Arcano Signum
- "Sentinels of Lore, Guardians of the Past, Preservers of Tradition, Loyal Defenders of House Gladius"
- ―The Arcano Signum precept
Arcano Signum is one of two battle teams in House Gladius. Formerly known as the Praxeum, it has undergone various transitions as leadership has changed. Currently it is back in the form of a training team, just the way it was founded by Windos, and serves at the home for new members until they reach a proper rank and are moved to Gladius's other battle team, the Keepers of the Night.
During the refugee incident in the Yridia system, Tetrarch Dralin Hakh'khar reorganized the battleteam known as The Praxeum into Arcano Signum, a group dedicated to serving House Gladius, acting as its first and last line of defense. Later on, Dralin as Aedile worked with Sergeant Ronovi Tavisaen to combine both the ideas of Praxeum and Arcano Signum in order to make the team a training facility for Gladius's newer members.
The Praxeum was formed immediately after the Brotherhood Civil War and Windos’ return from voluntary exile to Clan Arcona.
In the past, the purpose of the Praxeum was to teach new members of Gladius the ways of the Clan and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Later on, the purpose of the reformed Arcano Signum was to provide House Gladius with an elite team of Force users with a mandate to protect their parent House at all cost. Recently, both concepts of Praxeum and Arcano Signum have been combined, making it a defense team and offering it as a training facility so newer members may also become elite team members. Currently, the battle team is recruiting to properly meet this demand.
Present Members
Name | Rank | Position |
Balia Donos | Protector | Sith Commander |
Septim Jagastus | Novice | Flight Member |
Severon Vercingetorix | Protector | Obelisk Trooper |
R'deth Bay | Protector | Flight Member |
Gallor | Apprentice | Flight Member |
Raidan Vanda | Apprentice | Flight Member |
Arias Mortensen | Apprentice | Flight Member |