salvaged Corvette-class vessel, which becomes available to members who have reached rank 15 in the I Said No Power Tools! Trophy (59,500 XP). Once you have reached rank 18 in the trophy (75,000 XP), you will sacrifice that same Tier I Salvaged Corvette in the crafting blueprint and the additional Carbon Nanofiber amount (10) for your Tier II Refurbished Corvette. The process repeats at rank 20 (85,000 XP) for a Tier III Military Corvette.
Member Corvette-class vessels are slotable in the Space Vehicle slot on the loadout.
Member Corvette Upgrades
Member Corvette upgrades are a new way of doing upgrades in the possessions system, using a single Upgraded Components sub-item upgrade slot.
- The Upgraded Components slot is set at a slot size of six (6)
- Member Corvette Upgrade item prototypes are all size one (1).
- A member can slot any combination of up to six (6) Member Corvette Upgrades into their Corvette.
- Each obtainable Corvette-class vessel, regardless of which tier, accepts all upgrade rarities and up to 6 upgrades.
Limitations on Corvettes
Members will be able to obtain through the crafting system a maximum of two Corvettes provided they have the credits to purchase the necessary Corvette crafting materials outlined in their respective blueprints; two tier I Salvaged Corvettes or one tier I Salvaged Corvette and one tier II Refurbished Corvette. This limitation is enforced by the finite amount of Carbon Nanofiber one can obtain.